Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 685 Holding the sun and moon in hand and picking up stars, there is no one like me in the wo

The aura emitted by the Tower of Eternity is much softer than before, and it is even more pure, with no trace of death aura left. Everything around him turned white instead of gold. With every breath of Cai'er, the Tower of Eternity fluctuated slightly as if responding.

It felt like flesh and blood were connected, as if the Tower of Eternity was a part of her body.

The artifact recognizes its owner. Cai'er immediately made the most accurate judgment. Because she had experienced the same situation once, and that time was the feeling she had when she first merged with the Sword of Reincarnation. It's just that the Sword of Samsara at that time was much more domineering than the Tower of Eternity now. Far less soft.

Electrolux is truly a genius among geniuses, a terrifying powerhouse who single-handedly fights against the entire continent of humanity. Just relying on the connection between the Death Scythe and Cai'er, he completed the recognition of the Tower of Eternity and Cai'er as their master. It is completely conceivable how powerful Electrolux would have been during his lifetime. Perhaps, even the Demon God Emperor is inferior to him.

The Death Scythe seems to have undergone some strange changes with the purification of Electrolux. The originally pitch-black body exudes a magical blue and purple color against the surrounding white. It is a little less domineering, but a little more... Very strange and arrogant.

Holding the death scythe in her hand, Cai'er stood there silently for a long time. In her heart, the story of Electrolux and his overwhelming arrogance when he died were always echoing in her heart.

Teacher... Cai'er muttered. The next moment, she turned to Long Haochen, who was sitting cross-legged and already deep in meditation.

A faint golden light emitted from Long Haochen's chest, spread to every corner of his body, and then slowly recovered. His entire being was immersed in this retreat. But the breath of life is completely stable. There is no doubt that Electrolux's action has completely resurrected him. The magic that belongs to the Necromancer is breathtaking.

Instead of sitting down next to Long Haochen immediately, Cai'er thought, and the next moment, she had returned to the sixth floor of the Tower of Eternity. Now that she is the master here, no matter how she controls the Tower of Eternity, she only needs to use her own will.

Everyone in the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group, who was already shocked by the changes around them, was waiting with difficulty. Although the white light spots in the air are full of pure energy, this is the Tower of Eternity! Before they knew exactly what happened, they simply didn't dare to absorb it rashly. What's more, what's more important to them is the safety of Long Haochen and Cai'er. With their life and death uncertain, how could they calm down and practice?


Cai'er's sudden appearance immediately caused everyone to cheer in surprise. Wang Yuanyuan was the first to rush forward and hug her. Others also gathered around. Chen Ying'er even hugged Cai'er and cried loudly.

The scene of Cai'er climbing the Road to Heaven left such a deep mark on their hearts that it was no longer a simple emotion. They will never forget the scene of the three blood stains spreading on the road to the sky, let alone Cai'er's bloody dress.

Being hugged by Wang Yuanyuan and Chen Ying'er, and feeling the burning concerned gazes of her friends, Cai'er had long lost her original coldness and said softly: I'm fine, I've made everyone worry.

Lin Xin asked eagerly: What about the leader? They didn't see Long Haochen behind Cai'er again!

Cai'er smiled slightly and said, He's fine too.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned for a few seconds, and then cheers suddenly echoed through the sixth floor of the Tower of Eternity.

Although they had a premonition of Long Haochen's safety when Cai'er first appeared. Otherwise, Cai'er would not have looked so relaxed, let alone carrying Long Haochen's corpse with her. But when she personally said that Long Haochen was safe, everyone's suppressed emotions couldn't help but erupt like a volcano.

This group of proud sons of the younger generation of mankind were as excited as children, jumping up and down. Their leader was miraculously resurrected, and their Dawn of Light had a soul and a spiritual support. They even welcomed back their best brother!

Cai'er's tears flowed out unconsciously, Thank you, thank you. Having brothers and sisters like you is the greatest luck for Haochen and I.

Chen Ying'er cried and laughed and said: Cai'er, you are wrong about this. We are a whole, don't pick you and the boss out! Hehe. That's great, that's great.

Sima Xian put one hand around Lin Xin's neck and said to Cai'er with a curious look on his face: Tell me, how did you come back to life? It turns out that the dead can really be resurrected. This necromancy spell is really magical!

Of course, Cai'er wanted to share the process of Long Haochen's resurrection with her friends, so she told in detail everything that happened after she boarded the road to heaven.

Listening to Electrolux's tragic experience, everyone who was originally excited and excited gradually calmed down. The experience of this Holy God of the Dead and the Scourge of the Undead, Electrolux, was really tragic. A feeling of sympathy appeared unconsciously in their hearts.

Cai'er sighed softly and said: The teacher finally woke up. He purified everything about himself and purified all sins. No matter what, he will always be my teacher. These pure things left in the Tower of Eternity The energy is generated by the teacher's own purification and the Tower of Eternity's erasure of wisdom by the teacher. It is the purest power. Everyone works hard to absorb it. We will stay here for the time being until all this energy is transformed into our souls. The energy released when a super divine weapon is reduced to a divine weapon should be able to make great progress in our cultivation.

The mission to raid the Star Demon God in the Magic City failed, and they almost lost their leader. When they came to the Tower of Eternity, they went through countless hardships and obstacles before finally resurrecting Long Haochen. Now, the opportunity to improve has finally arrived.

Cai'er waved her sleeves, white light shone, and the next moment, everyone appeared together on the seventh floor of the Tower of Eternity. The seventh floor is the core of the Tower of Eternity, and all energy can be channeled here. Moreover, Cai'er also wanted her friends to witness Long Haochen's resurrection.

When everyone saw Long Haochen sitting cross-legged and practicing quietly, they could no longer cheer, and tears fell down in unison. The Dawn of Light is finally reunited.

They sat down cross-legged around Long Haochen, finally calmed down and started practicing.

The meditation had just begun, but everyone was deeply shocked. Those seemingly soft white light spots immediately produced drastic changes as soon as they were inhaled into the body. No matter what attribute of spiritual power is fused with the pure energy, the fusion process can be completed in the shortest time, without the need to go through the process of eliminating impurities at all. Everyone's spiritual power increased at an alarming rate during this absorption process.

Cai'er is different from everyone else. Cai'er absorbs not only the pure energy in the Tower of Eternity, but also the pure death energy left by Electrox in the eternal melody on her chest.

The God of Death can also be called the God of Purification. The power of the God of Death comes from the purification of resentful spirits. And in this world, it can be said that there is no more powerful ghost than Electrolux. When Electrolux purified himself with the purifying blade of Death's Scythe, it even led to the evolution of Death's Scythe.

But the Death Scythe itself is one with Cai'er. After Cai'er took it back, as soon as he started practicing, the Death Scythe immediately fed Cai'er back. Huge power of purification poured into Cai'er's body, converging with her own spiritual power, absorbing the breath of death of the eternal melody and the pure energy in the Tower of Eternity. Almost in an instant, Cai'er's inner spiritual power was raised to the peak of the seventh level.

Cai'er's experience is already rich enough, and she has accumulated enough foundation. She didn't need to do anything on her own. After the three spiritual orifices on her chest, forehead, and lower abdomen were completely filled, a spiritual orifice appeared on each of her shoulders and thighs instantly, directly increasing the number of spiritual orifices to seven. The huge amount of spiritual power that had not been completely absorbed suddenly poured in at an alarming speed, pouring into these four new spiritual orifices. From this moment on, Cai'er's cultivation level was officially promoted to the eighth level.

Although the improvement speed of others is not as fast as Cai'er, it is already amazing enough compared with their usual practice. Almost every week the spiritual power circulates, there will be an increase. This feeling is really exciting. Everyone knows that this kind of opportunity may only come once in a lifetime, so naturally they will go all out. Especially Duan Yi and Yang Wenzhao, who knew that they were far different from the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group, worked hard to practice. For a time, the Tower of Eternity was completely quiet.

Because of this tranquility, everyone is immersed in their own cultivation. No one saw that Long Haochen also began to undergo strange changes.

The Eternal Heart entered the body and filled the position of Long Haochen's heart. The huge light element softly repeated the process of diffusion and condensation in his body.

When Long Haochen's heart was shattered by the Demon God Emperor, the core spiritual aperture in his chest was also shattered. Even if he could survive at that time, his cultivation could be said to be completely useless.

After the Eternal Heart was injected, it immediately became the core of communication with other spiritual orifices in his body. In the huge expansion of light elements, connections were quickly established with other spiritual orifices, and all these spiritual orifices were communicated. In this way, the light element can flow smoothly within Long Haochen's body and restore his original cultivation level.

This recovery process went very quickly and was completed when Cai'er told her friends about the process they had gone through. When Long Haochen's spiritual power returned to level eight or above. His body began to undergo strange changes.


Frankly speaking, I also really like the character of Electrolux. I especially like the last sentence he said. When I wrote that I hold the sun and moon in my hands and pick the stars, and there is no one like me in the world, I myself was moved by the words.

Say goodbye to Electrolux and go well, Cai'er will atone for your sins with her contribution to mankind.

I was also very moved by the climax of the recent period. I know that many brothers and sisters have criticized me for being cruel to Cai'er, and some have said that I am a stepfather.

But in fact, as an author, when I wrote this plot, the sadness I suffered in my heart was definitely more profound than any of you, really. I also feel sorry for Cai'er, Xiaolong, and Electrolux. But the plot is like this, and it must be written like this to write a good book.

I really fall in love with Seal of God more and more, a work that I have put countless efforts into. I also hope that every brother and sister of the Tang Sect loves our divine seal as much as I do.


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