Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 571 Hell Comes (Part 2)

Later, Lin Xin's grandfather was transferred to the Holy City. Originally, Lin Xin did not plan to follow his grandfather, but Tan Wan and Xuanyuan Yan's engagement made him very sad, and he left a letter to Tan Wan , he went to the Holy City with his grandfather, and we haven’t contacted him for a long time since then.”

In that letter, Lin Xin expressed his feelings for Tan Wan, which was a kind of catharsis. After arriving in the Holy City, he devoted himself to the study of potions and gradually let go of his feelings. Later, he He came together with you and became a demon hunter. However, what he didn't know was that Tan Wan also discovered his inner emotions after reading his letter. She also liked Lin Xin. Therefore, she asked Palace Master Li Zhengzheng to come forward and call off the marriage. But because the matter was too sensitive, Palace Master Li asked her to practice in seclusion. One was for her cultivation, and the other was to prevent her from being at the forefront of public opinion. .When Tan Wan wanted to find Lin Xin after the retreat, Lin Xin had already become a demon hunter and followed you on the mission. Things were delayed. When they met again at Jialing Pass, Lin Xin Already with me.

Listening to Li Xin's narration, Long Haochen and the other two looked at each other in confusion. Han Yu said with a very strange expression: Is this hate born out of love?

Li Xin smiled bitterly and said: So, I think Tan Wan is quite pitiful. No matter what happens to her, Lin Xin and I try to be patient. Originally, after we returned to Jialing Pass, everyone knew it was a misunderstanding. After all, When Lin Xin and I were together, I thought she was married to Xuanyuan Yan. I can't tell who is right or wrong in this matter. It can only be regarded as a mistake. Tan Wan's attitude towards us was pretty good at the beginning. However, after Lin Xin decided to practice attack magic for me, Tan Wan's attitude suddenly changed and she targeted him everywhere. Moreover, she also seemed to think that her failure to be with Lin Xin was related to his joining the demon hunting group. You all She is a teammate of Lin Xin on the same team, and her attitude just now must be because of this incident.

Han Yu smiled bitterly and said: It turns out that this is an unforeseen disaster for us!

Long Haochen said: That Tan Wan was emotionally stimulated is quite pitiful. I hope I can have the opportunity to resolve this matter in the future.

Li Xin said: I'm afraid it will be difficult. She has a deep knot in her heart, unless I quit. However, Lin Xin has paid so much for me, and I have... At this point, this heroic female knight couldn't help but smile. became red. After so many things, why didn't she love Lin Xin deeply? A man can give up so many years of persistence for a woman. How can she not be moved by this deep friendship?

At this moment, suddenly, a long and sharp cry sounded in Jialing Pass. The atmosphere in the entire Xiongguan suddenly became tense.

Li Xin's expression changed, The demons are attacking the city. I'm going back to help Lin Xin, Haochen, you guys go back to the temple to rest first.

Long Haochen said in a deep voice: Fighting the demons is everyone's responsibility. Let's go, we will go up. I believe Tan Wan will stick to his post now and will not care about us. As he said that, he had already He was the first to head towards the city.

Even though he was favored and humiliated, he did not give up fighting against the demons just because of the face of the paladin leader. Li Xin couldn't help but admire Long Haochen's determination. When they met again, his brother was more mature than before.

When everyone climbed back to the top of Jialingguan City, they suddenly felt a strong elemental fluctuation. This elemental fluctuation was not caused by the magicians, but originated from Jialing Pass itself.

Long Haochen clearly saw that on the ground at the top of the city, every fifty meters, a circular array with a diameter of three meters lit up. The array was milky white, and soft elemental fluctuations emanated from the ground. A white halo spread to every corner of the city.

Long Haochen felt it. These magic circles actually had a spirit-gathering effect. Stepping in the magic circle, the speed of absorbing magic elements was increased by at least 10%. Moreover, these magic circles seemed to have no attribute restrictions. Any element All have the effect of improving cohesion.

Looking from a distance, outside Jialingguan City, the sky is covered with dark clouds. The eight demon pillars in the distance exude a strong dark aura. However, the demon army is not advancing fast at all. Only layers of darkness can be seen. The breath kept rising from within the demon army and injected into the dark clouds in the sky.

The core of the dark cloud is the Hell Demon God Pillar. This is the Hell Demon jointly casting spells. Although it was still far away, there was already a strong pressure rushing towards the city.

The air outside Jialing Pass also began to appear twisted ripples, and it was the barrier that began to work.

The reason why Long Haochen and the others were able to break through the barrier was because Cai'er used the Death Scythe to hit the Arrancar, which only opened a small crack, and they entered the barrier instantly. This kind of large-scale collision is another situation. Relying on the barrier, not a trace of darkness spilled into Jialing Pass.

On the city, a large number of magical elements have begun to shine, mainly focusing on the five attributes of water, fire, earth, wind, and light. Of the ten standing legions in Jialing Pass, five were on duty on the city. Together with the soldiers blocking them, the entire Jialing Pass was occupied.

Long Haochen and others quickly came to Lin Xin's side. At this time, Lin Xin had already directed the mages to start chanting spells.

What they chanted was a fifth-level magic, specially used to compress their own spiritual power. The demons are still far away, not within the range of their magic.

The magic of a magician is limited by distance. It can exert its maximum power within a certain distance. The stronger the magician, the farther the distance will be.

Long Haochen discovered that every six magicians in the mage group stood together to form a magic hexagram. Along with the chanting of spells, the staffs in their hands were also raised at the same time, and elements of the same attribute gathered among them. Quickly gather spiritual energy.

Combined casting.

With Long Haochen's sensitivity to elements, he could feel that this joint spellcasting was not only to enhance the power of magic, but also to increase the distance of magic attacks. This must have been specially researched by the Magic Temple. It is indeed a powerful temple with a foundation comparable to that of the Knights Temple!

Lin Xin did not participate in these magic circles. When he saw Long Haochen and others returning to his side, he was immediately overjoyed.


Lin Xin was about to say something, but was interrupted by Long Haochen, First meet the enemy with all your strength. We will all obey your command.

Okay. After these two years of training, Lin Xin has become very different from before, and his dependence on Long Haochen has been significantly reduced.

Although the demon army advances slowly, it gives people a rock-solid feeling. Every time it advances a little, the formation will become more stable. The black airflow in the sky gradually enveloped the demon army, and they were gradually unable to be seen from the top of the city.

The fluctuations of magic elements in Jialing Pass are becoming more and more intense, like an extremely powerful ancient monster that can spit out its strongest attack at any time.

The pressure generated by both sides is extremely terrifying. Both humans and demons are waiting for the moment when the critical point is reached, which is the intersection of the attack distances of the two sides.

If you look down from a high altitude, you can see that the colors of both sides are very distinct. The demon side is black with purple, and the Jialing Pass is full of colorful halos. Even a ninth-level powerhouse would feel insignificant when looking at that huge power of heaven.

Lin Xin stood next to Long Haochen and whispered: The first round of collision is the most violent. It is a collision where both sides have accumulated all their strength, but it will not cause any casualties. But neither party dares to be careless and must not Don’t go all out. Otherwise, if your opponent takes advantage, you will be completely suppressed. After the first round of collision, the demons will begin to attack the city, and that’s when the war really begins. My Heart Flame Comparison Special, I can’t cast spells together with them, I won’t start attacking until the enemy attacks the city.”

Long Haochen said: If I cast auxiliary magic, will it affect their joint spell casting?

After Lin Xin thought for a while, he said: Let's wait until the demons attack the city. I'm worried that there will be unnecessary fluctuations after the joint casting is affected. Moreover, with the strength of the brothers, it is impossible to withstand the demons' attack. questionable.

Lin Xin's caution was justified. Although he had more confidence in Long Haochen than anyone else, it was better not to take unnecessary risks.

After the start of the holy war, Jialingguan fought against the demons many times, but each time the demons did not take advantage. In other words, even if Long Haochen did not take action, they could still block the enemy's attack. In this case, why bother? Let Long Haochen take the risk? If it had a counter-effect, wouldn't it damage the boss's reputation?

Long Haochen nodded slightly. He had never cooperated with so many magicians, especially when these magicians were jointly casting spells, so he was not absolutely sure. From Lin Xin's words, he could also hear that, The Magic Temple is very sure. If that's the case, then why should he take the risk?

The strong elemental fluctuations became more and more violent. The demon army in the distance suddenly accelerated its march without warning. In the sky, a strong purple-black light surged violently. In the process of surging, it gradually Gathered into a ferocious devil's head.

Huh? Something's wrong. Lin Xin's face changed slightly. Compared with previous demon attacks, the demons seemed to launch a little earlier this time!

At this time, the huge devil's head slowly raised its head, and from its mouth, a purple-black light beam shot up into the sky. Immediately afterwards, another seven light beams of different colors, but all carrying black light beams, followed. Shooting out, the seven stars accompanying the moon are completely presented in the mid-air.


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