Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 578 The Tears of the Bloody Goddess of War (Part 2)

The holy war has been going on for almost two years, and both sides have consumed a lot of money. The original demon army has been greatly reduced, and only occasionally launches some symbolic offensives. The southeastern fortress also took the opportunity to get some opportunities to recuperate. I don’t know why, but a week ago, the demon army launched another all-out attack, and the attack was even more violent than before. For a time, the strong men of the Southeast Fortress Warrior Temple were all involved in the war. The war was in full swing, and the entire fortress was covered with a thick layer of blood.

Wang Yuanyuan is still on the front line of the battlefield, guarding the city. Compared with the time when the holy war first began, both the Giant Spirit God's Shield and the bloody storm are now covered with a thick layer of blood. It was not just a stained color, but also a powerful and ferocious aura, which was caused by countless killings.

Wang Yuanyuan's appearance has not changed much from before, but his temperament has undergone earth-shaking changes. Cold and calm. Even in the midst of killing, with her whole body filled with the smell of blood, her expression would not change at all. Her attacks were so ruthless that even some veteran warriors from the Warrior Temple could not compare with her.

The improvement of Wang Yuanyuan's cultivation can also be described as a thousand miles. The continuous killing accumulated a lot of murderous intent. It is not known what method she used to achieve breakthroughs one after another when her own giant spirit blood was stimulated. Her current cultivation level has actually surpassed Zhang Fangfang, who broke through to the seventh level several years earlier than her. This persistence would make any high-ranking member of the Warrior Temple moved.

Level 7 and Level 5, this is Wang Yuanyuan's current inner spiritual power. Coupled with the terrifying killing weapons in her hands, if one were to choose a murderer in the Southeast Fortress, she would definitely be worthy of the title. From the beginning of the jihad until now, she has not missed a single battle. At most, he would kill enemies on the city for five days and five nights, until he was exhausted and passed out, and then he was carried off the city. And when she regained her energy, she stood on the southeast fortress again despite everyone's obstruction.

Now Wang Yuanyuan has long become the heroine of the Southeast Fortress and the idol in the hearts of most soldiers.

Zhang Fangfang no longer has his demon hunting group, and he has been following Wang Yuanyuan silently. He didn't know how many times he had tried to persuade Wang Yuanyuan to fight this way. I don't know how many times Wang Yuanyuan risked his own life to block the enemy's attacks. However, Wang Yuanyuan simply refused to listen to his persuasion.

Later, Zhang Fangfang's mentality gradually changed. Instead of weakening because of her persistence, his feelings for Wang Yuanyuan became stronger. Moreover, he was also influenced by Wang Yuanyuan. The guardian knight had almost turned into a punishment knight. He was killing like crazy, not much worse than Wang Yuanyuan.

At this moment, Zhang Fangfang was standing next to Wang Yuanyuan. The armor on his body had already turned into colorful colors. The heavy sword in his hand was all used to slash at the enemy, and the shield in his hand was used to resist Wang Yuanyuan's attacks. Both Wang Yuanyuan and Zhang Fangfang can be said to have climbed out of the dead. If both of them were not guarded by spiritual furnaces, and coupled with the deliberate care of the higher-ups of the Warrior Temple, they would have died countless times on the battlefield.

Three giant bear demons that were thrown onto the city by trebuchets directly approached Zhang Fangfang and Wang Yuanyuan. They wielded their powerful sledgehammers and met Wang Yuanyuan's attack head-on.

Boom. The first demon bear's attack was knocked away by Zhang Fangfang with his shield. The second demon bear's attack was caught by him with his heavy sword.

With a muffled groan, Zhang Fangfang spat out a mouthful of blood. This was the first time he had been injured, and even he himself had long been used to it.

Under the violent collision, the two bear demons were forced to take a few steps back. All Zhang Fangfang did was to buy time for Wang Yuanyuan.

The shield of the giant spirit god smashed away the bombardment of the two sledgehammers without any suspense, and the bloody storm, just like its name, broke out crazily in the next moment.

On top of the city, there was once again a bloody storm. Even with the ferocity of the bear demons, the other two bear demons could not help but show fear when they saw their companions being torn alive by the bloody storm, and they hurriedly attacked to the side. go. He didn't dare to face Wang Yuanyuan, the female murderer again.

The shield of the giant spirit god supported the ground, and Wang Yuanyuan gasped for breath. His almost blood-red eyes looked at Zhang Fangfang beside him, and he nodded slightly to him.

Zhang Fangfang forced a smile and said, I'm fine. Just take a rest, I can bear it.

Wang Yuanyuan didn't say anything. Many times, friendship doesn't need to be said out loud, but kept in mind.

At this moment, suddenly, a golden light pillar fell from the sky and enveloped Wang Yuanyuan. Immediately afterwards, another golden beam of light fell, this time it fell on Zhang Fangfang.

The thick warmth mixed with the extremely comfortable light elements quickly nourished their bodies. In the pleasant voice, two golden angels descended from the sky, their six wings flapped, and they gently embraced Zhang Fangfang and Wang Yuanyuan from behind. Body.

They had been fighting continuously for three days and three nights on top of the southeastern fortress. Physical fatigue and trauma, as well as the consumption of spiritual energy, had brought them to the brink of collapse. At this time, these two powerful light healing magics are nothing more than a timely help for them. Whether it was physical or spiritual power, they recovered at an astonishing speed.

What surprised Zhang Fangfang even more was that he saw that the golden light falling on Wang Yuanyuan was so pure. In addition to being golden, the Archangel of Light and Shadow also had a faint aura of holiness. The blood in Wang Yuanyuan's eyes disappeared quickly under her embrace. In other words, she was not only treating Wang Yuanyuan's injuries, but also soothing her murderous mind. Mental and physical dual treatment. This is the first time that Zhang Fangfang has seen such an archangel’s embrace!

Almost subconsciously, Zhang Fangfang and Wang Yuanyuan looked up into the sky at the same time. In the sky, four figures soared down from the sky. Among them, the two knights were the two casters of the Archangel's Embrace healing magic.

Floating to the ground, a large volley of fireballs swung away from the fire crystal staff in the hand of the magician in fiery red like an overwhelming force. Whether they were in the air or on the ground, a large area of ​​the demons that attacked the city were swept away. The blue fireball added a thick burnt smell to the air. Of course, it was the bodies of the demon soldiers that were scorched.

Several stronger fish that slipped through the net, including the two bear demons that escaped to the side, were all destroyed in a flash of gray light. Almost in just a breath, the section of city wall where Zhang Fangfang and Wang Yuanyuan were located became much cleaner.

Han Yu stepped forward quickly, holding a heavy shield in his hand to block the front. Lin Xin naturally dodged behind him, but the attack of the fire crystal staff in his hand did not stop for a moment, completely blocking the powerful attack power of the fire magician. show out. In the face of his powerful magic attack, no demon can get close to this place for the time being.

Han Yu, Lin Xin, Cai'er? Wang Yuanyuan's hoarse voice was full of disbelief. For the first time since the holy war began, her hands holding the weapon trembled.

Yuanyuan, and me. Long Haochen's voice sounded from behind the mask of the fine gold base armor.

Clang. Wang Yuanyuan dropped his weapons with both hands at the same time. His body swayed and he almost fell, but Zhang Fangfang hurriedly supported her.

Boss..., boss. You, you are finally here.

In the southeastern fortress, Wang Yuanyuan, the bloody war goddess who was extremely strong and capable of killing enemies, suddenly lost control of her emotions and burst into tears.

Long Haochen stepped forward and gave Wang Yuanyuan a strong hug regardless of her blood stains. We are here, and we are going to continue to meet Ying'er and Sima. The handsome level 64 Demon Hunting Group will be reorganized. No. , when we reorganize, we will definitely be king-level.

Um, um... Wang Yuanyuan was completely speechless, and tears could not stop flowing.

Because of her lack of confidence in herself, in the past two years of the holy war, she could be said to have suffered the most among all the members of the Handsome Demon Hunting Group No. 64. She struggled on the edge of life and death almost every day, and sought breakthroughs in hard battles every day. The purpose is not to be left behind by the partners and to be able to still be a part of the team on the day when the team is reorganized.

Long Haochen came, and so did Cai'er, Han Yu, and Lin Xin. They have not forgotten me, they are coming for me. Our demon hunting group is finally reorganized. At this moment, Wang Yuanyuan felt weak all over his body, and his tense nerves suddenly relaxed, and he could not restrain his emotions no matter what he said.

Long Haochen handed her back to Zhang Fangfang's arms, Brother Zhang, thank you.

Zhang Fangfang sighed softly, Everything I did for Yuanyuan was all for myself. I failed to protect my friends. If I can't protect her, then I will have no choice but to go with her. ”

Long Haochen said: Yuan Yuan is emotionally unstable. Please ask Brother Zhang to take care of you. We will talk after this battle is over. As he said this, he turned around and headed towards the city head.

He raised his right hand, and the ripples of light appeared in his grasp. With his toes touching the ground, Long Haochen jumped up and came to Han Yu's side.

After a brief observation of the current situation, Lin Xin and Cai'er are the main attackers, and Han Yu is the main defender. As long as the opponent does not have a strong person above the eighth level coming, this defensive line will not be broken.

Long Haochen took half a step back and came behind Han Yu, and the sound of mantra chanting quietly sounded.

Since ending his retreat, Long Haochen has become more like a light magician. And his application of light magic is indeed more powerful than that of a magician. The God's Favored One's strong affinity for the light element often allows him to cast magic beyond his level.

When learning skills in the fantasy cave, Long Haochen tried his best to learn the defensive skills and healing skills of the guardian knight. With the powerful ability of the God's Favorite, he even entered the field that only the ninth-level Holy Knight can enter and studied for a period of time. This is also the origin of his several forbidden light spells.

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