Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 63 Green Double Sword Demon (3)

However, what made the five people's hearts sink at the same time was that after the four ice spears bombarded the carapace of the green double-sword demon, it shattered instantly and turned into countless ice crystals scattered in all directions, leaving only a few white traces on its body.

What a strong defense. It is indeed the melee unit with the largest number of demons.

The green double-sword demon doesn't have any skills, but its fifth-level strength is all reflected in its body, so how can it not be strong?

Clang—— The golden light burst out from the radiant shield in Long Haochen's hand, and he blocked the heavy blow from the green double-sword demon from top to bottom with the divine block. A layer of rich golden light suddenly appeared on his whole body. However, at this moment, Long Haochen's pupils shrank violently.

The green double-sword demon's physical attack power was stronger than he imagined. Long Haochen's current internal spiritual power had reached over 1,600 points, and he was an eighth-level knight. With his current level of cultivation, even the top earth knights could not break through the divine block without using skills. Because even a ninth-level earth knight would not have more than four thousand spiritual powers, and above four thousand would be a radiant knight. The Divine Control Block can withstand an impact equivalent to three times the spiritual power of one's own body at most. Otherwise it wouldn't be called the knight's most unsolvable skill.

But just like this, facing the green double-sword demon's heavy slashing, Long Haochen still took two steps back to stand firm despite the perfect performance of Divine Control's block. Moreover, he also discovered at the same time that the green double-sword demon only had one heavy sword on his shining shield.

At this time, the difference between the fifth level and the fourth level is completely revealed. When the Invisible Man of the Dike Tribe was blocked by Long Haochen's Divine Royal Guard, his body was sluggish for a moment, but the green double-sword demon didn't react at all, and the other heavy sword swept across almost instantly. He lazily walked towards Long Haochen.

Due to misjudgment of the green double sword demon's attack, Chen Si's shield collision had just started and was already too slow. Long Haochen blocked the blow, and his body was shaken violently. In desperation, he could only raise the lightsaber in his hand and use the revenge of light condensed by Divine Control to block the sharp blades on the forelimbs of the green double-sword demon.


In the next moment, Long Haochen's body was violently blasted away like a cannonball, flying three feet before hitting the ground. The powerful impact cracked his jaw open almost instantly, and the lightsaber flew far away.

When Long Haochen opened his mouth, a mouthful of blood spurted out. He was already injured.

Divine Block is not a god, and Long Haochen is not a radiant knight who can fully exert the powerful power of Divine Block. If he has not truly faced a powerful demon like the Green Double Sword Demon, he will never be able to realize this guy's power. How terrifying the attack power is. However, Long Haochen's efforts were not without rewards.

The next moment the green double-sword demon blasted Feilong Haochen, Chen Si's heavy shield had also hit it hard.

The green double-sword demon's body was slightly tilted by the impact of the shield, and Chen Si was also shaken by its body's counter-shock force and had to retreat seven or eight steps before he could barely stand still.

Li Xin and Chen Chen's attack also arrived at this time.

Chen Chen jumped into the air, and the two heavy swords shining with dazzling fire struck the green double-sword demon with blazing spiritual power. The warrior's jumping slash plus flame slash. Without the worry of defense, he wildly unleashed his fighting power as a berserker.

With a bang, the green double-sword demon's body was knocked crooked and almost staggered due to the bombardment. The two flame swords also left two scorched black marks on its body.

At this moment, the Rose Unicorn arrived like a red cloud. A fiery red light and shadow emerged from the Rose Unicorn, and it actually transformed into a spiritual state. Split Shadow Strike, Rose Unicorn's talent skill.

The green double-sword demon that lost its balance was forced to fly up due to the impact. Its powerful forelimbs struck the ground quickly, keeping its balance. The whole body curled up slightly, then bounced up again, aiming directly at Long Haochen.

Under the guidance of the Holy Spiritual Furnace, no matter how strong the attack power of others is, it must kill Long Haochen before fighting back. This is the effect of the spiritual furnace. At this time, Long Haochen had just stood up from the ground.

At this moment, a soft white light fell on Long Haochen's body, and the warm spiritual power caused the wound at his tiger's mouth to heal quickly. With the injection of warm energy, the injured internal organs also felt much better.

The healing light is released by the small light in Haoyue's double head. At the same time, five head-sized fireballs bombarded the green double-sword demon one after another. The power of the continuous fireball was not enough to cause damage to the green double-sword demon, but it made its body pause in the air.

Haoyue was already beside Long Haochen at this time. She propped up her body with her strong limbs, raised her head and stared at the green double-sword demon that was coming towards her without fear.


Long Haochen did not stay where he was and wait for the green double-sword demon. He instantly made a charge to the side. He had to join up with his friends to deal with this guy. During the charge, he picked up his lightsaber.

The green double-sword demon's body is indeed strong. Even when it was attacked continuously, its speed was not affected at all. His limbs fell to the ground, his body turned in an instant, and he rushed after Long Haochen.

Roar—— At this moment, Haoyue roared with both heads at the green double-sword demon at the same time.

It's strange to say that it was surrounded by everyone before, and many fourth-level skills fell on it but failed to stop its movements. But now, under the roar of Xiaoguang and Xiaohuo, the green double-sword demon actually fell down. There was a bit of surprise and uncertainty in Sen Leng's eyes.

While it was paused, Long Haochen had reunited with his companions. He winked at Chen Si, and the two stood side by side again.

After Lin Jialu's ice spear technique failed, she stood there and chanted a spell quickly. This spell was very lengthy. Strange blue symbols were quickly gathering around the staff she held high in the air. The water element around her body was becoming more and more intense.

Li Xin was riding on the back of the rose unicorn, with a pious light on her face. The two swords in her hands pointed diagonally at both sides. The thick golden light and the red fire emanating from the rose unicorn were rapidly merging.

The two sisters of Haoyue unanimously chose to accumulate strength. If they could not seriously injure the green double-sword demon, no matter how miraculous Long Haochen's Holy Spirit Furnace and Divine Control Block were, they would not be able to escape the fate of destruction in the end. They have already demonstrated their powerful abilities.

Compared with them, the two brothers Chen Si and Chen Chen were obviously inferior. They did not have that much background and were the most nervous.

Brother Chen, it's still the same as before. You don't need to take action in advance. Long Haochen's calm voice made Chen Si feel at ease, and the aura of faith was released from Long Haochen, covering all five people.

The green double-sword demon who paused for a moment has rushed over again, and the powerful double sword went straight towards Long Haochen and slashed out.

This time, Long Haochen did not stand still and directly use the Divine Control to block. Instead, he took a step towards the green double sword demon.

Almost exactly the same as before, the green double-sword demon's two swords did not fall at the same time. The first sword fell. Long Haochen suddenly accelerated his steps and made a sideways movement. Then, the radiant shield in his left hand flickered. Obliquely, white light burst out from the radiant shield in an instant, forming a thick layer of white light patterns adhering to the surface, and instantly collided with the first sword of the green double sword demon.

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