Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 401 The Edge of the Seventh Level (Part 2)

Okay. Long Haochen agreed.

Tian Qing said in a deep voice: It can be said that we suffered a big loss this time and almost left our lives here. I am very unwilling to do so. However, this time the Yaks were also hit hard by you, especially the leader of the Yaks died. One, it has a great impact on Dayak City. It will inevitably cause changes in the entire Yaak tribe. It is estimated that more demon hunters will come here to look for our traces. I have an idea, let’s discuss it and see if feasible.

Long Haochen said: Brother Tianqing, tell me.

Tian Qing said: What mission do you want to perform when you enter the Demon Clan this time? My plan may take a long time to complete. If your mission is urgent, there is no problem in leaving after resting here. From now on Our regiment headquarters has two passages leading to the outside of the city. You can leave the city directly.

Long Haochen said: We don't have any urgent missions. This time we entered the territory of the demon clan after taking on some killing missions. Speaking of which, we also want to thank you. One of our missions is to hunt down a hundred Yak demons. Now It was completed ahead of schedule.”

Tian Qing said: In this case, there is no problem. Don't those demon hunters want to get rid of our demon hunting group? And they have caused us so much loss. If we don't take revenge on them, wouldn't it make the demons arrogant. Since it must be There are demon hunters who will come here to investigate our traces, so we will...

As he spoke, his eyes were already full of sternness, and his right hand swiped across the air, causing a harsh sound to break through the air.

Ambush and eliminate demon hunters? Long Haochen asked.

Tian Qing nodded, There are spies from our regiment in Dayak City. However, before the ambush, we must lie dormant for a period of time, at least for more than half a month, to paralyze the demon hunters. If I remember correctly , many of your commander-level hunting missions are aimed at seventh-order demons. The demon hunters are mainly composed of seventh-order demons from the top ten demon clans. In this way, it is equivalent to you carrying out the mission. How about it? Are you interested? The risk is very high. You can answer me after you think about it. Once confirmed, we will start to make plans.

Long Haochen said without hesitation: Okay, we will cooperate with you.

Tian Qing looked at him in surprise.

Long Haochen smiled slightly and said: To tell you the truth, we are the demons who have taken on sixteen killing missions this time. It is better to face demon hunters here than to sneak into the heart of the demon city to kill them. Be strong. After all, the top leaders of the Moon Demon Clan, Star Demon Clan and Demon Clan only operate in the Heart City, and we also have them as our target. If we can accomplish it here, it would be the best. Not to mention your cooperation.

Tian Qing looked at him dumbfounded, Sixteen killing missions? You really dare to take it! Without the support of the regiment, do you also plan to live in the Demon Clan for a long time? It really shows how bold people are and how big the land is. No wonder you are so strong at such a young age.

Long Haochen chuckled and said: Since we want to ambush and eliminate demon hunters, reconnaissance is very important. Can the spy here complete it?

Tian Qing nodded and said: You can rest assured about this. Although the investment in establishing the regiment is huge, it will also be of great help to us. The informants here are all humans who have integrated into the demon society, and there are many of them. We are composed of people, and messages will be sent to us every once in a while, which is enough for us to make a judgment. Of course, we cannot ambush all the demon slayers, so we must lie dormant for a period of time until the number of demon slayers left here decreases. After reaching a certain level, we will look for opportunities. Don’t worry, with this lesson, we will be more careful and will never give them another chance.

After making the plan, both demon hunting groups stayed here to treat their injuries and recover.

After Long Haochen's powerful outburst, he was actually weak for seven days before he fully recovered. This shows how strongly his potential was stimulated by the true fusion with Haoyue. This kind of overdraft stimulation not only cannot last long, but also has huge side effects. Yating was also weak for a long time and did not recover until about the fifth day. But she also conveyed a message to Long Haochen that the Excalibur Goddess of Light Aria was fully capable of integrating her into it, and there was even a terrifying situation where she would be absorbed into it and become a fixed sword spirit, which made Yating somewhat afraid. If she hadn't been strong enough, she might not have been able to separate.

And if she truly merges with the Light Goddess Aria, then she will undoubtedly recreate the true appearance of this divine sword. But in that case, Long Haochen would also lose Yating. At the same time, with his current strength, he was still far from being able to control the real Aria of the Goddess of Light.

Fortunately, Yating is not an ordinary light element elf, but has evolved three times and been fused with the Holy Spiritual Furnace. Her own wisdom and thinking ability have been greatly improved. As long as she doesn't want to, even the goddess of light Aria can't force her to become a sword spirit.

During the seven days, news kept coming from outside, and Tian Qing shared it all with Long Haochen without reservation. To their surprise, Dayak City suddenly became lively. According to the reports from the informants, at least seven or eight groups were discovered. Similar to a powerful demon hunter.

With the strength of their two demon hunting groups, there is no problem in dealing with one group of demon hunters. If they fight against two groups, they have a chance and have a greater chance of winning. But if they face the above three groups of demon hunters, especially if they are entangled by the enemy, and the enemy may show up with reinforcements, they will definitely lose.

Long Haochen and the others were lucky. In any case, they had the Tower of Eternity as a retreat route, but the same could not be said for Tian Qing and the others. With Long Haochen's current level of cultivation, even if he wanted to take them into the Tower of Eternity, he still wouldn't have the ability. What's more, it's better not to reveal the secret of the Tower of Eternity as much as possible.

Therefore, the two demon hunting groups had no choice but to continue resting here and did not dare to leave easily.

The Yaks mobilized a large amount of manpower to conduct a blanket search in the city, as if they were crazy. It lasted for three full days before they gradually calmed down. Fortunately, the regiment was extremely secretive and the external disguise was good enough, so they were not discovered. This also made Long Haochen increasingly aware of the importance of the regiment to the demon hunting group.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Long Haochen's whole body was immersed in the ocean of light. Since his divine body awakened, his cultivation speed can be described as a thousand miles a day.

The golden spiritual orifice in his chest was different from before. At this time, the spiritual orifice was about the size of an egg, exuding soft golden light. With every breath Long Haochen took, there would be a clear sense of inhaling light elements. The liquid spiritual power surrounding the spiritual orifice is like a star cluster circling around the spiritual orifice. The extremely viscous liquid spiritual energy does not seem to move very fast, but it is so pure and condensed.

Long Haochen's cultivation level is already very close to the seventh level, but even if ordinary seventh-level experts really compete with him in terms of spiritual power consumption, they will definitely be inferior. The reason is very simple. Long Haochen's spiritual power is more concentrated than theirs. It is much purer, and using the same skill will naturally consume much less spiritual power.

For ordinary light professionals, even if they can refine their spiritual power to this level, their cultivation speed will be greatly affected, making it very difficult to improve. But Long Haochen only felt that his spiritual power had improved as easily as breathing. You know, since he was in seclusion for a year, if he hadn't spent a lot of time on the second floor of the Tower of Eternity with his friends to learn aerial combat and various combat skills, as well as the skills he learned from the alliance after being promoted to the handsome level demon hunting group, I'm afraid, His cultivation level has long reached the peak of the sixth level.

The reason why Long Haochen didn't do that was because of accumulation.

After years of practice, Long Haochen discovered that when one's cultivation reaches a level of calm, the main difficulty in making breakthroughs lies in insufficient accumulation. Breakthroughs in spiritual power not only require the understanding and control of spiritual power, but also require corresponding practical experience. After all, only continuous use of spiritual power can create a cycle.

Therefore, he is not in a hurry to raise his cultivation to the peak of the sixth level, but is constantly saving up. He believes that in this way, when he reaches the sixth level bottleneck and breaks through to the seventh level, it will be much easier.

The memories left by his father gradually revived in his mind.

The change from the sixth level to the seventh level is also a qualitative leap. The sixth level of condensed spiritual orifice means that a professional becomes a strong person from an ordinary person. Only after possessing the spiritual orifice can he support long-term battles.

The spiritual orifice is condensed in the chest, which is where our spiritual power gathers. But, what is the total amount of spiritual power we can bear? Only ten thousand. In other words, when the endurance of a spiritual orifice reaches its limit, Your cultivation level can no longer be improved. If you forcefully break through this limit, it is likely to cause damage to your spiritual aperture, thus bringing you a devastating crisis.

So, the process from sixth level to seventh level is no longer a breakthrough, but a creation. What if we can continue to improve our strength? The capacity of one spiritual orifice has reached its limit. So, why don't we open up more spiritual orifices? Therefore, there is a way to break through from the sixth level to the seventh level. Open up the second spiritual orifice and the third spiritual orifice. This order must not be wrong, otherwise you will not be able to bear it. The second spiritual orifice is located in the lower abdomen, and the third spiritual orifice is located in the lower abdomen. It's in your brain. When you create the second spiritual orifice, it means you have broken through to the seventh level, and when your spiritual power fills the second spiritual orifice, it is time to build the third spiritual orifice. . That will also be one of the biggest dangers you encounter in the process of cultivation. You must proceed with caution and remember not to rush into anything.

I can't tell you the specific method of constructing a spiritual aperture. I can only rely on you to understand it on your own.


Today is Sunday. There will be no outbreak today, but it will happen after 12 o'clock tonight, and there will be a big explosion to make everyone feel happy.

Asking for monthly votes and recommendation votes. Let’s see for ourselves how much it breaks out at 12 o’clock. hey-hey.

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