Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 572 Hell Comes (Part 2)

The cold chanting could be clearly heard even in Jialinguan City. The black color emitted from the eight demon pillars all condensed together, making the devil's head become more solid, as if he had truly awakened. Like the hell demon that came over, it rushed towards the head of Jialingguan City.

Forbidden curse! The forbidden curse released by the eight demon gods. As the skull flew forward, the previous dark clouds became its tail flames, and they continued to merge inward as it flew rapidly.

Forbidden curse. Lin Xin blurted out, his face changed drastically at the same time, and he immediately issued an order, Concentrate the attack. Don't let it get close.

The demons suddenly changed their moves, obviously catching Jialingguan off guard, and it seemed that this change of moves was initiated by the Hell Demon Lord Marbus, leading the other seven demons, and all the demon magicians. The ferocious devil head gives people a feeling of all-or-nothing. The power of this blow is by no means comparable to that of ordinary forbidden spells. The moment it appeared in the air, most of the magicians on the top of Jialingguan City felt as if their blood had solidified. Even the seal guarding Jialingguan could not bring them any sense of security.

All this happened so suddenly, it seemed that it only took a short time to complete the entire spell. The sudden outbreak made it too late for Jialingguan to respond.

The commanders of each mage group in the city were also experienced in many battles. Like Lin Xin, they all reacted immediately. On top of the city, a large amount of magical light burst out quickly, like a violent storm, towards the terrifying figure in the sky. The forbidden curses shot away.

Han Yu, help me. Long Haochen shouted to Han Yu beside him, and sat down cross-legged on the spot. A thin, low-pitched spell sounded in his mouth, with a strange rhythm and scale, and at a very small echoed within the range.

As his cultivation level improved, Long Haochen's vision became much higher than before. The moment the devil's head appeared, he clearly judged that the power of these magicians in Jialing Pass was definitely unstoppable. Of course he couldn't resist either. However, personnel must always be put in place. Even if it is just delayed for a period of time, it can buy some time for Jialing Pass to resolve this fatal attack.

Han Yu sat cross-legged behind Long Haochen and put his hands on Long Haochen's vest. He and Long Haochen had a retinue contract, so it was much easier to transfer spiritual power to each other, even without using Lin Xin's conjoined spirit enhancement. Dan can also achieve corresponding effects. At the same time, he also turned on his own spiritual furnace of blessing of light. This was the real reason why Long Haochen asked him to help.

The orange-red light on the adamantine base armor became more and more powerful, and the pure light elements gathered in the direction of Long Haochen at an alarming speed.

In fact, what Long Haochen didn't know was that the sudden launch of the eight demon gods of the demon clan and their all-out all-out attack was closely related to him.

During these days, the undead demon Samikina outside Yulong Pass was seriously injured and retreated, and the demon army was defeated. Outside the Exorcist Pass, Sidi was injured, and the demon army suffered heavy losses. Problems occurred in the two major fortresses one after another. The news was reported to the Demon God Emperor. The Demon God Emperor's first reaction was that humans were going to launch a counterattack. Although he doesn't think humans have the ability to counterattack, the facts are before us.

Although the Demon God Emperor's goal is only to weaken the strength of mankind, he is by no means a believer. The resistance of the Temple Alliance suddenly became strong. The Demon God Emperor immediately issued orders to the demon armies outside the other four major fortresses to attack the Temple Alliance with all its strength. To exert pressure, be sure to suppress their thoughts of counterattack and weaken their strength as much as possible.

When Long Haochen and the others arrived at Jialing Pass, Hell Demon Lord Marbus also happened to receive this order. After spending two days preparing, the Eight Demon Gods used the Demon God Pillar to store the forbidden spells before launching another attack.

Using the Demon God Pillar to store forbidden spells, the spells can be drawn out at any time without the need to chant for a long time. However, this will also greatly consume the spiritual power contained in the Demon God Pillar, so the Demon Gods will not use it easily. In order to deal a heavy blow to Jialingguan this time, Marbas decided to attack like this. Under the influence of suddenness, Jialingguan was caught off guard.

The first to be activated was the group of wind magicians in the distance. Wind magic was the fastest, both in terms of spell chanting and attack speed.

In mid-air, the piercing screams made Long Haochen and the others feel as if they were back in the fearful howling cave. Huge blue spears with tornadoes swirling around them went straight towards the devil's head to attack.

Nearly a hundred green lights hit the terrifying black forbidden curse with a diameter of nearly a hundred meters in a rhythmic roar.

As they approached, the light in front of the devil's head suddenly became distorted. A large number of tornado guns were directly swept away by the distorted light, and only a few of them hit the forbidden curse itself. But at most it only slows down the Forbidden Curse's progress a bit.

The second one to erupt was the earth magician. In the sky, countless stones as big as millstones fell densely from the sky, crashing into the dark forbidden spell like a torrent in the air.

Not to mention, earth magic is indeed much more powerful than wind magic at this time. Although it was partially slid away, most of the falling rocks still hit the forbidden curse, causing its newly increased speed to be delayed again. However, if you observe carefully, you will find that when the stone hits the devil's head, it will quickly dissolve and disappear. It only slows down the attack speed of this forbidden spell, but does not weaken its power much.

After earth comes water, ice to be precise. Rays of blue light intertwined and condensed in the sky. In the end, they actually condensed together and turned into an ice ball that was much larger than the devil's head and crashed into it.

The collision was short-lived and there was no violent roar. Looking from the top of Jialingguan City, we could see that the huge ice ball melted from the center at an alarming speed, turning into countless dark raindrops falling from the sky and making a hissing sound when they landed on the ground. Voice.

Finally arrived at the fire. Lin Xin's group of magicians, in units of six, directed dozens of huge bursting fireballs at the skull like meteors and fire showers under the amplification of the magic circle on the city.

Ice and fire, two completely opposite elements, can often produce miraculous effects under cross attacks. The scorching heat after cold can greatly destroy the internal structure of the enemy's magic.

Unfortunately, it seems to have failed this time. The black forbidden spell exploded with exploding fireballs, and the light rose up, showing the violence of the fire element. However, the black devil's head endured them one by one. Its size was only reduced by one-fifth after experiencing the impact of the four elements. In other words, nearly two thousand magicians working together could only neutralize one-fifth of its attack power.

If such a terrifying forbidden curse fell on Jialing Pass, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Hell Demon God Marbas looked coldly at Jialing Pass in the distance. At this time, the black tail flames following the devil's head had all been integrated into its body.

I want to see how you can resist my ban! The forbidden curse comes from hell.

Samikina was actually injured under human attacks. I heard that the injuries were serious, and even the territory was almost destroyed. Well, let me avenge you.

Malbas and Samikina have a very good relationship, and the Demon Clan and the Hell Demon Clan have the closest relationship. Together, the two major Demon Clan can vaguely compete with the smaller Moon Demon Clan and Star Demon Clan. It can be seen that its strength is strong. The super forbidden spell he cast at this time was based on the descent from hell that he was good at, and was cast with the help of the other seven demon gods and his tribe. It was so powerful that he couldn't estimate it himself.

He didn't think about more attacks today. As long as this attack could destroy the front wall of Jialing Pass, how long could Jialing Pass, which had lost its natural protection, stop them after their Demonic Pillar recovered its strength? If the Magic Temple can be destroyed, it will definitely be the heaviest blow to the Temple Alliance.

Bang—— At this moment, the hell came and the seal of Jialing Pass collided hard.

After four rounds of magic, the power of Hell was only partially weakened. The moment it hit the seal, the entire Jialing Pass trembled. The violently distorted light surged crazily, and the sealing power was fully unleashed. Circles of white light condensed from all directions, thinking about the direction of hell, trying to resolve it.

The devil's avatar transformed from Hell's arrival also appears more ferocious, struggling crazily to seek a breakthrough. It can be seen that at the center point where it contacts the seal, a hole has gradually begun to dissolve. From the looks of it, a breakthrough is only a matter of time.

At this moment, dozens of brilliant golden light beams shot out from the other direction of Jialingguan Gate, targeting the hole that had just been melted by the coming hell.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xin couldn't help being slightly startled and looked in the direction of the golden light. Although he hated Xuanyuan Yan, he had to admit that this guy was very good at commanding his group of light mages. I have been holding back until now just to wait for this opportunity.

Light and darkness are two opposite elemental attributes. If it is activated in advance, it will definitely be attacked by a part of it like other mage groups. But at this time, Hell is coming and the seal of Jialing Pass is colliding with each other. The melted hole It's the core of it. Launching an attack from this position makes this powerful forbidden curse unavoidable, and the light attribute magic that can be completely targeted at it is all vented at its core position, minimizing the power of hell's coming.

Sure enough, under the impact of the golden light, it can be clearly seen that the power of hell is shrinking significantly. Five hundred light mages joined forces to completely weaken its power with one blow.


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