Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 614 Dragnet (Part 1)

After a long time, Cai'er's mood gradually stabilized, and there were only slight sobs. Long Haochen didn't even dare to ask, nor did he dare to look at Cai'er, because there was no cover for them now! In order to reduce her temptation to him, he had to wrap Cai'er's body in a quilt and comfort her softly.

Slowly raising her head, Cai'er looked at Long Haochen with tearful eyes, I'm sorry, Haochen, I can't...

Long Haochen quickly shook his head and said: It's okay, it's okay, I was too impatient.

Raising her hand to wipe the sweat from Long Haochen's forehead, Cai'er snuggled tightly into his arms, It's my fault. I'm too afraid of losing you.

Seeing that her mood was relatively stable, Long Haochen tentatively asked, Cai'er, what's wrong with you? He never believed that Cai'er cried so bitterly because she was too intimate with him.

Cai'er lowered her head and said: Ever since I lost my memory, I felt that there should be another person in my body. And the person you like is not me, but the other me who has the memories of the past. Today, This feeling was particularly obvious when we faced Grandpa Ying'er's test. Everyone was reporting to you to boost morale. I could feel the persistence and nostalgia for the past memories in each of their hearts. But I didn't have that feeling. I don't have any memory. At that moment, I just felt that I was an outsider at all. I am no longer the Cai'er in your heart, right? But now, I also fall in love with you. Do you know? I Now I want to recover my memory, but I am also very afraid of recovering my memory.

If I can't recover my memory, I can't be sure of your feelings for me. But, if my memory is recovered, will I just disappear? I will never come back again? So I'm so scared, I'm really unhappy I like this feeling. I am afraid that I will lose you, lose you forever. So I came to you, I want to give you my most precious thing. But just now, I suddenly felt that none of this is mine. , it belongs to another her in my memory. So I can't give it to you, I can't, can't...

Listening to her weeping voice, Long Haochen fell silent. He asked himself secretly, did he like Cai'er in front of him in his heart?

Just as Cai'er said, his feelings towards her have changed since she lost her memory. Her memory has not been restored yet, and only Long Haochen knows best what kind of melancholy she is filled with.

However, his thoughts were different from Cai'er's. Cai'er was Cai'er no matter before or after amnesia. It's just that her memory was divided into two parts. So he has been waiting patiently. When Cai'er took the initiative to be intimate with him before, he would not refuse, because no matter what, she was his Cai'er!

Gently stroking her long, messy hair, Long Haochen whispered: Fool, you are such a fool. How could you think so? What I love is Cai'er, everything about Cai'er. It's your body , every hair of yours, even every drop of sweat. Whether it is before or after amnesia, you are you. You are my Cai'er. What you have lost is only your memory. You don't need to worry about your previous memories at all. After retrieving it, you will lose your current self. Because the memory will only be fused, it cannot be replaced or erased at all.

After listening to Long Haochen's words, Cai'er's excitement gradually calmed down. Although she didn't speak as she leaned in his arms, at least her trembling was reduced a lot.

Cai'er, do you know? In fact, I am very lucky. Much luckier than ordinary couples. At this point, Long Haochen paused and deliberately let it slip.

Sure enough, his words aroused Cai'er's curiosity. She raised her head and looked at him with her beautiful eyes that were red and swollen from crying, Why?

Long Haochen kissed her forehead and smiled: Because my lover loved me twice! Think about it, if your memory is restored in the future and your two loves for me merge together, wouldn't it be like this? Do you love me more? How lucky am I to have such an experience? So, you don’t need to worry about anything. No matter you were before or you are now, I will love you without reservation. I won’t hide it from you. In my heart, I still hope that you can restore your previous memories, because I hope you can think of our past happiness. But I will never force you to restore your memories. Let us just let everything take its course. No matter what, no matter when, you will not You need to worry about losing me. As long as I am alive, my feelings will only be yours. Even if I die, I will still be yours in the next life.

When I was a teenager, I didn't understand what love was, but now I understand. Love is thinking about you, missing you, doting on you, looking at you, hugging you, kissing you, and being willing to give everything for you. I love you , I love everything about you. There will never be any distinction because of your amnesia. Your amnesia will only make me feel distressed and make me pity you and love you even more. It was me who failed to protect you.

Haochen... Cai'er yelled, broke free from the quilt, threw herself into his arms, and hugged him tightly. Tears welled up again, but this time it was no longer pain, but happiness.

In the early morning, when Long Haochen appeared in front of his friends with two dark circles under his eyes, almost everyone except Cai'er, who was invisible, was snickering.

They live very close to each other in the Soul Temple. Anyone who is not deaf can hear Cai'er's shout yesterday. In addition, Cai'er didn't return to her room last night, so she could figure out what they were doing.

Long Haochen seemed to be fine on the surface, but he knew he was suffering. Last night for him could no longer be simply described as torture.

After Cai'er shed tears of happiness, she quickly fell asleep in his arms, and she held her very tightly. In order to let her have a good rest, Long Haochen would not wake her up.

In my arms is my only true love, and there is no barrier of clothing between them. Someone is just over twenty, and his blood is strong enough to rival the purity of his light element.

As you can imagine, the flag of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group was erected for a whole night. Fortunately, his body function was strong enough and it would not cause necrosis due to excessive congestion...

When Cai'er woke up in the morning and saw the situation, she immediately ran away in shame. Poor Xiaolong, who had been a kind-hearted person since childhood, couldn't even be a fifth girl. He took a cold shower for a quarter of an hour before he came out. It's weird that his face looks good.

I'll go to the Moon Night Chamber of Commerce to ask for news. Long Haochen couldn't stand the irritating and ambiguous looks from everyone and ran away. As soon as he went out, he heard a burst of laughter behind him. There was a wave of embarrassment on his face, and he thought viciously that if he had this chance next time, he would definitely eat Cai'er.

Magic City, Moon Demon Palace.

He, he actually showed up, he actually showed up. Yue Ye stared blankly at the letter in her hand, feeling a mixture of emotions for a while, her delicate body trembling slightly.

Ever since she forcibly broke off her marriage to Abao, she has been living in the Moon Demon Palace, never leaving or taking a step forward. Practice with concentration.

Yue Ye is a very smart girl, and she knows very well what kind of character A Bao is. If she rejected his marriage proposal, maybe he would really do something drastic. If she was forced to make a meal out of her home, would she still be able to not get married? But no matter how powerful A Bao was, he would never dare to cause trouble in the Moon Demon Palace. Moon Demon God Agares ranks second among the Seventy-Two Pillars of Demon Gods. This is not just a simple ranking. There are many powerful people in the Moon Demon Clan. Even the Demon God Emperor is very close to Agares.

However, staying in the Moon Demon Palace does not mean that Yue Ye knows nothing about the outside world. The Yue Ye Chamber of Commerce that she established is now the largest free business group between the Demon Clan and the Temple Alliance. After the start of the Holy War, the income of the free business groups dropped sharply, but it did not mean that there was none. It has gradually changed from dealing in goods to dealing in various strategic information.

Moreover, free merchants profit from both sides and operate very well under Yue Ye's command. They only sell some less important strategic information to both parties, allowing Yue Ye Chamber of Commerce to survive well between humans and demons. As for wealth, with so many years of savings, it is enough to support the consumption of Jihad in the past few years. The Holy War cannot go on forever. After the Holy War is over, her free business group can still continue to operate. Maybe she can still make a fortune due to the shortage of supplies on both sides.

Yue Ye has her own special communication method. In order to get accurate information as soon as possible, she has spent a lot of money in this regard. Through a special sound transmission crystal, magic sound platforms for reception and release have been established in many places on the mainland. Therefore, it only takes two or three days at most for her to know what happened in the Temple Alliance. It is also convenient to issue orders as soon as possible.

Now the Moon Night Merchant Group has obviously become the biggest intelligence dealer between the Demon Clan and the Temple Alliance. In terms of information gathering ability, Yue Ye, a girl who seems to be just a princess of the Moon Demon Clan, is undoubtedly the number one in the mainland.

Therefore, Long Haochen found the right person when he found the Yueye Chamber of Commerce to investigate Yang Wenzhao and Duanyi.

The token that Yue Ye gave to Long Haochen was special. She had already issued strict orders. No matter where the token appeared, she would get the news immediately. Isn't that right now?

The token appeared at the Ten Thousand Beasts Pass where the Soul Temple belongs, and asked to find out about Yang Wenzhao and Duanyi. He was really in the Temple Alliance, he really showed up.

Even Yue Ye herself didn't know whether Long Haochen's appearance made her excited or anxious.

In fact, she was not very familiar with Long Haochen, but she was absolutely sure of Long Haochen's amazing talent.

This fool, the holy war is coming to an end, can't he continue to hide? Doesn't he know what it means to accumulate more and gain less? A dark purple light shone on Yue Ye's hand, melting the letter.


Sorry, the 400 additional votes came a little late. The next 600 votes will never be late! Don't worry, everyone. Let’s all work hard to vote. No matter how much it is, I can write it even if I try my best. And everyone should also be able to see that a bigger climax is coming.

Asking for a monthly ticket.

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