Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 68 The Secret of the Demon Hunting Group (4)

Lin Jialu smiled and said: Little guy, don't be dissatisfied. The auction house is a place you will definitely visit frequently in the future. You can find almost everything we want there, of course, provided you can afford the price. If you can become As a member of the demon hunting group, it is essential to deal with the auction house. Go and see it first, so as not to find the door later.

Li Xin nodded and agreed: She is right, the auction house has the most good things. The largest auction house in our Temple Alliance is the Holy Alliance Auction House established with the six major temples as the background. Only the top ten It can only be found in the top ten major cities in China. This Emmy City is one of them. It will only be beneficial to you to see it. Whether you want to sell or buy in the future, Holy Alliance Auction House is the most suitable place.

Long Haochen said: Then why don't you ask the two brothers Chen to go together?

Lin Jialu said: They don't buy or sell anything, so there's no need to go. Let's go quickly. I asked, there is an auction tonight.

The largest city Long Haochen has ever been to is Haoyue City, and since he met his father, he spent most of his time cultivating and had little contact with the outside world. He is only fourteen years old, and he is naturally curious about new things. What's more, both Long Xingyu and Ye Hua told him that a person's strength can be enhanced by relying on external objects. The most obvious of which are weapons and elixirs. It would be nice to go and see it.

The Shengmeng Auction House in Le Meridien City is located in the most prosperous area in the center of the city. You can see a huge white oval building standing there in the distance.

This huge oval building is at least twenty feet high. The dome seems to be made of special metal, and it exudes a faint halo under the afterglow of the setting sun.

It's too big. Long Haochen stared blankly at the huge building in front of him. The outer walls of the auction house felt like a city wall, and it felt like he couldn't see the edge at a glance.

Lin Jialu smiled and said: The Holy Alliance auction house in Amy City is not the largest. The largest one in the Holy City is twice as big as this one. It can accommodate 20,000 people to participate in the auction at the same time. It is estimated that this place can accommodate about 10,000 people. Bar.

Long Haochen said in surprise: With so many people bidding at the same time, wouldn't the price be raised to the sky?

Lin Jialu shook her head and said: That's not possible. The prices of the auction items are already high, and no one will waste money unless they urgently need the item. The most powerful thing about the Holy Alliance Auction House is that it does not charge Any commission. Because it is large enough, you can make a lot of money just by relying on tickets. Ordinary tickets are one gold coin, and the further forward you sit, the higher the ticket price. It is said that the innermost box close to the central auction venue uses It costs one thousand gold coins at a time.

Li Xin bought the ticket, received three number plates and came back. She handed one number plate to Long Haochen and Lin Jialu respectively, and said, Let's go in. Haochen, let's send the body of the Green Double Sword Demon for identification first. It should be available for auction today.”

Entering the Holy Alliance Auction House, you will first see a hall with a passage in the center that leads all the way to the auction house. There are tall counters on both sides of the hall, and there are at least a dozen guards on each side. In addition to warriors, these guards were also dressed as magicians.

Through Lin Jialu's introduction, Long Haochen learned that the counters on both sides were where items were appraised and where auction money was received. There are eight passages like this in the Holy Alliance Auction House. in eight different directions to facilitate the dispersion of the flow of people. The Holy Alliance Auction House holds auctions every day, so it is a very lively place every night. Some relatively wealthy people even regard attending auctions as a way of leisure. After all, you can see many good things here! It is also very beneficial for increasing knowledge.

Li Xin took Long Haochen to the item identification counter on the left. There were not many people queuing here, and it was their turn soon.

Hello, I want to auction the body of a demon beast. Long Haochen said to the middle-aged man behind the counter.

The middle-aged man looked up at him and pressed the button somewhere. The wall on one side of the counter slowly fell down, forming a three-meter-wide platform.

Put it up. The middle-aged man said calmly.

Thank you. Long Haochen's spiritual power was injected into the forget-me-not ring. A faint blue halo shone around the ring. The forget-me-not pattern on it seemed to come alive. A ball of green light shot out from the ring and fell on it. That platform quickly grew in size.

Huh. The middle-aged man behind the counter said in surprise, The green double-sword demon. This is rare.

As he spoke, he stood up and came to the body of the green double-sword demon to examine it carefully. After a moment, the middle-aged man frowned slightly and said: It's a pity that there is no more magic crystal, otherwise the price would have doubled at least. Under the current situation, the starting price can only be set at 800 gold coins, but given the rarity of the green double sword demon , which can guarantee that there will be no unsold photos.”

The middle-aged man took out a black number plate and handed it to Long Haochen. There was a magic crystal of the same color embedded in the center of the number plate, and there was a number one, two, six on the back.

After the auction, please use this as a voucher to collect the gold coins on the opposite side. Be careful not to lose them. Recognize the cards but not the person.

The starting bid is eight hundred gold coins, so everyone can get at least a hundred gold coins. In Long Haochen's eyes, this was a lot of money. At least I have money to buy dried fish for Haoyue. That guy's appetite was getting bigger and bigger, and he was really going to eat up Long Haochen.

Wait a minute. Just when the middle-aged man was about to put the body of the green double-sword demon in, a hurried voice suddenly sounded from behind Long Haochen and the others, and then, a person walked over quickly.

Don't accept it yet. I want to buy this thing directly.

Long Haochen looked at the visitor in surprise. It was a young man who looked not much older than him. He could not be more than twenty years old at most. He was about half a head taller than Long Haochen. He had long dark green hair hanging down his back, and even hung down to his waist. His complexion showed With a crystal clear milky white color, his handsome appearance is comparable to that of Long Haochen. But with his waist-length hair, he looks more like a girl than Long Haochen. Fortunately, his Adam's apple is still obvious.

The white magic robe sets off his slightly slender figure, which is in line with the figure of a magician. It's just that he doesn't have a staff in his hand.

The most peculiar thing is this person's eyes. The light green eyes always have a bit of a naughty smile, but they can easily give people a friendly feeling.

At this time, he was looking down at the green double-sword demon. Looking at such a ferocious monster, the young magician actually showed a somewhat intoxicated look on his face, and he even gently stroked the green double-sword demon's carapace with his hands.

Good stuff, really good stuff! I want it, brother, please give me a price. As he said this, he straightened up and looked at Long Haochen.

Seeing Long Haochen's appearance clearly, the young man with long dark green hair couldn't help but be stunned. A flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he murmured: There is someone more handsome than me in this world? This is impossible, right? .”

Pfft. Li Xin stood aside and couldn't help laughing. This young man is very handsome, but his personality is completely different from Long Haochen. His narcissism alone is far beyond the comparison of Long Haochen.

Long Haochen's face stiffened and he said, I have entrusted it to the Holy Alliance Auction. I'm afraid I won't be able to sell it to you.

The young man continued to look Long Haochen up and down, and there was a trace of jealousy in his eyes, Impossible, this is impossible! How can he be more handsome than me? As he spoke, he teased his own end with both hands. Long dark green hair.

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