Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 72 The Mysterious Stone Ball (4)

It was obvious that Haoyue was only a level 4 monster at best, and could not reach the peak of level 4, so it was equivalent to a level 3 human being. But his insight technique failed. Moreover, this is not the first failure today. Why is he so close to Long Haochen? It was because when he used the detection technique on Long Haochen, he did not detect anything more detailed except Long Haochen's current spiritual strength and age. That's why he was very interested in Long Haochen.

So strange, what kind of monster is this? Lin Xin was full of doubts.

At this time, the auction outside was already inactive. Ten thousand gold coins is not a small amount. You know, one gold coin is enough to feed a family of three for half a month. Ten gold coins can buy an ordinary suit of armor. Ten thousand gold coins are enough to arm a hundred-man knights to the teeth.

It is said that rare metals may appear in this stone ball, but how many of the rare metals are worth such a high price? And, god knows how much metal there is in there. If it was only the size of a fist, even high-grade magic metals like mithril wouldn't be worth so much money.

Xingxuan asked for the third time on the stage: Are any distinguished guests interested in this auction?

Still no response. People who often participate in auctions are rarely particularly impulsive. If it's one hundred gold coins, someone might buy it to bet on, but if it's ten thousand gold coins, not many people would be willing to bet.

Brother Lin. Long Haochen suddenly shouted. Looking at Haoyue's hopeful eyes, he finally made up his mind.

Huh? Lin Xin was still thinking about Haoyue's origins, and only reacted when he called him.

Brother Lin, if you lend me money to buy this lot, I will agree to your request. Long Haochen said firmly.

No need to borrow it from him, sister will buy it for you. Lin Jialu, who had been silent for a while, suddenly said, and quickly stepped forward and quickly pressed the number of 10,000 gold coins on the bidding machine in front.

On the auction stage.

Xingxuan said with some regret: It seems that our second lot is going to fail. Hey, wait a minute. VIP No. 6 bids 10,000 gold coins. Ten thousand gold coins is the first time. When she saw someone bidding, she immediately I was a little surprised, but when I saw the bid for private room No. 6, I couldn't help but frown slightly and glanced at Lin Xin's private room with some annoyance.

The crystal glass in the private room is made of special material. You cannot see inside from the outside, you can only look out from the inside.

There was already an uproar in the auction house outside, and many people were ridiculing. But what they didn't know was that someone was screaming in private room No. 6. It was Lin Xin who screamed.

Sister, you can't do this! Brother Long has already said that he wants to borrow money from me, how can you rob Hu? Lin Xin looked depressed.

Lin Jialu smiled sweetly and said, Haochen is my younger brother. Isn't it normal to give it to him as my sister's purchase?

Long Haochen was startled, Sister Lin, how can this be done? That's ten thousand gold coins!

Lin Jialu stood up, walked to Long Haochen, looked at him with gentle eyes, and said: Haochen, if you are over twenty years old this year, my sister will definitely snatch you away even if she is shameless. I won’t hesitate to offend Xin’er again. Unfortunately, our age difference is too big, so I can only be your sister. I will never forget what happened that day, twice, exactly twice, you saved me Especially the second time, I even smelled the smell of death. It was you who pulled me back from the edge of death. If you don't give my sister a chance to repay you, my sister will never feel at ease.

Sister Lin, I... Long Haochen anxiously wanted to refuse, but Lin Jialu raised her hand to cover her mouth, Don't say anything. Do you think my sister's life is not worth ten thousand gold coins? I have also discussed this matter with your sister Xin'er. She also agreed. If you are unwilling to accept it, don't call us sister in the future.

Since completing the trial mission that day, Lin Jialu has been awakened by nightmares almost every night. She will never forget the cold sharp blade of the Invisible Man from the Dirk Tribe. What a life-saving grace! Without Long Haochen, she would have died that day. She is a person who knows how to repay kindness. These days, the relationship between her and Li Xin has also eased a lot. Originally, they had no irreconcilable conflicts. Once the matter was settled, the past feud was over. She had already had the idea of ​​going to the Amy City auction house to buy something for Long Haochen a few days ago. This was a big auction house, and there would be a lot of good stuff. Buying something useful and useful for Long Haochen, who was about to participate in the Demon Hunting Team trials, was the best way she could think of to repay him.

Long Haochen took a deep breath, finally nodded and said, Sister, thank you.

Lin Jialu was overjoyed, touched his head and said, This is my sister's good brother.

Li Xin said with some jealousy: Humph, I will also make more money in the future.

The third time, the deal is done. This mysterious stone ball belongs to VIP No. 6. Xingxuan's voice came from outside. With no one bidding, the deal was finally settled for 10,000 gold coins.

Lin Xin said depressedly: Brother Long, if you continue to look around, if there is anything else that catches your eye, tell me. I will give it to you this time, as long as you agree to my request.

Long Haochen smiled and shook his head, saying: I have nothing else I want. However, I will consider your proposal. But we must all enter the finals of the Demon Hunting Group Trials before we have a chance, right?

At this time, Haoyue has calmed down, but the desire in her eyes has not diminished but increased. She lies at the feet of Long Haochen, Xiaoguang and Xiaohuo keep rubbing against his legs.

Lin Xin seemed to be thinking about something as he sat there. At this moment, there was a knock on the door. The door opened, and the girl named Xiao Nuo walked in pushing the golden trolley on the previous auction stage. What was lying there was the mysterious stone ball.

Seeing the stone ball, Haoyue almost pounced on it. Long Haochen glanced at it, and then it endured it, but its body was trembling slightly.

Since he brought Haoyue out of the Holy Mountain of Knights, this was the first time Long Haochen saw him so excited. Ten thousand gold coins was an astronomical figure for Long Haochen. Even if Lin Jialu lost the money, he would keep this favor firmly in his heart and would definitely repay it in the future.

If it were another person, he would definitely not be so ridiculous. Spending money just because of the interest of his Warcraft companions is simply not what he can afford at the moment.

But Long Haochen was different. He valued family ties the most. Haoyue and he had a blood contract, and a part of each other's blood flowed in their bodies. Long Haochen almost regarded him as a younger brother. Seeing how eager Haoyue was, he chose to trust his brother's intuition and made up his mind to buy the stone ball. And he also believed that he would be able to earn a figure like 10,000 gold coins in the future.

Lin Jialu stepped forward and paid with her magic crystal card. After Xiaonuo pushed the car in, she wanted to say hello to Lin Xin, but she saw Lin Xin sitting there as if she was deep in thought. Although she felt strange, she Still retreated. In her impression, Master Lin never lacked a smile on his face.

Long Haochen did not give the stone ball directly to Haoyue, but put it into his forget-me-not ring. Lin Xin was an outsider after all. Regardless of whether there was anything magical about the stone ball, this auction house was obviously not a suitable place to display it.

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