Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 71 The Mysterious Stone Ball (3)

Long Haochen looked at him in surprise. One thousand eight hundred gold coins, these three coins are equivalent to more than five thousand gold coins. What problem could be of such high value?

Lin Xin smiled and said: Don't be so surprised. This thing is expensive outside, but to me, the cost is only worth dozens of gold coins. Do you know how much of this thing a green double-sword demon can do? I dare not say if there are too many, but one hundred and eighty can still be produced.”

Li Xinwei Dinosaur Haochen was at a disadvantage and rushed to say: Tell me what the question is first, and if we can answer you, let's see if we can answer you.

Lin Xin laughed and said: The question is very simple, you can definitely answer it. I just want to ask if the green double-sword demon was killed by you.

Li Xin was stunned, Is it that simple?

Lin Xin spread his hands and said, Isn't it that simple?

Li Xin said: What's this? We killed it.

Lin Xin raised his hand, snapped his fingers, put the crystal bottle into Long Haochen's hand, and said, Very good, deal done.

Long Haochen couldn't believe his ears, Lin Xin, this is too valuable, I can't accept it. More than five thousand gold coins! He has never seen so much money since he was a child.

Lin Xin patted his forehead, looking helpless, Brother Long, I said this is a deal. It's not for nothing. Besides, I still have something to ask for.

Long Haochen has a pure nature. Although he liked holding such a valuable thing, he still didn't put it away. What's the matter?

Lin Xin smiled slightly and said confidently: If I guessed correctly, you should be going to the Holy City to participate in the Demon Hunting Team selection competition.

Li Xin said in surprise: How did you guess that?

Lin Xin said: It's not difficult to guess. As long as you come from the south, everyone going to the Holy City must pass through our Amy City. You are of the right age, and the question you just answered proves that you are qualified to participate in the selection. This is not Is it obvious? I just said that I am not afraid of you leaking that I am Master Lin. One is because no one will believe that I can make third-level elixirs at my age, and the other is because you will not stay in Amy City for a long time. Immediately I’m going to the Holy City to participate in the trials. That’s right.”

Li Xin raised her eyebrows and said, What? Do you want to attack your competitors in advance?

Lin Xin quickly shook his head and said: How could that be! I just want to cooperate with you. Brother Long, what I want to ask you will not do any harm to you. I just hope that in the Demon Hunting Group selection, if we all enter the finals After the stage, if you can get the final top three results, then please choose me to be your teammate.

After hearing what he said, Lin Jialu immediately quit, Why should I choose you? I'm also a magician.

According to the rules of the demon hunting group, the six members of a complete six-person demon hunting group must belong to the six major temples. In other words, a demon hunting group can only have one magician.

Lin Xin said: Sister, let me tell you the truth! In my opinion, with your cultivation level, it may be a bit difficult to enter the finals!

Lin Jialu was startled, Can you see my cultivation level?

Lin Xin chuckled and said: This is my secret. Brother Long, what do you say? Do you agree? As long as you agree to my request, we will be good brothers in the same group from now on. If nothing else, Dan The medicine is enough. All free. All I have now is the medicine and money.

Although he was very handsome, the smile on his face looked like a bad wolf looking at a little white rabbit.

Long Haochen said doubtfully: But, how can you be sure that I can be in the top three?

Lin Xin said: Let's take a gamble. It won't hurt me if you don't make it into the top three. It won't hurt you either if you promise me, and you can feel at ease if you accept these three powerful pills from me.

Suddenly, Long Haochen's body shook violently, and then, the center of his eyebrows lit up, and a purple-gold rune lit up from his forehead. This rune is very special. When it first appeared, it was a purple-gold starting point, but soon extended upward into nine purple light patterns. Each light pattern is an inch long, with hazy spiritual power fluctuations on it.

The purple halo spread, and with a flash of light, a figure appeared in front of Long Haochen, it was Haoyue.

There was obviously something abnormal about Haoyue at this time. As soon as it appeared, it immediately jumped on its feet and whined continuously towards Long Haochen, as if it was saying something.

Others couldn't understand what Haoyue was saying, but Long Haochen, who had telepathy with it, could understand, Haoyue, calm down, I'll try my best. As he spoke, he looked up at the auction table outside.

At this time, a cart has been replaced on the auction table. On the golden cart is a stone ball the size of a human head. On the stone ball, some faint green textures can be seen. The host Xingxuan on the stage was introducing.

The item being auctioned next is somewhat special. Even the most authoritative appraiser in this auction house cannot identify what it is. However, the seller who is preparing to sell this item has given a starting price of 10,000 gold coins. Holy Alliance Auction The auction house has always been based on the principle of fairness and will never extort any gold coins from the distinguished guests. Now I will introduce to you the evaluation of this item by the chief auctioneer of this auction house.

This auction item looks very inconspicuous, just like an ordinary stone ball, but no detection magic can penetrate into it. It is completely isolated by the surface stone shell. Unless the surface is broken open, otherwise, even if Even a powerful ninth-level professional cannot detect the situation. The only thing that is certain is that there are spiritual energy fluctuations seeping out of this stone ball. The lines on the surface of the stone ball are formed due to the spiritual energy seeping out. Chief Auctioneer Ju The expert predicts that inside this stone ball, it is likely to be a rare metal or something else. Now, the bidding begins, with a starting price of 10,000 gold coins. Please think deeply before bidding. Once sold, there will be no returns. .”

Obviously, because this item was so inconspicuous and the price was so high, the Star Swirl auctioneer deliberately emphasized a few words. It was obvious that the Holy Alliance Auction House was not optimistic about this item.

Ten thousand gold coins, that’s ten thousand gold coins! Long Haochen was having a fierce struggle in his heart at this time.

The sudden appearance of Haoyue was not summoned by him, but rather teleported by Haoyue on its own. This point has gone beyond the scope of the equal contract and is obviously the function of the blood contract. It was when the stone ball was pushed onto the stage that Haoyue sent an urgent signal to Long Haochen, as if the stone ball was extremely important to it.

Because of the blood connection, what Long Haochen could feel could be felt even if Haoyue was not by his side. Therefore, it came here the first time, and it was jumping up and down just because it wanted to get this stone ball.

What a loser! Too wasteful. Seeing Xiaoguang and Xiaohuo's eyes shining as if they would never give up, Long Haochen felt helpless. He just got two thousand gold coins, and he wants to distribute them to others. How can he buy this thing with ten thousand gold coins!

Long Haochen was looking at the stone ball on the stage outside, while Lin Xin was observing Haoyue. When Haoyue appeared, he was surprised. He has seen too many types of magical beasts. He has seen many rare magical beasts, but he has never seen Haoyue.

Lin Xin once bought a magic called insight at an auction at a high price. With this magic, he can detect the situation of any professional, including Warcraft. The premise is that the cultivation level of the person being detected cannot exceed his level. above.

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