Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 56 Admission tickets and equipment (4)

With the light armor on his upper body, he immediately felt that the light elements gathered around his body seemed to have strengthened, and he was subconsciously operating his inner spiritual power. A layer of light golden light clearly rippled on the light armor. Although it could not increase the consumption of spiritual power when Long Haochen used skills, both attack and defense were enhanced.

More importantly, this armor is very light and does not affect Long Haochen's movements at all.

As for the pair of big swords, he likes them even more. Under the stimulation of spiritual power, the two big swords spit out light, especially the lightsaber with attributes that match his, which can spit out a pale golden light blade that is more than a foot long. The fire sword's attribute increase is slightly less, but fire does not repel light, and with the injection of spiritual power from the sacred light, it can exert at least 80% of its attack power.

Long Haochen roughly judged that with this equipment, his combat effectiveness could be increased by at least 10%. Moreover, with the forget-me-not ring, he can switch between sword or shield in his left hand at any time, which is equivalent to switching between the guardian knight and the disciplinary knight.

Haochen. A cold voice came from outside the door.

Teacher. Long Haochen hurriedly opened the door and welcomed Ye Hua in.

Haoyue, who was chewing dried fish on the side, saw Ye Hua come in and whined at him a little unkindly, as if she still held some grudges for what happened in the past.

Long Haochen brought the teacher into the inner room. Ye Hua looked at the light armor on his body and said, Haoyue City is quite impressive. However, it doesn't even have a piece of spirit-demon-level equipment? It's really a different treatment.

Long Haochen smiled and said: It's an unexpected blessing to have a set of magic equipment. Teacher, didn't you say that a truly strong man cannot rely too much on equipment.

Ye Hua snorted and said, That was when I was teaching you, but it's different now. The Demon Hunting Group Selection Tournament is not just a competition, it can be said to be a war at all. If you don't do well, you will lose your life.

Long Haochen said: Teacher, do you have so little confidence in me?

Ye Hua said: Having confidence is one thing, but preparing for a rainy day is another. You will set off tomorrow, and I will also go to the Temple Alliance and wait for you there to participate in the main game. This is for you . As he spoke, Ye Hua took off a gray metal wristband from his wrist.

From the outside, this wristband seemed very ordinary, but when Ye Hua took it off, Long Haochen was surprised to see that the inside of the wristband was actually light gold, composed of at least hundreds of rice-sized light golden gems. .

Long Haochen was not good at making equipment, but his ignorance of these gems did not affect his judgment on this equipment. The light-attributed spiritual power fluctuations emitted from it alone are much stronger than several of his pieces of equipment.

The teacher is poor and has nothing good to give you. This spiritual light wristband can produce a holy light shield after injecting spiritual power, which can be activated three times a day. Each time can last for one minute.

The holy light shield is a defensive skill that can be used by the great knight-level guardian knights. The defensive effect is much stronger than the spiritual light shield. The biggest advantage of the holy light shield is that the range is controllable. The larger the coverage, the greater the defense power. reduce. More importantly, the Holy Light Mask also has certain therapeutic effects. It is one of the most useful skills of the Guardian Knight. The only flaw is that it consumes a lot of spiritual power. It takes fifty points of internal spiritual power to activate this skill, and five more points of internal spiritual power are consumed for each attack.

This shows how precious the equipment that Ye Hua casually threw to Long Haochen was. Each use is equivalent to saving 350 points of spiritual power! And it can be activated three times a day, which is definitely a life-saving thing. It is considered a rare treasure among spiritual and demon-level equipment.

Teacher, this is too precious. I can't have it.

Ye Hua's face darkened, Is it bad? Just throw it away if you don't want it. I'm going back. As he said that, he stood up and walked out.

Long Haochen said helplessly: Teacher, I didn't mean that. This spiritual light wristband is too precious, I...

Ye Hua walked to the door and paused, I have no relatives, only you are my disciple. After saying this, he waved to Long Haochen, indicating that he should not send him out and leave alone.

Looking at the wristband in his hand, Long Haochen felt warm in his heart, Teacher, I will not let you down.

Early morning, the east gate of Haoyue City.

This is where we agreed to meet last night. Li Xin rode her rose unicorn, which had grown to the fifth level in two years, and headed towards the east gate with Long Haochen.

After more than two years, Long Haochen no longer looked like a child. He was naturally embarrassed to ride with Li Xin again. Nalan Shu gave him a strong horse and rode on it side by side with Li Xin. .

Haochen, where is that guy Haoyue? Where did he go? Li Xin looked around and didn't find the two-headed lizard that had been clinging to Long Haochen all day, and couldn't help but be very curious. Ever since Long Haochen brought it back, this guy has been almost inseparable from Long Haochen.

Long Haochen smiled and said: Sister, it is nearby. It will naturally appear when we leave the city.

Li Xin said very curiously: I really think Haoyue is smarter than my rose. But it is only an intermediate level four.

Soon, the two siblings arrived at the east gate. At this time, the excited Chen brothers were already waiting here, and Lin Jialu hadn't arrived yet.

Miss Xin'er, little brother Long. Chen Si took the initiative to come up and say hello. They had great respect for Li Xin and his brothers. As for Long Haochen, they regarded him more as a vassal of Li Xin. After all, Nalan Shu also said yesterday that Long Haochen is only fourteen years old this year. How capable can a fourteen-year-old be? Li Xin is different. Not only is her cultivation higher than theirs, but she also possesses a powerful magical beast like the Rose Unicorn. The overall strength is comparable to that of their brothers combined. The status of knights has always been much higher than that of warriors, so they naturally hope to have a good relationship with Li Xin.

Those who can be selected to participate in the Demon Hunting Team selection competition are all talented people. The test they are about to face requires the cooperation of everyone.

Li Xin nodded to them and said, Isn't Lin Jialu here yet?

Chen Si smiled and said: It's not time yet. Let's wait for a while.

Li Xin nodded calmly.

Two brothers, Chen Si and Chen Chen, also rode strong horses. While they were talking, a carriage came slowly and stopped not far in front of them.

When the curtain was raised, Lin Jialu jumped out of the carriage first, but she stood there respectfully. Then, an old man stepped out of the carriage.

The old man looked to be in his sixties or seventies. His gray hair was meticulously combed, and the slightly fragrant hair wax made his short hair look shiny. He has thick eyebrows and big eyes, but his eyes are slightly cold, his lips are slightly thin, and his arrogant and noble temperament gives people a feeling that it is difficult to get close to him.

Wearing a light cyan magic robe, the edge of the robe is outlined with gold threads, and it itself exudes a light metallic luster. Active wind elements naturally circle around his body. He held a long-handled staff, which was dark green and had a bluish-white gem the size of an egg on the top.

Lin Jialu said respectfully: Master Supervisor, please.

The old man nodded and looked at her, his arrogant eyes softened a bit, Let's go. Accompanied by Lin Jialu, he came to Long Haochen and others.

Everyone hurriedly dismounted. There was no doubt that this old man was the inspector sent by the Temple Alliance and a magician. Although there was no obvious magic fluctuation on his body, it was obviously not something Lin Jialu could match.

The old man walked up to the crowd and said nothing. He just said calmly: Let's go.

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