Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 696 Temple Competition (Part 1)

Tan Wan has been in the Holy City for a while, and she is currently in the final sprint in order to make a difference in the Temple Competition. The game was about to start tomorrow, but Li Zhengzheng forced her to go out for a walk and relax. She just walked out of the Holy Alliance headquarters and wandered outside.

Just now, she accidentally saw this young man in white standing in front of the notice. With her keen perception of magical elements, she immediately discovered the extraordinary side of this young man in white.

It was a very special feeling. He stood there and looked like a human being. However, in her perception, this man was like a ball of light, a soft light, without any substantial existence. That soft light gives people a special kind of calmness. It was very comfortable. Even because of her sense of urgency about competing, she relaxed a lot after seeing the young man's back.

This is obviously not something ordinary people can have. The young man's characteristics greatly attracted Tan Wan, so she came over and tried to test him out.

There is no doubt that this man must be a strong man with light attributes. Judging from his simple clothes, he is probably not a magician. Could he be a priest? If you were a warrior, assassin or knight, the light element should be far less soft.

But the scene that happened next shocked her heart.

The wind element she sent out was not strong, and its purpose was just to break the tranquility where the young man in white stood. As long as his body is swayed by the wind, the calm feeling will obviously be broken.

However, what shocked Tan Wan was that when the wind element she released reached behind the young man in white, it collapsed so quietly. It turned into a breeze, spiraled around him, rose into the air and disappeared.

That guy clearly didn't do anything! But why did my wind element surrender to his breath? It's just breath, without any spiritual power output!

Tan Wan was filled with confusion, but the more this happened, the more mysterious she felt about this man.

Subconsciously, he took a few steps forward to close the distance between himself and him. Tan Wan raised his hand and patted the young man in white on the back.

After all, she had no ill intentions. This time, she did not bring out any wind elements in her hands, but the spiritual power was contained in her palms. With her current cultivation level, she could cast powerful magic at any time without chanting spells.

However, this time the young man moved. His body flashed slightly and moved three feet, and Tan Wan's palm suddenly hit the empty space. And the young man in white also turned around.

Long time no see, Tan Wan.

The young man was tall, and when he turned around, Tan Wan naturally saw his appearance. Her body trembled violently, and her eyes became dull almost instantly.

It was an overly handsome face, with long blond hair tied neatly behind his head, and a pair of clear, impurity-free golden eyes with a gentle smile. His smile was so pure, just like the aura he exuded.

yes! In the past five years, he has become taller, calmer and more mature. His face is a little more resolute and a little less youthful than it was five years ago. If Tan Wan were asked to describe his temperament, the only word Tan Wan could think of was perfection.

It's him, how could it be him? Hasn't he already disappeared?

Tan Wan's memory of this handsome face was too deep. Didn't she practice hard for more than four years just to surpass him one day?

The missing man appeared. When he really appeared in front of him, Tan Wan found that his heartbeat was obviously speeding up. What kind of existence does this man who seems to be light himself have in his heart?

Say hello to Palace Master Li for me. The young man in white nodded to Tan Wan and walked away slowly.

Tan Wan stood there, stunned for a few seconds before suddenly turning around, but the white figure had completely disappeared.

Is it him? Is it really him? I'm not dreaming. Tan Wan muttered to himself. She had imagined what it would be like to meet him again many times. Wasn't her goal of practicing hard just to catch up with him? However, when she really saw him again, she suddenly realized that the distance between herself and him seemed to be even further. Why do I get the mysterious and profound feeling of seeing a teacher when I look at him? It's just that the teacher's profundity is more direct, but his mystery is more distant.

If he is really back, what is the teacher's plan? Thinking of this, Tan Wan's expression suddenly changed, and he turned around and ran away almost without hesitation. He cast a Phoenix Flying Technique on himself and turned into a ray of blue light and disappeared in an instant.

early morning.

The dawn gradually rose from the distant east. When the white fish belly had just taken over the control of the dark blue sky, the Holy City was already a lively scene.

Except for a few special passages, the area around the Holy Alliance Grand Trial Ground has long been surrounded by water. Although among the people, the vast majority can only stay outside. However, outside the Holy League Grand Trial Ground, there will be a ten-sided magic crystal screen that broadcasts the Holy League Competition in real time.

Magic crystal screen projection technology has been implemented for a long time, but it is rarely used because it consumes too much energy. A seventh-level magic crystal can only last less than half an hour before running out of energy. Only by using ninth-level magic crystal can it be used for a long time. But once the ninth-level magic crystal is thrown into the magic crystal screen, it will cause irreparable damage. In other words, if you want the ten-sided magic crystal screen to continue broadcasting, it will consume ten ninth-level magic crystals. Hunting the ninth-level demons is not that easy! This is quite a huge fortune.

The purpose of these people who came to the Holy Alliance Grand Trial Field early was to get closer to the magic crystal screen and to see more clearly the excitement of this decade.

In order to protect the order of the Holy City and separate the flow of people, a total of twenty-sided magic crystal screens are also installed in other places in the Holy City. The six major temples even dispatched nearly 20,000 professionals to maintain order. But there's no question as to where the real race is. Almost everyone is willing to come to the Holy Alliance Grand Trial Ground.

It's still some time before the first day of competition starts, but the place is already overwhelmed with excitement. Some people are even setting up various bets in private. Some are betting on the first round points of the six major temples, some are betting on the first round rankings of the six major temples, and some are betting on the first round championship. Each is different.


Don't worry about the short word count of these two chapters. I'll post them together and treat them as one chapter.

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