Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 575 Wind God (Part 2)

The Magic Temple Magister Group finally arrived at this time, completed their magic, and took over Long Haochen's position.

At the same time, a huge blue light soared into the sky from Jialing Pass, first rising into the sky, and then slowly falling.

Seeing this cyan figure that was a hundred meters high, the weak Long Haochen was also greatly shocked. The cyan figure looked human, and actually looked like an enlarged version of the Master of the Magic Temple and the Wind Elementalist Li Zhengzheng.

However, at this time, Li Zhengzheng's fat body was filled with endless majesty. He was also wearing cyan armor and holding a huge sword in both hands. Green light was swirling all over his body, and gusts of wind continued to impact his body, and each impact would make the green light on his body a little stronger.

In fact, Li Zhengzheng arrived when Long Haochen launched it earlier. Even with his cultivation level, it was very difficult to see the super forbidden curse coming to hell. It took time for him to arrive, and it was obviously impossible to use his strongest ability in a hurry. Just when he was about to attack, Long Haochen suddenly appeared on the battlefield and blocked the coming of hell. Although this was not enough to reverse the situation, for Li Zhengyi, it was tantamount to giving him timely help and bought him enough time.

Seeing that Long Haochen was about to lose his hold, Li Zhengzheng and the magicians team, who were already prepared, took action at the same time.

The huge green figure floated down and came to the front of the Six Elements Restriction. The long knife in his hand was drawn in the air. Suddenly, a ray of emerald green light directly slashed towards the terrifying black mass of the Hell's Coming Curse.

A strange scene appeared. It could be seen that at the moment when the sword was slashed, all the wind in the sky disappeared. The next moment, Hell was cut off into a thin piece, a piece of spiritual power as black as ink. What's even more strange is that this black hell is covered with a layer of emerald green light. Li Zhengzheng's Fengshen sword shook, and this black light flew towards the demons charging in the distance. And go. Falling in the vanguard camp of the demon army.

The first thing that broke out was the strong wind, the hurricane scattered in all directions with terrifying cutting power, and then came the power of hell. It can be clearly seen that under the thin black cover, the ground within a kilometer radius sank ten meters at the same time. As long as they were demons within this range, even if they were dark attributes, they were dissolved instantly. net.

Li Zhengzheng's action has just begun. He stretched out the long knife in his hand and slashed towards Hell with one slash, and then threw the cut spiritual power of Hell at the demon army. After a few cuts, the demon army charged. All the momentum was suppressed.

Repaying the other person with his own way, this is the real strong man!

Seeing this scene, Long Haochen couldn't help but feel dazzled. He couldn't see how Li Zhengzheng did it. As a magician, he was now like a god descending to earth, and all he used were martial arts. This ability can no longer be described as simply powerful. Almost as soon as he appeared, he immediately turned the tables and turned defeat into victory. He even used the super forbidden curse of Hell as his weapon. As expected, he was the wind elementalist who was known as the strongest among the six temples.

There are not only thirty-six members of the Magic Temple's mage group, but dozens of them have landed on top of the city, reorganizing each group of mage groups, resting, recovering their spiritual power, and being ready to continue fighting at any time.

By this time, the demon clan's attack had been completely neutralized. Li Zhengzheng's series of attacks had killed at least nearly 10,000 demon troops.

Hell Demon God Marbus finally couldn't help but take action. Although he had consumed a lot before, he couldn't just watch his subordinates being slaughtered by Li Zhengzheng!

The figures of the eight demon gods flickered, and they all flew into the air, using their own strength to resist the hell descending spiritual power thrown out by Li Zhengzheng.

For a time, the fluctuations of spiritual energy in the sky increased dramatically, and rays of light of various colors flew vertically and horizontally. The wind god transformed by Li Zhengzheng was able to defeat eight enemies with one. And it still didn’t fall behind at all.

Although this is related to the weak state of the eight demon gods at this time, being able to do this shows the strength of this wind elementalist.

Long Haochen and the others had returned to Jialing Pass at this time. While recovering their spiritual power, Long Haochen's eyes never left Li Zhengzheng. Being able to see such a level of battle between strong men was of great help to him. Relying on his strong mental power to sense the fluctuations of spiritual power in the air, Long Haochen gradually understood Li Zhengzheng's fighting style.

This should really be a magic, and Li Zhengzheng himself is at the core of this magic. Long Haochen himself was a favored one by the gods, so he could feel that Li Zhengzheng's magic truly relied on the power of the Wind God. However, Long Haochen used the power of the Goddess of Light to rely on his status as a favored one, while Li Zhengzheng used the power of the Wind God to rely on his strong strength and affinity with the wind element.

Long Haochen conservatively estimated that Li Zhengzheng's inner spiritual power was at least more than 300,000, and he should have at least one artifact in his hand at this time.

The battle didn't last too long. The demon gods were all selfish. Feeling how powerful Li Zheng was, Marbus was unwilling to fight him to the death. When the eight demon gods rushed out to block Li Zhengzheng's attack, they had already given the order to retreat. After this advance and retreat, the demon clan's morale suddenly dropped sharply. The power of the super forbidden spell Hell Comes has finally gradually declined under Li Zhengzheng's continuous weakening, and the power to impact the seal has become lower and lower.

Finally, with the six-color seal squeezing inward, there was a pop sound, and the forbidden curse of hell finally disappeared. It also announced the end of this offensive and defensive battle.

Li Zhengzheng did not continue to pursue the retreating demons. He held his sword in front of him and looked at the eight demons who were slowly retreating. There is a strong tendency of Heng Dao to laugh towards the sky immediately.

Jialingguan has become a sea of ​​joy at this time. Although today's battle was dangerous, the final outcome could be said to be perfect. There were no casualties on the Jialing Pass side, but the enemy suffered a heavy blow. At least for the time being, we dare not launch another offensive.

When hell came and was shattered, Long Haochen quietly left the city with his friends and went down to the city. He has done what needs to be done. There was no point in staying any longer, and besides, he didn't want to see Tan Wan and Xuanyuan Yan again. Whether it was the other party's guilt, embarrassment, or continued cold treatment, he was not willing to face it.

When Long Haochen left, the Fengshen in the sky turned slightly and glanced in the direction he left, with a faint smile on his lips.

Three days later.

Xin'er, just come with us. I beg you, okay? How can I let you stay here? Lin Xin was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, surrounding Li Xin in the room. Straight around.

Li Xin looked at him funny and said, You! You will never be able to change your bad habit of being indecisive in this life. Although she said this, her eyes were filled with tenderness.

We are all demon hunters. You have your team, and I also have my own team. How can I give up on my teammates? What's more, my strength can no longer keep up with you and Haochen. I If we go, we can only become your restraint. Lu Xi and I have already discussed that we will stay in Jialing Pass until the end of this holy war. It is safe enough here. You are a man, a handsome level sixty-four As a member of the demon hunting group, we still have time in the future. Can you stay for me? We are demon hunters, and the day we become demon hunters, our lives no longer belong to us. Don’t you understand yet?”

Lin Xin was silent. He had been persuading Li Xin for almost an hour. After the battle three days ago, the situation at Jialing Pass became more stable, and it was almost impossible for the demons to break through this pass. Coupled with the relationship between the Magic Temple and the Knight Temple, Long Haochen decided to continue southbound to join other friends after discussing with them.

Under this situation, Lin Xin was naturally in a dilemma. His relationship with Li Xin was getting warmer day by day, so how could he be willing to separate from her? Although he knew that what Li Xin said was right, he just couldn't accept it in his heart!

Li Xin stood up, walked to Lin Xin, leaned into his arms, and hugged his waist, Fool, it's me who should actually be worried. It's because you are getting stronger and stronger, so you have to complete The task will definitely be more difficult. Promise me and live well. You haven't always wanted to..., I will give it to you today. I hope you will care more about it and pay more attention to protecting yourself. No matter how long it takes, I will wait for you.

After hearing Li Xin's words, Lin Xin couldn't help but tremble all over. If it was normal, he would be so excited that he couldn't control himself. But at this moment of separation, how could he be happy?

No, Xin'er. I want the matchmaker to marry you, and I can't let you be wronged. Especially at this time, how can I? I love you, Xin'er, and I really can't bear to leave you! Lin Xin hugged you tightly. Looking at Li Xin, feeling the elasticity and warmth of her body, tears couldn't help but burst into her eyes. Among the Commander-in-Chief Demon Hunting Group No. 64, he is probably the most emotionally fragile.

Li Xin suddenly broke away from Lin Xin's arms and said fiercely: What do you mean I can't be wronged? It should be that I can't let you be wronged. You can't do it if you say no? You are a magician, and I am a knight. If you can, use magic to stop me.

While Lin Xin was stunned, his body had been pulled towards the bed by Li Xin...

This is a battle between a sixth-level knight and a seventh-level magician. At such a close distance and in a small dormitory, the winner can be imagined...


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