Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 686 Holding the sun and moon in hand and picking up stars, there is no one like me in the wo

The Eternal Heart is actually a ball of extremely pure light elements, and its core is the bloodline of the original Son of Light of Electrolux. Long Haochen himself was the Son of Light, and when he merged with the bloodline of the Son of Light from thousands of years ago, there was still a short-term rejection in the process.

In a competition of bloodline power, Long Haochen was much stronger than Electrolux. After all, Electrolux had been dead for thousands of years. Perhaps his spiritual power is still there, and the power of his soul is even more powerful. But his blood has long since dried up. What he extracted was only the most essential part of his bloodline. Therefore, after a short period of rejection and collision. Long Haochen's own bloodline power was fully stimulated, and he integrated this pure bloodline power into himself.

Under this situation, Electrolux's powerful ability was revealed. The blood fusion was completed, and a large amount of body tissue began to ripple in Long Haochen's chest. A new heart is growing.

A numb and itchy feeling spread all over Long Haochen's body, causing him to wake up from a coma that was close to a deep sleep.

Long Haochen soon noticed the changes in his body. The numbness and itching in his chest was simply worse than any pain. But he gritted his teeth and endured it. He knew that this time was crucial for him. He had never even heard of reshaping the heart. Even the most powerful light-based forbidden spell resurrection technique can only be completed when the body is intact. But Electrolux did just that, and this miracle is also happening to him. If he gave up halfway because he couldn't bear the itching, then even all the gods might not be able to save his life. For Cai'er, for his family, and for all his friends, how could Long Haochen let this happen?

Sitting there cross-legged, his body was almost soaked with sweat in just a few seconds, but he remained motionless and didn't even make a sound. He could feel that Cai'er was not far in front of him. The more this happened, the less he could let Cai'er feel the pain he was suffering. She has sacrificed too much for herself and endured too much. Long Haochen really didn't want her to worry about him anymore.

Reshaping the heart is definitely a complicated process, and during the entire reshaping process, Long Haochen's spiritual power is always improving.

Although his body was in extreme pain, Long Haochen also discovered that during the process of remodeling his heart, there was a clear difference from before.

He is not a doctor or a priest, so he certainly has no understanding of the structure of the heart. But even people who don't understand it can clearly feel the difference if they look inside what Long Haochen saw. The most direct manifestation of this difference lies in the color.

The human heart is supposed to be red. Even when there is spiritual power running, the spiritual power can only protect the heart. The first spiritual orifice of various professional experts is in the middle of the chest, which actually protects the heart. location.

But Long Haochen's heart was completely different during the recovery process. He clearly felt that flesh and blood were growing, but the growing flesh and blood was completely golden, and there was no trace of red at all. Moreover, as the heart grows, spiritual power freely flows out of it and is completely integrated with flesh and blood.

There is one true word in the description of human beings, a heart of gold. And Long Haochen now made this sentence become a reality. His heart was reshaped in this golden color.

Although Long Haochen didn't know what kind of changes such a heart would have, he had no choice. Before he fell into coma, he listened to what Electrolux said, and he also understood that Electrolux was doing it for his own good. He is afraid that the psychological burden he will create will affect his future promotion.

Hateful people also have pity! Long Haochen could not and was not qualified to forgive Electrolux for the sake of mankind. His sins were too serious. However, when he and Cai'er listened to Electrolux's story together, Long Haochen felt sympathy for his plight. At least for him, Electrolux was a huge help and gave him a second chance at life.

Therefore, when Long Haochen woke up, he subconsciously said thank you to Electrolux in his heart.

The pain of heart reshaping became more and more intense, and Long Haochen's willpower underwent a huge test. Although it is different from when Cai'er first climbed the Road to Heaven. But in terms of physical pain, he suffered more. At that time, Cai'er was mainly suffering from mental torture.

Long Haochen endured the pain forcefully, with only one thought in his mind, for Cai'er.

In less than a day, except for Long Haochen, all members of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group entered deep meditation.

The energy in the Tower of Eternity is too pure and too huge. Only by entering deep meditation can they absorb it better and understand everything about themselves better. This feeling is very wonderful. Such an opportunity can be said to be unique.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

It can be clearly seen that Long Haochen's original clothes have all turned black. Under the influence of the white energy of the Tower of Eternity, his clothes are constantly being broken. Every time it is broken, it will be purified by these pure energies. Long Haochen was also moving towards the embarrassing situation of being naked.

This black color is entirely his own sweat, the impurities in his body, and the dark corrosion left by the Demon God Emperor's finger on his body, all discharged in this process. More importantly, although Long Haochen experienced tremendous pain, the golden light on his chest was getting stronger and stronger. Yes, his heart was almost completely reshaped.

After three full days of torture, Long Haochen's consciousness was already a little blurry, but he kept gritting his teeth and holding on. He must face all this clearly, otherwise, no one knows what will happen after he falls into a coma. Moreover, the heart has undergone such obvious changes. If he cannot witness the entire process of its reshaping, Long Haochen will definitely encounter great troubles in his future cultivation.

Seeing that the heart as a whole has been completed, the golden blood vessels inside are also completing their unblocking with slight fluctuations. Long Haochen knew that the most important process of reshaping was about to come. Only when the reshaped heart begins its normal work can he be considered fully resurrected.

Faced with this situation, Long Haochen was also worried. He is not afraid of death, but he is absolutely unwilling to die. Reshaping the heart is absolutely unprecedented for humans. Can it be successful? Whether the eternal heart can really be condensed. Long Haochen is not sure at all now. The difference between the golden heart and other organs in the body seems too obvious. Can such a heart really exude the vitality of life like his original heart?

No one could answer Long Haochen's question, including Electrolux, who had already left. If Electrolux was still alive, he would definitely be more confident than Long Haochen, but he would not be 100% sure.

Just when Long Haochen's heart was about to be remodeled and began to enter the recovery process. In another world, another world of black and red. A huge body trembled slightly.

The scales had long lost their luster, and the huge body had been crawling there for a long time. All around its body was dark purple blood. And this blood flows from his six big heads and noses.

It has stayed that way for some time. Its breath of life had completely disappeared. However, at this moment, it actually trembled slightly. A trace of life quietly appeared on it.

This life fluctuation first appeared on the scales on its body. The originally tarnished scales were as dark as ink, but just now, a small scale on its back suddenly emitted a bright purple light. The brilliance of the amethyst gradually appeared, which was also an important reason for its body to tremble.

Yes, it is the bright moon. After Long Haochen was killed, Haoyue also lost the breath of life.

However, just like Long Haochen's soul persisted with the help of Ye Xiaolei, Haoyue still maintained a glimmer of hope of resurrection.

In fact, even if Long Haochen's soul dissipates, Haoyue's real death will go through a process. With each additional head, its life will become a little bit more tenacious. With six heads, even if it dies due to blood depletion, its body will remain incorruptible for thirty-six days, and it will still have the possibility of living again. This is the advantage of blood. What's more, although Long Haochen's body collapsed and died, his soul remained. Therefore, Haoyue always has a trace of residual aura.

A scale lit up, like a spark igniting the prairie. Gradually, one scale after another became shiny. What's even weirder is that the dark purple blood on the ground seems to be rendered by the purple color emitted from the scales, and slight energy fluctuations gradually appear. Dots of purple light gradually separated from the dark purple blood, floating in the air and falling towards Haoyue's body.

Long Haochen's body suddenly became stiff, the last blood vessel in his heart was about to be unblocked, and the decisive moment finally arrived.

Chi— The blood and spiritual power quietly penetrated the final barrier, and Long Haochen's body suddenly convulsed violently. His consciousness was completely locked on his heart, and his body was involuntarily spasming slightly due to tension.

The last blood vessel was unblocked, and the golden heart contracted violently. The golden tightening also tightened on Long Haochen's soul. It can be clearly seen that a layer of golden halo spreads from the tightened heart. But this time it's not just simple diffusion and withdrawal. But rendering.

Long Haochen felt that everything in his body was turned into gold at this moment, and the next moment, his golden heart finally expanded again.

Dong dong, dong dong...


Asking for monthly votes and recommendation votes. You can also guess what level of cultivation Xiaolong and everyone in the Dawn of Light can achieve after practicing in the Tower of Eternity.

Everyone should have noticed that the secret of the Tower of Eternity is reserved for this plot. I felt very happy and satisfied with the writing, and I hope this climax can leave a deep impression on you. Right now, the next climax is about to begin. Don't go away, keep subscribing every day, it will definitely make you love God's Seal even more. hey-hey.

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