Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 520 Acting Paladin Captain (Part 1)

Don't be dissatisfied because of the restrictions placed on you by the Alliance. It's really because too much has been placed on you. Your amazing growth rate has given us real hope of success. If you can fully mobilize Eternity With the Divine Seal Throne of Creation and the Sun-Moon Divine Snail Shield that you already possess, these two super artifacts, then even the Demon God Emperor may not be able to compete with you!

Long Haochen nodded silently, Grandpa Yang, I have never blamed the alliance. I know that everyone is doing it for my own good. Don't worry, I will definitely pay attention to my own safety and never take risks easily.

Yang Haohan smiled slightly and said: That's good. Anyway, although you violated the military order today, your performance also gave us a great victory. This rare victory will definitely further weaken the enemy's strength. Order Our Yulong Pass is more stable. Old Long, do you think this is good? From now on, let these two children participate in the Yulong Pass Military Conference. Since we are training successors, we might as well take bigger steps.

Long Tianyin nodded and said: Okay. I will hold a military meeting soon. You two should follow me.

Yang Haohan said to Long Tianyin: Old Long, the news that Haochen owns the Sun and Moon Divine Snail Shield is very sudden. I want to return to the alliance. The holy war has progressed to this extent, and we have to think about the future. I want to summon the six major The head of the temple holds a meeting. During this time, Yulong Pass will rely on you again.

Long Tianyin and Yang Haohan have known each other for many years, and he immediately understood the meaning of his words. He nodded without hesitation and said: Don't worry, I am here. If you step back ten thousand steps and say, if it really doesn't work, then only …”

At this point, he paused, and the two divine knights looked at each other, with a bit of sternness in their eyes.

Long Haochen and Han Yu were both shocked. Although Long Tianyin didn't say it clearly, they could hear some meaning from Long Tianyin's words. It seemed that the Knights Temple actually had a trump card, and could even The trump card against the demon army dominated by the eight demon gods outside. Six thousand years of precipitation is indeed extraordinary!

After a brief exchange between Long Tianyin and Yang Haohan, he led Long Haochen and Han Yu straight to the large conference room of the Knights Temple.

There is no clear distinction between military departments in Yulong Pass, and it is completely controlled by the Knight Temple. In other words, Long Tianyin, as a divine seal knight, is equivalent to the military commander of Yulong Pass. When Long Xingyu was still there, this position of Long Tianyin had originally been passed down to his son. It's just that the relationship between Long Xingyu and his father was not very good. He had his own unique ideas, so after a period of time, he returned the power of commanding the army of the Knights Temple to his father, while he pursued Even more powerful.

At this time, in the large conference room, it can be said that the light is shining. When Long Haochen and Han Yu followed Long Tianyin into the large conference room, at a cursory glance, they saw at least twenty adamantine base knights and some senior knights temple wearing at least legendary armor. general.

There is no doubt about the authority of Long Tianyin in Yulong Pass. As soon as he entered, all the knights stood up and punched their right fists and left chests, making a metallic roar.

Long Tianyin led Long Haochen and Han Yu to the main seat. He first made a sit-down gesture to the senior generals, and then he took the lead in sitting down. Naturally, the brothers Long Haochen and Han Yu had no place, they just stood behind Long Tianyin.

However, at this time, Long Haochen became the focus of everyone's attention.

The adamantine base knights are the best among the paladins, and they are all quite familiar with each other. Behind each adamantine base armor, there is the name of a powerful paladin, and Long Haochen, the new The newcomer was obviously not familiar with these veteran paladins, but on the battlefield before, Long Haochen could be said to have shown the most dazzling brilliance. The shock brought by the seven-color golden light, the strength of killing two demon lords, mobilized All the heroic feats of knights in Yulong Pass are deeply remembered in the hearts of these Knight Temple senior officials. Therefore, although they did not know who this new Adamantine Pedestal Knight was, they all cast a kind look at him.

After Long Tianyin saw everyone sitting down, he said in a deep voice: Today we won an unexpected victory and once again defused the demon attack. I see the glory of the knight in you. Let me introduce it to you. The two people behind me. Han Yu, I believe you have all met him. He is your junior and the only grandson of the Paladin Commander Han Qian who is still in charge of the alliance and handles various affairs. After discussions between the alliance leader and I, Starting from today, he is also eligible to join all military meetings in Yulong Pass as an observer.

None of the knights spoke, they all just nodded silently. Putting aside Han Yu's status as the direct grandson of Paladin Commander Han Geng, his own performance after the start of the Holy War was enough for these high-level generals to recognize him. Kill the enemy bravely and command well. At less than thirty years old, he has become a seventh-level Templar Knight. It is not surprising to receive special treatment from the Temple. Everyone can see that Long Tianyin is trying to train Han Yu to become a Knight Saint. The main reserve talent of the palace. With his outstanding achievements, he is very likely to become the next Divine Seal Knight in the near future.

Han Yu took a step forward, respectfully performed a standard knightly salute to everyone present, and then retreated behind Long Tianyin.

Long Tianyin turned his attention to Long Haochen and said: This is the newly promoted Adamant Knight. What he is wearing is the No. 12 Adamant Base Armor. I believe everyone saw him on the battlefield just now. His performance. As for him, I can’t introduce him more to you yet. You can call him Adamantine No. 12. His strength includes the powerful shield you just saw on the battlefield. , all obtained by relying on his own ability, not from the support of the temple. I declare that he will temporarily serve as the Holy Knight Commander and command the Mithril Pedestal Knights in Guan.

As soon as this statement came out, there was a lot of discussion below, and even Long Haochen himself was shocked. He never expected that his grandfather would entrust him with such an important task.

Captain Paladin? In the Knights Temple, except for a few divine knights and temple elders, their status is already the most respected.

An old man sitting under Long Tianyin said: Palace Master, isn't this a bit sloppy? Moreover, we are not familiar with this newly promoted Knight of the Adamantine Base.

This old man was one of the few people present who had not worn armor. He had neat short white hair, was tall, and was wearing a white robe. Between the eyes opening and closing, golden light shines. However, his aura was completely restrained. Even with Long Haochen's mental power, he could not detect his true cultivation. There was a layer of twisted light around his body.

Long Tianyin said to the old man: Brother He, this decision was made after discussion between the alliance leader and I. Jinjin No. 12 is a retired demon hunter who has made extremely special contributions to the alliance and is fully worthy of the award. Take up this position.

The old man in white robe nodded slightly and said nothing more. From the name Long Tianyin called him, it can be seen that the old man surnamed He's status in the Knights Temple.

Long Tianyin turned to other senior generals and said in a deep voice: The position of Paladin Commander has always been held by Han Qian, but over the years, Han Qian has been more assisting the leader in handling some matters in the alliance, and has been unable to truly lead the Paladins. The regiment goes into battle to kill the enemy. I know that everyone here, especially the Adamantine Foundation Knights, may be dissatisfied with the Adamantine No. 12. The Temple will never make a hasty decision, and I will only say one thing he said If any of you here thinks that he has made greater contributions to the alliance, you can bring it up for everyone to discuss. If this is indeed the case, then he will be the acting paladin leader.

Hearing what Long Tianyin said, the conference room suddenly became quiet. As a holy knight, Long Tianyin has extremely high authority in the Knights Temple, and the Knights Temple army has always been under his command. Therefore, when he saw that he was a little angry, no one dared to question it anymore. What's more, Long Tianyin said that serving as the acting Paladin Commander is more meritorious than merit. And who among the people present has not made great contributions to the Temple Alliance and the Knights Temple? They also want to hear what incredible achievements this newly promoted Holy Knight No. 12 has made to catch up from behind.

After Long Tianyin looked around the audience, he said: Not long ago, Jinjin No. 12 led his team to kill the seventy-second demon god among the seventy-two pillars of the demon clan in the depths of the demon clan. The snake demon god, Andumari.

Having said this, he paused for a moment. In the large conference room, there were already disapproving looks in the eyes of the knights.

Killing the Demon God is certainly a great achievement, but the Snake Demon God Andumali is only ranked last. Although this merit is great, it seems a bit far-fetched to say that he can surpass all the high-level knights in the field.

Long Tianyin continued: Furthermore, the demon god pillar owned by Andumari was destroyed. In other words, from now on, the snake demon god will never appear in the demon clan again.


The whole place was in an uproar.

Killing the Snake Demon God is nothing, but destroying the Demon God Pillar is completely different.

It has been six thousand years since the Dark Ages, six thousand years ago, and mankind has never had a record of destroying the Demonic Pillar. They never expected that the Golden Gold No. 12 in front of them would actually do it.

This is the first Demonic Pillar that humans have destroyed, and its significance is unparalleled. It means that mankind has finally found a way to defeat the Demon God Pillar and shake the foundation of the Demon Clan. Not to mention everyone in the Knights Temple present, this achievement is second to none even in the entire Temple Alliance! ——

Second update, please give me monthly votes and recommendation votes in the new week.

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