Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 812 The Legend of Eternal Heroes (Part 2)

After hearing Long Tianyin's words, many people were moved. Long Xingyu nodded repeatedly from the side and said solemnly: I agree with Master Long's opinion. This matter must not be taken lightly. There are too many unpredictable dangers. I also think that the power of the Eternal Hero cannot be used lightly.

The statement of the two divine seal knights immediately caused the congressmen present to fall into deep thought. The father and son Long Tianyin and Long Xingyu have a high status in the Knights Temple and have great influence. Although Yang Haohan was once the leader of the Temple Alliance, he was still in charge of the alliance headquarters. However, Long Tianyin and his son had always been commanding the Knights Temple Yulong Pass. With their words, the other temples The MPs were also affected to some extent.

Li Zhengzheng said: I think this is feasible. The spirit-changing scroll used at the time had a limitation, that is, the undead strongman who was reincarnated through the forbidden curse recorded on the spirit-changing scroll could only survive for a thousand years. And to this day , more than six thousand years have passed. Each generation of the six temple masters will actually pay their respects to these eternal heroes. From them, we get news that the eternal heroes prolong their lives by putting themselves to sleep. Undead life. But about forty years ago, when they last sent out news, they said that their time was running out. In at most fifty years, they would sleep forever and never wake up. They were then He proposed that if the alliance needs it, they are willing to give their last remaining energy to the alliance before sleeping forever. In other words, even if we don't use the power of the eternal heroes, they can only live for less than ten years at most. So , I agree with Palace Master Yang’s suggestion. The Eternal Heroes can be completely trusted. As for how to use their power, I believe that we can always find a way to cover up. Their number is not large. I believe that these Eternal Heroes are on the battlefield. can play a role in turning the situation around.”

I'm skeptical. It was Ling Xiao who spoke. As the master of the Priest Temple, he hated undead creatures the most. He said solemnly: I agree with Lao Yang to tell this matter, but I don't Approval of the use of their power. The undead are the undead. Think about how undead creatures survive. They need to use the power of darkness to deal with corpses, darkness and all evil breaths. Although these eternal heroes are our ancestors, And they have made great contributions to mankind. But after all, they have been undead for thousands of years. The two Dragon Palace Masters said it well, if something goes wrong, it will probably be doomed for the Federation.

Listening to Ling Xiao's words, Yang Haohan couldn't help but frown. He knew that raising this matter would definitely cause controversy, but he never expected that the controversy would be so intense. Ling Xiao's opposition was still within his expectations, but the strong opposition from Long Tianyin and Long Xingyu's father and son was beyond his expectation. Originally, he thought that even if Long Tianyin and his son did not support it, they would not be too opposed to it. But who knew that they would be the first to speak out against it.

The opinions of Long Tianyin and Long Xingyu are very important, because they are Long Haochen's relatives, and their attitudes are likely to affect Long Haochen, who is the chairman of the federation.

Perhaps, Long Haochen's current influence in the entire federation cannot be compared with that of veteran powerful men such as the six temple masters. However, in today's meeting, he can at least influence everyone in the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group! As for the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group, in addition to him being the chairman of the federation, there are also three vice-chairmen: Cai'er, Chen Ying'er and Wang Yuanyuan. Perhaps their prestige is not high enough, but if the final vote is held, the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group accounts for nearly one-third of the votes. Therefore, whether Long Haochen supports this proposal is crucial.

Starry Sky Holy Knight Yang Haoyu suddenly spoke at this time. He coughed lightly, which immediately attracted everyone's attention. As the strongest person in the alliance, his attitude was also very important.

Whether this matter is right or wrong, good or bad, none of us can draw a conclusion at the moment. It is a good thing for everyone to discuss it. However, I must remind you that this is no longer the period of the Temple Alliance, but the Temple Federation. The current discussion is a discussion, but before the chairman has spoken, have you gone too far?

Yang Haoyu did not directly support Yang Haohan, nor did he express his attitude. Instead, he maintained Long Haochen's dignity as the chairman of the federation. In fact, he was a little confused about what happened to Long Haochen today. Long Haochen has always been smart and able to control the situation. Today's meeting is so important. As the chairman of the federation, how could he remain silent and just listen to everyone arguing?

After listening to Yang Haoyu's words, Yang Haohan nodded and said, That's what I mean too. Let's listen to the chairman's opinion first.

Long Tianyin didn't react at all. In his heart, Long Haochen was also his grandson no matter what, and he was indeed opposed to Yang Haohan's proposal from the bottom of his heart. Otherwise, he would not have immediately refuted it regardless of his long-term friendship.

Long Xingyu frowned slightly, wondering what he was thinking, and everyone's eyes were unknowingly focused on Long Haochen.

Long Haochen smiled calmly and said: Now that a new federation has been established, any issue must ultimately be decided by everyone. The final vote will represent the wishes of the vast majority of people. However, after more people express their opinions and vote, Before, I want to tell you a story. Palace Master Yang, does the spirit-transforming scroll you just mentioned have the name of the maker?

Yang Haohan was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Long Haochen to ask such a question. He shook his head subconsciously and said: There is no record in the classics. It just says that this soul-changing scroll is probably the necromancer who caused so much destruction to the mainland. Made. But I don’t know why it survived. It may be a trophy obtained by the Brilliant Holy See when it defeated him.”

Long Haochen nodded and said, Then, does anyone know the name of the undead mage?

Long Tianyin frowned slightly and said: Chairman, it seems meaningless to say this, right? Moreover, the original Necromancer was before the advent of the Dark Ages. It was at least more than 6,500 years ago. There are very few records about him. It’s just that there is such a powerful and evil necromancer. There is almost no information about his specific situation.”

Long Haochen said: So, everyone doesn't know about it? Okay, I'll tell you.

As he spoke, he slowly stood up, and with a slight flash of his body, he came from behind the table to the front. The powerful people sitting on the rostrum were surprised to find that at that moment, Long Haochen actually passed through space. Visually, it looks like he's walking right through the table. But in fact, it is an ability similar to teleportation.

His strength has improved a lot! Yang Haoyu couldn't help but secretly marvel in his heart. Moreover, he found that he could not understand the extent of Long Haochen's cultivation.

Long Haochen stood in front of the rostrum and said: The necromancer who made the soul-turning scroll, his name is Electrolux, and he is the one who everyone has seen from history, before the advent of the dark age, brought The one who caused great disasters for us humans. He gave himself a nickname, called the Holy God of the Dead and the Scourge of the Undead, Elex. If it weren’t for his existence, the disasters he caused to mankind might have been the beginning of the fight against the demons. When we were a clan, we would not have suffered such a disaster, nor would we have experienced the dark ages that we have experienced for more than 6,000 years.

However, necromancers are also trained by humans. I have never heard of any other creature directly becoming a necromancer, right? Then, why would he attack humans and cause devastation to all living beings?

Ling Xiao, the master of the Priest Temple, said subconsciously: This kind of necromancer must be evil by nature and aim to destroy the world.

Long Haochen smiled, Master Ling, you must not have any preconceived ideas. What if I tell you here that this extremely terrifying necromancer who once brought disaster to mankind is actually of the light attribute. All his necromancy magic is also based on light. Based on light attributes, do you believe it?

Impossible. Long Tianyin, Long Xingyu, and Ling Xiao. Even brothers Yang Haoyu and Yang Haohan said in unison. They are all representatives of the light system.

Long Haochen shook his head and said: No. What I said is the truth. Because not only was this necromancer once a light magician, but he is also a child of light like me.

As soon as this statement came out, the whole place was in an uproar. For a moment, everyone looked at Long Haochen as if they were looking at a madman. Only the members of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group remained stable.

Long Tianyin stood up violently and said angrily: Long Haochen, do you know what you are talking about? Are you defending the necromancer? And you are using such an impossible reason?

Long Haochen looked at Long Tianyin with burning eyes, not giving in at all.

Master Dragon Palace, you are right and don't speak too loudly. Please sit down first. Since I am the Federation Chairman, I hope that no one will interrupt me from now on before I finish speaking. Otherwise, I will ask him to leave. ”


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