Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 512 Star King (Part 2)

At its previous speed, it was obviously impossible to turn around directly, and here lies the clever effect of this arc. Attack power and speed are directly proportional. Turning around in an arc can avoid the reduction of speed to the greatest extent.

The demon lord's eyes were filled with a ferocious smile. At this time, he also saw the other knight move, and a shining golden heavy sword appeared in his sight.

This is a human's brilliance-level equipment, and the demon lord made a judgment at once. With this judgment, he will not take the other party seriously. Although the growth rate of the Star Unicorn is large, the biggest feature of this kind of monster is that its attack power is not strong. What determines the role of the Star Unicorn is the knight's own strength. Even if a knight using brilliant-level equipment is not weak, how strong can he be? What's more, his reinforcements will arrive in an instant.

Yes, what Long Haochen held in his hand was his Ripple of Light. The Ripple of Light did not reach the legendary level, but it was considered quite good among the Brilliant Level equipment.

With the increase of mental power in the adamantine base armor, Long Haochen could easily capture the direction of the demon lord's movement and the fluctuations of his spiritual power, and could even feel the opponent's emotion with a hint of contempt.

Contempt? Then take your sacrificial flag.

Ripple of Light was raised above his head, and in the next moment, incomparable bright golden light suddenly burst out from the heavy sword.

That kind of brightness has even surpassed the sun in the sky. The strong light that burst out in an instant did not release the light element, but that strong light made the demon lord and the demons chasing behind him stagnant.

The next moment, the ripples of light in Long Haochen's hand were chopped out.

Simple and direct, it is the most basic chopping action of a knight.

A bright golden light blade emerged from the sky. There is no illusion at all, it is completely like a real thing. The light blade is not very long, just over one foot. The demon lord who rushed from the opposite side subconsciously raised the bloody giant sword emitting black flames in his hand.


Long Haochen and the demon lord's bodies almost passed each other. The two sides separated instantly in the air. Long Haochen rode the Star King and rushed directly towards the seventh-level demons behind him, and the demon lord also kept rushing forward without any intention of turning around.

It wasn't until he rushed two hundred meters in the air that his forward speed suddenly stopped. Suddenly, a strong black liquid burst out in the air. The majestic demon lord's body actually split into two in the air and fell into the sky. .

That's right, instant kill, instant kill with one hit.

From the moment he sensed the appearance of these demons, Long Haochen had already begun to prepare for the upcoming battle. With his current eighth-level cultivation, he has to gather momentum, and the power of the attack can be imagined.

Long Haochen knew very well that his identity could not be exposed, so whether it was weapons or skills, he had to use things that the demons had never seen before. Originally, the skills he was good at would not be used easily. In this case, he had to change.

Relying on the huge spiritual power provided by the epic adamantine base armor and the solidified spiritual aura produced by the fusion of Star King and his spiritual power. Long Haochen's attack just now was clearly a release of Ling Gang! That extremely dazzling brilliance belongs to Ling Gang.

Let me ask, how could the demon lord be able to withstand the blow that Long Haochen had prepared and which had consumed more than 30,000 spiritual energy?

Long Haochen himself had experienced the power of Ling Gang. With the aria of the Goddess of Light, the unity of body and sword, and the restraint of sword intent, he was unable to break through Grandpa Long Tianyin's ordinary Brilliance-level shield. defense, why? It’s because of Ling Gang.

Of course, the current Long Haochen is still far from being able to control Ling Gang like his arms and fingers to focus on one point instantly like his grandfather did. However, the power of the same amount of spiritual power must be increased by at least three times after it is converted into a spiritual agang.

Thirty thousand spiritual power, if increased three times, its pure attack power is already equivalent to the level of 90,000 spiritual power, not to mention the increase of the Ripple of Light itself.

The characteristic of Ripple of Light is double attack. It seems simple, but if one blow turns into two blows in an instant, can their power be the same?

Because the power of Long Haochen's attack just now was too great, the effect of the ripples of light could not be fully exerted. The second attack that was instantly amplified only had about 30,000 spiritual power, but combined with the first attack of 90,000 spiritual power, fear. Coupled with the momentum brought by the rapid forward charge of both sides, it is not surprising that the demon lord fell accordingly. You know, this is still under the condition that Long Haochen has not used his sword intention.

After a year and a half of hard training, coupled with the increase in the epic level fine gold base armor, it can be said that Long Haochen now can be described as completely reborn compared to a year and a half ago.

Everything was within Long Haochen's calculations. When the two corpses of the demon lord in the distance fell at the same time, it was the same moment when he rushed in front of the other nine seventh-level demons.

Seeing that the captain was instantly killed by the opponent, one can imagine the shock to these nine seventh-level demons. How could they not panic?

What greeted them was Long Haochen's terrifying attack.

At that moment, Long Haochen suddenly jumped up from Star King's back, and he could clearly see that Star King was emitting a golden chain-like light that was entangled around Long Haochen's waist. This golden chain not only allowed Long Haochen to use his strength to return, but also maintained the increase in spiritual power between them.

While in the air, Long Haochen didn't even release his spiritual wings. Golden light erupted from behind, and the speed of light erupted instantly.

A golden stream of light made three consecutive turns in the air, and screams and dark red rain of blood burst out in the air almost at the same time. Six of the nine seventh-level demons had died instantly.

It all happened so fast. With the support of Star King, Long Haochen was able to maintain the spiritual power on the sword of Ripples of Light without accumulating momentum. Facing these seventh-level demons with no equipment enhancement at all, an attack of this magnitude is not much different from a tiger rushing into a herd.

The other four seventh-level demons were so scared that they turned around and wanted to run away. However, they were too late.

Sharp golden light flashed alternately in the air. Every time Long Haochen attacked, he used the strength of the opponent's body to move around in the air up to a kilometer high. When the flowing attack finally cut off the head of a seventh-level demon, he gently pulled the golden chain around his waist with his left hand, turned around, and returned to the Star King's back.

This battle can be said to be a completely one-sided massacre. From the beginning to the end of the battle, it only took one minute. But in fact, this is a battle of wits and courage.

Facing the demon hunter composed of ten demons, does Long Haochen have an absolute advantage? In a one-on-one situation, he would not take these demons into consideration at all, including the demon lord. However, don't forget that the demon clan has a conjoined spirit enhancement skill. Once these ten demons complete the conjoined spirit enhancement, it will not be so easy for Long Haochen to kill them. Of course, conjoined souls also have disadvantages, and that is movement speed. It’s amazing how fast ten people can fly together.

Under deliberate inducement, the opponent's demon lord was indeed lured out. Without wasting time, he killed the opponent with one blow at the cost of consuming 30,000 spiritual energy. Not only did it frighten all the other demons, but it also reduced the number of people who could really fight. Threaten your opponent one on one. The next battle is simple. This is not just strength, but also the unity of experience and wisdom.

After killing this demon hunter, Long Haochen was not in a hurry to leave. Instead, he rode the Star King down. After collecting the corpses of these demons into Eternal Melody, he also stared coldly at a certain position in the sky. Then he rode Star King again toward Yulong Pass.

About ten miles away, there was a soft pop sound, and a familiar's head broke instantly. Falling from the sky.

Long Haochen had long discovered this familiar's mental detection, which was a skill similar to the Eagle Eye technique, but he didn't target it. It was useless to keep this familiar now. Unfortunately, there is no merit in using the intensity of mental power to force an opponent to death.

The eighth-level demon lord has eight thousand meritorious deeds, and the seventh-level demon has two thousand meritorious deeds each. Yes, there are more than twenty thousand meritorious deeds. Friends, wait for me, I will definitely collect thousands of meritorious deeds as quickly as possible. Wan Gongxun will join you.

Long Haochen's eyes flickered, and in his mind, the voices, faces, and smiles of his companions emerged one by one. Since he ended his deep meditation, he had tried his best to avoid thinking about his companions' situations. It's been so long since the holy war started, everyone must have returned to their respective temples to join the war. Are they okay? Are they all still alive? Wait for me, you must stay alive until I find you!

From a distance, Yulong Pass was already in sight. Long Haochen could already smell the faint smell of blood brought by the biting cold wind before he even flew close.

The demons are attacking the city?

Long Haochen hurriedly asked Star King to take him towards the battlefield in front of Yulong Pass. At the same time, he quickly mobilized his spiritual power and absorbed the light elements in the air to replenish the previous consumption.

Of course, this supplement was for the adamantine base armor. Long Haochen did not use his own spiritual power at all when he launched the attack before.

Yulong Pass.

Among all the six great passes of mankind, Yulong Pass is the most special. From a defense point of view, the defense of Yulong Pass should be the best, because the entire pass is built on the mountain, and the main buildings are inside the mountain. With the size of this mountain, even if the Demon God Emperor comes personally, it will be difficult to break through this majestic pass in a short time from other directions.

However, the conditions at Yulong Pass are also the worst. Being in the bitter cold of the far north, it’s not just the enemies who are affected by the environment! The soldiers at Yulong Pass were also affected by the bad weather.

The life here is monotonous and boring. Moreover, as long as they are not in battle, they almost never see the sun all year round and can only move around in the heart of the mountain. But it is also these difficult conditions that have developed the knights' stoic character and strong physique.


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