Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 69 Mysterious Stone Ball (1)

Long Haochen frowned slightly and ignored the long-haired young man. He turned to Li Xin and Lin Jialu and said, Sisters, let's go.

Oh, oh, don't go. I really want to buy it. How about I pay two thousand gold coins? The young man said hurriedly, regardless of feeling sorry for himself.

Hearing this number, Long Haochen couldn't help but stop. He would be lying if he said he was not impressed. Two thousand gold coins was much higher than the auction price. You may not get this price at auction.

The middle-aged man at the auction house gave up and said in a deep voice to the long-haired young man: Don't disturb order here, leave as soon as possible.

The long-haired young man curled his lips, took out a black card from his arms and handed it over, Brother, you are new here. You don't even know me.

The middle-aged man who was very impatient a moment ago suddenly stiffened when he saw the black card. He carefully took the card into his hand and flipped it up and down for a few times before respectfully handing it back to the long-haired young man. .

Dear distinguished guest, you have the right to bid for goods in advance, as long as the seller agrees.

The long-haired young man took the card back proudly, then turned to Long Haochen and said: How about it, brother. Look, I didn't violate the rules of the auction house. Sell it to me. Two thousand gold coins is not low. I need some parts of this green double-sword demon to be used as medicine.

Lin Jialu blurted out in surprise, Are you a potion master?

The long-haired young man's face darkened, Who said I am a potion master? I am a magician, a very, very powerful magician. Making medicine is just my hobby. Let me tell you, this master is going to join the hunt soon. They are from the Demon Group Trials. Have you heard of the Demon Hunting Group? That is a sharp knife for our six major temples.

Long Haochen didn't seem to hear what he said. He pointed at the green double sword demon and said: Two thousand gold coins, I'll sell it to you. He had always been quiet, and he had a bad impression of this guy who talked endlessly and was a bit narcissistic. many.

Okay, okay, bring your magic crystal card and I'll transfer the money to you. As he said that, he waved his left hand, a red light flashed, and the green double-sword demon disappeared instantly.

Long Haochen glanced at him in surprise. It was obvious that the young man in front of him also had a piece of magic equipment for storage.

I don't have a magic crystal card. He shook his head and said.

Just apply for one. You can do it here, across the street. Come on, I'll take you there. The young man pointed to the counter opposite. As he spoke, he warmly put his arms around Long Haochen's shoulders.

Long Haochen shook his shoulders slightly and shook off his hand.

The long-haired young man didn't care and said with a smile: Don't be so outspoken. Look, we are both so handsome. It was just a moment when we were in love. We should be more intimate with each other. My name is Lin Xin, what is your name? ?”

Long Haochen.

Good name, good name. Lin Xin laughed and led Long Haochen to the opposite side to apply for the magic crystal card.

Lin Jialu looked at Li Xin and said doubtfully: Isn't this guy a liar?

Li Xin whispered: Just keep an eye on him. Can he be a magician and run away?

The middle-aged man behind the counter rolled his eyes and said: You two girls, you don't need to worry at all. The black card that the young master just took out is the highest-level black envoy VIP of our Holy Alliance Auction House. Card, this kind of VIP card cannot be purchased and can only be obtained by giving away. People with this card will have a 10% discount on anything purchased at our auction house, and the difference of 10% off will be made up by our auction house. And You can make an overdraft of up to 100,000 gold coins at any Holy Alliance auction house.

The two women took a deep breath, and their expressions suddenly changed. Based on their backgrounds, they had never even heard that the Holy Alliance Auction House actually had VIP cards of this level.

Applying for a magic crystal card was more troublesome than Long Haochen imagined, and there was a handling fee of one hundred gold coins. How could Long Haochen have so much money! Lin Xin took out his Black Envoy card again and waved it, and it was free of charge.

The magic crystal card is only half the size of a palm. There is one card for four gems on it. When handling it, you need to inject inner spiritual power. Therefore, only professionals of level three or above can handle it. Everyone's spiritual power has its own characteristics, and spiritual power needs to be injected when using the magic crystal card. Therefore, you are neither afraid of losing it nor being used fraudulently.

Transferring money is even simpler. There is an area in the center of the magic crystal card. Use a small needle-shaped stick attached to the magic crystal card to write the amount on it. Then both parties inject spiritual power, and the two magic crystal cards are docked to transfer money. success.

In about half a stick of incense, Long Haochen had two thousand more gold coins on his magic crystal card.

Finish it and call it a day. Lin Xin took back the magic crystal card, patted Long Haochen's shoulder, and said: Brother, you are going to participate in the auction. It's better to meet by chance than to invite. Let's go in together. If you follow me, you can get a discount on things. Oh.

After receiving two thousand gold coins, Long Haochen was in a good mood. He nodded and said, Let's go together then.

After greeting Li Xin and Lin Jialu, the four of them walked into the auction house together.

Entering the Holy Alliance Auction House, Long Haochen was immediately shocked by the scene in front of him. The auction house is surrounded by circles of seats, and every fifth row of seats has a wink. According to Lin Jialu, seats with different winks have different ticket prices, and the farther inward, the higher. At the front and bottom is a circle of closed boxes. In the middle of the auction room is a circular platform, which is obviously used to display auction items.

As soon as he entered the auction house, Long Haochen immediately felt a strong magical element coming towards him. It was obvious that there were many magic devices here.

Our tickets are in the back row. Long Haochen glanced at the number plate Li Xin gave him and said to Lin Xin, who was walking towards the front.

Lin Xin stopped and said, It's okay. There is a box in front of me. I'm alone anyway. It's very spacious inside. Let's go together.

Long Haochen was still hesitant, but Lin Jialu touched him lightly from behind, signaling for him to agree. Li Xin and Lin Jialu were also very curious about this long-haired young man. You know, potion masters are extremely rare, and their status is much higher than that of magicians. Although this guy did not admit that he was a potion master, he did say that he had this hobby and also had a black envoy card. It was not a bad thing to make friends with such people.

Okay. Long Haochen had no choice but to agree.

Under the leadership of Lin Xin, they walked diagonally downwards along the stairs to the private room area at the front. When we got here, we were greeted by a dedicated waitress. Each of these waitresses has a slim figure, good looks, and is wearing a silver dress.

Master Lin, you are here. Seeing them coming down, a female waitress hurriedly walked up to Lin Xin and saluted him with a smile. There was unabashed admiration in his eyes.

Lin Xin said stabbingly: Xiao Nuo, these are my friends, please take us there.

Yes. The girl showed a little surprise when her eyes passed over Long Haochen's face. Lin Xin's appearance was already extremely outstanding among men, but compared with Long Haochen, there was still a gap. Standing together, Lin Xin was immediately compared.

However, these female waiters were obviously of high quality. They looked directly at them and paused for a moment before leading the four of them along the red carpeted passage towards the private room.

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