Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 568 The Master of the Magic Temple (Part 2)

Two sharp gazes shot out from Li Zhengzheng's eyes, falling on Long Haochen like two sharp swords. They immediately activated Long Haochen's own spiritual power, and a layer of golden brilliance naturally overflowed from his body. Form a layer of body-protecting aura.

Li Zhengzheng smiled slightly and looked away, Long Haochen, you have to remember that there will never be a shortage of geniuses in this world. Although talents like yours are extremely rare, it is not that they have never appeared before. However, today, human beings But there has never been a strong man who can truly confront the Demon God Emperor. Do you know why?

Long Haochen shook his head, Master, please speak.

Li Zhengzheng said: Because they don't know a word of forbearance.

Ah? Long Haochen's brain was running at high speed while listening to Li Zhengzheng's words, but he still didn't expect that Li Zhengzheng would give such an answer.

The former Son of Reincarnation and the Sword God of Light were also amazingly talented people. They all reached the ninth level of cultivation. However, the final result was still their demise, and the demons were only slightly contained at best. On. In terms of talent, they will never be inferior to you, and may even surpass you. For example, the Son of Samsara dared to challenge the Demon God Emperor when he was only thirty-six years old. What kind of confidence and strength did he have? In the end, both he and the Demon God Emperor suffered losses. The Sword God of Light is in a similar situation. Their talents are all likely to lead humans to launch a large-scale counterattack against the demons, or at least reverse the disadvantage. However, in the end, they all lost to their impatience.

Looking at the puzzlement in Long Haochen's eyes, Li Zhengzheng said: You don't understand, right? So, let's put it simply, if the Son of Samsara was not thirty-six years old when he challenged the Demon God Emperor, but a What would happen if the Sword God of Light challenged the Demon God Emperor when he was one hundred and thirty-six years old? What would happen if he was not in his forties but over one hundred and forty when he challenged the Demon God Emperor?

Long Haochen couldn't help but retort: ​​However, these two seniors were forced to have no choice at the beginning. The demon army was pressing on the border, so they had to take action!

Li Zhengzheng snorted, with a hint of disdain at the corner of his mouth, They had the same idea as you, so in the end they failed to become the leader who truly led mankind to defeat the demons.

Since entering the Dark Ages more than 6,000 years ago, we have been forced to stay in this corner of the world, and there has never been a moment of helplessness. Yes, the demons will often advance and launch battles. But, you I have also dealt with the demons, what do you think of the comparison in strength between the alliance and the demons?

Long Haochen said in a deep voice: The demon clan is led by seventy-two demon gods. They are as strong as clouds. Their overall strength is extremely strong. The alliance relied on the combined power of the six fortresses and the six temples to barely resist the demon clan's attack. Attack. In terms of strength comparison, we are indeed inferior to the demons. Of course, I don’t understand the true foundation of the alliance.”

Li Zhengzheng said: What you said is very fair. Yes, the demons are stronger than us, and they are still stronger than us until now. So, have you ever thought about what it was like six thousand years ago? What was the situation at that time? Then At that time, the demons were also seventy-two demon gods, and the first-generation demon gods were the most powerful in terms of comprehensive strength. They can force us in this corner, can't they completely destroy us? To tell you the truth, between the alliance and the demons In the history of the confrontation, the demons have had at least a dozen opportunities to completely destroy the alliance. If the Demon God Emperor had led the demon army to break through at one point at all costs, we would have been completely destroyed long ago. The human inheritance has also ended long ago.

Ah? Long Haochen looked at Li Zhengyi in surprise, Palace Master, what you said is true. Then why didn't the demons do this?

Li Zhengzheng sneered, Captive. The demons are keeping us in captivity. Yes, the demons are far more powerful than us, but after all, they do not belong to our world. They know nothing except war and destruction. If If we humans are really extinct, then there is no need for anyone to avenge us. The demons themselves will perish and will surely perish. Therefore, the demons simply do not dare to kill us or kill us humans. Destruction. This is the dark age of six thousand years. Behind the scenes, the demons often make some deals with us. It’s just that ordinary people don’t know.”

What about this holy war? Long Haochen still didn't believe Li Zhengyi's words.

Li Zhengzheng said calmly: Holy war? You may be the trigger, but in fact, the root cause of this holy war is that the demons are afraid. Over the years, the alliance has grown too fast and has surpassed the demons. Expected. The Demon God Emperor is afraid that our strength will grow too fast and threaten the rule of the Demon Clan. At the same time, the number of the Demon Clan is too large and needs to be streamlined. That’s why this holy war broke out. That’s why the six major temples encountered each other at the same time. Despite the attack, none of them was defeated.

Long Haochen took a breath of cold air. He already vaguely understood what Li Zhengyi meant.

Li Zhengzheng continued: In other words, they did not encounter any critical situation at all back then. If talented people like the Sword God of Light and the Son of Samsara can have enough forbearance, they can wait until they have the courage to endure hardships. When we are absolutely sure, the alliance will not be what it is now.”

You are a smart person, and I believe you can understand what I mean. Of course, I am not telling you this to make you a coward within the alliance. On the contrary, true growth and understanding require constant learning from the strong. Challenges require constant fighting. But remember, try not to do things that you know you can't do.

Having said this, Li Zhengzheng closed his eyes slightly and leaned on the back of the sofa, seeming to be thinking about something.

Long Haochen said respectfully: Thank you for your guidance, senior. After listening to your words, this junior will be enlightened.

Li Zhengzheng waved his hand and said: You go ahead. I am a competitive person all my life. Although I appreciate your talent, I will never show mercy to you if it is in the ranking battle of the six major temples. I think. It’s still too early for you to defeat me. Five years from now, there will be a new Temple Competition. I hope I won’t see you on the playing field then. Fifteen years from now, maybe you should really shine. time.

Long Haochen slowly stood up, saluted Li Zhengyi again, and then turned around and left.

Li Zhengzheng narrowed his eyes slightly, watching Long Haochen's steady footsteps as he left, and thought to himself, The proud man of heaven! Hopefully, he will not follow in the footsteps of his predecessors.

Long Haochen really listened to Li Zhengyi's words. He is only twenty years old this year. In the past ten years, he has devoted almost all his energy to training and fighting against the demons. Not much is known about the internal affairs of the alliance and the relationship between the alliance and the demons.

After returning to the alliance from the Dark Swamp, especially after he ended his retreat, alliance leaders such as Long Tianyin, Sheng Yue, and Li Zhengzheng successively taught him many things that he didn't know before. It's almost all about guiding him in the right direction. Long Haochen's thoughts also became more mature.

Hey. Just as Li Zhengzheng's words were echoing in Long Haochen's mind, a call came from his ears.

Long Haochen was startled and subconsciously looked up. He and the person who called him were both stunned.

The person who called him was naturally Tan Wan, Li Zhengzheng's direct disciple. At this time, Long Haochen had already stepped into the teleportation circle and was about to leave. But he met Tan Wan face to face.

In a dull moment, he realized his mistake, because Li Zhengzheng's words brought so much to him that he forgot to put on his adamantine base armor again and walked out. I happened to meet Tan Wan face to face.

Tan Wan's surprise was obvious, naturally because of Long Haochen's appearance.

You..., are you the one just now? Tan Wan looked at Long Haochen's young and handsome face, his eyes filled with disbelief. In Li Zhengzheng's office, there were only two people, Li Zhengzheng and the acting paladin leader. At this time, a stranger she didn't recognize walked out. It was obviously not a teacher, so it was naturally the acting paladin leader.

As the direct disciple of Li Zhengzheng, the master of the Magic Temple, and with a beautiful appearance, Tan Wan is the dream lover of almost all the young magicians in the Magic Temple. There were too many young people who had shown hospitality to her, but she was absolutely certain that the person in front of her was absolutely incomparable in terms of appearance. For the first time, she knew that a man could be so good-looking. Whether it was his figure or appearance, she couldn't find a single flaw on Long Haochen's body. With her pride in her appearance, she actually felt ashamed of herself at this moment. Moreover, he looks younger than himself!

Long Haochen's reaction at the next moment gave Tan Wan a definite answer. After discovering his mistake, he immediately released the fine gold base armor. Tan Wan watched helplessly as the golden armor shining with orange-red light quickly covered it. On Long Haochen, the golden mask also covered his face again.

Is it really you? After a brief moment of silence, Tan Wan's pretty face was filled with shock.

Long Haochen nodded to her, stepped into the teleportation array, and teleported away the next moment.

Looking at the figure that gradually became illusory, Tan Wan paused for a moment and then immediately flew towards Li Zhengzheng's office. A woman's curiosity is stronger than that of a man, not to mention that this shock has exceeded her cognitive scope.

On the second floor of the Magic Temple, Long Haochen was startled as soon as he reached here, because he saw at a glance that Cai'er was actually being held in someone's arms. When he looked again, a strong surprise instantly filled his body. He took two steps quickly and shouted loudly: Sister, Lin Xin.

Isn't that right? The one hugging Cai'er was none other than Li Xin, whom Long Haochen hadn't seen for a long time. Lin Xin, who had grown back his long dark green hair, stood aside and held hands with Han Yu's right hand, with an excited look on his face. color.

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