Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 592 The Battle of Haoyue Evolution (Part 2)

After leaving the cave, Long Haochen couldn't help but sigh slightly. In this world of darkness and fire, it seemed that there would never be daylight. The turbid air made him dare not breathe directly, and the holy light shield opened to protect himself.

The temperature in the air is quite high, so much so that when you look into the distance, you can actually see some water-like twisted light.

In this harsh environment, Haoyue behaved as if nothing had happened, her body slowly crawling outside the entrance of the cave, five big heads raised at the same time, looking into the sky. The big mouth was opened, and he was actually breathing in and out of the turbid air, as if he wanted to absorb such air for practice.

Golden light flashed, and the friends were teleported to him one by one by Long Haochen. They immediately started to take action. Long Haochen, Zhang Fangfang, Han Yu and Wang Yuanyuan were guarding the four positions respectively. Lin Xin was in the middle, while Cai'er disappeared directly beside Long Haochen.

Haoyue, it's time to start. It's not too late. The sooner they finish, the sooner they can leave this world.

Xiao Guang opened his mouth, and a ball of dark blue light floated out from his mouth, which was the Demon God's Crown of Insight into the Demon God Crossel. At this time, the Demon God's Crown had obviously lost its spirituality. After flying out of Xiaoguang's mouth, it simply floated in front of Xiaoguang.

Purple brilliance began to emanate from Haoyue's body. This time, it was no longer the faint purple light, but an almost substantial purple light. Long Haochen had only seen this kind of purple light once when Haoyue destroyed the Demon God Pillar of the Snake Demon God Andumali.

Five rays of purple light spurted out from the mouths of Haoyue's five heads at the same time, and shot onto the demon's crown.

Suddenly, with a bang, the Demon God's Crown exploded in an instant, bursting out a large area of ​​dark blue light mist. Xiaoguang, Xiaohuo, Xiaoqing, Xiaolan, and Xiaozi swallowed up the fog in the air like a long whale sucking water. At the same time, purple light filled with supreme majesty burst out from its body. The already huge bulge suddenly began to squirm violently.

Roar—— Haoyue's five big heads looked up to the sky at the same time and let out a roar. Suddenly, the intense purple light on its body turned into a huge beam of light and soared into the sky. The dirty air around him melted quickly like snow meeting boiling water, and the surrounding vision suddenly became clear.

After the purple beam of light reached a very high position, it began to move rapidly, circling in the air and outlining a purple hexagram pattern. Immediately afterwards, the thick purple light pillar suddenly divided into five strands, each injected into one corner of the hexagram.


The bulge on the side of Haoyue's neck broke open, and a brand new big head came out of the neck. As soon as it appeared, a purple beam of light burst into the sky and occupied the last empty space among the six corners of the six-pointed star.

Such a strange sight had never appeared before when Haoyue evolved. Infused with six rays of purple light, the purple six-pointed star suddenly burst out with unparalleled purple brilliance, just like a purple sun suddenly appeared in the sky, bringing a layer of purple to the world within Long Haochen's sight.

No wonder, no wonder it wants to evolve outside. Haoyue's evolution is so powerful? It is impossible not to attract the attention of the undead creatures in this world.

Haoyue's tail slowly raised, and Long Haochen, who was closest to it, could clearly hear that its bones were making a crisp and pleasant snapping sound inside Haoyue's body. This extremely rhythmic and rhythmic crackling of bones made Long Haochen feel that all the bones in his body were aching. At the same time, the purple light pattern on his forehead began to emit a dazzling light.

He and Haoyue have the closest blood bond. When Haoyue's body undergoes huge changes, he will also have a strong reaction.

After sensing the changes in Haoyue, Long Haochen immediately understood why Haoyue created this strange purple six-pointed star array.

For Haoyue, this should be a magic circle that absorbs energy. It has evolved to six heads, and its own strength is no longer enough to complete the entire evolutionary process. It must absorb some special energy belonging to its world to replenish itself in order for the evolutionary process to be completed perfectly.

Sure enough, under the light emitted by the purple six-pointed star, dots of purple dust began to appear in the air, and these tiny purple photoelectrics suddenly converged towards the purple six-pointed star array like an ocean embracing all rivers.

At first, Long Haochen and others thought they were dazzled, but soon the purple dust became more and more numerous, gathering from all directions.

A shocking scene appeared. A large amount of purple light and electricity circled around the six purple light beams released by Haoyue, converging towards the purple hexagram in the sky like a huge purple tornado. These strange energies then feed back to Haoyue's body through the six-pointed star array.

The purple color on Haoyue's body began to become more and more intense. His thick body did not expand, but the scales on his body were completely evolving towards purple.

After the evolution of the fifth head, Haoyue's scales turned dark purple, but at this time, his scales evolved to look like amethyst. Each scale also becomes more plump, and three ridges gradually appear on it, forming a spindle shape. Just one scale can give people a gorgeous and magnificent feeling.

The horns on Haoyue's six big heads also emit their own light. The yellow horn on the newly born sixth head is like a crown, even a bit like a split tomato. There was a faint brownish-red glow inside.

Earth attribute, there is no doubt that the sixth big head of Haoyue is of earth attribute. The appearance of this head also completes the basic elements of Haoyue's own attributes. Water, fire, earth, and wind come together, plus light and poison. Long Haochen was very doubtful whether Haoyue's next head would evolve into dark attributes. In that case, the six basic attributes are all present.

While Long Haochen was paying attention to the changes in Haoyue's body, he amplified his mental perception and felt everything in the outside world. Han Yu also summoned the evil eye. No, it should be said to be the evil eye lord now.

The evil eye had grown much larger in size, and its abilities had also greatly increased. However, when it saw Haoyue, it couldn't help but shrink beside Han Yu in fear. After Han Yu's repeated comfort, its mood calmed down.

During Haoyue's evolution this time, its body did not grow again, but instead shrank. Its originally mountain-like body gradually underwent some strange transformations. Its lizard-like body became more like a dragon, with a few missing pieces. It's a bit bloated, but it's a bit more majestic. Coupled with the amethyst-like scales, it looks even more indescribable.

The purple light in the sky became more and more intense, but Long Haochen's eyes also became serious.

Judging from the situation when Haoyue broke through in the past, if it made such a big noise, the undead creatures belonging to this world should have reacted long ago. However, until this moment, the undead creatures did not move at all, just like It's like I didn't feel its existence at all. But the more this happened, the more pressure Long Haochen felt. Vaguely, he seemed to feel an overwhelming pressure that was gradually forming. However, with his mental strength, he could not detect whether this pressure really existed and where it existed.

As time passed, the changes in Haoyue's body were gradually completed. The huge purple hexagram in the sky continued to absorb the purple light points coming from all directions and replenished it into its body.

Haoyue's evolution also caused strange changes to Long Haochen's whole body. He felt that the spiritual power in his body began to rise again. The rate of climb was not fast, but it seemed that the majesty that appeared in Haoyue also appeared in him. started to appear. Especially the purple light pattern on his forehead became more and more shining. Even his eyes turned into the same purple-gold color as Haoyue.

Long Haochen discovered that whether it was the Adamantine Base Battle Armor, the Sun-Moon Divine Snail Shield or the Eternal Melody, these three pieces of equipment were at least epic level or above. After the Haoyue aura appeared on his body, they all began to emit slight noises. Trembling, as if surrendering to himself.

The most obvious feeling came from the Sun and Moon Divine Snail Shield. Long Haochen slowly raised his left hand. He was surprised to find that even when he did not have a spiritual weapon such as Ling Gang, the Sun and Moon Divine Snail Shield began to emit a faint light. The colorful golden light came out. That is the brilliance of an artifact!

Haoyue, Haoyue, what a powerful existence you are! Your evolution seems to have been leading the evolution of my body!

Long Haochen understood that after Haoyue's evolution was completed, his own strength should also be able to reach a higher level. The improvement of spiritual power is still second, and it seems that his physique has undergone strange changes.

You must know that he is the one favored by the gods. The Son of Light's physique is far beyond that of ordinary people. Under such circumstances, his physique can continue to improve. One can imagine how powerful Haoyue's original existence is. Long Haochen vaguely felt that Haoyue's original power seemed to be higher than his and Cai'er's body as a favored person.

Of course, this was just his guess. Long Haochen also tried to ask Haoyue, but every time Haoyue was just silent and did not give him any answer. Long Haochen has always regarded Haoyue as his good brother, so naturally he will not force him into anything. But the more this happened, the more curious he became. He can accept Haoyue in any situation, but curiosity is impossible not to exist.

At this moment, Long Haochen's slight perception before became reality, and the sky in the distance suddenly turned deep purple. At first, Long Haochen thought it was the strange purple light attracted by Haoyue, but he soon discovered that it was not like that. Because this deep purple is not a point of light, but appears in patches like the dawn.


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