Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 574 Wind God (Part 2)

The prayer of light just blocked the coming of hell. The small golden color and the terrifying black color were just stagnant in mid-air.

Xuanyuan Yan was stunned, and so was Tan Wan.

Of course they knew who the person who suddenly appeared and blocked the demon attack was. Not long ago, they had driven him off the city walls. Not long ago, Tan Wan had challenged him.

At this moment, Tan Wan's mood is difficult to describe in words. The feeling was a bit strange, but more of a shock.

Nearly three thousand magicians joined forces but failed to stop the terrifying forbidden curse of the demons, but that man did it by himself. Although Tan Wan understood that Long Haochen must have some tricks up his sleeve, and the situation in front of him would definitely not last long. However, facing such a super forbidden curse, having the courage to stand in front of it is something that ordinary people cannot do!

The feeling of shame appeared in the hearts of Tan Wan and Xuanyuan Yan at the same time. They were both saying the same thing to themselves: I just wanted to challenge such a person? Tan Wan's mentality was the most volatile because she had seen with her own eyes how young this Adamantine Pedestal Knight and Acting Paladin Commander of the Knights Temple was.

Tan Wan deeply remembered when she rushed to the teacher and asked him: Is he really as young as he looks?

Hall Master Li Zhengzheng only nodded slightly, but Tan Wan was extremely shocked at that time. At the eighth level, a knight who looked younger than himself had actually reached the eighth level. He was also the leader of Lin Xin's demon hunting group and the acting paladin leader of the Knights Temple. Is there really such a big gap between me and him?

At this time, in the face of this huge crisis, Long Haochen used his own strength to prove to Tan Wan the gap between the two.

Continue to attack, what are you waiting for? Lin Xin's voice driven by spiritual power resounded throughout the entire Jialing Pass. Only then did the magicians wake up, and some excited or high-pitched chants were heard at the top of Jialing Pass. There was a high-pitched sound.

Two figures flew out from the top of Jialingguan City in almost no particular order and headed straight for Long Haochen's location. One left and one right, staying beside Long Haochen.

Strangely enough, after being restrained by the Prayer of Light, the breath of hell was also restrained, so that all the magicians in Jialing Pass were no longer affected.

The two people flying out were Cai'er and Lin Xin.

The Death Scythe has appeared in Cai'er's hands. Her whole body is covered with a strange gray color. There is no murderous intention on her body, but her gray pupils are staring coldly at the coming hell ahead. Once Long Haochen's prayer of light cannot continue, then she will definitely attack this powerful dark curse on Long Haochen's behalf.

Lin Xin was on the other side. What was completely different from Cai'er's preparedness was that he had just paused beside Long Haochen when he unleashed fire magic on the dark forbidden spell that was even more precise and powerful than the textbook. attack.

The fire crystal staff pointed forward, and a huge bursting fireball went straight to hell and bombarded it. Lin Xin clearly remembered that when Long Haochen flew up to resist the forbidden curse, he said two words to him: attack.

With the tacit understanding between Lin Xin and Long Haochen, when Long Haochen resisted the flying force of hell and temporarily imprisoned it, Lin Xin understood what he meant.

Long Haochen could only resist but could not solve it. But it can bring a certain amount of time to Jialingguan. During this period of time, what they have to do is to weaken or even eliminate the power of hell's descent as much as possible.

The first blue bursting fireball had just flown out, and the second one had already appeared at the front of the staff. Instantly casting a fifth-level attack magic explosive fireball can be said to be stored in the magic props in advance. So, what about the second and third instantaneously?

At this moment, the fire crystal staff in Lin Xin's hand seemed to have turned into a cannon, and huge dark blue fireballs flew towards Hell.

Every fireball that falls on Hell will make a strong roar and bring up a blue flame. Although the effect is not very obvious, under Lin Xin's continuous attack, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the person being attacked by him can At that location, Hell has begun to show some depressions. In other words, his attacks are effective. Don't forget, he is just attacking alone! The powerful power of the Heart Flame is emerging.

The moment Lin Xin's eighteenth explosive fireball ended, a huge blue flame skull flew out from the fire crystal staff and became the nineteenth wave of attacks. It only got such a moment of buffer. Behind Lin Xin, a pair of blue flames shining in the shape of a dragon had opened.

Legendary equipment, Fire Dragon Wings, 100% increase in spirit gathering, 100% acceleration, and comes with fire dragon guardian skills. At this time, what Lin Xin needed was obviously not protection, but to increase his own spirit gathering speed.

The fire spell was just a connecting process. As he unfolded the wings of the fire dragon, bursting fireballs appeared again, and there were eighteen more in a row.

From the moment he started taking action to the end of the thirty-sixth exploding fireball, the entire process took less than a minute. At this time, Lin Xin was playing at a super level. Even an eighth-level magician may not be able to achieve this kind of attack power and attack speed. What's more, what he displayed was the eighth level Heart Flame! All the bursting fireballs hit one location.

When the thirty-sixth exploding fireball ended, a loud phoenix cry sounded from Lin Xin, and the huge blue fire phoenix soared into the sky, directing towards the devil's head with dazzling blue flames.

The violent bombing caused the dark spiritual power on the devil's head to fluctuate violently.

Until this moment, Lin Xin's round of attacks was not over. The most gorgeous magic is not necessarily the most effective, and the way Lin Xin used it to hit a fixed target was obviously the strongest he could achieve. .

When the Blue Fire Phoenix Soul Furnace finally launched the offensive, he had already thrown several pills into his mouth. Don't forget, he was still a potion master. In a competition of sustained combat ability and explosive power, mages of the same level are nearly invincible.

Naturally, Lin Xin was not the only one to launch the attack. Faced with a life-and-death crisis, all the magicians on the city used their most powerful magic. They all attacked from the side, and the ones with strong control even used their magic to go behind Hellfall to avoid accidentally injuring Long Haochen and the other three in front. Some brave and powerful magicians also flew to Long Haochen like Lin Xin, and fully unleashed their magic offensive at close range.

The Hell Demon God Marbus stared at the scene in front of him in shock from a distance, his fierce eyes full of disbelief. The moment the Prayer of Light appeared, he found that he had lost contact with the coming of hell.

Even with his cultivation level, it was difficult to control this super forbidden spell, which was so powerful that it could be compared with the Demon God Emperor's full blow. He never expected that the Magic Temple would have the ability to temporarily seal this super forbidden curse. He also knew that this seal would not last long. However, the mages of the Magic Temple reacted very quickly and began to attack the forbidden spell with all their strength. With such consumption, it is hard to say how much attack power Hellfall can still exert when the seal is over!

As the fifth demon god of the demon clan and one of the five pillar demon gods, Marbas naturally had his own decision. He pointed his right hand in the direction of Jialing Pass and said in a low, powerful voice, Attack.

Although the hell demons are the backbone of the demon army outside Jialing Pass, they are by no means the entire force. Following Malba's order, the demon army immediately launched a full-scale attack on Jialing Pass like a tide.

The power of hell was resisted, but all the magicians in Jialing Pass were also restrained.

At the same time, Long Haochen could no longer bear it.

Although the prayer of light mainly relies on the power of God to block, it also requires huge spiritual power as support. Long Haochen used the Sun and Moon Divine Snail Shield to amplify his prayer of light, but the speed of his own spiritual power consumption was also extremely terrifying.

At this time, the colorful golden light blooming from his body was obviously unstable and could collapse at any time.

Cai'er's hands holding the death scythe clenched unconsciously. Once Long Hao's prayer of morning light ends, they will definitely bear the brunt and become the target of this forbidden curse. Cai'er knew that she had to buy time for Long Haochen. Only then could he take himself and Lin Xin away through the Tower of Eternity.

At this critical moment, six balls of light suddenly shot out from the direction of Jialing Pass without any warning.

Each of these six groups of light has a diameter of about ten meters. After it quickly descended, six colors of red, blue, cyan, yellow, gold, and black light shone at the same time, intertwining into a gorgeous six-pointed star in the sky, just in time to trap the arrival of hell within it. The six-color light shield then rose up, shrouding the greatly weakened super forbidden spell.

The golden light subsided, Long Haochen grunted, and ended the prayer of light. Star King used his own spiritual power to help him stabilize his body so as not to fall.

Without the restriction of the Prayer of Light, the Hell's Coming Curse suddenly surged left and right in the six-colored light shield, causing the light shield to emit waves of violent tremors.

At this time, the situation in the six light groups can also be seen clearly. There are six magicians in each light group. Thirty-six people in total. Each of the six light groups is led by a magician, and this powerful seal was created by their joint efforts.

If it were the forbidden curse of Hell descending at its peak, they might not be able to seal it, but after a series of consumption, the seal jointly laid by six ninth-level magic gods and thirty eighth-level holy magisters was temporarily It is still possible to withstand the forbidden curse coming from hell.


The third update begins, the first update.

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