Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 643 The Earth Dragon Turns Over (Part 1) (Second update)

The low chanting of spells echoed in the first floor of the Tower of Eternity. This spell does not belong to anyone in the Dawn of Light. The strong earth element fluctuations are lingering here.

Not far in front of everyone, four figures were sitting together, three of them forming a triangle, and their positions were the three vertices of the triangle. The other one sits in the center of the triangle, and the incantation comes from its mouth.

Red, blue, cyan, yellow. The four figures each have their own different colors, and they are clearly the four holy guards that Long Haochen obtained from the Tower of Eternity.

Holy Guard No. 10, No. 11, and No. 12 formed a triangle. At this time, the soul fire in their eyes was beating violently. The air around the body of Holy Guard No. 9 sitting in the center was violently distorted, making his body look a little unreal.

The three holy guards are injecting their soul power into Holy Guard No. 9 to help him complete the spell! In the hands of Holy Guard No. 9, there is also a white gem the size of a fist. As he chanted the incantation, countless earth elemental powers were being injected into the gem from its body.

Long Haochen was waiting, and they were also waiting quietly. This mission will not last long. They must complete a blitzkrieg in the heart of the magic city to succeed.

Releasing a forbidden spell by chanting a spell in the magic city is no different than seeking death. Even the most ordinary moon demon can detect this level of spiritual power fluctuations several kilometers away. Therefore, the spell must be completed here. The gems in the hands of Holy Guard No. 9 did not belong to the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group, but were obtained by Long Haochen from Princess Yueye. This was also the most important part of their plan.

Zhang Fangfang said: It's almost time, everyone, be prepared. If there are no changes, Haochen should be back soon. Due to Cai'er's amnesia, when Long Haochen was away, he asked the mature Zhang Fangfang to temporarily command Guangzhi Morning light.

Sima Xian pulled the dark golden chain in his hand, directly lifted the Power of Light Pill in his hand, shook it vigorously, and carried it on his shoulder. Everyone else also released their own weapons and waited quietly.

The chanting of Holy Guard No. 9 is getting louder and louder, and it can be clearly seen that the colorless crystal in his hand has turned into a dazzling crystal yellow. The powerful spiritual energy fluctuation caused the air around the crystal to twist violently. The earth element, which is like substance, is being poured inward crazily.

Concentrating all the power of the four holy guards is enough to complete a level of forbidden spell magic. As the Tower of Eternity has absorbed so much soul power, their strength has also been improved to a certain extent.

At this moment, a golden light flashed, and Long Haochen reappeared in front of his companions. He did not speak, but came directly to the four holy guards.

The spell of Holy Guard No. 9 has reached its final stage at this time, and his high-pitched chanting stirred up waves of echoes in the Tower of Eternity.

Long Haochen's expression was very serious. It would be absolutely impossible to say that he was not nervous now. They are causing trouble in the heart of the magic city, and they are targeting the Demon God Pillar of the Star Demon God. The boldness of this plan would shock anyone. Moreover, this is undoubtedly the most difficult and dangerous mission they have undertaken. Fortunately, the existence of the Tower of Eternity and Eternal Melody made this task feasible. Otherwise, they would not even dare to think about it.

Finally, the high-pitched chanting suddenly stopped, and in the violent explosion of the air, Holy Guard No. 10, No. 11, and No. 12 fell down almost at the same time, with only a trace of the soul fire left in their eyes. However, Saint Guard No. 9 was filled with yellow light all over his body, and the earth element was frantically pouring into the crystal for the final time.

It can be clearly seen that complex magic patterns are appearing around the crystal. Even if you just look at it, you can feel how violent the energy it stores is.

The yellow light suddenly converged, and all the magic patterns disappeared in an instant as if they had penetrated into the crystal. The entire crystal was dark yellow, but exuded a faint dark golden brilliance.

Holy Guard No. 9 sent the crystal to Long Haochen. His hands were trembling, showing the great consumption.

Long Haochen took the crystal and nodded to him. Holy Guard No. 9 immediately sat cross-legged and sat back in the distance, silently recovering the extremely exhausted soul power.

Long Haochen turned to look at his friends, nodded to everyone, the golden light flashed again, and he disappeared from everyone's sight again.

Everyone in the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group understood that from this moment on, their plan had been officially launched. Everyone's emotions became tense at the same time, and there was an indescribable excitement among the tension.

Long Haochen quietly reappeared in the corner outside the Moon Demon Palace. He tapped his toes on the ground and did not use any spiritual power. He just used the power of his body to rise up.

The wall outside the Moon Demon Palace was more than ten meters high, but it was nothing compared to Long Haochen's explosive power. As soon as he pressed his right hand on the wall, his head was already looking into the Moon Demon Palace.

The location he was at at this time was carefully selected. He discussed it with Yue Ye for a long time yesterday before finally deciding on this location. This place is located on the side of the main hall of the Moon Demon Palace. In the main hall of the Moon Demon, the shrines of the Moon Demon Gods of all generations are enshrined. Behind the main hall is where ordinary moon demons eat, except for the royal family of the Moon Demon Clan.

In the Moon Demon Palace, there is no more important place than the Moon Demon Main Hall. If the Moon Demon God Agares was in the Moon Demon Palace, his Demon God Pillars would all be here. At that time, the Moon Demon's main palace was undoubtedly impregnable. But Agares is not here at this time, and naturally neither is the Moon Demon Pillar. It is a time of emptiness.

Long Haochen's eyes narrowed slightly and he judged the position. With his calm mind, his heartbeat could not help but accelerate a little at this time. Once the action is launched, there is no turning back, and it must continue.

The dark yellow crystal held in his right hand was releasing scorching heat in his palm. Long Haochen took a deep breath to calm down his agitated mood. His eyes flashed with cold light, his wrist suddenly shook, and the yellow crystal in his hand shot out like lightning.

At this moment, he no longer hid his spiritual power, otherwise he would not be able to unleash the full power of this crystal.

The yellow light disappeared in a flash, passing through a space of hundreds of meters, and landed accurately on the land outside the Moon Demon's main hall. With a swish, it disappeared directly into the soil.

When Long Haochen saw it sinking into the ground, he immediately turned around and left without stopping for a moment. His body jumped out like lightning at the fastest speed. He found the direction and galloped away according to the planned plan. He can't release his spiritual wings now, which would be too obvious in this magical city. But he has maximized the speed he can display on the ground.

As Long Haochen stormed away, the main hall of the Moon Demon remained calm, and the ground outside was no different from before. It seemed that everything had not changed.

However, the fluctuation of light elements that appeared at that moment still attracted the attention of the strong men in the Moon Demon Clan. After all, in this magic city full of dark elements, the sudden appearance of light elements is still very doubtful.

Just a few seconds after Long Haochen flew away, several purple figures appeared on the side of the Moon Demon's main hall. The space where the yellow crystal had passed before looked around with doubts, and a detection technique had been expanded.

What's going on? There was light element fluctuation just now? A tall and handsome moon demon asked in confusion. Although he was wearing a robe, he could still faintly see the bulging muscles under the robe.

Another moon demon with a relatively slender figure said solemnly: Yes, I feel it too. How come the light element suddenly appears? Is there any result from the detection technique?

No, everything is normal. The third moon demon shook his head. The strength of these three moon demons is around the eighth level. Among the Moon Demon Clan, they can only be regarded as ordinary adults.

The tall moon demon who spoke first said in a deep voice: Something is wrong. I don't know why, but I have a bad feeling. The light element will never appear for no reason. Even the light element in the sun cannot penetrate into the heart. In the city. There must have been a human with light attributes who came here just now. Let's search carefully.

While they were talking, suddenly, the expressions of the three moon demons changed at the same time, and they subconsciously lowered their heads to look at their feet.

They were surprised to see a layer of seemingly soft yellowish light slowly emanating from the ground beneath their feet. And this yellow halo is spreading outward.

Why is there an earth element again? The three moon demons all had an inexplicable feeling, but the earth element that appeared at this time was very soft and weak. To them, it was not a threat at all.

At this time, more moon demons have rushed over, and the yellow on the ground is becoming more and more intense.

No! Look. A moon demon suddenly exclaimed. A group of moon demons looked in the direction of his finger, and they were shocked to find that a layer of faint yellow had climbed up on the wall of the moon demon's main hall.

Quick, darkness suppresses. A moon demon with a strong cultivation level shouted, and all the moon demons suddenly ignited with a strong dark purple light.

The Moon Demon clan is not unpowerful. Almost all of the Moon Demons present are eighth-level experts. However, their actions were ultimately a step too late. Even a ninth-level moon demon can only protect itself when faced with a forbidden spell that has been unfolded. To prevent the outbreak of this forbidden curse, unless the Moon Demon God Agares is in the Moon Demon's main hall at this time.


What is kindness? When it breaks out in a climax, that's called kindness. Four updates today and at least six updates tomorrow. We strive for monthly votes and recommendation votes.

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