Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 62 Green Double Sword Demon (2)

Rose is already a fifth-level top-level monster, only one step away from the sixth level. Compared with the level of humans, the monster has to be lowered by one level. It is basically equivalent to the cultivation level of a peak knight, which is stronger than everyone present. There are With its help, the certainty of dealing with the green double-sword demon will naturally be greater.

Lin Jialu had calmed down a lot at this time and continued to observe with the eagle eye technique, We will see it in three minutes at most.

Long Haochen made a decision immediately and said: I will be the main defense later. I won't hide it from everyone. I used the ability of the spiritual furnace when I attracted the invisible people of the Earth just now. I guess you should listen to the Holy Spiritual furnace. I said it. So, after I block the green double sword demon later, before I am killed by it, you can let go and attack without any scruples. I don’t know how long I can resist, so you have to go as fast as possible The strongest attack will take it out.”

The five of them only have three professions, knight, warrior and magician, and they have never cooperated before. When they faced the invisible man before, they already seemed a bit confused, so Long Haochen had to make certain arrangements.

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but light up when they heard the words Holy Yin Spiritual Furnace, especially Lin Jialu. As the daughter of the governor of Haoyue City, she knew much more about spiritual furnaces than the Chen family brothers. She also immediately understood that it was the Holy Spiritual Furnace that saved her life before.

Li Xin looked at Long Haochen in surprise, Haochen, you brat, how many things are you hiding from your sister?

Long Haochen apologized: I'm sorry, sister, the teacher didn't let me say it, I...

Li Xin smiled and said: Okay, now is not the time to talk about this. Kill the green double-sword demon first and then I will settle the score with you.

The two brothers Chen Si and Chen Chen looked at each other with a dull look in their eyes. The fourteen-year-old knight also owned a spiritual furnace that they did not dare to think about.

Chen Sidao: Haochen, let me help you with your defense. It's just you, I'm afraid...

Long Haochen nodded and said: Brother Chen, use your shield to block the collision from the side later to buy me some time. I have to use the divine block to defend, but after every block, I must use the shield to block the collision. Only when the spiritual power is used up can I use the divine block again. Brother Chen, what you have to help me buy is this moment. If we cooperate well, the green double-sword demon will be able to use it before our spiritual power is exhausted. There is no way to break through our defense.

Chen Si swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said, The one you used to block the full-force attack of the Invisible Man from the Earth just now was a divine block, right? I wasn't sure just now, but it turned out to be true.

Long Haochen chuckled, winked at him, and said, Brother Chen, you have to keep it a secret for me!

Chen Si gave a look of understanding and stood about two meters away from Long Haochen.

Although they have never cooperated before, everyone is still the leader of the younger generation in Haoyue City. With Long Haochen as the core, it will be much easier for others to cooperate from the side.

Lin Jialu retreated a little further away, with Li Xin and Chen Chen on both sides, and the five of them waited quietly together.

It can be said that it is precisely because of the Holy Spiritual Furnace owned by Long Haochen that they have the opportunity to challenge the green double-sword demon. Otherwise, if such a fifth-level powerhouse is allowed to attack, except for Long Haochen's divine control to block it, , I’m afraid no one else can resist it.

Although it was his first time to enter the battle with the Holy Spiritual Furnace, Long Haochen had already deeply understood how important this spiritual furnace, which had no offensive or defensive power, was in team combat. I also realized what Ye Hua meant when he called it the most suitable guardian knight's spiritual furnace.

Looking at the lightsaber in his hand, Long Haochen thought to himself that his father was right. Only in real battles can one's strength be enhanced the fastest.

In terms of physical strength, Long Haochen is far from comparable to the two brothers Chen Si and Chen Chen. He is only fourteen years old, but at this time, he is the mainstay among the five. He is not afraid of facing the fifth-level strong men. I am afraid that he is the only one among the five who has actually tried to fight head-on with the fifth-level strong men who are going all out.

At this time, the sun had slowly risen from the distant east, bringing light to the earth again. On the distant horizon, under the golden sunlight, a green figure gradually appeared in the field of vision of the five people.

At this moment, Long Haochen slowly closed his eyes and adjusted the movement of spiritual power in his chest.

Holy Spiritual Furnace. It attracts not only the enemy, but also my inner spiritual power! In the battle just now, when he activated the spiritual furnace, his spiritual power recovered at least 20% faster than usual. Long Haochen is now becoming more and more interested in the legendary treasure such as the spiritual furnace.

The green color continued to expand in front of everyone's eyes. Li Xin, Lin Jialu, Chen Si, and Chen Chen all clenched their weapons in unison.

This is not ordinary practice. They are really facing a powerful enemy with a cultivation level as high as the fifth level. Failure is impossible to repeat, because failure means death.

Finally, they were able to see clearly the appearance of the green figure.

The green double-sword demon is about two meters tall and about three meters long. Every time its thick and powerful limbs kick on the ground, the body can rush forward four or five feet. Behind it, there is a pair of not very wide, shell-like wings. , this pair of armor wings cannot make it fly, but it can keep its majestic body balanced during the forward thrust. The ferocious head looks a bit like a lizard, but it is wider and reveals sharp teeth. The most powerful thing is the pair of forelimbs growing on its shoulders.

The pair of forelimbs are one meter and a half long and are extremely strong. Compared with them, the limbs used for running can only be used to support the body. The forelimbs are raised in front of the head, and there are three sharp blade-like spikes on each forelimb. The outermost sharp spike is the longest, a foot and a half long, the second spike is about a foot, and the third spike is shorter. The two thick forearms had a total of six sharp blades shining with a faint green light. These two forearms are the double swords of the Double Sword Demon. If it were an ordinary double-sword demon, there would only be sharp spikes on the outermost edges of its forearms. The stature is also much smaller than this green double-sword demon.

Just when the green double-sword demon approached the five-person range of 100 meters, Long Haochen, who had his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes. His long eyelashes were slightly raised, and the light in his clear pale golden eyes could detect people, and even reflect people's reflections. The figure of the green double-sword demon emerged. A strong fighting spirit burst out from his whole body instantly.

Ready to fight.

The distance of a hundred meters is just a few ups and downs for the green double-sword demon.

You humble human being, how dare you kill my demon warrior, go to hell. The green double-sword demon spat out words like a bell. Before it could finish a sentence, its huge figure had already rushed towards him.

White light shone, and the Holy Spiritual Furnace was activated. When the green double-sword demon had just rushed into the twenty-meter range, Long Haochen had already locked it instantly.

The green double-sword demon obviously hesitated for a moment, and then, without hesitation, it jumped high in the direction of Long Haochen. Its shiny green carapace fell towards Long Haochen like a ball of blue light under the sunlight. , the huge forelimb was brutally chopped off.

Boom—— The first collision was not with Long Haochen, but with the magic activated by Lin Jialu.

Four long ice spears hit the green double-sword demon almost at the same time.

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