Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 55 Admission tickets and equipment (3)

The alliance has sent an inspector in charge of our Haoyue branch to supervise your qualifications. During this process, no matter what kind of danger you encounter, the inspector will not take action and will only let you fend for yourself. . Unless you take the initiative to ask for help from him. However, once you take the initiative to ask for help, it means that you will lose the qualification to participate in this competition.

Our Haoyue City is located in the southeast of the alliance, only more than 400 miles away from the border. We have carefully discussed it and have planned a route for you to sneak into the demon clan. You must remember that you will retreat with one strike and cannot be reluctant to fight. If it really happens If you encounter a crisis that you cannot cope with, then you would rather lose your qualifications than ask for help from the Inspector. Your lives are the most important. We have handed over the map to the Inspector, and you will set off tomorrow. You represent, This is the Haoyue Branch Palace, and it is also the Haoyue City. Here, we wish you good results in this competition.

As he spoke, Li Aoxiao, Lin Yinjia, and the other three branch hall masters all stood up and raised their teacups.

Long Haochen and the other five people also quickly stood up and saluted the five leaders of Haoyue City. Everyone drank the tea in the cup together.

The Lin Yin family said in a deep voice: Since the emergence of the demons six thousand years ago and entering the dark age, we humans have been struggling for survival and continuation. It took us more than two thousand years to stabilize the current situation. Territory. The demons are our mortal enemies. Every time we kill an enemy, it is a contribution to the protection of mankind. Although our Haoyue City is not a big city, participating in the Demon Hunting Group Selection Competition is a major event every five years. In order to make it easier for you to achieve good results, we have prepared some gifts for you. As long as you can complete the pre-game ticket tasks and enter the main game, these gifts will belong to you forever. Follow me.

There are four floors in the ruling hall of Haoyue City. Under the leadership of Lin Yinjia and Li Aoxiao, everyone went to a room on the top floor guarded by ten warriors.

There was no furniture in the room, only a few large wooden tables, with numerous equipment neatly placed on them.

Seeing these equipments, brothers Chen Si and Chen Chen's breathing became visibly faster. Li Xin and Lin Jialu are much more normal. Their families are rich and they have no shortage of equipment. There was a hint of surprise in Long Haochen's eyes, but he was very calm.

Back then, Long Xingyu once said to Long Haochen that for any strong person in the Six Temples, equipment is part of their strength. But any equipment will be cherished more only if it is obtained through one's own efforts. The Shield of Glory can be regarded as Long Haochen's first real piece of equipment, and now, he is obviously going to have a complete set of equipment for the first time.

There are a lot of equipment on the desk, obviously not just one set for each person, there is a lot of room for choice.

Lin Yinjia smiled and said: Although these equipment are not high-end, they are much better than the mass products on the market. In view of your current cultivation level, most of you choose amplifying equipment to facilitate your battle. Directly activate the effect. You can choose by yourself now. However, you can only choose one set of equipment in the same position.

Lin Jialu shook her head and said, I have my own equipment, so there is no need to choose. As the daughter of a consul, her family runs a magic equipment store, so she naturally does not need to choose again.

Li Xin also shook his head, saying that he didn't need it either.

The Lin Yin family and Li Aoxiao had obviously guessed this situation a long time ago. These equipments were originally prepared for Long Haochen and the Chen brothers.

The Chen brothers couldn't wait any longer. At the signal of Chen Chunhua, the master of the warrior branch hall, they quickly stepped forward to select.

Li Xin touched Long Haochen and motioned for him to hurry up and choose, lest all the good ones were picked away.

The quality of melee equipment mainly depends on three aspects. The first is the material. The better the materials used, the stronger the equipment will be. The second is the craftsmanship. The same materials are made of different layers. Made by blacksmiths, the difference in quality is quite large. The third is to look at enchantments. The value of a piece of magic equipment is at least five times that of ordinary equipment. If the magic effect attached to it is powerful enough, it will be even more valuable.

Equipment is divided from low to high: ordinary equipment, metal equipment, magic equipment, spiritual equipment, brilliant equipment, legendary equipment, epic equipment, immortal equipment, and mythical equipment.

For these young people who participated in this demon hunting group, the equipment provided by Haoyue City was indeed carefully selected. All of them are magic equipment. Although they are just the most common low-level enchantment-increasing attribute types, any one of them on the market costs hundreds of gold coins. Spiritual equipment that is one level higher than magic equipment must come with at least one skill. Equipment at that level must be worth thousands of gold coins.

As a shield warrior, Chen Si did not hesitate to first choose a heavy body armor for himself, and then paired it with a thick tower shield. The armor and shield are reinforced with earth magic patterns, and their defense power is the strongest among the equipment in front of them. The weapon is much simpler, just a long knife that has the effect of increasing speed.

Chen Chen's choice reflects the different priorities of the same warriors, wearing a fire attribute light armor and a pair of fire attribute long swords. Once activated by spiritual power, a layer of flames will appear on the body, accompanied by fire attribute attacks. This further increases his Berserker's attack power.

Long Haochen also chose a light armor. The armor plates made of fine iron and heavy silver alloy were very thin and mainly covered the upper body and elbow and knee joints. The armor was dark silver in color and didn't look very eye-catching, but there was a faint aura of light on it.

Enchanting the light attribute is more difficult than other attributes. Therefore, the light attribute attached to his soft armor that does not even have a helmet is not very strong. It has a certain degree of defense but is lighter.

Then, he picked two more heavy swords. Among these equipment, there was only one heavy sword enchanted with the light attribute, so his second heavy sword was chosen with the fire attribute.

The shape of the two epees is no different from the knight's standard epee. The standard swords are engraved with different magic patterns, and the center of the swords is also inlaid with a fourth-order Warcraft crystal core. Swords weigh between twenty and twenty-five kilograms. For Long Haochen, who had an external spiritual power of two hundred, this kind of weight was nothing at all.

The Lin Yin family asked curiously: Long Haochen, aren't you a guardian knight? Why did you choose two heavy swords?

Long Haochen said with some embarrassment: I already have a shield. Let's choose an extra sword as a spare. Is that okay?

Lin Yinjia smiled slightly and said, Of course.

Li Aoxiao said: You have to familiarize yourself with your equipment after you go back. You will set off tomorrow morning. If you complete the entrance ticket task, the supervisor will take you directly to the alliance. We in Haoyue City will also have someone to go to the alliance first to prepare for the alliance. You arrange all the participation matters.”


Returning to his residence, Li Xin told Long Haochen to have a good rest and then went back. Long Haochen took out the five kilograms of dried fish he bought on the way back and gave it to his good friend, the two-headed lizard Haoyue, and couldn't wait to try on the equipment he just got.

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