Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 385 Sixteen Killing Missions (Part 2)

The Demon Hunting Group is its own system and has the ability to supervise any local officials. Moreover, these people are all existences who have experienced life and death on the demon battlefield. There has been such a survey, and any member of the handsome demon hunting group has killed at least a thousand demons on the battlefield.

It is no exaggeration to say that every demon hunter is a hero of mankind. Therefore, even a high-ranking official like them did not dare to be careless at all. Fortunately, the two of them came together.

Where are the people? The military chief had a very hot temper and asked angrily after kicking the officer down.

The officer did not dare to resist at all at this time, and raised his hand to point in the direction of Long Haochen.

The consul and military chief looked up at Long Haochen and were both stunned. It's not that they haven't seen Long Haochen and Cai'er before, but Long Haochen is too young, and he doesn't look like a handsome demon hunter from a demon hunting group! Let alone the leader.

Seeing these two people coming, Long Haochen's face darkened again. Although he was not old, he had experienced life and death. He is also the leader of the demon hunting group. He usually has a steady command and has seen many big scenes. Not even the Demon God Emperor can scare him, let alone these two people in front of him.

I invited you two here. I haven't asked for advice yet. Long Haochen also knew that his appearance was not convincing, and he was unwilling to waste more time here. As he spoke, he shook his right hand towards the military commander. For a moment. The military commander was shocked to see that Long Haochen's right hand suddenly became transparent, and it turned out to be a shining body that could only be possessed by a seventh-level Templar knight.

Seventh level? Is this level seven? Isn't this too young? No, he must be disguised or taking some special medicine.

The military chief and the consul looked at each other, and the two hurriedly took a few steps forward. The consul in robes said: Hello, respected demon hunter, I am Shuimu, the consul of Xingxun City, and this is Xingxun City. Military Chief Han Qianyu.

Long Haochen nodded and said: Hello, you two. You should already know what happened here just now. I hope you can handle this matter properly and prevent similar things from happening again in the future. Otherwise, I We will definitely appeal to the alliance and request that you be removed from your posts.”

Without any politeness, Long Haochen directly stated what he was thinking.

Consul Mizuki was a little better, but his face changed slightly and returned to normal. However, the military commander Han Qianyu frowned, You haven't asked me your name yet?

Commander-level leader of the Demon Hunting Group No. 64, Long Haochen. Before saying this, he had already released a layer of golden light, covering himself and the two big figures in Xingxun City, isolating him. sound.

Regarding Long Haochen's identity, Shui Mu and Han Qianyu didn't have the slightest doubt. The light attribute and seventh-level radiant body were enough to prove everything. At least it can't be sharp.

Hello, Captain Long. It is true that these bastards lost the people of Xingxun City today. We will naturally deal with it when we go back. However, since you are the leader of the Demon Hunting Group, then you only need to do your own tasks well. I don't need you to tell me how to enforce the law in Xingxun City. As the highest military officer in Xingxun City, you can't be dismissed from my post with just one word. Han Qianyu's words were clearly filled with anger. Mizuki on the side pulled him a few times, but still couldn't stop him.

Long Haochen was already filled with anger. When he heard what he said, his face suddenly turned ugly. He said coldly: The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. The Demon Hunting Group has a supervisory function, and you must also know it. Since Your Excellency does not think that your sergeant is at fault, I will report this matter to my superiors. Cai'er, let's go.

As he spoke, Long Haochen took Cai'er's hand and walked out, completely ignoring the two top officials of Xingxun City.

Bah, what is that? Han Qianyu couldn't help but cursed angrily as he watched Long Haochen and Cai'er leave.

Shuimu on the side smiled bitterly and said: Old Han, why are you doing this? The Demon Hunting Group is not that easy to deal with. Moreover, it is indeed the fault of your subordinates this time. If you just said a few words less, this matter is also It’s over.”

Han Qianyu sneered, I don't believe what he can do to me? Isn't it just to collect some money from these chambers of commerce? This group of trash can even collect money so illegally. Let's go back. No matter what they are The demon hunting group is just a supervisor, and they are only commander-level. In terms of level, at least the king-level demon hunting group can be on an equal footing with us. Who do they think they are? Just kill a few demons and think you are great?

Long Haochen's hearing was so sensitive, and Han Qianyu deliberately shouted loudly, so naturally every word of his conversation with Shuimu fell into Long Haochen's ears. He was no longer just provoking, but also confirmed what Long Haochen said.

Shuimu was obviously much weaker than Han Qianyu. He wanted to stop him, but he knew he didn't have the ability. I thought to myself, aren’t you giving people a handle? However, he also knew that Han Qianyu had someone to rely on. Who made his father-in-law the deputy master of the Warrior Temple? Otherwise, I would not have been suppressed by him, the military commander, in Xingxun City.

Originally, Long Haochen felt a little regretful after scolding the other party. After all, he was the manager of a city, and he was indeed a little impulsive because of his anger. Although what Han Qianyu said before didn't sound good, it was true. He had no right to interfere with the military of a city. He will report this matter to his superiors, but he has no plans to interfere anymore. However, Han Qianyu's arrogance completely angered Long Haochen. What's more, he also said something in support of those soldiers accepting bribes.

Cai'er could feel Long Haochen's emotional changes, and a hint of coldness emanated from her body, Do you want me to go...

Long Haochen shook his head and said: We can't take action against them. They are alliance officials. We are in the wrong if we take action. If we want to take the formal route, let's go back first. I have my own way of handling this matter. This person has a willful personality and will not do anything for himself. He is more suitable to be the military commander of this city.

After saying that, he took Cai'er back to the hotel.

Early the next morning, Long Haochen asked Sima Xian to make a trip and tell the people of the Yueye Chamber of Commerce to meet them at the southeast fortress. A group of seven people took the lead to leave Xingxun City and headed straight for the southeastern fortress.

Long Haochen didn't tell his friends what happened yesterday. He decided to handle the matter by himself. After arriving at the Southeast Fortress, they stayed at the hotel they had agreed with the Moon Night Chamber of Commerce. Long Haochen walked out alone. Cai'er wanted to follow him, but was stopped by Long Haochen.

After a brief inquiry, Long Haochen found the destination of his trip, the main hall of the Warrior Temple.

Please inform me, Long Haochen, leader of the Commander-in-Chief Demon Hunting Group No. 64, wants to see the master of the Warrior Temple. Long Haochen said to the guard guarding the gate of the Warrior Temple. At the same time, he handed over his demon hunting group token.

Those who can become the guards of the Warrior Temple are naturally very discerning. After quickly and respectfully bowing to Long Haochen as a warrior, they went in with the token to report.

Even though Long Haochen is just the leader of the Commander-level Demon Hunting Group, being able to be promoted to Commander-in-Chief means that he and his Demon Hunting Group are likely to be promoted to King Level or even Emperor Level in the future. This is completely different from the treatment received by general-level demon hunting groups.

The six temples of the Temple Alliance are each stationed in a fortress to protect the Temple Alliance's defense line. In the southeast, the Warrior Temple has absolute say. And because the southeastern fortress is the longest distance from the central province of the demon clan, demon hunting groups often visit the upper echelons of the Warrior Temple when passing by, communicate with each other, and even seek help. Therefore, Long Haochen's request for an audience was normal. As for whether the Master of the Warrior Temple met with him in person, it was hard to say.

Long Haochen's eyes looked very calm. Today he specially put on his own glorious holy armor to come here.

Not long after, the guard had returned, and at the same time, there was also a middle-aged man who looked to be in his forties.

This middle-aged man was dressed in red clothes and had an extremely tall figure. He was one size bigger than Sima Xianlai. He was stunned when he saw Long Haochen, Hey, you are so young! You are the handsome number 64. Long Haochen, the leader of the demon hunting group?

Long Haochen nodded, Hello, I am.

The middle-aged man laughed and said: Captain Long is so young! I am Xu Zhongliang, deputy master of the Kuangzhan Hall of the Warrior Temple. Commander Long, please. As he spoke, he made a gesture of invitation to Long Haochen.

Long Haochen nodded and followed the deputy leader of the Mad War Hall into the Warrior Temple.

Compared with the priest's temple, the architecture of the warrior's temple is a little less elegant, but more simple and sturdy. Walking into the door, you will see a huge hall with a thirty-meter-high dome giving people a very open and atmospheric feeling.

Directly opposite the gate, in the middle of the Warrior Temple Hall, a statue stood quietly there.

Seeing it, Long Haochen couldn't help but stop and respectfully performed a standard knightly salute to the statue. He punched his glorious holy armor with his right fist, making a clanging sound of metal collision.

Xu Zhongliang couldn't help but stop, his eyes suddenly changed when he looked at Long Haochen, and his favorable impression increased greatly.

This statue means supreme honor to the Warrior Temple. He is wearing knight armor and is clearly a knight. However, he respectfully saluted the statue at the first opportunity. How could this not reflect the favor of the deputy leader of Kuangzhan Hall? Moreover, Xu Zhongliang may have a rough appearance, but he is very thoughtful and has a certain eye for people. He is absolutely certain that Long Haochen's respect for this statue comes from the bottom of his heart.

Of course Long Haochen spoke from his heart. There is a plaque above the statue with four big characters: A Sword for a Thousand Years.

Yes, this is the statue of the Light Sword God Ye Wushang! It can be said that for hundreds of years, the most amazing and talented person in the six temples is Ye Wushang. He is even the most promising person since the establishment of the Warrior Temple to lead the Warrior Temple to become the first of the six major temples. Unfortunately, this Sword God of Light died too early.

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