Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 661 The Burning of Sima Xian! (middle)

This time, there was naturally no need for Chen Ying'er to activate the elemental decomposition again. Cai'er had already followed up, and the death sickle with its crystal gray light ended the fire mage's life.

Guardian 6 and Guardian 5 are included in the eternal melody.

Everyone in the Dawn of Light was completely dumbfounded. When they saw that the opponents to test them on the fourth level were two ninth-level powerhouses appearing at the same time, their hearts were very heavy. In their opinion, it will be very difficult to pass this level, and it is difficult to complete without paying a huge price.

But who would have thought that the power of Chen Ying'er's full-strength attack would be so terrifying. She almost turned the tide with her own strength and defeated the two powerful men of ice and fire.

The delicate body slowly landed on the ground. Chen Ying'er's pretty face was as pale as paper. She couldn't help but spurt out a mouthful of blood again. The delicate body swayed and fell into Yang Wenzhao's arms. Before she fainted, she murmured: Lean behind me. You guys...

Although she is the Soul Saint, even though she wears the only artifact of the Soul Temple, her origin is only a seventh-level summoner after all! Using the power of the seventh level to kill a ninth level, and then completely restraining a ninth level, this is no longer a super performance, but a complete overdraft of one's own potential.

In order to give the resurrected Long Haochen one more chance, Chen Yinger couldn't care less. The leader has done so much for her, and even if he loses his life here, she has no regrets.

The elemental cage is a magic created by Chen Yinger, but in fact, this magic has exceeded the scope of summoning magic. Chen Ying'er found inspiration from Haoyue's stripping away of chaotic elements. But if she really wanted to control this magic like an arm and a finger, she would have to wait until her cultivation reached the ninth level. With her current level of cultivation, she can actually only use Elemental Cage once, and the power is not as powerful as before.

However, Chen Ying'er overexploited her own potential and suddenly unleashed the strongest power of the elemental cage. Not only did she resist the fire mage's attack, but she also directly killed the ice warrior with the elemental cage.

Elemental Decomposition is the next ability of the Elemental Cage. If Chen Ying'er hadn't overdrawn her potential and vitality, she wouldn't have been able to use it. But she still used it forcefully, and the backlash she suffered can be imagined. In addition, she forcibly activated the elemental cage again, which could be said to have damaged the source this time.

Elemental Cage is not actually an invincible skill. What it can target is the six elemental magics it contains. It only has strong restrictive power, but does not have strong attack power itself. Moreover, this restriction can only last for a short period of time.

In other words, if Chen Ying'er fails to kill the ice warrior within the time period of the elemental cage after restraining him, then he will not suffer any damage once he recovers. As for the ninth-level ice warrior's defense, even if Cai'er goes all out, he may not be able to kill him in one attack. This is why Chen Ying'er desperately used elemental decomposition. The fire mage is a magician, so his defense power cannot be compared with that of the ice warrior, and Cai'er's response is timely enough. This allowed them to succeed in one fell swoop and pass the fourth level test.

Chen Ying'er was able to successfully complete three self-created skills given by the soul three times in a row, only with the support of the huge spiritual power of the Soul Saint Cloth. However, the spiritual power provided by the Soul Saint Clothes must be within the range that her body can bear. If it exceeds what her body can bear, she will eventually explode and die.

Speaking of which, she would also like to thank Lin Xin for her anaconda body-building pill. With this pill, her external spiritual power was increased by tens of thousands, and her body's strength was greatly increased. Otherwise, she would have been under such a load just now. There was no way he could survive. Despite this, Chen Yinger, who was severely injured, could not recover in a short period of time, and it was impossible for her to continue to participate in the subsequent battles.

The six earth dragons have returned to their light gates, and the light gates have also disappeared. McDull is jumping around Chen Ying'er eagerly. As a summoned beast, it can clearly feel Chen Ying'er's weakness at this time. .

Cai'er had turned around and stood next to Chen Ying'er. She stared at Chen Ying'er silently for a moment, took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: Yang Wenzhao, you stay and take care of Ying'er. Others, follow me to the fifth floor.

Yang Wenzhao, who was using light magic to heal Chen Ying'er's wounds, nodded when he heard this. Although he was extremely heartbroken, he could completely understand Chen Ying'er's reason for doing this. If it were him, as long as he had the ability, he would never begrudge her.

The passage from the fourth floor to the fifth floor is at the front. The test on this fourth floor seems very simple. They can pass even faster than on the third floor. But in fact, if it weren't for Chen Ying'er With a powerful explosion, it would never be so easy for them to survive under the combined forces of the two holy guards of ice and fire. When Long Haochen was around, it was easy to say that he could resist them head-on, but now, what they lack most is a powerful guardian who can block the opponent's attacks from the front!

What will we face on the fifth floor?

Cai'er had already used up the Seven Death Gods once a day in the Reincarnation Spirit Furnace, but she had no intention of stopping to rest. Lead the friends to the end of the fifth floor. Walk into the teleportation light.

Tower of Eternity, fifth floor.

With a flash of light, Cai'er, Wang Yuanyuan, Sima Xian, Lin Xin, Han Yu, Zhang Fangfang and Duanyi appeared in a brand new world at the same time.

Different from the previous four floors, when they just entered the fifth floor, they suddenly felt a huge pressure like a mountain squeezing their bodies. Under this heavy pressure, each of them had to release their spiritual power with all their strength, and then they felt a little more relaxed.

Cai'er stood there without moving, looking forward with burning eyes.

The fifth floor of the Tower of Eternity looks no different from the previous fourth floor. It is empty, with stone pillars on both sides arranged neatly, extending inwards. Different from the fourth floor, this time their eyes could not reach far and could only see a straight line distance of about fifty meters. Looking further into the distance, they could see a hazy light and shadow.

Cai'er said coldly: The fourth level is ice and fire. It's the same as the first level, except that the professions between warrior and mage are exchanged. Then in this fifth level, it's very likely that what we have to face is earth and fire. Wind. Be careful, everyone.

After passing the third and fourth floors, they had lost the soul saint Chen Ying'er. At the same time, Lin Xin, who had used the Blue Fire Phoenix, was greatly reduced in strength. Once here, they can only fight hard with all their strength.

However, each level of the Tower of Eternity's test is more difficult than the previous level. What exactly will you encounter here? Only when the opponent appears will you know.

You guys stay here, I'll lure out the opponents in this level. As she spoke, Cai'er slowly moved forward with the Death Scythe in hand. As she moved forward, she raised her head and glanced at the still shining light above her head. Gray light and shadow.

Compared with the previous time on the third floor, the light and shadow are already a bit dim and illusory, but the core is brighter. After passing the fourth floor, she could have asked everyone to rest again, but she did not do that. If they rest again, the light and shadow of the Death God will disappear. Only in a state of combat can the existence of this light and shadow be maintained.

Cai'er didn't walk fast, but every step she took gave people an illusory feeling. It is obviously a special footwork exclusive to assassins.

The pressure in the air seemed to be continuously increasing. Just when Cai'er took the tenth step, suddenly, a yellow light pillar suddenly fell from the sky, and a tall yellow figure also appeared in the light pillar.

The huge yellow skeleton is four meters tall and looks much stronger than the previous black knight. In both hands, each is a giant hammer. The moment he appeared, the surrounding air suddenly became solemn.

Earth warrior.

This time, only one examiner appeared, not two holy guards. However, Cai'er not only did not relax, but became even more nervous.

The assessment on the fifth level was definitely more difficult than the fourth level, but there was only one examiner who appeared, and he was a soil warrior as she had judged. However, the assessment will be so easy?

The next moment, this native warrior told them what the content of the assessment on the fifth floor of the Tower of Eternity was.

The warrior, who was four meters tall, stamped his right foot on the ground at the moment when the yellow light around his body shrank. Immediately, a terrifying shock force came out, and a huge earthquake wave rushed towards everyone like a landslide and tsunami.

Led by Cai'er, the members of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group undoubtedly jumped up and spread their spiritual wings to avoid the earthquake wave.

However, they soon saw that the seismic wave turned into substance after rushing to their feet. An earthy yellow halo circulated, and a huge suction force came from below. Even Cai'er, who had the strongest cultivation level, was pulled back to the ground in an instant. The huge suction force pulled their bodies crazily. It sank rapidly as if it were in mud.

Field. Han Yu exclaimed, calling out the abilities displayed by the warriors at this time.

Yes, in this level, they have to face only one opponent, but it is a ninth-level strong man who can display the field!

What is the field? It is the signature ability of a ninth-level powerhouse. Only by truly owning a domain can one become one of the top experts.

Generally speaking, it is difficult for ninth-level beginners to have domain abilities. And any person's field must have its own characteristics, even if it is a strong person with the same attribute, no two people's fields are exactly the same.

In his own field, the strength of a ninth-level expert can be exerted several times while greatly restricting his opponents. Generally speaking, having a domain means having at least 200,000 spiritual powers.


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