Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 521 Acting Paladin Captain (Part 2)

The eyes of all the high-ranking knights changed when they looked at Long Haochen. In addition to curiosity, they also had respect for the strong. Although they didn't know how Long Haochen did it, how extraordinary was it that he could do it?

The old man surnamed He who had spoken before slowly stood up and clasped his right fist towards Long Haochen's chest, I, the deputy master of the Knights Temple and the holy knight He Jun, apologize to you for the question just now. You let the glory of the knight shine. All over the earth, the position of Lord Paladin is well deserved.”

Long Haochen quickly returned the gift and said in a deep voice: For the glory of the knight.

All the knights present almost followed him and repeated this sentence, For the glory of the knights.

It was the people of the Knights Temple who destroyed the Demonic Pillar for the first time. This feat was unparalleled in the Temple Alliance. As knights, how could they not feel that glory?

He Jun nodded to Long Haochen and then turned to Long Tianyin, Palace Master, since Jinjin No. 12 has made such a great contribution, I think it is possible to remove the word agent and add the title of deputy palace master at the same time?

What is a Holy Knight? He is a ninth-level knight who has never been recognized by the Divine Seal Throne. This Holy Knight He Jun is also the deputy master of the Knights Temple.

Long Tianyin shook his head and said: No need. The Alliance will not forget his merits, and our Knight Temple will not forget it either. His future positions should wait until he is recognized by the Divine Seal Throne. He is still too old now. Small. Not suitable for holding too high positions.

Long Tianyin's words once again shocked the senior generals.

What do you mean by waiting until he is recognized by the Divine Seal Throne? In other words, the owner of the Divine Seal Throne of Order and Law, the Knight Long Tianyin of the Divine Seal of Control and Restriction, has concluded that the Adamantine No. 12 will definitely obtain the throne of the Divine Seal in the future and become the current Knight Saint. The fourth divine knight of the temple.

This is not as simple as talking. Even as Long Tianyin, such words will never be spoken easily. He will never say this without absolute certainty. What's more, there is an added sentence at the end, he is still too young? What is too small? How small?

Long Haochen himself did not expect that his grandfather would actually introduce him like this, without revealing his identity, but he would immediately be thrust into the spotlight within the Knights Temple.

After a brief period of discomfort, Long Haochen already understood what his grandfather meant. The purpose of Long Tianyin's actions was simple, to build momentum for him and his future.

Both Long Tianyin and Yang Haohan have stated that in the future, he will definitely take over the position of the Lord of the Templar Palace. But now Long Haochen actually does not hold any meaningful position in the Knights Temple. In this case, even if he becomes a Divine Seal Knight in the future, his recognition within the Knights Temple will be very limited. The two Divine Seal Knights wanted to train him to know more about the Knights Temple and gain more recognition from the top brass of the Knights Temple. The purpose of letting him temporarily take over the position of Paladin Commander is also the same, to build momentum for his future succession.

He Jun frowned slightly and asked subconsciously: Palace Master, can I ask how old Jin Jin No. 12 is? Is he younger than the original Xingyu Palace Master?

After Long Tianyin was silent for a while, he said: Everyone will know when he becomes a knight of the divine seal. It must be kept secret for now. What I just said must also be kept secret. Okay, let's start today's discussion. .”

After a series of efforts to build momentum, Long Haochen has officially become the acting paladin leader from this moment on. It also means that he has his own place in the upper echelons of the Knights Temple.

Long Tianyin pointed to an empty space under his head and motioned to Long Haochen.

At this time, Long Haochen naturally couldn't shirk, so he had to sit down. And Han Yu naturally followed and stood behind Long Haochen instead of staying behind Long Tianyin. Don't forget, he is Long Haochen's knight knight. And this made everyone present even more curious about Long Haochen's identity. Some people even think that this is really the Holy Knight Commander Han Qian, right? Otherwise, why would Han Qian's grandson, a seventh-level Templar, follow him instead of standing behind the Master of Long Tianyin Hall who had just announced that he was qualified to participate in the military meeting?

The highest-level military meeting at Yulong Pass has begun. The division of labor among the generals has been clearly defined, and detailed battlefield statistics have been compiled. Including a series of detailed data such as our own casualties, estimates of local casualties, and the enemy's current troop deployment.

At this time, Long Haochen was just an observer, but he understood very well why his grandfather brought him here, so he listened very carefully. With his amazing memory, he only needed to pay a little attention to keep all the data in mind.

In the previous battle, the Knight Temple's losses were not very large. There were many injured, but not many were seriously injured or killed. This is also due to the tactics of the Knights Temple itself, because this is a protracted war. After a large number of combat casualties in the early stages of the Holy War, the Knights Temple attaches great importance to treatment. Wounded warriors will be replaced immediately and receive treatment instead of fighting to the death. After all, although the total strength of the Knight Temple cannot be compared with that of the demons, the number of warriors required to guard the Yulong Pass at the same time is not too many. No more than 20,000 people. Fighting in cycles to reduce casualties as much as possible is the most fundamental strategy formulated by Long Tianyin. From the current point of view, the fact that the Knights Temple can persist for such a long time is inseparable from this strategy.

Of course, this strategy has advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage is that the morale of the soldiers is not high, and it is difficult to inflict a heavy blow to the enemy, so they can only be passively beaten.

After listening to the summary statistics, Long Tianyin said in a deep voice: According to our investigation, the demons' food has reached the point of being stretched. In today's offensive and defensive battle, they are not only to continue to weaken our strength, but also to provide food for their own side. To make food, they did not expect that the situation would change. As a result, they retreated and did not receive food supplies. Therefore, I estimate that the demons will launch the next attack soon after adjusting. So everyone must have Be vigilant and continue to do a good job of defense.

There are still about twenty-three legions organized by the demons outside the customs. But they are all quite powerful. Especially to this day, the three legions of the God Emperor have never moved and have always been a huge threat to us. Because they lead Due to the pressure that has come, we can only designate passive defense strategies. But now, as one goes and the other goes, the strength of the demons is constantly weakened by environmental constraints, and our tactics should also change. From the original Passive defense is changed to a combination of offense and defense.”

After hearing what Long Tianyin said, surprisingly, the expressions of all the generals of the Knight Temple were all excited, and none of them resisted. Moreover, from the looks of it, they seemed to be gearing up.

No wonder they were like this, being suppressed in Yulong Pass for a full year and a half! They have always been in passive defense. The demons attacked whenever they wanted, but the Knights Temple did not even make a counterattack under the command of Long Tianyin.

Today's battle was not only a victory for the Knights Temple, but also aroused the fighting spirit in the hearts of the knights. They were already a little unable to hold back. When Long Tianyin said that he wanted to change his strategy, they naturally became angry. A strong sense of excitement.

Deputy Palace Master He Jundao: Palace Master, I agree with the combination of offense and defense, but we need to consider it in the long term and must not be careless. Definitely, preserving Yulong Pass is the most important thing for us.

Although Long Tianyin formulated a passive defense plan, the generals of the Knight Temple who were leading the battle were somewhat disapproving, but with his status in the Knight Temple, who would dare to object? And He Jun himself is his strongest supporter.

After a year and a half, the facts have proved that Long Tianyin's strategy is correct. Although the soldiers of Yulong Pass were suppressed very aggrievedly, the number of casualties in the Knight Temple has always been within a safe range. However, the number of casualties among the demons continues to increase. Especially after they were cut off from food supplies and had to rely on eating corpses as food, the losses were even greater. The harsh environment is also increasingly weakening them.

Long Tianyin nodded and said: I have an idea, let's discuss it. Based on our current situation, as long as Samikina does not mobilize the three God Emperor legions, there will be no problems with our defense. Even if he is mobilized, if we fight to the death, both sides will be more likely to suffer losses. Just as Brother He said, even if we want to attack the enemy, we must ensure that we stick to Yulong Pass. At the same time, we must try our best to avoid Casualties. Therefore, I suggest that the attack should adopt a blitzkrieg, using the most elite knights to sneak attack the enemy, retreat in one blow, effectively kill the enemy, and at the same time better ensure your own safety. In order to contain the demons, further weaken them Strength.

He Jun nodded, I agree with the palace master's suggestion. It is impossible to mobilize a large number of troops to fight the demons head-on, which is equivalent to giving up our own advantage. But it is very advisable to attack the demons with a small elite force. .”

Long Tianyin said: Everyone can express their opinions and discuss any good ideas they have.

What followed was not a discussion of ideas, but a climax of a battle.

Almost all generals expressed their willingness to lead elite troops to sneak attacks on the demons and inflict heavy losses on the enemies. The atmosphere of the entire meeting became more enthusiastic than ever.

Strategies and tactics were gradually improved and formulated. But the real executors can only be a few people. Among these executors were Long Haochen and Han Yu.


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