Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 660 The Burning of Sima Xian! (superior)

It took almost everyone's combined efforts to withstand the attack of this ninth-level powerhouse. But at this moment, the ice warrior rose into the air and rushed towards the crowd.

There is no doubt that once he rushes into the crowd, no one can resist his attack.

Compared with the previous black knight, this ice warrior may not be much stronger, but don't forget that far behind him, there is a fire mage who puts strong psychological pressure on everyone!

The Ice Warrior, who was about to jump into the formation of the Demon Hunting Group of Light Dawn, suddenly froze in the air. Then, he gave up his forward attack, twisted his body forcefully in mid-air, and fell to the side. , at the same time, a pair of swords were crossed on the chest.

A ray of gray light swept across the sky as if it was about to cut through the sky, and struck hard on the ice warrior's crossed swords.

Ding—— The crisp collision sound echoed in the fourth floor of the Tower of Eternity, with echoes curling up. Such a powerful ice warrior was actually knocked backwards and flew forty meters away by this blow. He did not stop until his body hit a stone pillar supporting the fourth floor. His pair of ice-blue giant swords were obviously covered with large cracks. If it weren't for his powerful spiritual support, they would have collapsed.

Cai'er still stood there, the death scythe slowly falling from her hand, a cold light shining in her eyes.

There is no guardian knight strong enough to block the front. Facing such a powerful enemy, all she can rely on is her absolutely powerful attack power!

The first of the Seven Gods of Death, the Death of Death, has finally been staged.

Compared with her when she lost her memory, the power of this death slash was at least twice as powerful. Ice Skeleton is a powerful holy guard with ancient fighting skills, but facing his attack, he has no ability to dodge or use tricks. He was knocked away by Cai'er and almost destroyed the weapon. One can imagine how terrifying the power of this blow is.

From returning to the Tower of Eternity to arriving here step by step, Cai'er has never used her full strength, because she knows very well that the test waiting for her will only become more and more difficult. She must not fall before Long Haochen. Therefore, she has been relying on the strength of her partners, and her own strength is constantly accumulating.

The memory was restored, and the two memories were merged, but she was still a little uncomfortable with the power of the God's Favored One, and was integrating this powerful power through constant fighting.

Normal attacks just now were no longer enough to stop the ninth-level ice warrior. Once he rushes in, even if everyone can defeat him as quickly as possible, as long as he destroys Chen Ying'er's spell, this test of Cai'er and the others will probably be difficult. Lost.

At the same time that the ice warrior was sent flying, the magic of the distant fire mage and Chen Ying'er's magic were completed almost at the same time.

One after another, the light doors lit up behind Chen Yinger. A total of six light doors burst out with intense brilliance at the same time, and each one was different. Red, blue, yellow, cyan, gold, black. Surprisingly, it is the color of the six elements.

Amidst the powerful roar, six huge earth dragons walked out of the light door at the same time and surrounded the members of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group. Chen Yinger was right in the center of the formation they formed.

Stretching her spiritual wings, Chen Ying'er's body instantly soared to a standstill three meters above the ground, suspended in mid-air, holding a crystal ball in her hand and facing the fire mage in the distance. The six-color magic six-pointed star array has flashed. Every demon hunter inside felt the elemental fluctuations of all attributes rising sharply.

At this time, the entire fourth floor of the Tower of Eternity had turned into a red world.

Groups of golden-red fireballs appeared around the fire mage's body, and soon spread in every corner around him, like a wall of fire with no gaps.

Be careful, this is a real meteor shower. It's almost as good as the forbidden curse level. Lin Xin's expression changed in shock. This level of fire magic, if placed on the battlefield, is enough to kill an entire legion. Although the space in the Tower of Eternity is quite wide, under such a full range of magical attacks, they have no chance of dodge.

Roar—— Six roars sounded at the same time, and six breaths of different colors were sprayed out from the mouths of the earth dragons at the same time.

These earth dragons are all ninth-level monsters, equivalent to eighth-level human beings. The crystal ball in Chen Ying'er's hand became the intersection of these six breaths. Suddenly, her crystal ball also turned into six colors.

Go. Chen Ying'er shouted sweetly, and immediately, a beam of six-colored light shot straight towards the fire mage in the distance.

The fire mage's staff also waved forward almost at the same time, and the meteors and fire showers covering the entire space came straight towards them and bombarded them with unparalleled momentum.

At this time, the ice warrior had already dodged behind the pillar and disappeared.

One after another defensive light shields were continuously released from everyone, but what surprised them was that no matter how hard they tried, the defensive magic they released could not take shape. Dissipated directly in the array composed of six earth dragons.

How big can the light beam from a crystal ball be? It's just a little bigger than a normal person's fist. What about the meteors and fire showers? That's overwhelming!

For a moment, even Cai'er became nervous. However, now she can only trust Chen Yinger. Because, she clearly saw that when Chen Ying'er emitted six-color light, her eyes were full of confidence.

The six-colored rays of light collided directly with the meteors and fire showers. At the moment when these two magics, which seemed to have vastly different powers, came into contact, everyone in the Dawn of Light had a strange feeling. At this moment, it seemed as if everything had stopped. The fierce meteor shower actually stopped in the sky. And the six-colored light pillar was like a pebble thrown into the sea of ​​fire, causing a circle of soft ripples.

One hundred and eight elixirs on Chen Ying'er's Soul Saint Clothes suddenly emitted bright brilliance. Her white and tender little hands made a downward movement, and suddenly, the six-colored light on the crystal ball spilled downwards, turning into a six-colored light shield, with the six-headed earth dragon as the fulcrum, covering everyone.

The next moment, time resumed, and the meteors and fire showers still came with a bang, but the fire in the center completely disappeared. At this time, it looked more like a huge ring of fire. Although it was bombarded, the bolide in the center that should have hit everyone in the Dawn of Light had disappeared.

Violent roars resounded all around, and the terrifying fire element twisted the air violently. However, the meteors and fire showers that lost their central power only bombarded the empty space around the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group. When the aftermath of the blazing flames came into contact with the six-color light mask released by Chen Ying'er, it immediately melted like ice and snow. It didn't have any offensive effect at all.

What's even more shocking is that the six-colored light pillar that melted the meteors and fire rain did not disappear, but still shot straight towards the fire mage in the distance.

In the beginning, Lin Xin suffered a big loss from Chen Ying'er's move. At this time, Chen Ying'er used it again, which was much more powerful than the last time she competed with Lin Xin. Obviously, she was merciful that time.

The most amazing thing about this six-color light pillar is that no matter what magic element it encounters, it can be instantly decomposed without affecting its power.

The fire mage released the meteor fire shower, and suddenly saw the six-colored light coming straight towards him, and was shocked. He quickly placed a thick flame shield in front of him.

And at this moment, an ice-blue figure instantly appeared in front of him. Facing the six-colored light, he crossed his swords and slashed out.

Poof - The six-colored light fell on the ice warrior, and the ice warrior's body instantly condensed. His nine-level powerful ice attack had no effect on the six-colored light. The whole body was shining with dazzling six colors and was frozen there, like a dazzling statue.

Elemental Cage.

Chen Ying'er's face was calm. At this moment, she didn't look like her normal playful self. She tapped her right index finger lightly on the crystal ball, and a crisp sound echoed in the vast space.

Elements, decomposition.

A terrifying scene unfolded. The six-colored ice warrior, representing the six elements of water, fire, earth, wind, light, and darkness, suddenly turned into six colors and scattered apart, and just when they separated. In an instant, an indescribable attack appeared on the ice warrior.

Keng—— The ice warrior's body actually shattered like that, first breaking into six pieces, and then being twisted into powder by the black hole created in the center after the six elements separated.

Just this one blow was as powerful as the ninth level.

However, after launching this attack, Chen Yinger's face was obviously a little pale, and the one hundred and eight elixirs on the Soul Saint Cloth became even more dazzling.

Her hand shape changed continuously, she suddenly opened her mouth, and a mouthful of blood spurted onto the crystal ball in front of her.

The bodies of the six earth dragons shook at the same time, and they exhaled another breath, concentrating on the crystal ball again.

Go- Chen Ying'er shouted sweetly, and immediately, another beam of six-colored light shot out, pointing directly at the fire mage in the distance.

At the same time she launched this second attack, Cai'er had already dragged her death sickle to the ground.

The soul fire in the eyes of the fire mage across from him was beating violently. Facing the six-color halo, a strong man like him couldn't help but lose consciousness for a moment. The magical ability inherited from ancient times, but it is also impossible to understand what the ability Chen Ying'er activated is. He could only lay down layer after layer of flame defense in front of himself, trying to consume the power of the six-color light pillar.

However, that six-colored light seemed to be completely invincible, and the thick flame defenses were directly ignored by it. The six-color halo passed through and finally fell straight on the fire mage, turning his body into six colors.


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