Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 633 The power of the morning light! (superior)

The blood marks cut by the bloody storm ran from the Leopard Demon God's right shoulder blade to his ribs, although the cut was not deep. But it really hurt his body. Moreover, just after the bloody storm was contaminated with his demon blood, a sudden change occurred.

The originally blood-red light suddenly shone with an orange-red light. This terrifying killing weapon actually evolved at this time. The more powerful cutting force caused a piece of flesh and blood to fly across Osei's back as the bloody storm passed by. The intrusion of tyrannical murderous intent further affected his speed.

Wang Yuanyuan also had a look of surprise on his face. Osei had already forcibly moved his position and attacked Long Haochen's shield wall almost frantically. She couldn't help but glance at her bloody storm. Immediately, he was shocked to discover that the orange-red light on the bloody storm was spreading to the entire serrated blade body at an alarming speed. An unparalleled killing aura burst out.

Yes, Bloodstorm evolved. This is a killing blade. In the holy war, it has experienced the baptism of countless wars and blood. Stained with too much, too much blood. So much so that the bloody storm itself had already turned blood red. And today, it was stained with the blood of the demon god in his demonized state, and finally became the last straw that broke the balance. This killing weapon has been elevated to an even more terrifying level.

Leopard Demon God Osei finally dodged Wang Yuanyuan's attack from one side and continued to attack Long Haochen, but two thick shields took advantage of his previous sluggish movement and struck him at the same time. It was Han Yu and Zhang Fangfang.

However, the Leopard Demon God is a ninth-level powerhouse after all. Although he was shot by them, it was Han Yu and Zhang Fangfang who were ejected.

Han Yu was a little better. He had the life sharing of the soul chain on his body, although his body was bounced away. But the whole body was emitting a strong golden light, and with the recovery of the blessing of light, the injuries were minor.

Zhang Fangfang was bounced farther away, but his cultivation was a bit more stable than Han Yu's. The body was curled up as much as possible. Although a mouthful of blood spurted out, the injuries were not serious.

Their obstruction bought time for the other person. The huge metal ball came fiercely, and thousands of purple lightning shrouded down, covering Ouse's body.

Osei yelled, and the dark red flames rose even more violently, and he managed to neutralize all the attacks of these purple thunder and lightning. But there was one thing he couldn't resolve. That is one of the characteristics of thunder and lightning, adsorption.

At the same time that the purple electric light was dissolved, they also pulled a huge golden light group to catch up with Osei's body.

Feeling the powerful threat, Osei had no choice but to raise his right arm and block the metal ball's bombardment.

His thick arm came into contact with the metal ball, and then he felt a terrifying explosive force burst out from the metal ball.

Everyone else in the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group could clearly see that Osei's body turned completely amethyst at this moment. He, who was so fast before, actually froze in mid-air. The metal ball imprinted on his body also completely turned into amethyst color. The loud rumbling sound actually erupted directly from Osei.

There is no doubt that this metal ball is Sima Xian's Power Pill of Light.

Although it was the first time for the partners to see such a terrifying power of the Light Power Pill, they had cooperated for many years, so how could they miss such an opportunity?

Han Yu and Zhang Fangfang were knocked away, but the others were still there! Wang Yuanyuan immediately rushed forward with the newly evolved bloody storm. At the same time, a gray crystal-like brilliance flashed behind the Leopard Demon God. Cai'er, who was hiding on the side, finally took action.

Cai'er has now mastered the true meaning of assassin. When facing a strong enemy, she will definitely not take action, but once she does, it will be shocking.

She was hiding in the dark, not only looking for opportunities, but also building momentum. The assassin's momentum is not as obvious as that of the knight, but the explosion after the accumulation is even more terrifying.

Wang Yuanyuan was also unwilling to lag behind. The orange-red brilliance on the bloody storm suddenly converged, and even the blood evil energy around her body also converged. If you look closely, you will find that at this moment, there is actually something on the bloody storm. The halo of light flows like water waves. The murderous aura full of ferocity turned into reality and was used by Wang Yuanyuan in attacks.

Just like Long Haochen is not an ordinary eighth-level powerhouse, his friends are also not ordinary seventh-level powerhouses!

Cai'er's Death Scythe was the first to cut into the purple thunder and lightning. The purple thunder and lightning did not recognize anyone, but Cai'er's Death Scythe seemed to be insulated and was not contaminated by the lightning.

The first of the seven skills of the God of Death is the sorrow of death.

Gray light flashed, as if nothing had happened, Cai'er's body had already swept aside, and the second thing that hit Leopard Demon God Ose was not Wang Yuanyuan, but a strange dark blue fire. The flame turned into a straight line and instantly pierced into the purple body, hitting it almost at the same time as Death. There was only a slight difference between the front and back, but the direction was different.

Next came Wang Yuanyuan's bloody storm and a golden light blade covered in orange.

In such a situation, how could Long Haochen be missing? It's not like he only knows how to defend.

Puff, puff - Purple light burst out, and amid the fierce roar, Wang Yuanyuan felt a powerful explosive force coming from the bloody storm, which instantly blew her away. Her body was paralyzed, and she was somewhat unable to control it. The purple lightning flashed around her delicate body, which was actually affected by the residual power of the purple thunder and lightning.

Fortunately, Zhang Fangfang rushed over from behind and caught her body.

Ah—— A roaring roar burst out from the mouth of the Leopard Demon God Osei. At this time, the smooth dark red hair on his body was completely black. Several horrific wounds were intertwined on his body. The most fatal thing was still the blow from the Death Scythe, which almost threw away his entire back, and even his neck was cut off in half. There was a small charred black hole in his chest, and the inside of the hole was also scorched black.

Sima Xian stumbled back a few steps and sat down on the ground. Both he and the Light Power Pill in his hand had completely lost their luster. Fortunately, Han Yu's blessing of light was not over yet. He quickly rushed to his side, supported him, and at the same time helped him recover with the blessing of light.

At this time, the life-sharing effect of the soul chain was revealed. Although everyone was more or less eroded by the counter-shock force, the damage was borne jointly.

Bang - Osei fell to one knee on the ground. No blood flowed from his body, but his huge body was trembling continuously. And it's shrinking rapidly. After being severely injured, he could no longer maintain his demonic state.

Not to mention him, even the members of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group did not expect that they could launch such a joint attack, and all of them hit the Leopard Demon God Osei.

Long Haochen's sword-centered Aria of the Goddess of Light, Cai'er's Death God's Qi Jue Death, Wang Yuanyuan's bloody storm that materialized murderous intent, Lin Xin's Vulcan Finger plus Hell Flame Needle, the powerful attacks of the four were unleashed on Sima Immortal Light's Dali Pill briefly restricted Osei, but it exploded with too much lethality. Except for Lin Xin, their weapons are all epic! Even Lin Xin has the boost of the Blue Fire Phoenix Spiritual Furnace.

Chen Ying'er's magic had already been completed, and the leopard demon outside the hall was suppressed by a large number of magical beasts combined with the powerful magic of Haoyue's six heads. There was no way they could rush in to help their god. At this time, no one can help the Leopard Demon God. Everything can only be borne by himself.

However, at this moment, a terrifying prehistoric aura suddenly emanated from Leopard Demon God Osei, and his aura soared instantly. Around his body, a dark red flame vortex even rose up, spreading crazily in all directions.

Be careful, the devil is disintegrating the magic. Long Haochen shouted, immediately raised the Sun and Moon Divine Snail Shield and rushed forward. He is the leader of the group, and he has the unshirkable responsibility at this time. The Holy Spiritual Furnace was used again without hesitation to enhance the attraction effect.

When the dark red flames rushed out, Long Haochen knew that there was no way to stop Osei from performing the magic of disintegrating the demon.

After all, the Leopard Demon God is different from the original Snake Demon God. The Snake Demon God Andumali is only at the peak of the eighth level and has not reached the ninth level. But at this time, the Leopard Demon God was a true ninth-level powerhouse. It can be seen that at the moment he performed the magic of disintegrating the demon, a dark red light shot from behind, passed through the hall and injected into his body. That was the increase from the Demonic Pillar. The demon god pillars of the ninth-level demon gods and those of the last twelve demon gods are completely different.

Therefore, when Long Haochen defeated Crossel, the Demon God of Insight, it was largely because Crossel did not have the Demon God Pillar around him. The more powerful the demon god is, the more powerful the amplification effect of their demon god pillar will be on themselves.

Long Haochen's expression was very solemn at this time. Their joint attack just now could be said to be a superb performance, but they still failed to completely kill the Leopard Demon God, who was not good at defense. The seventy-two demon gods of the demon clan are indeed too powerful. If there are two demon gods here, then they must be the ones who failed today. Even now, it is not easy to stop the terrifying death backlash from Leopard Demon God Osei. At least it's hard to escape unscathed. That's why Long Haochen rushed forward desperately, trying to buy time for his friends to leave the battlefield. No matter how powerful the Heavenly Demon's Disintegration Technique is, it is the devil's last ability to burn life. With Ouse's current physical condition, death is almost certain after using the Heavenly Demon's Disintegration Technique.


It’s already the beginning of autumn, but the weather is still so hot. Everyone, please pay attention to your health and prevent heatstroke. There have been a lot of speculations about this plot recently. What I can say is that if you look forward to it, it will definitely be more exciting. I will also try my best to finish this big plot this month to thank everyone for their support.

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