Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 623 Seven-Colored Divine Sword (Part 2)

For their demon clan, such words are already a considerable recognition of their opponents. Humans themselves are regarded as part of the food by the demons, especially the corpses of strong human beings, which the demons will never let go. Asmodeus expressed his respect for Long Haochen.

Long Haochen didn't say a word. At this moment, his eyes completely rested on the Aria of the Goddess of Light in his hand.

As a disciplinary knight, why didn't he use two divine swords at the same time before? He was originally good at using two swords. If he used both swords at the same time, he would be able to exert even greater strength. However, he did not do that because his follow-up method was hidden in this aria of the goddess of light.

The Dragon Riding Demon God Asmod was much more powerful than him. Long Haochen knew very well that it was completely impossible for him to defeat his opponent. Not even able to stop Asmodeus. However, he has his own methods.

Back then, when he was still very young, Long Xingyu told him the characteristics, characteristics, and fighting methods of all demon gods.

Long Xingyu's evaluation of Asmode is very similar to his evaluation of Ananda. He commented that the war mad demon Ananda was an absolute martial arts fanatic. In Ananda's heart, there was nothing more important than improving his own strength. Even if it was the Demon God Emperor's order, he might not always obey it completely.

And his evaluation of Asmode is somewhat similar to his evaluation of Ananda. Asmode is also obsessed with improving his strength, but what is different from Ananda is that while he is obsessed with improving his own strength, he also has an obsession with the Demon God Emperor. But he is absolutely loyal and more sensible than Ananda. Perhaps it is precisely because of this that he cannot compare with Ananda in terms of personal strength.

In other words, Asmodeus is obsessed with improving his own strength and knows how to prioritize, but Ananda does not at all.

It was precisely because of this characteristic of Asmod's character that Long Haochen did not fully increase his own strength when fighting him at the beginning, but relied entirely on his martial arts to compete with him. You know, this will put huge pressure on Long Haochen. Facing an opponent whose cultivation level is far above his own, how can it be easy to deal with the opponent's overwhelming attack by relying solely on his skills?

However, there is no doubt that Long Haochen succeeded. His sword skills and sword intention deeply attracted Asmod's attention. So much so that Asmodeus did not fight him with all his strength, but only competed on skills. This creates an excellent opportunity for companions. Until Yang Wenzhao and Duan Yi were rescued.

When Asmodeus launched that powerful blow, Long Haochen had actually been prepared for it, and everything was in his calculations. Yang Wenzhao and Duanyi were rescued, and Asmodeus naturally would not give up. And under the influence of the Holy Spiritual Furnace, he must kill himself. Therefore, despite being prepared, Long Haochen still faced difficulties, but he finally managed to deal with it.

Asmodeus had always ignored one thing when fighting Long Haochen before, and that was Yating who appeared with Long Haochen and used the Holy Spiritual Furnace on him.

After Yating appeared, she was always behind Long Haochen and never participated in the battle. Not even a single spell was cast. In addition to fear of causing Asmodeus to attack with all his strength, the other most important reason was that she was waiting for Long Haochen's order, waiting for the order to merge with the Aria of the Goddess of Light.

This was the real back-up that Long Haochen left for himself. After the constant infiltration of meteorites from the sky, whether it is the Aria of the Goddess of Light, Blue Rain, or the Hibiscus of Light, its own quality has been extremely improved. Moreover, because they are directly nourished by Yating through the Holy Spirit Furnace, their compatibility with Yating becomes higher and higher.

When Yating first merged with Lan Yu and Light Hibiscus as a sword spirit, it directly caused its damage. But now it is obviously not the case.

The Aria of the Goddess of Light is more suitable for Long Haochen's sword intention, and Yating can only be integrated into one divine sword, so he has always only used the Aria of the Goddess of Light. When Asmodeus attacked with all his strength, Yating instantly merged into the divine sword, truly turning it into an artifact. The goddess of light's aria filled with sword spirit seemed to be really resurrected. It was as if the bright sword god Ye Wushang had returned. Long Haochen just used it to launch Shura Slash, and launched Asmodeus's fatal blow.

Seeing that Long Haochen did not respond to his words, Asmodeus's expression became more solemn, and he originally held the gun with one hand instead of holding it with both hands. The three heads and six eyes simultaneously emitted a deep black color. The spear in his hand slowly pointed forward, a black halo glowed from the tip of the spear, but there was no flame anymore, and the flag gun in his hand turned completely as black as ink.

The tip of the spear was pointed at Long Haochen, and the terrifying fighting intent mixed with the extremely fierce killing intent caused the space between the two to distort.

Long Haochen still stared at the divine sword in his hand, and said calmly: Asmod, remember to tell the Demon God Emperor that I will wait for him among the demons. Either the demons will perish, or I will die. I am what you have been looking for. Long Haochen.

Huh? Asmodeus, who had been concentrating on it, was shocked when he heard what he said. The next moment, Long Haochen's body suddenly emitted a layer of strange purple-gold color. This layer of purple-gold color instantly blended into the aria of the goddess of light. Long Haochen followed the sword and stabbed him with a flowing sword.

When the sword was thrust out, it was like a purple-gold lightning suddenly flashed in the sky, and the whole sky darkened.

This was Long Haochen's true knowing strike, the sword that seized the fortune of heaven and earth. As soon as the sword came out, his whole mind was completely integrated with the sword. The goddess of light who possessed the sword spirit seemed to be sighing when the purple-gold lightning flashed out, but that sigh gave people a refreshing feeling. Yes, at this moment, the sword of the Light Sword God Ye Wushang finally returned. This sword finally had the style he had back then.

There was no sound of collision. The next moment when one person and one demon passed by each other, Star King had reappeared in the air, carrying Long Haochen and rushing towards the distance.

What is deeply strange is that the dragon-riding demon Asmodeus did not pursue him, but remained suspended in mid-air. The spear in his hand maintained a forward stabbing motion.

However, what is shocking is that the black color on his five-meter flag gun is fading rapidly. It can be clearly seen that there is a deep blood streak on the flag gun, spreading from the tip of the gun to his palm. groove. Not only that, there was also a straight deep mark on Asmodeus's armor transformed from the hell dragon, from the helmet to the abdomen.

Asmodeus blocked the thrust of Long Haochen's sword. However, he failed to block the sword intention contained in this sword, the real sword intention.

It turned out to be a power that was completely condensed from mental power. No matter how powerful his cultivation was, he couldn't resist it.

At this time, Asmodeus was deeply shocked by the sword. He knew very well that if he and Long Haochen had the same cultivation level, then the sword just now would have killed him.

For the first time, Asmodeus felt that he was so poor in martial arts. Such a weak opponent, but he just relied on the sword to hurt himself. He has always felt that even if he challenges the top twelve demon gods, he may not necessarily lose, but now he truly understands that there is still a huge gap between himself and more powerful opponents.

The flag gun was slowly retracted, and Asmodeus's three heads moved slightly. The bull's head and the ram's head looked at the human head in the center in unison.

Rentou took a deep breath and murmured: Long Haochen.

Boss, do we want to chase him? If he activates the Demonic Pillar, that boy is still no match for us. Niutou said in a deep voice.

But the man shook his head and said: No chasing. Have you forgotten His Majesty's instructions? If you encounter a human knight named Long Haochen, or a human knight riding a multi-headed monster, don't push too hard. Let's Let him go. Your Majesty will naturally have a way to deal with him.

The male sheep head closed his eyes, Boss, I think we should stay in seclusion for a while. When we get to the exorcism camp, it's better not to participate in the battle for the time being.

The human head nodded slightly and said: I think so too. I seem to have seen another way. I hope I will have the opportunity to fight against this human being just now.

As he spoke, Asmodeus put away his gun and stood up, and the armor on his body quickly disintegrated, turning back into the appearance of the hell dragon, but with a deep scar on the body of the hell dragon.

Asmodeus didn't know that the moment Long Haochen rode on the Star King, a mouthful of blood had already sprayed into the mask of the adamantine base armor.

His battle with Asmodeus seemed simple and unpretentious, but in fact it took a huge amount of effort on his part. The pressure brought by his opponents was too strong. Long Haochen was always vigilant, even at this time. If Asmodeus activates the power of the Demonic Pillar or enters the demonic state, then he has no other choice. He must catch up with his friends as soon as possible and initiate the teleportation from the Tower of Eternity.

Fortunately, I don't know if Asmode was immersed in his sword and did not pursue it. Star King flew at full speed and quickly passed by the demon army below, joined his friends and headed into the distance.

Asmodeus, who was riding on the back of the hell dragon, looked at Long Haochen in the distance, with a look of deep contemplation in his three heads and six eyes. That moment of sword light was deeply imprinted in his mind, and a sense of enlightenment gradually appeared in his heart.

Long Haochen didn't know that it was precisely because of his battle with Asmode that the dragon-riding demon god's ranking was greatly improved soon after, and he directly entered the top twenty-four among the seventy-two pillar demon gods.


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