Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 557 Arrival! Colorful Divine Light (Part 1)

Cai'er raised her head, her long hair spread out behind her head like a disk, and the death sickle in her hand made a virtual stroke in the air.

Suddenly, a crystal gray light spread out in the air like tears. The sky suddenly darkened, and then, a ghastly murderous intention enveloped the demon army like mercury pouring down the ground.

Wherever the gray light passed in mid-air, a wide crack was opened. In the black crack, there were dots of stars, and the cold murderous aura fell from it.

Behind Cai'er, a tall shadow appeared. The height of the shadow was more than a hundred meters. It also held a huge scythe in its hand. It looked like an enlarged version of Cai'er, but it was completely gray and illusory. .

The same murderous aura was released, but what landed on the head of the Exorcist Pass was completely different. All the soldiers on the Exorcist Pass felt that a strong murderous aura instantly merged into their blood, completely stimulating the murderous intent in their hearts. In their hearts, fighting seems to have become the most sacred mission, and there is a strong tendency for gods to kill gods and Buddhas to kill Buddhas.

Positive and negative killing enchantment, one of Cai'er's divine descending skills.

This has nothing to do with her own cultivation, it is entirely the powerful ability displayed by the divine descending technique. Of course, because Cai'er's current cultivation level is far from enough, the power of the positive and negative killing enchantment cannot cover a large area. However, for the current melee form, she only needs to control the enchantment to cover the area. Just exorcise the demon and pass the city gate.

For the enemy, the positive and negative killing enchantment will greatly reduce the momentum due to the terrifying murderous intent, and generate strong fear in the heart, thus greatly reducing the combat effectiveness. For friendly forces, it is an overall increase in murderous intent.

The increase in murderous aura can bring out 120% of their own strength without being affected by any other form on the scene.

This is Cai'er's first time trying to cast this barrier. She hasn't mastered it for a long time and has never really used it in battle because she lacks confidence. If it had been her before she lost her memory, this would never have happened. Long Haochen's return not only brought Cai'er happiness, but also made her feel that she had someone to rely on. After feeling at ease, her confidence naturally increased, and she finally unleashed the power of the death spell.

Affected by the positive and negative killing enchantment, the soldiers of the Exorcist Pass became very powerful for a while, and the demons they killed completely retreated from the top of the city. In their eyes, the six demon pillars in the distance seemed to have only the lighting effect. . Not enough to affect morale at all. Affected by the positive and negative killing enchantment, the demon's offensive also suddenly slowed down, and the overall response was sluggish.

The lower the cultivation level, the more severe the impact of the barrier will be. The power of a divine weapon that is compatible with itself is naturally unmatched by the powerful ones of the same level.

Just Cai'er's Divine Surrendering Technique has already made his side's suppressed morale rise again, while Long Haochen on the other side has remained motionless until now.

Long Haochen's injection of spiritual energy did not stop, and the Star King's Star Domain also continued. As long as the absorbed light elements were absorbed, they would be quickly provided to Long Haochen. In just a short time, Long Haochen turned to the sun and the moon. The spiritual power focused on in the Divine Snail Shield has exceeded the level of one hundred thousand spiritual power. And his injection speed showed no sign of slowing down at all.

This has to be said about Long Haochen's overall strength at this time. As a favored person of the gods, after using the sacred rain, his connection with the light attribute has become even closer. Therefore, any light element that comes to him will have an incomparable sense of intimacy. The Adamantine Base Battle Armor, a powerful epic-level equipment, is already extremely powerful in terms of auxiliary effects, not to mention the Star King's Star Domain, which is comparable to the Forbidden Curse.

For a time, although Long Haochen's own cultivation level would not be improved to a very strong level, he had made a qualitative leap in terms of sustained combat effectiveness. And he directly converted this continuous combat power into Ling Gang, and provided it all to his Sun and Moon Snail Shield.

It has been a long time since I got the Sun and Moon Divine Snail Shield. Long Haochen can feel that every time I use it, the compatibility between myself and it will become stronger. As this feeling becomes more and more obvious, He also felt more and more that he was closer to being able to truly control the Sun and Moon Snail Shield.

Although he still failed to activate the Sun and Moon Divine Snail Shield at this time, he could faintly feel that the Sun and Moon Divine Snail Shield was accumulating power and might explode at any time. And this explosion requires him to continue to provide spiritual power. Long Haochen's eyes were fixed on the distant sky, the rising sun. The dawn is about to pass, and the sun is about to shine on the earth. Is it far away from the Sun and Moon Divine Snail Shield to bloom its true glory?

In fact, Long Haochen's judgment on the ability of the Sun and Moon Snail Shield was correct. The formula left by the Sun and Moon Snail really told him that if he wanted to make the Sun and Moon Snail Shield exert its most powerful power, he needed to At dusk or dawn when the sun and moon alternate. But Long Haochen's current cultivation level is still far, far away from the ultimate power to activate the Sun and Moon Divine Snail Shield. Therefore, no matter how hard he tried and how Star King helped him, he still could not activate the Sun-Moon Divine Snail Shield during the alternation of the sun and the moon.

The six demon gods were all suspended in the air, each bathing in their demon god pillars. Sidi, the God of Love, stared coldly at the head of the Exorcist Pass in the distance. Although the expression on his face remained unchanged, he was secretly surprised in his heart.

The powerful murderous aura displayed by Cai'er made her feel a faint feeling of panic. Based on her cultivation level, she could naturally tell that this was a divine descending technique, which achieved such power by stimulating the power of gods. However, before today, there had never been such a scene in the Exorcist Pass!

Bairn, is that the human that you and An Luo went to assassinate before? Sidi pointed at Cai'er in the distance and asked the Hidden Demon God beside him.

Byrne nodded and said: It's her. But, why has her strength changed now? She seems to be stronger.

Sidi snorted coldly, That's not her strength, it's the power of God she borrowed. She is favored by God. It seems that she is probably the human girl His Highness the Crown Prince mentioned. It turned out that she was allowed to run away in the first place. It's in the Assassin's Temple.

Byrne said solemnly: The one on the other side is the human knight who suddenly arrived that day to block An Luo's return and blocked my attack. I think he is probably more dangerous. If it weren't for him, An Luo wouldn't be there Die. What is he going to do?

Sidi narrowed his eyes slightly, No matter what he wants to do, he must die today. An Luoxian and Xier need to be buried with human blood and corpses. He cast the forbidden spell that day, but do you think It’s a little strange that this human’s cultivation level doesn’t seem to have reached what they call the ninth level, which is one hundred thousand spiritual powers. How did he use the forbidden spell?”

Byrne said: Maybe it's some special equipment of human beings. He is wearing the adamantine base battle armor of the Knights Temple. This kind of armor seems to have a great amplification effect. Moreover, he used it to resist my attack that day. The shield is also very strong. Without that shield, there is no way he could have blocked my multiple attacks.

Sidi said coldly: These humans think that they are the only ones who can use forbidden spells, don't we? You guys protect me, and I want to show humans the true strength of our demon god.

As she spoke, Sidi's body slowly floated upwards, and the other five demon gods quickly gathered around her. The six demon god pillars gathered into a plum blossom-like shape. The five demon gods were outside, and the love demon god Sidi was guarded in the center.

Sidi slowly raised her hands toward the sky, and the Demon God Pillar she was on suddenly erupted with a dazzling pink light, and the light from the Demon God Pillar shot straight into the sky. The intense spiritual power fluctuations mixed with the surging pink light reflected the entire sky on the demon side into the same color.

Seeing this pink brilliance immediately gives people a sweet and greasy feeling, as if something is scratching in their hearts. The itching feeling was extremely uncomfortable.

Sidi is wearing a pink dress, coupled with the pink color of her hair, eyes and hot figure, she is full of endless temptation.

A low chant of a spell began to sound from her mouth, and circles of pink light spread from her body.

At this moment, you can see how powerful she is as the twelfth among the seventy-two demon gods of the demon clan. The spell had just begun to be chanted, but the power of the forbidden spell had already been revealed.

The pink halo emanating from her body gradually condensed into a huge human shape in the air, which was ten times larger than the figure of the God of Death behind Cai'er. As the pink halo continues to grow, this figure becomes clearer and clearer.

Surprisingly, this figure turned out to be the God of Love himself, Sidi magnified countless times. All her charms are revealed in this huge light and shadow, and they are becoming more and more powerful. Even the light of the six demon pillars became dimmed because of this light and shadow.

Seeing this figure, even under the stimulation of Cai'er's positive and negative killing barrier, the human warriors couldn't help but start to feel a little dazed. This light and shadow was so big that they couldn't even look at it.

The beauty of the love demon Sidi is full of endless temptation, giving people endless reverie, and has the perfect figure that all men dream of.

The poor pink dress with little fabric swayed gently, and as her figure became clearer and clearer, the human warriors' breathing became visibly faster.

Human beings' most primitive desires are about to take action, and the weapons in their hands naturally begin to slow down. The demon attack, which had been completely suppressed, suddenly broke out again. The battle on the city became more fierce.


I read that some brothers said that Xiaolong wanted to run through all the fortresses. I quietly revealed that he would not run through them all.

I updated a 4,000-word article in the morning and asked for votes. When I read it in the afternoon, it was so pitiful and sad that there were only a dozen votes.

Could you please give me a few more pictures? Thanks.

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