Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 525 Surprise Attack (Part 2)

It is completely impossible to launch light explosive bombs from magic cannons, because after being stimulated, they will immediately produce a powerful explosive force. They will explode before they are discharged from the chamber, or they will explode as soon as they are discharged from the chamber, which is not enough to cause damage to the enemy. The threat has become a suicide weapon.

However, during an experiment, researchers from the Knights Temple suddenly discovered that the light explosive bomb they developed also had an advantage, that is, it was superimposable. After the power of light explosive bombs of the same quality explodes, multiple bombs can produce a superposition effect of power, and the power will continue to increase, increasing geometrically.

This discovery made them immediately interested, and they picked up the light blast bomb that they were about to give up.

After continuous development and testing, they finally discovered that when the power of light explosive bombs is limited to the level equivalent to the fourth-level magic of the light system, the superposition and fusion are the best, and they can be superimposed continuously without limit. Unfortunately, it still cannot be fired with the magic cannon. It can only be thrown by human hands. It must also be the owner of the light attribute, ignite it with the light element, throw it, and then explode with superimposed explosive power.

After this thing was developed, it was quickly criticized because it was too difficult to superimpose them on the battlefield.

A light explosive bomb that is nothing more than a fourth-level magic will probably be resisted by the enemy once it is launched. How can it be superimposed? It can be said that in a collision on the frontal battlefield, the light explosive bombs continue to superimpose, and it is almost impossible to generate powerful power at the forbidden level.

Moreover, despite the fact that this light blast bomb itself can only exert the power of fourth-level magic, its production cost is extremely high. It not only requires master-level craftsmanship, but also requires a variety of precious metal powders including mithril. And the light magic crystal for fusion. The failure rate is still high.

Therefore, although this research was successful, the number of photoexplosive bombs ultimately produced was very small. Precious metals are easy to handle and can always be obtained, but this light magic crystal is too difficult. We can't let the knights go hunting in the Holy Mountain of Knights, right?

Therefore, in the treasure house of the Knights Temple, there are only a few hundred light explosive bombs in total, and they have not been actually used since they were developed.

However, since so much energy was spent on making this thing, the Knights Temple has naturally considered the circumstances under which they can be used to exert the greatest power, that is, sneak attacks, sneak attacks on the enemy. Only in this way can the light explosion be exerted The superimposed effect of bullets. Today's raid was also the first time that light explosive bombs appeared on the stage of history.

For this raid, the Knights Temple Military Department made an extremely detailed plan. Only the first raid was the most effective. Therefore, Long Tianyin finally decided to take out all the things at the bottom of the box.

The attack on three sides was also within the plan, and it was a three-sided attack in a rhythmic manner, in order to prevent the seven demon gods from spreading out. To ensure that all personnel conducting the raid can escape unharmed.

You know, all those participating in this raid are Mithril Pedestal Knights! With the exception of Han Yu, everyone else is not a mithril base. Only the leaders, Long Haochen and He Jun, are more powerful. This kind of power is also something Yulongguan absolutely cannot afford to lose.

The first wave to attack is undoubtedly the most dangerous, because they are likely to face the devil's pursuit, so He Jun, the holy knight, personally leads them, and Long Haochen and the others are placed in the last wave, just to get closer. One step to ensure their safety. Under such circumstances, how could Long Haochen not understand his grandfather's painstaking efforts? Although he has not really recognized this grandfather in his heart, this is a battlefield, and as a soldier, he must obey orders.

More than fifty figures shot out, each unfolding their spiritual wings and flying rapidly. Long Haochen deliberately landed at the back and summoned the Star King, while paying close attention to the movements behind them.

The entire raid plan was almost perfect. Except for the power of the first forbidden curse being limited by the seven demon gods, the power of the other two forbidden curses could be said to be fully developed. Even if it is not enough to destroy the God Emperor's Legion, it will at least wipe out all the Hell Demons in the God Emperor's Legion who are members of the legal profession.

This is the terror of the forbidden curse. In the face of this sudden forbidden curse, hell demons whose general strength is above level six do not have much resistance. Even those with the defensive capabilities of the bear demons would be killed in this terrorist attack, let alone their fragile bodies.

At this time, the anger in the hearts of the seven demon gods has reached its peak. The power of the forbidden curse in front of them has just begun to decline, but the other two forbidden curses have completely exploded. Even other ninth-level experts in the demon camp have stepped forward to try to weaken the power of the forbidden spell, but after all, they are not protected by the demon pillar, and they dare not bear it too hard. Therefore, they can see two huge golden mushroom clouds. There was an explosion in the demon camp.

The Undead Demon God Samikina almost crushed a demon tooth. Since this holy war, although the demons have always suffered heavy losses, this is the first time they have suffered such a blow. Those are the three God-Emperor legions that directly belong to the Demon God-Emperor! The last time the God Emperor's second legion suffered a heavy blow, the Demon God Emperor was furious. The commander of the second legion, who was also a demon king under Samikina, was almost beaten to death by the Demon God Emperor. I am still recovering from my injuries to this day. This time, the three major God Emperor legions suffered a heavy blow. Even with his status, the Demon God Emperor probably would not let him off easily.

At this time, Samikina suddenly noticed the last batch of human knights evacuating, and he immediately saw the Star King who was stepping under Long Haochen.

That was the King of Starry Unicorns. Even in the eyes of a demon of Samikina's level, it was a very powerful light-based monster. What's more, during the day, he had just seen the brilliance of the artifact released by the Star King master. How could he forget it at this time?

Seeing Long Haochen, Samikina's heart moved, and she secretly thought that the only way to make up for the anger of the Demon God Emperor caused by the loss of the God Emperor's three legions was through this artifact. Being able to hand over a light artifact, even though the demon gods can't use it, should be enough to appease the demon god emperor's anger.

Therefore, after thinking about it in his mind, he immediately took action. The huge gray wings flapped quietly, and the next moment, his body was like a gray meteor, chasing in the direction of Long Haochen.

After all, Long Haochen was a human being, not a god. Naturally, it was impossible for him to guess what the undead demon Samikina was thinking. How could he possibly have imagined that because he didn't want to use his spiritual wings to reveal his identity, but because of Star King's relationship, he lured the master of the Undead Demon to him.

Samikina suddenly left, which surprised the other six demon gods, because the forbidden curse below had not yet completely ended. As soon as he left, the power of the forbidden curse suddenly expanded a bit, and dozens of God Emperor legions were killed. The demon soldiers were involved, but the only one who really understood his intentions was the bear demon Warriver. Because he also noticed Long Haochen, he was ready to pursue him, but Samikina beat him to it.

In this case, Walliver could not take action anymore, otherwise it would be Samikina's provocative behavior. Although he has always been thinking about entering the top five demon gods, he is not willing to break up with Samikina. He knew very well how powerful the demon clan was.

Long Haochen and his companions were retreating, while the other two teams had already returned to Yulong Pass. At this moment, he suddenly felt an indescribable terrifying pressure. This was the first time he felt this feeling, and it had never appeared before even with his father and grandfather.

This pressure was not in the momentum, but in the air. He felt as if the air around his body had become thicker. Squeezing his body in all directions. So much so that Star King's speed suddenly slowed down. The overwhelming and omnipresent oppression seemed to crush him to pieces.

Not good. Long Haochen could guess what was going on without looking back. The only terrifying and powerful person who could put him under such pressure that he couldn't even think of resisting was the demon god level.

Han Yu, leave quickly. With a loud shout, Long Haochen immediately told Star King to turn around and at the same time released his own ripples of light.

Orange-red light burst out from his left arm at the same time, quickly protecting his whole body.

The Sun-Moon Divine Snail Shield is indeed an existence that has the potential to become a super artifact. After releasing it, Long Haochen suddenly felt a lightness all over his body, and the pressure on his body was greatly reduced.

However, at this time, he had also seen the undead demon chasing after him like a meteor chasing the moon, and he couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. This is the fourth ranked demon god among the demon clan! Even Grandpa thought he was no match for him, a terrifying powerhouse with over 400,000 spiritual powers.

Above the ninth level, one step at a time, the difference is not as simple as just talking. Above the ninth level, each level is equivalent to adding a new ninth level, and this increase must be calculated in geometric multiples. With the spiritual power of the Dragon Sky Seal exceeding 200,000, coupled with the Divine Seal Throne, it was only possible for him to fight with the Undead Demon God Samikina, both of whom would suffer losses. How could he resist?

However, Long Haochen could not retreat at this time. In any case, Star King's speed could not be compared with Samikina. If he was caught up by him, Long Haochen might not even be able to resist at all. there is none left. What's more, he is the commander-in-chief of this temporary army and the new acting paladin captain. At this critical moment of life and death, how can he hand over the backs of his comrades to the enemy? Therefore, he must stay and do everything he can to resist Samikina.

Perhaps, he really has to use that power again. Without exposing his identity, what else can help him get out of this losing battle? ——

I am going to take my wife to the hospital in the afternoon, and I will give birth to the baby tomorrow morning! Please give us your best wishes. hehe.

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