Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 593 The Battle of Haoyue Evolution (Part 2)

Moreover, when this purple light appeared, a huge pressure like the power of heaven fell from the sky. When that pressure appeared, all the world outside the six-pointed star released by Haoyue turned into a deep purple, even those who were in the sky. The magma flowing in the cracks in the earth is no exception.

Long Haochen took a breath of cold air, what kind of strength would it take to do this? He vaguely felt that the enemy that was about to appear might be more powerful than the strongest undead demon Samikina he had ever encountered on the battlefield. And it’s the Undead Demon God who is using the power of the Demon God Pillar.

An existence of this level would probably be the master of this world. Long Haochen became more and more calm under the shock.

He shouted in a deep voice: Prepare the conjoined spiritual elixir.

Yes. His companions agreed in unison. Everyone is a well-informed demon hunter. Long Haochen can feel the strength of the enemy, and they can naturally feel it too.

Lin Xin handed a conjoined spirit enhancement pill to Zhang Fangfang, and the others also held one in their hands. This is already the last trump card of their handsome No. 64 Demon Hunting Group. Since their cultivation reached the sixth level, they have never used it.

The conjoined spirit enhancement pill improved by Lin Xin is more powerful than before. Not only can they be conjoined to enhance their spiritual power, but it can even improve their overall spiritual power with less side effects. After all, the materials for these new versions of the conjoined spirit-enhancing pills that were refined later were based on the magic crystals of lord-level demons, so they were naturally not comparable to the previous ones.

The dark purple light became more and more intense, and a long and faint sigh sounded in the air. The huge pressure instantly increased to the extreme, and then, a figure appeared out of thin air in mid-air.

Yes, there was only one enemy coming. She had a slim figure, suspended in the air, and looked very much like a human being.

She was covered with a large cloak, completely covering her head. In her right hand, she held a dark purple staff. Her staff looked like a long bone with two ends. The purple light emitted is also the most intense.

Long Haochen took a slight step forward, and his friends immediately gathered behind him. At the same time, a golden light separated from his body. It was Yating, and the two divine swords were handed over to Long Haochen's hands. .

After the dark purple figure appeared, it did not attack them immediately. Instead, it turned towards the six-pointed star arranged by the bright moon in the sky. The staff in his hand was slowly raised, and a low but very pleasant tone sounded in the air. It sounded like a female voice, but the language was something Long Haochen and the others had never heard before.

Take the elixir and follow me. Long Haochen shouted in a low voice and was the first to throw the conjoined Zenglin elixir into his mouth. At the same time, the four golden spiritual wings on his back instantly stretched out and he flashed towards the mid-air. Fly away.

The others also took the conjoined spirit enhancement pill almost at the same time and flew into the air with Long Haochen.

Long Haochen, Cai'er, Lin Xin, Wang Yuanyuan, Zhang Fangfang, Han Yu, all six of them, plus Yating, flew high into the sky together. The evil eye followed closely behind Han Yu, its tentacles entangled around Han Yu's waist, as if Han Yu was carrying him behind his back. Han Yu could clearly feel that after the figure appeared in the sky, Lord Evil Eye's body began to tremble violently, and it was the kind of uncontrollable trembling. The strong fear continued to be transmitted to Han Yu through the contract between them. heart.

This is definitely a ninth-level powerhouse, and definitely not an ordinary ninth-level powerhouse. Han Yu was secretly horrified, but he did not remind Long Haochen. What he could feel, Long Haochen could naturally feel. This battle will probably be extremely difficult.

With a pair of swords spread out on both sides of his body, Long Haochen and his companions lined up in a straight line and flew into the air. Everyone behind him put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front of him. Huge spiritual power began to be injected into Long Haochen's body in all directions.

The Aria of the Goddess of Light, the Blue Rain, and the Hibiscus of Light began to burst out with dazzling spiritual energy. The orange-red and turquoise colors were so obvious in the sky. Others also discovered that in addition to Long Haochen's pure light element, there was also a faint purple-gold halo, making him look more majestic.

Soon, Long Haochen and her friends arrived in front of the enemy wearing a big cloak, right between her and Haoyue.

Without opening a word, Long Haochen slashed out the two swords in his hands. Cross Cut, the strongest attack skill he can currently perform.

With the support of his conjoined companions, Long Haochen's spiritual power exceeded 100,000 almost instantly. Coupled with the increase in the adamantine base armor, the power he can now use has reached the strongest level in his life. To a large extent. Moreover, Long Haochen was surprised to find that with so much inner spiritual energy injected into his body, he did not feel full. Moreover, the spiritual orifices that had been faintly formed on his hips actually came into being at this time. finished. In other words, Long Haochen has now opened as many as seven spiritual orifices.

Opening spiritual orifices is the most difficult and important thing for all high-level professionals. As soon as Long Haochen opened these two spiritual orifices, he immediately felt that his cultivation level had reached a new level.

The epic brilliance of the two divine swords condensed into one point in the air, and the dark blue light flew straight towards the cloaked enemy.

In the sky, because of the intervention of a third party like Long Haochen, there was a huge fluctuation in spiritual power. As a favored person of the gods, and with strong support from his companions, Long Haochen at this time can definitely be described as a strong man in the world. After two years of accumulation, the Commander-in-Chief Demon Hunting Group No. 64 has indeed become powerful enough to compete with the demon gods ranked thirty-sixth and later.

Ding—— A melodious and crisp buzz sounded in the air. The enemy who was chanting a spell stretched out his left hand from under his robe.

It was a hand that looked very slender and slender. It was a woman's hand, and the palm was as clear as white jade. It could be said that it was the most beautiful palm that Long Haochen and the others had ever seen. However, this hand, which was as white as jade, was too pale. It was so pale that there was no trace of blood, giving people a very strange, even scary feeling.

It was this hand, an index finger, and a fingertip that gently touched Long Haochen's attack after conjoined spirit. The cross-cut attack is comparable to a full-strength strike from a divine weapon.

With this cross-cutting attack, Long Haochen had killed the parasites of the Green Demon Cavalry Demon and the Insight Demon God Crossel. However, at this moment, such a powerful blow was caused by the white jade. Like fingers blocked it.

A layer of dark blue light spread from her fingers, causing the graceful figure to tremble slightly, and her spell just stopped.

Although Long Haochen's blow did not cause her any harm, it ultimately interrupted her spell.

It's you creatures from another world again. A cold voice sounded in the hearts of Long Haochen and his friends. It was not a verbal exchange, but Long Haochen and the others could clearly feel the enemy's intentions.

Long Haochen was most shocked at this moment. Although he had blocked the enemy's spell, it was only a finger! He blocked his strongest attack with just one finger. With two epic-level divine swords, coupled with his spiritual power and pure light element at this time, he could only block the opponent's spell. What kind of strength is this.

You have the aura of Austin and Griffin on you. No wonder, no wonder you can block my spell. It seems that you are the one who led it to another dimension. You are so brave. I I’ll kill you first, and then kill it.”

The cold voice was full of anger, but it gave people a delicate and strange feeling. If Long Haochen had stayed in this world for a while when Haoyue evolved its third head, then he would have recognized that the enemy shrouded in a big cloak in front of him was the most powerful undead in the world. One of the monarchs, the Lich King.

Pointing the bone staff at Long Haochen in his hand, a small purple bubble flew out and hit Long Haochen. At the same time, the dark purple light in the sky behind the Lich King became more intense. , and the six of Long Haochen were enveloped in an instant.

The huge pressure was like overwhelming, and the strong dark aura seemed to be able to completely suppress Long Haochen and the others to death.

After all, this place did not belong to Long Haochen's plane, and he could not even rely on the power of the goddess of light. However, as a person favored by God, he has created countless miracles, so how could he be even a little timid in front of the Lich King?

The two swords in his hands suddenly put away, and at the same time, Long Haochen looked up to the sky and let out a long roar. In an instant, strong golden flames rushed out of his body, and the strong light like the sun suddenly reflected the sky in a golden color.

An extremely sacred aura bloomed from Long Haochen's body, and no matter how strong the dark purple light was, it could not invade this golden light.

The sacred spiritual power of light is the greatest nemesis of the power of the undead. Although Long Haochen cannot be supplemented by the spiritual power of light in this world, this also means that the light element is precious and special in this world.

No matter how powerful the Lich King is, she is still an undead after all. In the face of such a pure light element, she has already eaten it. Her powerful domain can't help Long Haochen. At this time, the purple bubble had also hit Long Haochen.

Facing this strange and powerful bubble, Long Haochen would never be careless. The colorful golden light suddenly bloomed, and a large ray of light spread out with his body as the core. It was the shield wall skill of the Guardian Knight.

Chichi... A series of strange sounds sounded on the Sun and Moon Divine Snail Shield. Even through the shield, Long Haochen was shocked by the terrifying corrosiveness of the purple bubbles.


Asking for monthly votes and recommendation votes. The next chapter is called Wrath of the Lich King. hey-hey. Are you happy? Just vote if you feel comfortable. I also write very openly, I just hope that it will be more enjoyable if we have more recommendation votes and monthly votes. Thank you, thank you.

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