Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 569 The Master of the Magic Temple (Part 2)

It turned out that at the same time that Long Haochen was called by Li Zhengzheng, the master of the Magic Temple, Lin Xin was also notified by Elder Fei. When he heard that he was on the same team as him, there was also an Adamantine Base Knight. , he vaguely guessed who was coming. No one has more confidence in Long Haochen's strength than Lin Xin. He is almost certain that the fine gold base knight is Long Haochen. In ecstasy, he immediately found Li Xin and rushed over as quickly as possible. In the corridor, they met Cai'er and Han Yu who were waiting for Long Haochen's return.

Li Xin had long heard about Cai'er's amnesia. She felt pity for her, and her eyes were filled with tears when she hugged her delicate body. Lin Xin and Han Yu also held their right hands tightly. It had been almost two years, and it was so exciting to see the brothers reunite. The joy is beyond words.

Before they could speak, Long Haochen came back. Lin Xin let go of Han Yu's hand and shouted, Boss. He quickly rushed forward and gave Long Haochen a big hug.

Everyone was in agitated mood and could hardly control themselves. Even though Long Haochen was wearing a fine gold base armor, his voice had never changed?

Haochen. Li Xinsong hurried forward to Kai'er with a look of surprise on her face. With her strong character, tears rolled down her face.

Long Haochen released his embrace from Lin Xin and hugged Li Xin tightly again. The excitement made Long Haochen choked and speechless.

After a long while, everyone's mood calmed down a bit. Long Haochen said: Let's go to the room to talk.

The five of them walked into Long Haochen's room together and closed the door. Long Haochen almost couldn't wait to remove the fine gold base armor from his body. How could he want to have this metal barrier in front of his sister and brother? Woolen cloth?

Only then could he calm down and observe Li Xin and Lin Xin. Compared with before they were separated, Li Xin looked a little more mature, and her figure was even hotter and sexier. Her long pink hair was neatly combed behind her head, and her eyes were solid, showing that she had obviously made great progress in cultivation.

Compared with Li Xin, Lin Xin has changed even more dramatically. Before the separation, Lin Xin gave people a somewhat cynical feeling. But now, his appearance has not changed much, but he feels obviously much more resolute. , there is already a bit of majesty in him, and the word calmness that has never been associated with him before can now be applied to him. Especially his eyes, which are condensed and firm, less erratic than before. It was as if he had grown up instantly after not seeing him for two years. If he didn't look at his appearance, Long Haochen would have felt like he couldn't recognize him.

You don't need to ask Long Haochen to imagine that Lin Xin must have experienced a lot in the past two years.

Lin Xin, thank you for your hard work these past two years. Long Haochen said sincerely.

His words are not without purpose. For the Commander-in-Chief Demon Hunting Group No. 64, Lin Xin has made the greatest contribution in the past two years. The elixirs he refined greatly improved the external spiritual power of the entire Commander-level No. 64 Demon Hunting Group, and he also provided everyone with many life-saving elixirs. But Long Haochen, the group leader, didn't do anything, he just practiced in seclusion.

After hearing what Long Haochen said, Lin Xin's expression changed, and he stood up suddenly, standing in front of Long Haochen like a child who had made a mistake, Captain, don't say that, everything I did was wrong. It should be. But, but...

Li Xin on the side suddenly said: Okay, the past is in the past. It took a lot of effort for us to reunite. What are you talking about?

Lin Xin turned his head and glanced at Li Xin. What surprised Long Haochen was that Lin Xin, who had always obeyed Li Xin, shook his head firmly, Xin'er, I must tell you, or let this matter go. The boss knows that I will never be able to untie this knot in my heart.

Long Haochen realized the seriousness of the situation and asked in confusion: What's going on? What happened?

Lin Xin lowered his head and said, I failed to protect Xin'er. Her arm was cut off by the enemy during the holy war.

What? Long Haochen stood up in surprise, his eyes suddenly becoming sharp. To him, Li Xin was no less than his biological sister. Back in Haoyue City, Li Xin's meticulous care for him was his spiritual support after his parents left. Long Haochen's affection for Li Xin will never weaken.

Li Xin hurriedly stood up and said: It's all over. Isn't my arm also connected? For me, Lin Xin has suffered a lot in the past year or so. Haochen, don't blame him, this is not true at all. His fault. As she said this, she took the initiative to walk to Lin Xin, hugged his right arm, and snuggled against him, with tenderness in her eyes.

Looking at their looks, Long Haochen immediately understood something. Lin Xin looked guilty and his eyes were red, while Li Xin looked gentle and happy. It's obvious that the relationship between them has made a qualitative leap.

Lin Xin, please tell me in more detail what happened. I also heard that you are now the leader of the magic temple mage group.

Just as Lin Xin was about to speak, Li Xin said first, Let me speak. If you listen to him, he will definitely take everything for himself. He is such a person! He loves to get into trouble.

There is no way in a war where no one will die or be injured. At first, he was refining elixirs in the temple, and I was participating in the battle to defend the city at Jialing Pass. During one battle, the enemy cut off his arm. Later, although the arm was regenerated But he was not very flexible. Lin Xin seemed to be crazy, insisting that he failed to protect me. Then he changed. He broke his oath and began to practice attack magic. At the same time, he developed various He planted elixirs to treat my arm. Now my broken arm has been completely cured by him. After practicing attack magic, his ability greatly increased, and he also joined the battlefield because of his outstanding performance on the battlefield and his own strength. With his rapid promotion, he was appreciated by the top management of the Magic Temple, accumulated military merits, and was promoted to the position of leader of the first mage regiment.

Hearing what Li Xin said, both Long Haochen and Han Yu were shocked. Han Yu said, You actually learned attack magic?

Li Xin's narration was very plain, like an outsider describing a very ordinary thing. But with Long Haochen's understanding of Lin Xin, he could deeply feel the strong stimulation Li Xin had for Lin Xin after he broke his arm. You know, the reason why Lin Xin vowed not to learn attack magic was because his parents died in magic research. The impact of this shadow on him can be imagined. And because of Li Xin's injury, Lin Xin actually came out of this shadow. In order to protect Li Xin, he learned attack magic. At this moment, Long Haochen finally felt relieved. The once somewhat unreliable magician who couldn't attack had finally grown up and could really protect his sister.

Taking a step forward, Long Haochen came to Lin Xin.

Looking at Long Haochen's clear eyes, Lin Xin's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and everyone could see the anxiety. Li Xing was about to say something more, but Long Haochen raised his hand to stop him.

Raising his hands, Long Haochen grabbed Lin Xin's shoulders, Brother, good job. Thank you for your hard work these days.

Lin Xin was stunned. He had thought countless times about the leader's attitude towards him after meeting Long Haochen again, but he never got the answer like this.

Water mist instantly filled his pupils. In the past two years, he had really sacrificed too much. His craziness in magic training made even Tan Wan, who is known as the number one genius of the younger generation of the Magic Temple, feel uncomfortable. Sigh. He was practicing almost crazily, and he had to set aside time to develop medicine for Li Xin. There are less than two hours of real rest every day. Only through the process of crazy and persistent cultivation could he alleviate the pain and guilt in his heart. There were several times when he suffered from the most dangerous elemental backlash due to excessive training, but even so, he managed to survive.

At this moment, although Long Haochen just said a simple sentence, Lin Xin felt that all the efforts were worth it. The leader didn't blame him, didn't blame him!

Boss... At the moment when the huge pressure in his heart was finally put aside, Lin Xin's somewhat closed heart finally opened completely, and he burst into tears. The emotions he had been suppressing finally burst out like a torrent.

Han Yu wanted to step forward to comfort him, but was stopped by Li Xin. She knew Lin Xin's current mental state best. The depression in his heart was finally resolved. It was definitely better to let him cry than to hold it in his heart.

Lin Xin's emotional venting lasted for nearly a quarter of an hour before he gradually calmed down. Although his eyes were red and swollen from crying, his eyes were obviously much softer, and his tense heartstrings finally relaxed. The huge psychological pressure was gone, but the intense fatigue The feeling made him fall asleep directly in Li Xin's arms. He has put too much pressure on himself these days. After venting, he needs a good rest to truly return his body and mind to normal.

Two days later. On Jialingguan City.

What is the Magic Temple's greatest strength in guarding Jialing Pass? There is no doubt that he is a magician. In the Magic Temple, there are a total of ten regular mage groups, each with 500 people, all composed of magicians with a cultivation level of fifth level or above. Magicians with cultivation levels below level five can only be used as backup forces and are not allowed to enter the battlefield. This is an act of protection for low-level mages by the Magic Temple. After all, cultivating mages is not as easy as cultivating warriors. Every mage is the most valuable asset of the Magic Temple. Maybe, among those low-level mages, another Li Zhengzheng might appear in the future.

In addition to the ten regular mage groups, there are also several more powerful mage groups, each controlled by the strong men of the Magic Temple. Every regular mage group has a single attribute, because only in this way, there will be no conflict of elements in the battle. Lin Xin was able to become the leader of the Mage Group not because he was the strongest among all group leaders, but because the Mage Group was also called the Burning Legion and was composed entirely of fire magicians.


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