Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 615 Dragnet (Part 2) (600 votes plus update)

Even Yue Ye herself didn't know what kind of emotions she felt towards Long Haochen. How could she not understand that there was no possibility of a relationship between herself and Long Haochen? However, Long Haochen's figure was so clear in her heart.

She didn't know how many times she wanted to forget him, and she was even ready to marry Abao. However, since that incident, her mood has completely changed.

Abao led the Demon Hunters to besiege Long Haochen and Cai'er. In order to kill Long Haochen and Cai'er, Abao finally chose to give up her and his own fiancée. On the complete opposite side, Long Haochen almost paid the price with his life in order to save Cai'er. When she watched Long Haochen use his body as a shield to block Cai'er's attacks from the powerful demons again and again, Yue Ye's heart felt as painful as being pierced by countless ice picks.

Two equally excellent men, one represents darkness and the other represents light, one is his fiancé and the other is his partner. Why are they so far apart?

Perhaps, this is the gap between light and darkness. The dark ones can give up everything for profit, and in their hearts only profit is eternal. The man of light may be stupid, he even sacrifices his life for his lover.

But as a girl, an emotional girl, the choice is obvious. Yue Ye was absolutely certain that if Long Haochen didn't have Cai'er by his side, he would definitely have a fatal attraction for her. If he likes her, she will be with him no matter what.

However, all this is just a fantasy. Knowing that it is impossible makes the pain in Yue Ye's heart become more intense. Why wasn't I the one he was with?

This fool, he appeared at this time to inquire about the other two demon hunters, which meant that he must reappear on the battlefield fighting the demons.

However, he is already being targeted by His Majesty the Demon God Emperor! Will Your Majesty let him go?

When she thought of the Demon God Emperor, Yue Ye couldn't help but shivered. She was the most beloved daughter of the Moon Demon God Agares. She was very clear about how powerful her father's cultivation was. Her father's power was supreme in her heart. The sun is normal. However, whenever Moon Demon God Agares mentioned the Demon God Emperor, the overwhelming fear and respect made Yue Ye feel extremely chilled.

She didn't know how powerful the Demon God Emperor was, but she could definitely make a comparison. Compared with Long Haochen and the Demon God Emperor, he was like an ant in front of a mammoth. Once he is found by His Majesty the Demon God Emperor, then...

No, I must find a way to tell him not to let him enter the territory of the demon clan.

Your Highness Princess, Lord Moon Demon God calls you over. At this moment, the maid's voice sounded.

After a moonlit night, I remembered that my father seemed to have something important to discuss with me today.

Moon Demon Palace.

Moon Demon God Agares stood quietly in front of his Demon God Throne, with long purple hair hanging behind him. If it weren't for the vicissitudes and wisdom in his eyes, he might easily be recognized as a young man with his handsome appearance.

Father. Yue Ye's voice sounded outside the hall.

Come in. The expression on Moon Demon God's face softened a bit. There was really nothing he could do about this daughter, and he dared to disobey the Demon God Emperor's order. His precious daughter was probably the number one in the Demon Clan, and she refused the marriage from the Demon Clan's platform.

The Demon God Emperor did not pursue this matter, and even Abao did not pursue it either. It seems that this matter is over. Of course, Agares wouldn't think that this incident would affect the Demon God Emperor's attitude towards him, but it was not a good thing. After all, Abao will be the next Demon God Emperor. If they can get married, the status of the Moon Demon Clan will be further consolidated.

Yue Ye walked in from outside. Compared with two years ago, she looked more mature now. Her tall figure had perfect proportions and her figure was a bit plumper. Coupled with those stunning purple eyes, even the Moon Demon God Agares, who was the most picky about beautiful things, secretly praised his daughter's beauty in his heart.

Compared with ordinary women from the Moon Demon Tribe, Yue Ye, who is a hybrid between humans and demons, has less of a dark temperament, but more of a human softness, and is more attractive.

Father, you said you have something important to discuss with me. If it has to do with Brother Bao, don't say anything. Yue Ye walked to the center of the Moon Demon Palace and said immediately before he could stand still.

In the past two years, Moon Demon God had tried to persuade her countless times.

Agares said helplessly: You girl! Don't you know how to think about our people?

Yue Ye raised her head and looked at her father with burning eyes, but said nothing.

Agares sighed and said: Okay, I won't persuade you anymore. Things are already like this. I came to you for another thing.

Upon hearing that her father was not trying to persuade her to reconcile with Abao, Yue Ye's expression softened, Just tell me.

Agares' face turned pale and he said solemnly: You should know the cause of this holy war. You have met that man before.

Ah? Yue Ye was shocked. She had been thinking about Long Haochen before, and she had just learned about him. Why did her father call her to inquire? Could it be that his father already knew that he was connected to him? For a moment, her face suddenly turned pale.

Agares said softly: Don't be afraid, my father will protect you and won't let him hurt you again. In his opinion, when Yue Ye was kidnapped by Long Haochen, when he heard that he mentioned him, It's the inner fear.

Yue Ye quickly controlled her emotions, What happened to him?

Agares said solemnly: Your Majesty launched a holy war for this human being. Although it has the intention of weakening human beings, it also shows how huge the threat this person poses to us. Today I say to you If so, you must keep it strictly confidential and must not spread it outside, do you understand?

Yue Ye nodded quickly and asked with some curiosity: Dad, I have never understood that although Long Haochen is excellent, he is only a human after all. What threat can he pose to us? Is it possible that with His Majesty's cultivation? Are you afraid of him?

Agares said in a deep voice: Because he threatens the foundation of our clan. His own strength is nothing, but he has a mount that is enough to threaten us. You don't need to know the details of that mount. I I know that you have established a huge intelligence network spanning our clan and the Temple Alliance through the Free Business Group. I need your information.

Information about that person? Isn't he already missing? Yue Ye's heartbeat speeded up significantly. Although she vaguely felt that the situation in front of her was just a coincidence, after all, she had just received the news about Long Haochen! How can I not feel uneasy in my heart?

Missing? He's just hiding in the Human Temple Alliance. For him, your third uncle used the Great Prophecy Technique before the start of the Holy War. Through the Great Prophecy Technique, he predicted that Long Haochen would return in the near future. He has entered the territory of our demon clan and will go in the direction outside the human exorcism pass, but he cannot predict the exact time. Therefore, now he needs your Free Chamber of Commerce to provide the most accurate information. His Majesty has laid a dragnet and has to clean it up personally. He can also stabilize our clan’s ten thousand-year inheritance.”

After hearing what Agares said, Yue Ye couldn't help but take a deep breath, and for a moment her heart was so excited that she almost couldn't help herself.

The Demon God Emperor actually wanted to take action himself for Long Haochen, my God! Star Demon God Vasak actually cast a great prophecy for him. Coupled with his father's demands on him, the three top demon gods of the demon clan actually want to jointly deal with him. How can he be so virtuous and capable? Isn't this certain death?

For a moment, Yue Ye was speechless in shock.

Looking at her expression, Agares frowned slightly and said, Girl, did you listen to your father's words seriously?

Ah! I have... Yue Ye quickly adjusted her emotions and murmured: Dad, I just think, is it worth it for him? Even His Majesty has to take action himself.

Agares snorted and said: You don't need to know too much about this. It concerns important secrets of our demon clan. Do you know that in order to predict the future direction of this kid and the future trend of our demon clan, you three After the uncle used the great prophecy technique with all his strength, his origin was severely damaged. He is still in a state of retreat and healing, and the situation is very bad. At least 80% of his 100% strength has been reduced. Otherwise, even with his ability, it would be impossible to predict the time. So accurate. Therefore, your information must be put into operation immediately without any mistakes. Do you understand? Once this is done, your father will ask Your Majesty to take credit for you. I believe that your previous refusal to marry can be covered up. It’s over.”

Well, I will do my best to find out the information. Yue Ye lowered her head so that the Moon Demon God could not see her obviously panicked eyes at this time.

Agares said: Go, your news must come as soon as possible. Tomorrow I will set off with His Majesty and all the demon gods stationed in the demon city, rush to the exorcism pass, and lay a dragnet. This time we must not let The boy escaped.

Yes. Holding back her excitement, Yue Ye carefully exited her father's bedroom. As soon as she went out, she almost couldn't help but run towards her residence.

She didn't have any other unnecessary thoughts now, she just wanted to tell Long Haochen the news as soon as possible. Even she herself didn't understand why she was so impulsive.

Back at her residence, just as she was about to send out the message as quickly as possible, she suddenly received a message, which came from the Ten Thousand Beasts Gate of the Moon Night Chamber of Commerce. When she saw the message, she couldn't help but feel like she was struck by lightning.

The Moon Night Chamber of Commerce provided accurate information that Yang Wenzhao and Duanyi were imprisoned in the demon camp outside the Exorcist Pass. Long Haochen has taken the news and left.


This is the fifth update today, and it is also an additional update with 600 votes. Although there are still a few votes left, Lao San decided to update it in advance. Expect eight hundred votes. Can there be a sixth update with 800 votes? Brothers and sisters of the Tang Sect, rise up! Work hard! Let's rush forward.

Uncapped outbreak. Please win the monthly ticket!

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