Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 632 Siege of the Leopard Demon God (Part 2)

His legs were extraordinarily strong, but the dark red wings on his back shrank and turned into smaller folded wings. A pair of dark red eyes exuded a light full of hatred.

A sneer appeared on Long Haochen's face, and a golden figure separated from his back. Then a white light filled with holy aura floated away and fell on the Leopard Demon God Osei.

Osei, who had just completed his transformation into a demon, suddenly froze. Although he did not feel any harm from the white light, when he found that the white light could not stop falling on him, an inexplicable crisis suddenly arose in his heart. When he raised his head and looked forward, he found that there seemed to be only Long Haochen left in his eyes.

There is no doubt that the one emitting that white light is the Holy Spirit Furnace, and the golden figure is undoubtedly Yating.

Leopard Demon God Osei is the leader of the Leopard Demon Clan, so his abilities will definitely not fall outside the scope of the Leopard Demon Clan, at least they are enhanced versions of ordinary Leopard Demons. Moreover, it can be seen from the scene where he attacked Sima Xian as fast as lightning just now that speed is definitely his huge advantage. After becoming a demon, his wings shrank. What does this mean? The wings become double folded wings, and the only increase is the speed when bursting. In other words, after becoming a demon, Osei's speed will be further enhanced.

Long Haochen had so much combat experience that he could see at a glance the most difficult part of Osei. If he is allowed to fully unleash his speed, his own formation will definitely be broken, and it will never be able to maintain such a good performance. At that time, the entire battlefield became the stage for the Leopard Demon God.

However, Long Haochen had his own methods. The Holy Spirit Furnace could be said to be the nemesis of this type of agile demons. No matter how fast you are, there is only me as your target, so you can only attack me. Then, your speed is only aimed at me. As long as I don't get killed by you, you can't deal with others.

Although Long Haochen put all the pressure on himself, he also weakened the Leopard Demon God Osei's biggest advantage.

The Blue Rain and the Hibiscus of Light in his left hand have already been put away. The golden light reappeared behind him, and the light aura on Long Haochen's body suddenly rose sharply. This time, Yating was directly integrated into his body, making his own spiritual power purer and extremely increased.

The Sun and Moon Divine Snail Shield was placed in front of him, and Long Haochen poured his spiritual power into this artifact-level shield regardless of consumption. He never thought about competing with Leopard Demon God Osei for speed. Facing a ninth-level demon who is particularly good at speed, it is definitely unwise to compete with the opponent for superiority. And he didn't need to do that at all. What he needed to do was to defend himself impregnably and not give the other side a chance. That was enough. The rest was left to his friends.

The panic caused by the Holy Spirit Furnace caused the Leopard Demon God to explode instantly. The dark red light seemed to be teleporting. He suddenly arrived in front of Long Haochen. With a sharp roar that ripped through the air, his huge claws slashed towards him at the same time. Long Haochen.

Everyone behind Long Haochen could see that Long Haochen took half a step back with his right foot and made a lunge. Then, the Sun and Moon Divine Snail Shield in his hand emitted a magnificent colorful golden light. This golden light It spread instantly, forming a shield wall in front of everyone.

Amidst the harsh sound of metal friction, Long Haochen refused to take a step back, but his body was filled with golden light, the revenge of light.

Seeing the regiment leader making such a gesture, how could his companions not understand what kind of tactics Long Haochen needed? Almost without hesitation, the people behind him all flashed out and launched an all-out attack on the Leopard Demon God.

Under the violent collision, Long Haochen only felt numbness in his arms. He couldn't help but be secretly surprised. After completing the transformation of the ninth-level Leopard Demon God into a demon, the attack power of the ninth-level Leopard Demon God was so powerful that it was close to that of the Dragon-riding Demon God As. Maude's level. This shows how much the Demon God Pillar helped him. Long Haochen was definitely lucky when he single-handedly killed Crossel, the Demon God of Insight, in the Tower of Eternity. If Crossel had the Demon God Pillar by his side, Long Haochen himself would definitely be the one who died.

The powerful blow knocked back Long Haochen, and the Leopard Demon God Osei was also surprised. As a demon god, he could certainly feel what level Long Haochen's true cultivation level was. Although Long Haochen's equipment was very powerful, he was just an eighth-level knight. He was confident that the opponent's strength could not erase the gap in cultivation between the two sides. What's more, after he entered the demonic state, both his internal and external spiritual power had made a qualitative leap. Even if they face the top fifty demon gods, if they don't use demon transformation, they may not be their opponents. In particular, what Osei is good at is attacking!

His attack was very strong, but what he faced was the Sun-Moon Divine Snail Shield transformed into the Starlight Divine Beast, and it was the Sun-Moon Divine Snail Shield that had been activated by Long Haochen to activate the power of the divine weapon.

When Long Haochen faced the dragon-riding demon Asmodeus, he did not use the Sun-Moon Snail Shield not because the Sun-Moon Snail Shield could not block Asmod's attack, but because the Sun-Moon Snail Shield was an artifact-level weapon. The shield consumes too much spiritual power, and he can't hold on for long, which is not conducive to a protracted battle. At that time, he couldn't even let Yating help him improve his spiritual power. He wants to keep Yating's power-increasing Aria of the Goddess of Light.

But the situation now is completely different. Long Haochen is not fighting alone. He has so many partners around him. What he has to do is to block the attack of the Leopard Demon God as much as possible and attract all his attacks to himself. . Then, there is no better choice than the Sun and Moon Snail Shield.

For a demon of the level of the Leopard Demon God Osei, an artifact-level shield coupled with divine blocking is almost impossible to solve until Long Haochen's spiritual power is exhausted.

Osei failed to succeed with one blow, but his own terrifying power still emerged. He was unable to attack others due to the influence of the Holy Spiritual Furnace, but it did not affect his ability to feel the effects of the other members of the Demon Hunting Group of the Dawn of Light. His huge threat.

In a flash, he was already flashing to the other side like lightning, with sharp claws covering Long Haochen in all directions. He knew that only by killing the knight in front of him first could he deal with the others.

However, at the same time as the Leopard Demon God was taking action, the attack from the Dawn of Light group had also arrived.

Two rays of red light fell on Ouse at the same time. No matter how fast he was, his body would always pause when he launched the attack, and this pause only needed to be chased by his eyes. These two red lights are exactly what Zhang Fangfang and Han Yu are locked into.

While locking on the Leopard Demon God, Han Yu opened his own Light Blessing Spiritual Furnace, and at the same time, the crimson blood in his right hand slashed towards Osei almost crazily.

There is no doubt that the Blessing of Light Spiritual Furnace was mainly opened for Long Haochen to help him gather more spiritual power in a short period of time to maintain defense. As for whether the wild red blood could hurt the Leopard Demon God, it was not a question for him to consider.

Zhang Fangfang's attack seemed very heavy. With the help of the lock, he concentrated all his spiritual power on the shield and struck with the shield.

The strong light element instantly increased to the extreme, hitting the Leopard Demon God's body from the side.

Ouse's speed was too fast. Although he was locked by the two knights, Zhang Fangfang and Han Yu's attacks were still slid away by his tyrannical spiritual power. The attacks of the two seventh-level guardian knights only slightly affected his speed at most.

However, in the next moment, a surge of blood energy enveloped his body. That strength was not in Ouse's eyes, but the terrifying killing aura that filled his blood made him shudder, and his attack speed dropped again by one point.

The terrifying legendary weapon Blood Storm has swept across with the terrifying power of bloody cuts and blood saws. This kind of covering attack is already impossible for Osei to dodge.

Roar-- Osei roared angrily, and the terrifying and sharp dark red flames suddenly rushed out of his body, turning into countless leopard heads and bombarding around, attacking in all directions.

He thought well. Although he was hit by Long Haochen's front finger, he would still be able to use a range attack. Except for the knight in front of me, how could other humans block the full blow of the demonized self?

However, he underestimated the evolved Holy Spiritual Furnace. The Holy Spiritual Furnace was originally given to Long Haochen by Long Xingyu, and has undergone many evolutions. Among them, it was merged with Yating to form a synthetic spiritual furnace, and then absorbed the crystal left by the Demon God of Insight. It has long since broken away from the scope of the Holy Spiritual Furnace.

When the countless black flaming leopard heads appeared, they did not bombard the surroundings in all directions. Instead, they were all attracted by a strange attraction and bombarded towards Long Haochen.

At this time, Long Haochen was already enveloped in a shield wall of colorful golden light. With the increase of the Light Blessing Spiritual Furnace, the time that Long Haochen can maintain the Sun and Moon Divine Snail Shield will definitely increase significantly. What's more, he also has the spiritual support of Yating and the adamantine base armor.

Violent roars continued to sound on the shield wall, but they could not shake the Sun and Moon Divine Snail Shield at all. Osei's mistakes also caused him to withstand the opponent's attack.

The first thing that fell on him was Wang Yuanyuan's bloody storm. The bloody cuts and the bloody saws suddenly merged into one, turning into a dimensional storm and slashing hard on his swollen and thick muscles.

Dazzling blood burst out in the split void, and Osei screamed wildly, even though after becoming a demon, his body's strength had greatly increased. But after all, he is not a demon god who is good at defense! And that bloody storm is a legendary equipment with extremely powerful attack power. Suddenly, a bloody gash was left on his back.


Laosan has been working hard this month, and I believe everyone can see it. We will have continued outbreaks in the future. Please also ask the brothers and sisters of the Tang Sect to help our divine seals rush forward. The third goal is not high, I just hope that we can be in the top six at the end of the month and be satisfied. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Asking for monthly votes and recommendation votes.

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