Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 577 The Tears of the Bloody Goddess of War (Part 1)

Tan Wan smiled bitterly and said: You don't have to comfort me. If you lose, you lose. This is the gap between you and me. However, I have two questions. First, how did you break through my tornado array? Second, you seem to already know that I am good at martial arts. However, only the teacher knows this secret, not even Lin Xin. Did the teacher tell you this? This is impossible!

Long Haochen smiled and said: I also used all my strength to break your tornado array. I once created a magic called Ripples of Light. It is to study the vibration frequency of spiritual power. So, when your tornado array When I first used the array, I already felt the difference in each of them. I closed my eyes not to despise you, but to concentrate on judging the changes of these tornadoes. As long as one of them fails to deal with it, their power will be Really burst out. In the end, I also used different frequencies to find the flaws in your tornadoes and resolve them one by one. This process consumes a lot of my mental energy.

Tan Wan was still a little puzzled and said: However, your sword spirit is something I have never seen before. Even if you are a strong man in the Warrior Temple, no one can match your understanding of the sword. If I feel it right, , just now you have entered the realm of body and sword integration, and the display of the sword intention is even more freely, it is definitely not a day or two to realize it. Where does this attainment come from?

Long Haochen smiled slightly and said: This question is easier to answer. Just like you practice magic and martial arts at the same time, I am not only a guardian knight, but also a disciplinary knight. Naturally, the kung fu on the sword is what I pay the most attention to. ”

Tan Wan's eyes widened, Knights with double cultivation of punishment and protection? Moreover, you seem to have perfected the integration of the two knight skills. It seems that your Knight Temple is still ahead of us after all. She couldn't help but feel a little depressed here.

Long Haochen said: Let me continue to answer another question of yours. It was indeed Palace Master Li Zhengzheng who told me that you might be able to practice both magic and martial arts. Not with words, but with actions. That day when Palace Master Li transformed into the God of Wind, I feel this way. Although he was casting powerful forbidden spell-level magic at the time, without a sufficient understanding of martial arts in the application of the long sword, he would never have been able to achieve such a wonderful level. . So I made a bold guess. In fact, magic and martial arts are from the same family. For us knights, haven’t we always used magic to assist martial arts to form knight skills? No matter which ability it is, its origin It’s all spiritual power. Under such circumstances, it’s not impossible for you magicians to seek breakthroughs through martial arts. However, I suggest that you also work hard to improve your external spiritual power. Otherwise, just rely on your internal spiritual power to activate martial arts. After all, there is a limit, unless you can one day reach the level of cultivation like Palace Master Li and transform into a forbidden curse to perform martial arts.

Tan Wan snorted and said: You said it's easy, how can it be that easy? It is extremely difficult for anyone to practice both martial arts and magic. A person's energy is limited, so of course he has to make choices.

Long Haochen nodded and said: You have to ask Palace Master Li for advice on this. I can't help you. Is our competition over?

Tan Wan snorted angrily and said, You won. What? You still want to humiliate me?

Long Haochen laughed and said: You really should change your temper. Otherwise, I'm afraid it will have an impact on your future cultivation. It is difficult to reach the peak of cultivation if you are emotionally unstable.

Tan Wan was stunned for a moment. He didn't know if she listened to Long Haochen's words. He changed the subject and said, Didn't you just say you have a request? Say it. If you beat me, I will try my best.

Long Haochen said: Lin Xin and I will leave soon. But sister Xin'er and her demon hunting group companions will still stay in Jialing Pass. I hope you can help me take care of them. I will always keep Xin'er in mind. I treat my sister as my own sister.

With his eyebrows raised, Tan Wan said angrily: Are you deliberately humiliating me? You must have known about what happened between me and Lin Xin, right? You asked me to take care of my love rival? You can't figure it out.

Long Haochen said helplessly: I just hope that I can help you resolve this grudge. Speaking of it, there is no way to tell who is right and who is wrong in this matter. Everything is the result of a combination of circumstances. Could it be that you just Do you plan to continue to be rigid like this? In the future, both you and Lin Xin will inevitably become the top leaders of the Magic Temple. Aren't you afraid that the conflicts between you will lead to disagreements with the top leaders of the Magic Temple in the future? I know that in your heart It’s hard to let go, and I don’t know much about relationships. So I can only advise you to treat it with a normal mind. Time is the best buffer. Maybe, after a while, you can find your true love. Naturally, you will forgive Lin Xin. But there is one thing I must emphasize. No matter how strong you are in the Magic Temple, I don’t want you to hurt Sister Xin’er. Otherwise, I will never let you go, or even let you go. Pass the Magic Temple.”

Are you threatening me? Tan Wan said coldly.

Long Haochen said calmly: So be it. I hope that next time we meet, we can become friends instead of enemies. After saying this, he turned and walked outside.

Looking at his back, Tan Wan suddenly had a very special feeling. In front of this man, he, who had always been known as the number one genius in the Magic Temple, looked so small. Seeing him put on the adamantine base armor again, she seemed to see the teacher's back. However, he seems to be not as old as me!

The feeling of slump was definitely uncomfortable, but Tan Wan was surprised to find that she didn't have the courage to reject Long Haochen's previous words. She didn't dare to take the risk. But, do you really want to take care of that woman as he said?

early morning.

Long Haochen, Cai'er, Han Yu, and Lin Xin quietly walked out of the back gate of Jialing Pass and headed south.

Li Xin's eyes were filled with mist at some point. Beside her were the members of their demon hunting group.

Lu Xi could have guessed Long Haochen's arrival, and the emotion in his heart was even greater than that of Tan Wan. After all, he had witnessed the growth of this demon hunting group with his own eyes! In just a few years, I could no longer see their backs. The gap between the two sides has reached a level that can be described as a chasm.

Not far away, Tan Wan and Xuanyuan Yan were also standing there, watching the four of Long Haochen leave. Xuanyuan Yan felt relieved, and even his gloomy brows relaxed. He has always loved Tan Wan deeply, but Tan Wan broke off the engagement with him because of a letter from Lin Xin. He had never hated Tan Wan, but he hated Lin Xin very much.

As Lin Xin rose to prominence in the Magic Temple and performed outstandingly in the Jialingguan Holy War, the hatred in Xuanyuanyan's heart continued to deepen. He even fought with Lin Xin several times in private. He was very afraid that Tan Wan would be snatched away by Lin Xin.

Lin Xin finally left, and Xuanyuan Yan was surprised to find that the hatred in his heart seemed to disappear with his departure. Although Tan Wan still did not recognize himself, he finally lost his biggest competitor. Xuanyuan Yan knew Tan Wan better than anyone else, and he knew exactly what he should do.

Tan Wan suddenly walked up to Li Xin and said in a deep voice: Stop crying.

Li Xin was slightly stunned, looked at Tan Wan, and couldn't help but frowned. Lin Xin was gone, what else would this woman do?

After Tan Wan was silent for a long time, he said: You have a good brother. Let the past things be wiped out. In my memory, there is no such bastard Lin Xin anymore. After saying this, she immediately turned around and left.

Li Xin was dull, while Xuanyuan Yan was overjoyed. He knew that his chance had finally arrived. Perhaps, it is also the coming of spring.

Heading south from Jialing Pass, the next thing to reach is the Southeast Fortress.

The Southeast Fortress where the Warrior Temple is located and the Magic Temple Jialingguan have always had a close relationship. The two temples are close to each other and help each other. Therefore, although the defense of the Southeast Fortress was very hard, they still resisted in the end. Demonic attack.

After four days of all-out flight, Long Haochen and the others finally arrived at one of the six fortress cities of the Temple Alliance that they had visited before. They arrived by chance, as the demon army was launching a fierce offensive towards the southeastern fortress.

The eight demon gods outside the southeast fortress did not directly participate in the battle, but the light of the eight demon god pillars covered the entire demon army. The fierce battle caused a faint smell of blood to be smelled high in the air. Looking down from the sky, you can clearly see the scene of a river of blood below.

Captain, what should we do? Let's join the battle directly. Han Yu said to Long Haochen.

Long Haochen nodded and said, Wait a moment, I'll look for Yuan Yuan first. Even as a son of light, he still had selfish motives. At this time, high in the distance, he and Han Yu both released light elements to express their status as friendly forces to the southeastern fortress. It was necessary to help the Southeast Fortress resist the demon army, but helping Wang Yuanyuan had to be ranked higher.

Closing his eyes, Long Haochen, who was riding on the back of Star King, concentrated his energy and swept towards the southeast fortress city, looking for Wang Yuanyuan's figure.

Because there was a battle below, the spiritual power fluctuated extremely violently, which would also greatly interfere with his mental power. Therefore, Long Haochen's detection was relatively difficult.

Wang Yuanyuan is indeed on the southeast fortress city at this moment. The shield of the giant spirit god in his left hand and the bloody storm in his right hand had killed him like a bloody man. Even she herself couldn't tell how many colors of blood were stained on her body.


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