Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 558 Arrival! Colorful divine light (middle)

Holy Spirit Heart, who was originally commanding, suddenly changed his face when he saw the huge light and shadow in the distance, and said in a voiceless voice: It's the Love Demon Goddess Sidi. She wants to cast a forbidden spell.

Lan Yanyu was beside her husband, What kind of forbidden spell is this? Have you seen it?

Holy Spirit Heart said solemnly: Sidi's nickname is the Love Demon God. Among the demons, she is known as the one in charge of lust. Her forbidden spell may not have direct attack capabilities, but it is more terrifying than those direct attack forbidden spells. . It can beat our most primitive desires. With my level of cultivation, my whole body is already starting to feel hot, let alone the soldiers.

Lan Yanyu asked anxiously: What should we do? Is there any way to interrupt her?

Sheng Shengxin smiled bitterly and said: Didn't you see that the other five demon gods surrounded her in the center? How can we interrupt the power of the six demon gods gathered together! We can only look at grandpa and the others.

Lan Yanyu frowned, Is it okay if I don't look at her?

Holy Spirit Heart shook his head and said: It's useless. This forbidden curse has just begun. With Sidi's cultivation, it doesn't matter if she just doesn't look at the forbidden curse she uses. Then she can still be ranked tenth among the demons. Two of you?

Lan Yanyu asked doubtfully: But, why don't I feel anything?

Holy Spirit thought: Maybe women are immune to her forbidden spell. But, our warriors are all men!

Having said this, he subconsciously looked at Cai'er in the sky, and then at Long Haochen on the other side who was still glowing with a golden halo but motionless. The Holy Spirit's heart vaguely felt that today's battle would be related to the life and death of the Exorcist Pass. If it doesn't work well, I'm afraid the Exorcism Pass will disappear from this world forever. By that time, the Assassin's Temple might not be able to be saved. He was already thinking in his mind that if it really didn't work out, he would have to cover Long Haochen and leave with his daughter no matter what. It would also be good to leave the last bit of blood to the Assassin Temple! As a father, he will eventually be somewhat selfish.

Long Haochen also saw the forbidden spell cast by the Love Demon God Sidi, and was suddenly shocked. His feeling is different from that of the Holy Spirit's heart. Being in the realm of stars, Long Haochen's already strong mental power, coupled with the assistance of the light element of Haina Baichuan, made his perception sharp and reached an extremely astonishing level.

He discovered that the forbidden curse of Sidi was like a projection, but the effect of the entire forbidden curse was only projected on the top of the Exorcist Pass with a special spatial fluctuation. In other words, the demons below cannot see it. Unless they attack the city, they will not be affected by the forbidden curse of Sidi.

Moreover, Long Haochen can now be said to be a bystander. As a bystander, he discovered that the demon army that had previously rushed towards the Exorcist Pass like a tide had slowed down after Sidi began to cast this forbidden spell. , only the double-sword demon is still attacking with all its strength, but the other middle-low-level demons and high-level demons have obviously slowed down. It's just that because of the constant impact of the double-sword demon at the head of Exorcist Pass, we didn't feel many changes in this area.

The forbidden spell of the Love Demon God was also effective against their demon clan. Long Haochen immediately came to this conclusion.

At this moment, in the distance, the demon camp suddenly burst into flames. Large tracts of flames rose up. At least one third of the demon camp burned. The fire was raging and rising rapidly.

That's right, before the war even started, the master of the Assassin Temple, Xia Zhe Shengyue, led the strong men of the Assassin Temple to quietly leave the exorcism level.

After being awakened by Long Haochen, coupled with the huge results achieved in last night's sneak attack, Sheng Yue fully realized what an assassin should do.

These strong men can be said to be useless if they just stay at the top of the Exorcist Pass and can only confront each other. Moreover, they are assassins, not magicians, and they do not have the Demon God Pillar amplification like the Demon God. Therefore, even a ninth-level knight-level assassin cannot cast a large-scale forbidden spell. Therefore, as a surprise force outside the Exorcism Pass, as an extremely sharp artifact, they are far more effective than staying inside the Exorcism Pass to assist in defense.

They were the ones who lit this fire in the Demon Clan's camp, and at the same time burned the Demon Clan's granary to the ground.

However, Shengyue's mood at this time was extremely solemn. Of course he saw Sidi begin to cast the forbidden spell. However, from the perspective of the rear of the demon army, he saw only an illusory pink light and shadow in the sky, and he could not see clearly what ability Sidi was exerting.

This is what Long Haochen observed. The real image of Sidi's forbidden curse was only projected on the city top of the Exorcist Pass. In order not to affect the demon army, other locations other than the Exorcist Pass would not see this forbidden curse. affected.

Follow me, knight. The knight-invisible assassin attacks and kills the high-level demons from behind. Shengyue gave the order almost without hesitation. Sidi's forbidden curse must not be allowed to succeed, otherwise, the exorcism will be in danger.

Eleven distorted rays of light disappeared into the air at the same time. It could be faintly seen that behind the six demon gods, the air suddenly became distorted, and the fierce murderous intent directly locked onto the six demon gods in the air.

However, Sidi seemed not to notice these chivalrous assassins at all, and was still chanting her spell. The transformed light and shadow began to become clearer and clearer, as if there really was such a huge one in this world. She is average.

At the head of the Exorcist Pass, the impact was becoming more and more severe, and the eyes of the soldiers began to turn red. Under the effect of Cai'er's positive and negative killing enchantment, and with the increased murderous aura, he was able to suppress Sidi's forbidden curse to a certain extent. However, Cai'er, who was in the air at this time, had sweat on his forehead.

No matter how powerful the God's Favorite is, or how powerful the Death Scythe is, in the final analysis, she is only a seventh-level assassin! If Cai'er's cultivation can reach the ninth level, with the divine descending technique, the positive and negative killing enchantment she casts may even suppress Sidi's forbidden curse. But now she can't do it at all. Holding on to the barrier is just a drop in the bucket. Moreover, once her barrier is loosened, the impact on the soldiers at the Exorcist Pass below will be even greater.

Cai'er gritted her teeth and struggled to hold on. It was because she correctly judged the form that she didn't dare to slack off in the slightest. You must persist, you must persist.

Her eyes unconsciously looked towards Long Haochen on the other side of the Exorcist Pass. She didn't know what Long Haochen was doing, but she had a persistent confidence in him. He will definitely be able to turn things around, he will definitely be able to.

The ear-piercing sound of breaking through the air suddenly erupted behind the six Demon God Pillars. In mid-air, a huge crack a hundred feet long appeared out of thin air, cutting hard towards the Love Demon God Sidi.

It was the eleven heroes who took action. This attack was a combination of their powers with one purpose, to prevent Sidi from continuing her spell.

There was a trace of disdain on the face of the Hidden Demon God Byrne. Except for Sidi's Demon God Pillar, the other five Demon God Pillars suddenly changed directions quickly and lined up in a row to block Sidi's back.

Boom—— A terrifying explosion sounded in the air, and the huge space crack suddenly shattered into countless tiny space cracks and scattered in all directions. Eleven figures bounced back at the same time, each flying hundreds of meters before they stabilized their bodies.

The five demon pillars, like five invincible kings, blocked the sudden attacks of the eleven knights.

Why does the Temple Alliance cherish Long Haochen who can destroy the Demonic Pillar so much? It is because for more than six thousand years, mankind has never been able to find a way to destroy the Demon God Pillar!

On the Demon God Pillar, the powerful human beings have suffered countless losses.

When the demon gods of the demon race use the demon god pillar, the more demon gods there are, the more terrifying the power of the demon god pillar will be. With their current comprehensive defense, using the demon pillars of the five demon gods to defend Sidi, the eleven ninth-level knight-level assassins were unable to do anything.

Palace Master, what should I do? A knight who had used too much force wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and asked Sheng Yue.

Shengyue's eyes were already turning blood red at this time. He knew that in this situation, Sidi's forbidden spell could no longer be stopped. They simply can't do it. This is also the situation he least wants to see.

If he were the top expert in the Magic Temple, he might be able to fight against Sidi with forbidden spells. However, among the six temples, there are two top experts in the temple who do not have the ability to cast forbidden spells. Then It's the Assassin's Temple and the Warrior's Temple. In terms of single combat, they are more powerful. Their spiritual power is far more powerful than the Magic Temple, Soul Temple and Priest Temple. However, their spiritual power cannot break through the blockade of the Demon God Pillar!

Shengyue's breathing was obviously a little rapid, but as the master of the Assassin Temple, he was already prepared for the worst. He took a deep look at the six demon pillars in front of him, gritted his teeth, and issued an order that made his heart bleed.

Kill, they cast the forbidden spell, and we will go down and kill those high-level demons. I want to see whether they die first or our people die first.

There is no other way to do this. Even if there is half a chance, Shengyue will not issue such an order. As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the other ten heroes turned red.

How difficult it was for Shengyue to issue this order! His grandson Holy Spirit is directing the battle at the Exorcism Gate, and his great-granddaughter is trying her best to resist the forbidden spell in the air. Once the Love Demon God's forbidden spell is completed, they will be the first to bear the brunt.

Kill-- The eleven knights burst into loud shouts at the same time. Under the surprised gazes of the other five demon gods except the Love Demon God, they were like eleven mad dragons, sweeping towards the people below crazily. The demon army.


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