Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 511 Star King (Part 2)

No wonder, no wonder some people say that the Starry Unicorn is the best mount for knights. As the King of Starry Unicorns, the increase it gives him is so powerful. At least, if it were Haoyue, a small light alone would not be as powerful as Star King for Long Haochen. Although Yating is also a pure light attribute, she is different from Star King. Yating is more comprehensive in comparison, while Star King is more of a comprehensive increase. The attack of the Star Unicorn is not its strength. .

Riding the Star King, Long Haochen really felt as if he had become a ninth-level knight. Unfortunately, he is still far from the level of the Divine Seal Knight. According to Long Haochen's own estimation, it would take at least three years for him to reach the ninth level. Of course, what he has been doing for three years must be blocked by the biggest barrier behind the nine spiritual orifices.

In less than half an hour, Star King had brought Long Haochen to the light mist range of the Holy Mountain of Knights. It floated on the ground. Long Haochen also jumped off the back of Star King and met the elders of the Holy Mountain of Knights. After handing over, he took Star King out of the Holy Mountain.

Star King, there is no contract between us. If I need you to hide, can you still return to the Holy Mountain of Knights? Long Haochen asked Star King.

Star King shook his head and said: This is impossible. Even if there is a contract, it is still impossible. However, we Star Unicorns have other ways.

As it spoke, it raised its head, and a golden five-pointed star suddenly lit up on its forehead, and the rich golden light converged on the five-pointed star. With a flash of golden light, the five-pointed star flew out from its forehead and landed in Long Haochen's hand.

I can enter this Venus. After entering, I will enter a state of deep sleep and practice, waiting for your call.

Long Haochen suddenly said: I see, this is why you are called Star Unicorns.

Star King said: Whenever we need to sleep and practice, we will turn ourselves into a star and hide it. Do you need me to hide it now?

Long Haochen shook his head and handed the Venus to Star King again. As Star King lowered his head, the golden light blended in and quickly disappeared from his forehead.

Let's go. A cold light flashed through Long Haochen's eyes, and his journey of millions of meritorious deeds was about to begin.

Flying onto Xing Wang's back again, Xing Wang took a few steps, spread his wings, and headed straight for Yulong Pass under the guidance of Long Haochen.

Star King, fly slower. Yulong Pass was already in sight, but Long Haochen suddenly patted Star King on the back. Under the dark golden mask, a faint chill flashed across his eyes.

As Star King flew forward, he turned his head and glanced at Long Haochen. The ripples used for communication with the horn appeared again, Haochen, I feel the danger approaching.

Long Haochen smiled slightly and said, We are just waiting for this danger to come. We are afraid that they will not come. In terms of mental perception, how could he be worse than Star King? He returned riding Star King with such great fanfare, it would be strange if he could not be noticed by the demons. However, Long Haochen was wearing a cloak at this time, so the demons monitoring him could not see the fine gold base armor inside him. But the Star King is the King of Star Unicorns, a ninth-level monster, equivalent to an eighth-level powerhouse. Being able to ride it already proved Long Haochen's identity.

One can imagine how the demons would react when they found out about such a lonely Knight Temple powerhouse. Long Haochen certainly didn't put himself in danger. First of all, it is very close to the Knights Temple. With his current cultivation and equipment, it would not be difficult to escape. More importantly, his current mental power is so strong that even he himself is a little unbelievable. With the increase of the adamantine base armor, his perception can even spread to a radius of hundreds of miles, but the farther away he feels, the more powerful he is. It's just getting blurrier.

In his perception, among the demons that were rushing to intercept him, the strongest ones were at the eighth level.

Millions of achievements start from here.

Star King flew forward unhurriedly. Although there was no contract between it and Long Haochen, and there was no spiritual connection between it and Long Haochen, as the King of Starry Unicorns, it was worthy of being called the best mount for knights. Long Haochen Xing Wang would immediately respond to Chen's slightest instruction, and it would definitely be the same as what Long Haochen wanted to do. For example, if Long Haochen tightens his left leg slightly, Star King will fly a little to the left, and even adjust the direction of deflection depending on the strength of Long Haochen's leg. At the same time, soft light elements had begun to pour into Long Haochen's body from Star King.

Long Haochen himself slowly closed his eyes, the spiritual power in his body rose rapidly, and a rich haze of light began to appear around his body, which was the skill of accumulating momentum.

From a distance, ten figures were chasing towards Long Haochen like lightning. Wherever they passed, the air would become a little darker.

The lonely shining Unicorn Knight? Can such a good thing happen? Having just received the news, they rushed over as quickly as possible.

The first demon strongman has the characteristics of the demon clan. He has two horns, a green face and fangs. His tall body is more than three meters tall. A pair of huge wings behind his back are constantly flapping, propelling him to fly rapidly. In his right hand, he held a bloody heavy sword with black flames. The dark aura around the body is extremely strong, and he is a lord-level demon.

The people who followed him were all demons, but the other demons were not as powerful as him, and their cultivation level was around the seventh level.

Yes, this is a demon hunter, a demon hunter team composed entirely of demons.

This time, the undead demon Samikina personally sat outside Yulong Pass, and naturally he also brought his army of direct demons. Among demon hunters, it is extremely rare to be entirely composed of one race. The one in front of us was actually temporarily formed recently, specifically to deal with the situation at Yulong Pass.

Just as Yang Haohan said, it is impossible for the demons to surround Yulong Pass. The demons simply do not have that many strong men. Once they surround Yulong Pass, their forces will inevitably be scattered. They cannot be defeated one by one by the Knight Temple. bearable.

Therefore, the Undead Demon God Samikina formulated a strategy of frontal attack and side surveillance. Once a large number of human reinforcements arrive from behind, he also has the ability to dispatch a certain number of troops to intercept and interfere.

However, what Samikina did not expect was that the supplies stored in Yulong Pass would be so rich. This holy war had been going on for more than a year and a half, but the defense of Yulong Pass was still impregnable.

The demon hunter in front of them specially sent scouts to Yulong Pass. Even if material supplies are not needed, Yulong Pass must still contact the Temple Alliance. Then we must send out scouts. The demon clan separated some strong men to form a small force such as Demon Hunters, specifically targeting the Yulong Pass scouts, and they actually succeeded several times.

The Demon Hunters, who are composed entirely of demons, may not be as perfect as the multi-race team in terms of unit coordination, but they can be faster, react more promptly, and completely obey the orders of the undead demon Samikina.

Star King, speed up. When this group of demons appeared in Long Haochen's sight, he immediately gave Star King an order to speed up.

The pale golden light mist floating around Long Haochen's body suddenly became thinner as Star King increased his speed. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't notice it at all. Moreover, when Star King was flying rapidly, the golden six-pointed star under him would move on its own. A layer of golden light was produced that swept upwards, which also helped Long Haochen gain momentum to conceal himself.

The demon lord noticed that Long Haochen was accelerating and was about to run away. He immediately laughed ferociously, and the wings behind his back suddenly flapped. The black light on his body was strong, spraying backwards like a black flame. He accelerated with all his strength and took the lead in rushing towards Long Haochen without spending any spiritual energy. . The other demons following him naturally fell one step behind due to differences in strength.

Long Haochen's eyes slowly opened. At this time, his eyes were as clear as when he just woke up from deep meditation, but there was an added chill that was not there then.

Star King's flying speed is getting faster and faster, and it has a vague feeling of illusion. Even with Long Haochen on its back, its flying speed is not inferior to that of the demon lord who is accelerating at full speed. The two sides kept a certain distance and headed towards Yulong Pass.

Realizing that his speed was somewhat insufficient, the demon lord suddenly became anxious. His left palm, which was not holding the heavy sword, suddenly struck downwards. A dark red light suddenly erupted, causing a strong explosion in the air. It was powerful. The reverse thrust instantly caused his speed to surge again.

Using attacks to increase his speed obviously consumes a lot of spiritual power, and it cannot last too long, but the advantage is that he can increase his speed by a few points at the limit.

Although the demon lord does not yet know Long Haochen's cultivation, he can tell from the shining star of the Unicorn King that this is at least a human seventh-level knight. Killing such a knight is a big step. Quite a credit, not to mention the Star Unicorn. What the demons lack most is food. Although they hate light attributes, they really like to eat light attribute monsters. The meat of light attribute monsters is the most delicate.

Long Haochen tightened his legs slightly and sat back slightly. Star King immediately understood what he meant. The flapping frequency of his wings quietly decreased a few points, and he drew a graceful arc on one side of his body and flew higher into the sky. .

This arc was drawn in a large arc, and the demon lord behind them was getting closer and closer. However, under the clever guidance of this arc, the seventh-level demons behind them did not close the distance with them.

Wha— Star King's wings made a sound that sounded like it was splitting the air. Its divine horse's body had turned around in the arc, and it happened to be facing the demon lord face to face.


Asking for monthly votes and recommendation votes. The little dragon riding the Star King is back. You are about to join this magnificent and tragic holy war, and more exciting events are about to take place.

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