Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 644 The Earth Dragon Turns Over (Part 2) (Third update)

Boom - The earth trembled violently, and terrifying earth element fluctuations burst out like a blowout. Within a radius of a kilometer, the thick earth element was rioting crazily. Along with that roar, the ground instantly cracked, and the entire Moon Demon Palace and even the entire Demon City trembled at the sudden roar.

How is this going? The same question instantly appeared in the hearts of the moon demons. They were all eighth-level powerhouses, and their perception of nature was strong enough. The earth element fluctuations that appeared in that moment were enough to threaten their lives, causing these moon demons to fly away in panic. . One by one, they flew quickly into the air.

No matter what race they are, when their lives are threatened, the first thing they will consider is obviously their own safety.

At this moment, a second roar suddenly sounded.

At this moment, it felt like a giant dragon was turning over under the earth. In the entire Moon Demon Palace, large areas of the ground cracked, and countless earth and rocks flew up. Amidst the terrifying fluctuations of the earth element, there was a violent roar. It burst out one after another like rolling thunder.

The Moon Demon Main Hall is indeed the most important building of the Moon Demon Clan. Even under such an explosion, it only kept shaking but was not exploded. Around the main hall of the Moon Demon, layers of dark purple halo continued to ripple. This is its own defensive array. Can only be used for building defense. This is the fundamental place of the Moon Demon Clan. The throne of the Moon Demon Gods of all generations is enshrined. How can it be so easily shaken?

Even though there is no Moon Demon Divine Pillar in the main hall of the Moon Demon at this time, its defensive power is still extremely terrifying.

However, as the initiator of this outbreak, Long Haochen never thought of destroying the Moon Demon Palace! He and Yue Ye reviewed all the details. Naturally, we know very clearly what level of defense the Moon Demon Palace can achieve. Therefore, his goal is not to destroy the Moon Demon's main hall, but to use the earth element forbidden spell of Holy Guard No. 9 to let everyone know that someone has attacked the Moon Demon's main hall.

At this time, the forbidden curse finally broke out in full force. The terrifying roar made the entire Demon City tremble, and large areas of the Moon Demon Palace walls collapsed. Thousands of earth and rocks flew up crazily, with such terrifying explosive power that even ninth-level experts did not dare to approach it at this time.

Although the defense of the Moon Demon Main Hall is strong, it is its own defense and does not cover the earth below it! Accompanied by a deafening roar. The entire Moon Demon Palace was pushed up by a terrifying force and rushed directly into the air.

It could be clearly seen that a huge earth-yellow dragon came out from under the head of the Moon Demon. This giant dragon was more than a hundred meters long, rolling around crazily, and the terrifying spiritual energy fluctuations erupted from it. The strong earth element caused all the surrounding earth and rocks to explode wildly. It seems that every stone has turned into a spiritual cannon full of explosive power.

Many of the Moon Demons who were unable to dodge already screamed in agony. The palace where the Moon Demon Clan ate had collapsed long ago. In just a short time, at least more than a third of the palace in the Moon Demon Palace had been turned into ruins, and the earth and rocks transformed from these ruins were still exploding crazily. Only those buildings with defensive formations that are particularly important in the Moon Demon Palace have been preserved. As for the Moon Demon's main hall, which was directly above the earth-type forbidden spell earth dragon, it rose hundreds of meters into the sky driven by the powerful earth element. No matter where you are in any corner of the city, you can clearly see its presence.

The earth-yellow dragon did not pursue it, it just rolled crazily, emitting powerful earth element fluctuations. Even the ninth-level Moon Demon Clan warriors did not dare to approach at this time.

Among the earth forbidden spells, the earth dragon's ability to turn over is not the strongest. Because it has a big flaw, and that's scope. The range of the forbidden spell is generally very wide, but the range of the forbidden spell of Earth Dragon Turning Over can only be limited to a diameter of 500 meters, and the surrounding explosions are the aftermath of it itself. The real power is greatest within a diameter of 500 meters.

However, precisely because of this, the power of this earth dragon is more terrifying than many earth-based forbidden spells. It won't attack directly, but if you want to attack it, you'll probably be out of luck. This earth dragon is truly condensed with the help of the power of the earth. Compared with the spiritual power released by the forbidden curse, the overall spiritual power of this earth dragon is more than 300,000. Of course, it can only continue to cause damage in place for a period of time. After that time, it will dissipate on its own. This is another disadvantage.

Therefore, if a powerful earth magic god uses this forbidden spell, it means that his goal is to destroy buildings rather than kill enemies.

And in Long Haochen's entire plan, there is nothing more suitable to be used here than Earth Dragon's Transformation.

The crystal Yue Ye gave him could store forbidden spell-level spiritual power in a short period of time, but it would dissipate over time. Therefore, it must be used quickly after storage.

It was impossible for Holy Guard No. 9 to complete the forbidden spell and at the same time cross the space with Long Haochen through the eternal melody. This was originally a big problem faced by Long Haochen, but it was solved because of this crystal. At this moment, the Earth Forbidden Curse Earth Dragon Transformation has completed its mission perfectly, and it has attracted the attention of all the powerful demons in the entire Demonic City.

Focus on the attack and protect the main hall. A loud voice sounded, and under the purple-black light cloud, two dark purple figures appeared silently next to the Moon Demon's main hall in the air. One of the figures flashed into the Moon Demon's main hall, while the other figure descended slightly. Immediately afterwards, thousands of purple lights burst out from his body, like a huge purple light shield that enveloped the earth dragon that was continuously turning below.

How domineering is this to break the forbidden curse? Of course, he didn't want to destroy this forbidden curse, but to control its power.

The appearance of these two figures immediately calmed down the somewhat panicked Moon Demon tribe. A large number of Moon Demons began to output their own powerful magic power in the air. Some of them protected the main hall of the Moon Demon, while the other part continued to restrain the second figure. The earth dragon turning over forbidden spell below.

Undoubtedly, the two men who suddenly controlled the whole place and commanded the Moon Demon were two of the four Moon Demon Kings. Agares and the Demon God Emperor went to the Exorcism Pass and took away the two Moon Demon Kings, while the Moon Demon Palace left behind Let these two guards guard you. They are all the real top experts of the Moon Demon Clan.

As the second largest clan of demons, the Moon Demons were caught off guard by this sudden forbidden curse, but they were finally able to react in time to minimize the damage. However, even so, this sudden forbidden curse also destroyed a large number of buildings in the Moon Demon Palace, which cannot be repaired in a short while.

At this moment, a large number of lights and shadows appeared in the sky above the heart of the Demon City, mostly black, and they rushed towards the Moon Demon Palace.

Long Haochen seemed to have no feeling at all about the changes that had taken place in the magic city, but in fact, his mental power had already been activated to the maximum level after placing the crystal, and he felt all these changes in all directions. Everything changes.

The moment the Moon Demon main hall soared into the air, Long Haochen's speed increased again. He knew that his early goal had been achieved.

The road he was speeding on was also chosen after careful consideration and careful comparison. It was not the shortest road from the Moon Demon Palace to the Star Demon Palace, but it was definitely the most hidden one. Almost the entire route was under the shadow of the building. At the speed he was reaching now, if he didn't look carefully, he couldn't even see the shadow clearly.

The more it was at this critical moment, the more calm Long Haochen's temperament became. This was the case at this moment. His breathing gradually became steady as he galloped, and the pure light element in his body flowed without even a trace of it spilling out. He relies entirely on external spiritual power to propel his body.

They finally took action, and Long Haochen's heart suddenly shook slightly, and some of the spiritual power that had spread outside quietly shrank. Because he clearly felt that at least a hundred figures flew out from the direction of the Star Demon Palace and headed straight for the Moon Demon Palace. They were also the first among the other major forces in the entire Demon City to take action. The relationship between the Moon Demon Palace and the Star Demon Palace is indeed close, which also proves the correctness of Long Haochen's plan.

After there was some movement in the Star Demon Palace, the next figure to emerge was the Demon Palace. At this moment, Long Haochen quickly retracted his scattered mental power, not daring to make any further inquiries.

The demons are so powerful! Long Haochen secretly sighed in his heart. The moment he retracted the mental power detection, he could clearly feel that among the demons flying in the air at that moment, there were at least more than forty people with cultivation levels above the ninth level. What a terrifying power this is. This is the strength of the mainstay of the demon clan. And that’s even after the Demon God Emperor took part of it away.

Must succeed today. Long Haochen clenched his fists firmly, and just when the black shadows were gathering towards the Moon Demon Palace, he finally arrived outside the Star Demon Palace.

After a slight pause at his feet, Long Haochen stood up and rose from an inconspicuous place on the side of the Star Demon Palace. In his right hand, there was an extra yellow star-shaped gem.

There was a faint layer of elemental fluctuations outside the Star Demon Palace, but it naturally disappeared when it came into contact with Long Haochen's body. But Long Haochen only exuded a faint layer of warmth from the gem in his hand.

In the end, Long Haochen made the most careful calculation and judgment when deciding to carry out this plan. The conversation and improvement with Yue Ye gave him a comprehensive understanding of the Moon Demon Palace and the Star Demon Palace, and Yue Ye provided him with several of the most important items. Including the crystal that releases the forbidden curse, and also the crystal in his hand that can pass through the outer barrier of the Star Demon Palace.


The third update is coming. It would be a shame if you didn’t vote. hey-hey. The fourth update will be around 5pm.

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