Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 400 The Edge of the Seventh Level (Part 2)

Long Haochen stretched out his hand to shake his hand, but used honorifics, Hello, we are the Commander-in-Chief Demon Hunting Group No. 64. I am the leader of the group, Long Haochen. It is an honor to fight with you.

Handsome level? Tian Qing was stunned, Brother, are you kidding?

While he was speaking, Long Haochen had already raised his hand to lift the cloak on his head, and also pulled down the veil that covered the yellow sand.

Seeing his handsome, young face, Tian Qing was immediately speechless.

Not only him, but also the partners in his team. The powerful strength shown by Long Haochen when he burst out just now filled them with extreme shock. The only thing that puzzled them was why Long Haochen was not wearing any clothes. Fighting with the Mithril Pedestal Armor, and with his ability to severely injure the eighth-level Yark Demon with two swords, it should be no problem to become a Mithril Pedestal Knight! Unless he has better equipment choices.

It's really unexpected. You are so young. But in any case, on behalf of me and my partners, I sincerely thank you for your timely rescue. If you hadn't appeared in time, we might not have escaped today.

Long Haochen asked with some confusion: Senior, with the strength of your group, it shouldn't be difficult to deal with two Yak demons. How could it be...

The promotion of the Demon Hunting Group from the commander level to the king level is definitely a qualitative leap. Not only does it have to pay one million merit points, but each member must also be promoted to the seventh level of cultivation. Being willing to pay so much merit undoubtedly proves that this demon hunting group already has powerful enough equipment. Although they are only at the seventh level, a demon hunting group composed entirely of seventh-level experts has sophisticated equipment. It is not difficult to deal with two eighth-level demons at all, especially since the Yaks are not a race with the inheritance of the demon god. Not to mention those low-end Yak demons, it can be seen from the previous battles between Long Haochen and the others.

Tian Qing smiled bitterly and said: Forget it, this time is really unlucky. Our original mission was to enter Dayak City to kill two eighth-level Yaak leaders, but who knew that when we ambushed the Yaak leaders, we were attacked by a group of demons The demon hunter ambushed us. Although we severely damaged our opponent, we also suffered a great consumption. Four of the six people were injured, and our spiritual power was also greatly consumed. Although we relied on medicine to recover some, the Jacques Demon was still there. They surrounded us at this time. We finally broke out of the encirclement, but we couldn't get rid of them because of the nasty spore demons in the sky. You will know what happened next.

Demon hunter? What is that? Long Haochen asked doubtfully.

Tian Qing said: To be precise, the demon hunter is somewhat similar to our demon hunter group. It is a new organization established by the demon clan specifically to deal with us. It has been established for more than a year. As the alliance's strength increases, We are getting stronger and stronger, and the combat effectiveness of our demon hunting group is always increasing. The demons are becoming more and more aware of our destructive power to the demons. We have to take some measures to deal with it. This is how to eliminate demon hunters. Demons are a team formed by selecting some elites from the demon clan. Each demon hunting team is composed of ten members. The leader must be an eighth-level strongman. Some are from the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Clan and the Moon Demon Clan. The team headed by the Hexing Demon Clan is the most powerful. The overall strength of the team members is all above level seven. There are even some particularly powerful demon slayer teams that are entirely composed of ninth-level demon slayers. We are working on the specific classification of demon slayers. investigation.

The reason why our demon hunting group dares to carry out various tasks within the territory of the demon clan is mainly because of the looseness within the demon clan. These demon hunters cannot go to the territory of our alliance, and they dare not. After all, the appearance and aura of the demon clan They are far away from us humans, and there are only a small number of high-level demons in human form. They dare not take risks. Therefore, these demon hunters will devote all their energy to dealing with us who are in the demon territory. This Over the past year, at least ten demon hunting groups have fallen into their hands. This time we almost suffered a big loss.

Long Haochen took a deep breath and said, Do you know how many groups there are to eliminate demon hunters now?

Tian Qing said: According to the information we have received, there were about a hundred groups of demon hunters when they were first established. They were directly commanded by the Demon God Emperor. They only obeyed the instructions of the Demon God Emperor. In the future, you must be more careful in your actions among the demons. These demon hunters are very difficult to deal with. Some of them even have some powerful equipment. Although they are modeled after our demon hunting group, the demons have their natural advantages, and high-level demons can possess them without much training. Strength above level seven.

Long Haochen said: In this case, we need to leave here as soon as possible. Those yak demons who fled back will definitely leak our whereabouts to the demon hunters.

Tian Qing nodded and said: That's right. In this case, you can follow us. We will go to the nearest regiment headquarters.

Long Haochen hesitated for a moment and said, This is against the rules. Our level does not have the right to enter the regiment headquarters.

The group headquarters are the secret strongholds of the demon hunting group within the territory of the demon clan, which are specially provided for the rest and supplies of the demon hunting groups above the king level.

It's not that they are discriminating against low-level demon hunting groups, but because the tasks that low-level demon hunting groups themselves have to perform are not too difficult. The establishment of these regiments in the Demon Clan has consumed too much manpower, material and resources from the alliance. Therefore, it is natural that priority should be given to the powerful demon hunting groups.

To give a simple example, the Demon God's Fall Demon Hunting Group hidden in the heart of the city is a group headquarters hidden in the heart of the city.

The Demon God Emperor once ordered a thorough investigation of the Heart City, but in the end he still failed to dig out this regiment. This shows how powerful the role of this regiment is.

Tian Qing patted Long Haochen on the shoulder and said: Stop saying such unreasonable things. Rules are dead, people are alive. Is it true that the regiment headquarters will not use it for general-level and commander-level demon hunting groups? ? As long as there is a team leading by king level or above, there will be no problem. Let's go, the nearest regiment headquarters is in Dayak City, aren't they going to hunt us down? Then we will do the opposite and go back. That's it I’m really not willing to leave. Once we take a break, the city of Dayac will be turned upside down.”

As he spoke, the eyes of this powerful mithril pedestal knight were already shining.

Who can become a king-level demon hunter, who has not come through the continuous battle against the demons? How can you advance all the way without a strong temperament? Their hands were stained with the blood of many powerful demons.

Tianqing and his team were obviously very familiar with the nearby terrain. Under his leadership, the two demon hunting groups made a large circle and spent a full day before arriving at full speed. to Dayak.

Unlike Long Haochen and the others who disguised themselves as Moon Demons, the King-level Demon Hunting Group No. 17 also had their own method. They used a thing called a pseudo-phantom gem to actually transform themselves into the appearance of a Jacques Demon. Only then did Long Haochen and the others enter the city of Dayak.

Dayak City seemed a bit chaotic, and the city defense was not tight. At least, Long Haochen and the others were not searched before they were allowed into the city.

Tian Qing told Long Haochen that the pseudo-phantom gem can transform into a stored illusion with the support of spiritual power. And storing illusions is a more troublesome process. But within the territory of the demon clan, it is a must-have treasure for some powerful demon hunting groups. Long Haochen and the others had just entered the handsome level and had not yet come into contact with this kind of thing.

Although Dayak City is the capital of the Province of Yaak, it is not very big. Like most demonic cities, it also looks a bit dilapidated. Tian Qing took Long Haochen and the others to a restaurant run by humans and went directly into the kitchen. The next process was really eye-opening for Long Haochen and the others.

The back kitchen was moved as a whole, revealing the entrance to the crypt. Thirteen people filed in, and the kitchen above was closed as a whole, making it a perfect fit. What surprised Long Haochen even more was that when the entrance above was closed, he could not feel anything outside with his powerful perception.

In other words, the entrance to the cave has the ability to completely shield the outside world from observation. Moreover, when Long Haochen first entered the cave, he saw that when the kitchen was moved, the ground at the entrance was more than one meter thick. Undoubtedly, there were precious and special things inside. The metal is integrated into it, and it may even be engraved with a magic circle.

You know, Dayak City is not an important town in the Demon Clan. Such a regiment has to invest so much. It is no wonder that the Demon Hunting Group can become famous in the Demon Clan.

Both sides of the corridor are inlaid with special crystals that can emit light, and there is obviously a good ventilation system here, so it doesn't feel stuffy at all.

It went straight down, nearly thirty meters deep into the ground before turning parallel and moving forward. After continuing for another twenty meters, small rooms began to appear on both sides.

Each room is simply decorated, with a set of beds, tables and chairs. There are about twenty rooms in the entire corridor, enough to accommodate three demon hunting groups to rest here. But at this time, there was no one. There is also a special warehouse inside, which stores a large amount of food and clean drinking water.

Everyone, let's take a rest first, brother Long, can we chat for a few words? Tian Qing said to Long Haochen.

Long Haochen nodded.

The two entered a room inside. The others naturally found their own rooms to rest.

Tian Qing asked Long Haochen to sit down and said: Currently there are only two of our demon hunting groups here. I won't say thank you anymore. This feeling will always be remembered by everyone in our King-level Demon Hunting Group No. 17. In my heart. Don’t call me senior or anything like that, we can just call each other by name.”

Tian Qing's character was very straightforward, but he did not ask Long Haochen about their ages or the secret techniques used to kill the eighth-level Jacques leader. Every demon-hunting group has its own secrets. Even if everyone is the same as each other, it is never good to ask others about their secrets.


As night falls, it’s time to update and ask for votes again. Today is Saturday, it’s Saturday. I wish everyone a happy weekend and vote by the way.

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