Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 697 Temple Competition (Part 2)

For this situation, the alliance itself can only turn a blind eye. After all, this cannot be banned at all. However, the alliance will not set up a gambling game on its own. After all, the competition is held among the six major alliances. If the alliance sets up a gambling game, it will definitely be considered as having the possibility of manipulating the competition.

Today is a good day. There are only a few clouds in the sky that look like fine cotton wool, and more places are covered in blue. As the sun rises, the crisp air gives people a refreshing feeling.

The sun has risen, and the light shines on the earth.

Half an hour later, the six gates of the Holy Alliance Grand Trial Field were opened, and spectators began to be allowed in under strict qualification checks.

Those who were able to enter the Holy Alliance Grand Trial Ground to watch the battle either spent a lot of money or made great contributions to the alliance. Even just going in to watch the game is enough to make ordinary people extremely envious.

The figures of the two women quickly attracted the attention of the people around them because they were so beautiful. The woman wearing a red dress has a hot figure and enchanting appearance, but has a pair of extremely clear eyes. The woman in the white dress next to her is as delicate and pure as if she were not eating anything from this world.

Wow, it's Ye Weiyang and Feng Ling'er. Someone recognized their identities.

Yes, these two stunning beauties are the current leaders of the Holy Alliance Auction House. Not only are they beautiful, they also possess great wealth and power. For the vast majority of men, more importantly, they have never married!

For a moment, the voices calling their names suddenly turned into waves and resounded throughout the sky.

Ye Weiyang smiled and kept greeting the people around her, while Feng Ling'er was much calmer and just walked forward silently. The differences in appearance and personality between the two women made the people even more crazy. Unfortunately, in front of them was a barrier formed by the six powerful men from the temple, and it was impossible to rush through.

It wasn't until the figures of the two women disappeared at the entrance of the Holy Alliance Grand Trial Ground that the excited people gradually calmed down.

It only takes half an hour for the audience to enter. Don’t wait until the time comes. Soon, the six entrances to the Holy Alliance Grand Trial Ground were closed again. The guards also became more serious. Because they all know that the real contestants are coming.

But at this moment, a group of strange people came to the entrance of the Knights' Training Ground on one side of the Holy Alliance's Great Training Ground.

There were ten people in total, all wearing large white cloaks, even covering their own heads. We went straight to the entrance of the Knights Training Ground.

The person in charge guarding the entrance is an eighth-level knight wearing a mithril base armor. Seeing someone coming over again, I couldn't help but frown slightly. What did those guys at the entrance do? They let people in after the time has passed?

Raising his hand, he stopped the people in front of him. However, he soon understood why these people were able to come to him. A golden token appeared in front of him.

The Mithril Pedestal Knight raised his right fist across his chest, performed a standard knightly salute sonorously, and made an exception to reopen the door and let them in.

Many people saw this scene, but they didn't think much about it. In their opinion, it was obvious that they should be people from the Knights Temple.

After this small episode, a scene that really made the whole city excited appeared. Six teams appeared from six passages almost at the same time.

Thirty-six knights, thirty-six magicians, thirty-six assassins, thirty-six warriors, thirty-six summoners, and thirty-six priests. At the same time, they appeared in front of the gates of their respective trial grounds.

They were all wearing their own temple's iconic equipment.

If we say the most eye-catching one, it is still the Knights Temple. The leader was tall and his blue armor exuded an unparalleled powerful aura. That is the armor transformed from the Divine Seal Throne of Order and Law! Behind him, a water-gold pedestal knight. The golden light dazzled the eyes of the people.

The contestants of the Knights Temple are here. The Divine Seal Knight Long Tianyin leads thirty-five Adamantine Base Knights. This can be said to be the strongest strength of the Knights Temple.

Some of the adamantine pedestal knights lined up at the front were still exuding an epic orange-red brilliance.

For a time, the cheers of the people reached its peak. In their lifetime, what are the chances of seeing artifacts, epic equipment, and legendary equipment at the same time? How could you not be excited?

Cheers appeared in almost every corner of the holy city. The six powerful men from the Temple entered the Holy Alliance Grand Trial Field at the same time. The Temple Competition is finally about to begin.

Inside the Holy Alliance Grand Proving Ground.

This place is different from the time of the Demon Hunting Group trials. During the Demon Hunting Group selection competition, the interior of the Holy Alliance Grand Trial Ground was divided into six areas, each belonging to a temple. But now this divided area has been completely unified. The interior of the huge training ground is completely connected. Anyone who enters it will be shocked by its magnificence.

There are six VIP platforms in each of the six directions. They are located high up and can overlook the Great Proving Ground from the air. Don’t think this is just a place to watch the battle. Those who can board the VIP stage must be strong men or important figures in the alliance. Because they also shoulder an important mission. That is to use the magic circle on the VIP stage to form a defensive shield to protect the interior of the Holy Alliance Grand Trial Ground.

Those participating in the Temple Competition are at least eighth-level experts. How terrifying are the spiritual fluctuations produced when they collide? Without a strong enough shield to protect it, I'm afraid the Holy Alliance Grand Trial Ground will be demolished within a few games.

In addition to the suspended VIP platform, there are also areas for contestants to rest in each direction of the six temples. After entering the Grand Trial Ground, the thirty-six participants from each temple returned to their own areas, waiting for the official start of the temple competition.

All contestants from the six major temples have entered the arena. Chief Referee, please give instructions. A sonorous and powerful voice sounded from the VIP stand in the direction of the Knights Temple.

Then, a powerful voice shouted in a deep voice: Close the door. No one is allowed in or out before the end of today's game.


With a sonorous and powerful collision, the six doors slowly closed. Everywhere is guarded by eighth-level powerhouses from major temples.

The powerful voice said solemnly: I am Chen Zidian, the chief referee of this temple competition. The referees of this competition are fifty-four demon hunters. Everything is based on the principles of fairness and justice. Rules It has already been announced, I won’t say more. All contestants participating in the first round of individual competition are in place. The drawing ceremony is about to begin.

Chen Zidian, a legendary human being and the leader of the Demon God's Fall Demon Hunting Group.


As the competition begins, everyone will wait and see how the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group will demonstrate their strength after four years of seclusion.

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