Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 524 Surprise Attack (Part 2)

Samikina didn't know what the light ball was, but what he knew was that the power of the light ball alone was not great, but when added together, it exploded with a power similar to the forbidden light spell. able.

Forbidden spells of any attribute are irreversible after the explosion is completed. The best Samikina could do was resist its attacks on itself. And if he wants to completely resist this forbidden curse with his own strength, then he must burst out a forbidden curse stronger than it.

However, even with Samikina's strength, it still takes time to complete a forbidden spell! Moreover, this is the military camp of the demon clan, and adding a forbidden spell will only make the losses even greater.

The power of the demon god was undoubtedly evident at this time. Samikina let out an angry scream, and the other six demon gods also followed immediately.

Facing the superimposed terrifying attack of forbidden light spell level, these seven demon gods quickly occupied seven directions, and at the same time, their bodies erupted with extremely strong light.

At the core of the military camp, seven demon god pillars shined brightly at the same time. Seven huge beams of light shot towards this direction, landing on the seven demon gods respectively. Each of them made a push forward motion with both hands.

It can be seen that the light emitted from the body of the Undead Demon God Samikina and the Demon God Pillar are gray, while the light emitted from the body of the Bear Demon God Wariver is yellow.

This does not mean that they are not of dark nature. It is precisely because of the difference in color that they are more powerful.

Different colors represent different directions of strength. Only after your cultivation reaches the ninth level, your spiritual power will emit colors that are consistent with your nature and abilities and transcend attribute limitations.

The seven demon gods emit different spiritual rays of light, which means that they are all at level nine or above. Coupled with the increase of the demon god pillar, one can imagine how terrifying their combined strength is.

Seven different colors of light burst out at the same time, creating a very powerful, even terrifying power. Seven rays of light lit up at the same time, forcibly suppressing the golden light forbidden spell that had erupted within a certain range, preventing it from spreading.

Since the forbidden curse can no longer be stopped, its destructive power must be suppressed within a certain range. The light attribute forbidden curse does too much harm to the demons.

It can be seen that in the area of ​​about two hundred meters in diameter covered by the golden light, the densely packed demon tents were reduced to ashes one by one. The strong men of the demon emperor's army inside were screaming and resisting desperately. However, they still turned into ashes one by one. Even the Bear Demon Clan with such a strong defense could not escape the same fate.

This is the result of the forbidden curse not spreading. If it were allowed to spread to a diameter of more than a thousand meters, the destructive power would be too terrifying.

The faces of the seven demon gods were extremely ugly. The seven of them resisted the forbidden light spell together and could withstand the impact. After all, their demon gods were here, and they only needed to consume a certain amount of spiritual power. However, one can imagine their anger as they watched a large number of elite God Emperor Legion soldiers being destroyed by the forbidden curse, not even dying on the battlefield. It seems that they can only go so far and can only watch everything happening here. He couldn't even pursue the knights who had escaped.

At this time, in another direction of the demon camp, where the God Emperor's legions were stationed, groups of dazzling golden light balls suddenly appeared, attacking the same point.

This time, the faces of the seven demon gods really changed. Even the undead demon Samikina's face turned an ashen color.

This was the first time the knights of Yulong Pass had attacked the demon camp since the beginning of the Holy War. They did not expect that they would be so decisive.

Although they still don't know what method humans use to achieve this kind of superimposed attack that produces forbidden spell-level power, but in this late night, when the demons are huddled in their tents out of fear of the cold, this The power of the raid can be said to be maximized.

The power of the forbidden light spell on the Seven Demon Gods' side had just exploded to its maximum, and just when they needed to go all out to limit it, the attack from the other side launched, which was obviously planned long ago.

The Holy War has begun for more than a year. Just as the demons have a very deep understanding of the defense and strength of the Knights Temple, humans also have a very full understanding of this demon army.

There is no doubt about the advantages of the demon army, but some of their disadvantages and problems have also been clearly seen by the strong men of the Knights Temple.

Apart from anything else, the dense formation of the demon camp alone is a big problem. If fire attacks can be used to a certain extent, it is not impossible to burn the camp. Of course, with the strength of the powerful demon clan, if it is just a fire, then at most it can only destroy part of the camp. It is obviously not enough to harm the surrounding God Emperor's legion.

Therefore, the Knights Temple has never launched a raid. Only the first effect of a raid is the best. It takes time to paralyze the enemy, and the attack requires the strongest blow. If you act hastily, you will only be able to alert the enemy. The Knights Temple has been holding back until now, and their counterattack finally broke out.

The same fifty or so figures showed no signs of fighting after throwing those dazzling balls, and immediately turned around and left in rapid flight. And that terrifying superimposed forbidden curse just erupted in the other direction of the demon camp.

Intense golden light erupted into a huge golden mushroom cloud in the camp of the God Emperor Legion, and the terrifying golden color spread around at an alarming speed.

Although the demon army had already felt that a large number of strong men woke up from their sleep when the first forbidden curse was issued. However, it all happened too fast.

Even those seventh- and eighth-level demons couldn't react as quickly as the seven demon gods who were discussing the matter. Being hungry and cold, they fell asleep early.

Suddenly feeling the appearance of a huge light-attributed aura, most of them just woke up from their sleep. Before they even had time to rush out of the camp, the second wave of attacks had already appeared. The next moment, those powerful demons within the range of the light-based forbidden spell had been quietly devoured. Completely annihilated in the fire of light.

The fire of light is also fire, and it also spreads. This second forbidden curse was not restricted by the demon gods and spread crazily to the periphery. Even if it spreads to a certain extent, its power is no longer enough to kill the demons, but there is no problem in setting the tent on fire! The entire demon camp has become chaotic because of this raid.

At this time, the third wave of attacks from the Knights of the Templar Alliance appeared again.

Do it. Long Haochen shouted, holding a dark golden metal ball in each of his hands. Strong spiritual power was instantly poured into the metal ball, and he targeted the position he had locked before and threw it away. And out.

Infused with light-attribute spiritual power, the metal ball suddenly bloomed with a huge golden light one meter in diameter. Behind him, fifty knights shrouded in black cloaks took action at the same time, and large golden balls of light flew straight out.

Their third wave of attacks also appeared in the God Emperor's legion, but the location of the attack was closer to the demon camp. After throwing a series of golden light balls, Long Haochen immediately made a retreat gesture.

Boss, why don't we take advantage of the chaos of the demons and kill them? Han Yu's voice rang in Long Haochen's ears.

Long Haochen shook his head decisively, The forbidden spell will not last too long. Our purpose is just a sneak attack. Retreat immediately. Otherwise, the seven demon gods will react and they won't be able to leave even if they want to. Although he was eager to complete a thousand Wan Gongxun's mission, but protecting your own safety is equally important. It can be said that his life no longer belongs to him alone, but to the entire alliance. Therefore, he was not wary at all, and immediately led fifty knights to retreat quickly towards Yulong Pass.

This raid was planned at the military meeting. The purpose was simple and direct, and it was completely targeted at the three legions of the Demon Clan and God Emperor.

Although the three armies of the God Emperor have never been on the battlefield, there is no doubt that they pose a threat to Yulong Pass.

After more than a year of investigation, the Knights Temple has already figured out where they are stationed, and even knows where the hell demons used as magic attacks are.

For example, some of the hell demons who were attached to the demons during the daytime siege actually belonged to the God Emperor's legions. As a magical force, they pose the greatest threat to Yulong Pass. Therefore, the main target of today's raid is to target the God Emperor's legion and the hell demons.

The metal ball that appeared in the hands of He Jun, Long Haochen and every knight who came to raid was a secret weapon of the Knights Temple, and it was the first time it appeared on the battlefield.

This kind of weapon is called a light explosive bomb, which is a powerful weapon that uses light elements to produce explosive damage. It’s also a good item in the Knight’s Temple box.

When this thing was first developed, it was developed for the magic cannon. There is no doubt about the power of the magic cannon, but its energy consumption is also extremely high. A fifth- or sixth-level magic crystal is often blasted out in one shot, and the energy inside The spiritual energy was drained. Even the ninth-level magic crystal can't hold on for long.

Therefore, the alliance thought of developing practical artillery shells by mixing some metals with strong affinity with elements and some low-level magic crystals to make them. If successful, the role of the magic cannon in actual combat would be greatly enhanced.

After years of research and development, various problems continue to arise, and there is no solution. During the development of the Knights Temple, something like a light explosive bomb was made.


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