Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 622 Seven-Colored Divine Sword (Part 2)

The scene on the other side was even more powerful. The golden light burst out from a huge metal ball. Wherever the metal ball passed, there was a thunderous roar. No bull demon could get close at all, and they were immediately blown to pieces.

In addition to these three people, there was also a magician standing proudly behind, waving his staff, and twelve bursting fireballs scattered in all directions, exploding among the densest group of bull demons.

Those blue fireballs are like blue ghosts. Even if they are contaminated with a little spark, they will instantly melt flesh and corrode bones. Once affected by the explosive force, they will instantly turn into charcoal.

Behind the magician, there is another knight, with a heavy shield in his left hand and a heavy sword in his right hand, protecting the rear. A group of five people inserted themselves into the enemy formation at an astonishing speed and headed straight for the prison car in the center.

Their appearance was too sudden, and the attack power they unleashed was too powerful, especially that of the magician. His attack covered a huge area. Each explosion of a bursting fireball could kill dozens of bull demons. Damage, he blasted a passage in one go. The Bull Demon Clan army fell into chaos.

There is no doubt that these five people are Han Yu who opened the way, Wang Yuanyuan and Sima Xian on the left and right wings, Lin Xin in the center and Zhang Fangfang in the back.

Just as the five of them appeared forcefully, a loud dragon roar suddenly sounded, and then, a black giant appeared from the sky and flew straight towards the Bull Demon Clan army. In the air, the black dragon, which was more than ten meters long, breathed out from its mouth. With just one sweep, hundreds of bull demons were corroded into water and disappeared completely. On the back of the black dragon sat a young girl. The girl's body is shining with a thick twisted light. If you look carefully, you can find that the twisted light is turning into layers of ripples and integrating into the body of the black dragon beneath her.

The heaven-defying dragon!

If Han Yu and the others' charge was not enough to upset the morale of the Bull Demon Tribe, it only made them a little confused. Then, as this heaven-defying demonic dragon appeared and launched an attack on the Bull Demon Clan army, the military morale of the Bull Demon Clan army was immediately shattered. For a moment, the Bull Demon Clan army didn't even know whether to fight or flee. Under such circumstances, the members of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group almost marched straight in, aiming directly at the prison car.

Of course, there are not without smart people in the Bull Demon Clan army. Several particularly tall Bull Demon Clan strongmen guarding the prison car saw the enemy approaching at an alarming speed. One of the Bull Demon Clan strong men immediately roared, grabbed the iron cage of the prison car, turned over and got on the prison car.

It looked like the enemy was targeting the two prisoners, and these humans were quite powerful. They had to be prepared to kill the prisoners first when the humans attacked.

The dark gray light disappeared in a flash, and the bull demon who had just jumped onto the prison car was slashed diagonally from his left shoulder to his right waist, and his body that was broken into two parts fell directly from the car.

A graceful figure also appeared on the prison car. Black dress, black sickle. Sen Leng's murderous intention surged out, and the huge scythe in his hand swept across. The book-titled bull demon guarding Fatty in the prison car was killed in an instant.

Although the overall strength of this bull demon army is good, there is no particularly outstanding strong person. Except for the dragon-riding demon god Asmode, the strongest bull demons are only at the sixth or seventh level. How could this bull demon bring any trouble to Cai'er?

In Long Haochen's plan, attracting Asmodeus was the first step, and then came the strong attack by his partners. After all, although Cai'er was able to get close to the prison car with his own strength, it was difficult to bring them out among thousands of troops. Yang Wenzhao and Duan Yi had been arrested for so many days, so one can imagine their physical condition. , couldn't bear the bumps, so when they came to rescue, they naturally had to ensure the safety of these two people first. Cai'er's mission was to ensure that Duanyi and Yang Wenzhao would not be harmed again before everyone rushed to the prison car.

Before other bull demons around him could rush over, he swung the death sickle continuously, and the steel cage in front of it was like it was made of tofu. It was directly cut into pieces, but it did not hurt Yang Wenzhao and Duan Yi at all.

The two of them had already fallen into a semi-conscious state, lost the support of the prison cage, and immediately collapsed on the prison car.

Cai'er hurriedly stepped forward and put a pill given by Lin Xin into each of their mouths. They lay on their backs and the pill naturally liquefied and flowed into their bodies.

The appearance of the heaven-defying dragon greatly shocked the bull demon army, so much so that Cai'er rescued Yang Wenzhao and Duanyi, but not many bull demons attacked her.

There is no doubt that the heaven-defying demonic dragon was transformed by McDull. Although Chen Ying'er used the Spiritual Furnace of Time to display the Gate of Life before, she still had the support of the Soul Saint Cloth and her fighting power was still there. McDull's current incarnation of the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon is no longer just a decoration like it was at the beginning. With the support of the huge spiritual power of the Soul Saint Cloth, it not only does not need to swallow magic crystals, but also can maintain the strength of a ninth-level monster for a period of time with the support of the Soul Saint Cloth. Flying through the sky, he soon arrived at Cai'er's location.

Cai'er grabbed one in each hand, jumped up, and landed on McDull's back with Yang Wenzhao and Duan Yi. The Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon flapped its wings and flew up quickly. At the same time, another breath came out, this time it came back. Helped Han Yu and the others to wipe out a group of enemies.

Han Yu and the other five also took advantage of the situation and urged their spiritual wings to fly up and converged here.

The Bull Demon Tribe is not a race that can fly. In addition, they were frightened by the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon. Their actions went very smoothly and they quickly joined together in the air.

The movement here naturally attracted the attention of Dragon Riding Demon God Asmode.

From the violent rise of Han Yu and the five others, to Cai'er's rescue and the sky-defying demon dragon taking flight. It only takes a minute.

Asmodeus was having a hearty fight with Long Haochen, and he was even a little reluctant to output more spiritual power. Because he was in no rush to kill Long Haochen. In the process of fighting Long Haochen with pure martial arts, he felt that he had benefited a lot. Long Haochen's superb use of skills gave him considerable inspiration. So it wasn't until the aura of the heaven-defying demonic dragon appeared over there that he realized something was wrong.

Tune the tiger away from the mountain and be fooled. Asmodeus made the correct judgment immediately. He didn't want to bother with Long Haochen anymore. With an angry roar, the flag gun suddenly condensed in the air, and then, a huge black flame burst out from the flag gun, turning into a huge fire pillar with a diameter of more than five meters and heading straight towards Long Haochen to bombard him.

With the function of the Holy Spiritual Furnace, he had to kill Long Haochen before he could deal with the situation on the other side.

The terrifying black flame gave people an almost viscous feeling. For a moment, Long Haochen felt as if he had entered a dark world without light.

The feeling of suffocation even made him feel the pain when he was suppressed by the undead demon Samikina. This attack was obviously prepared by Asmodeus and was specifically aimed at Long Haochen's technique. No matter how good your martial arts skills are, what can you do under the absolute suppression of spiritual power? This is a way of reducing ten benefits with one effort.

After launching this attack, Asmodeus almost turned around and flew towards the army.

The appearance of the heaven-defying demon dragon also shocked him greatly. He was a member of the Demon God Emperor's clan! Could it be that a heaven-defying demon dragon betrayed His Majesty the Demon God Emperor? He had to find out.

However, just when he thought that Long Haochen would not die but would be seriously injured under his charged attack, and would be unable to maintain the Holy Spiritual Furnace. Long Haochen's clear voice came from behind.

Where do you want to go? Your opponent is me.

Huh? The attraction ability of the Holy Spiritual Furnace did not disappear. Asmodeus was pulled by the Qi machine and turned around almost instantly. He was surprised to see two huge black flames flying towards the distance, but Long Haochen was still at his previous position, but the sword in his hand had changed.

The unsealed Aria of the Goddess of Light was originally orange-red epic equipment, but at this moment, it has suddenly turned into colorful gold.

Divine weapons may not always have seven colors, but seven colors must be sacred weapons. This has been proven on the Sun and Moon Divine Snail Shield.

Long Haochen still held the heavy sword with both hands and stared at Asmode with burning eyes. It could be seen from the way the black flames passed by that in Asmode's view it was enough to devour everything in front of him. This opponent's attack was actually deflected by him. It didn't really hurt Long Haochen himself.

The strange seven-colored golden light immediately attracted the attention of the Dragon Riding Demon God Asmodeus. He is indeed one of the demon gods who is best at fighting, but at this moment, Asmodeus immediately put aside everything below him and concentrated on Long Haochen.

During the battle between him and Long Haochen just now, Asmode also secretly admired Long Haochen's powerful yet mysterious sword intent and sword skills. At this time, the weapon in Long Haochen's hand suddenly turned into a divine weapon, and Asmodeus couldn't help but ignore it. If a human knight who can cultivate sword skills and sword intent to an almost perfect level has such a divine sword, it is not just as simple as adding more power to a tiger, but it can truly threaten Asmodeus.

Asmodeus did not regret at all because he did not fight Long Haochen with all his strength before. This battle brought him a lot of inspiration. He was absolutely sure that through this battle, he would definitely improve in martial arts. There is quite a bit of progress.

Demons are just like humans. The closer the battle, the more potential they can unleash. Asmodeus's eyes lit up when he saw the divine sword in Long Haochen's hand.

Very good, you are indeed qualified to be my opponent. If I kill you today, I will bury you with my own hands to show my respect for you. Asmodeus said coldly, pointing his flag gun diagonally in his right hand, It is the head in the middle that speaks.


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