Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 384 Sixteen Killing Missions (Part 2)

This group of soldiers were all dressed in leather armor, and the leader was wearing the chainmail of a low-ranking officer. They all held their heads high, and you could tell without asking that they were not doing good deeds.

Where's your boss? Tell him to come out. The leading officer held the saber on his waist with one hand and put the other hand on his waist and shouted.

The ten soldiers he brought quickly lined up in a line, pointing their spears at the shop, and blocked the entrance.

As soon as they saw these soldiers, a man immediately came up to them, Master, what are you doing? the man asked cautiously.

The officer snorted coldly, Your Yue Ye Merchant Group is suspected of having an affair with the demon clan. I'm here to take your boss back for questioning.

The man was stunned. Apparently, this was the first time he had encountered this kind of thing. Master Jun, we are free traders! We are protected by the alliance.

Pah! the officer slapped him, What nonsense businessman? Let me tell you, I am a new patrol officer. I am specifically responsible for patrolling this street. It is said that this street is where your Yue Ye Merchant Group is the richest. Why are you rich? Are you colluding with the demons?

After listening to what he said in front of him, Long Haochen pulled Cai'er aside, thinking that the Yueye Chamber of Commerce had done something wrong. As a member of the Temple Alliance, he would naturally not interfere in such noisy matters. As long as it doesn't affect the Yue Ye Merchant Group and brings them into the territory of the demon clan, it will be fine.

However, after hearing this, this obviously changed. What does it mean that the Moon Night Merchant Group is the richest? Even if Long Haochen didn't understand much about these official things, he could vaguely guess what these officers and soldiers were here to do.

At this time, a steward of the Yueye Merchant Group hurriedly came over from behind. When he saw the officers and soldiers blocking the door, he was also stunned. The man who had sent the message before pointed at Long Haochen and said in his ear A few words or something.

The steward saluted Long Haochen first and apologized. Then he turned to the officer and said with a smile: Master Jun, I am the steward of the Yueye Merchant Group. I wonder what the officer has to do to block the door of our merchant group? We are A legitimate businessman protected by the Consulate.

The officer sneered and said: What legal businessmen? Aren't you doing business with the demons? What a serious crime is colluding with the demons? Come with us. As he spoke, he raised his hand to the steward's shoulder. Catch him.

The smile on the steward's face remained unchanged, but his body swayed slightly, he easily dodged the grasp, took a step back, and said: Master, please respect yourself. If this matter escalates, it will not be of any benefit to Master. I think, I There is a way to prove our innocence. As he spoke, he took out a money bag from his arms and handed it to the officer.

The officer was about to have a seizure when the other party dodged his grasp, but when he saw the money bag handed over by the steward, the cold expression on his face suddenly softened like a spring breeze thawing.

He took the money bag and opened it and looked at it. A glimmer of satisfaction suddenly appeared in his eyes, Think of you as directors. It's not easy for you wandering merchants to do business with the demons, but you must pay attention to safety! Okay, let's close the team.

As he spoke, he waved his hand and was about to lead the soldiers away.

Wait a minute. A clear but indifferent voice remembered at this moment.

The officer was stunned for a moment, then turned his head and looked in the direction from which the sound came. He saw one of the two men with hats on their heads who had been standing aside before, and took off the hats.

What's the matter? The officer's voice became cold again. Looking at Long Haochen's handsome and very young appearance, he immediately assumed official authority.

Long Haochen said calmly: You all stay, send someone to the executive office, and ask the executive officer of Xingxun City or the military chief to come.

The officer's face changed, Boy, is there something wrong with your mind? As he said that, he raised the waist knife he held in his left hand. His waist knife had a scabbard. The tip of the knife was raised, and he pointed towards the dragon with the scabbard. Haochen was hit on the head.

Long Haochen's eyes flashed, and a fierce murderous aura suddenly burst out from his body, You dare?

With an angry roar, the entire Moon Night Chamber of Commerce was like a thunderbolt. The officer was just a small role, how could he withstand Long Haochen's roar full of spiritual power? His face turned pale and he immediately fell to the ground. The soldiers he brought also fell down one by one.

Long Haochen raised his right hand, and a golden light fell down, covering an ordinary soldier, and then threw a silver light into the soldier's arms, Go and do what I just said, otherwise, you will never be able to leave. Here it is.”

Just an angry shout caused these officers and soldiers to lose their combat effectiveness. They were only horrified at this time, and how could they dare to resist at all. When the officer vaguely saw the appearance of the token, his face turned pale and he was speechless.

The soldier, who was so shocked by Long Haochen's recovery spell, ran away in a hurry holding the handsome level demon hunting group token that Long Haochen threw to him.

Long Haochen said coldly to the other soldiers: Go aside and kneel.

These people were just frightened to the ground, but they did not lose their ability to move. Facing Long Haochen's power, who would dare to resist? The officer, in particular, was more like a defeated rooster. He didn't dare to say a word and took the lead in crawling to the side and kneeling down.

Until now, the anger on Long Haochen's face remained unabated, and he clenched his fists tightly. If these sergeants dared to resist again, he might take action directly.

Ever since Long Haochen became a knight, almost all the enemies he faced were demons. Most of the humans he comes into contact with are heroes. Galloping on the battlefield, crossing the enemy's army. What for? The purpose is to ensure that human beings can live and work in peace and contentment!

However, when the soldiers were fighting against the demons on the battlefield, there was such a moth behind them. How could Long Haochen, who was kind-hearted and hated evil, not be angry? He restrained his emotions forcibly so as not to kill the officer directly. Otherwise, as soon as he takes action, the officer will definitely be killed.

Looking at their cowardly looks, and thinking about the Alliance soldiers who shed their lives and blood on the battlefield, Long Haochen felt his heart aching. He really wanted to kill all this garbage.

The Demon Hunting Group not only targets demons, but also has a special responsibility within the Temple Alliance, that is, supervision. Demon hunting groups at any level have the ability to supervise any level of the alliance. The higher the level of the demon hunting group, the greater the supervision role.

To give a simple example, if a title-level demon hunting group questions the leader of the alliance, impeachment proceedings will be initiated immediately. The Demon Hunting Group has fought hard for the Alliance and made numerous military exploits. They do not have the power to directly command the army, but they are the largest in the Alliance in terms of supervisory power.

As the commander-in-chief of the Demon Hunting Group, Long Haochen had the power to invite the consul or military chief of Xingxun City to come over. He can even directly question the two managers of Xingxun City. Once serious accusations are made, these two people may be subject to in-depth investigation, and their future may be ruined as a result.

The steward of the Yueye Merchant Group had stood quietly aside since Long Haochen spoke, watching Long Haochen handle the matter. When Long Haochen shouted loudly, he was also shocked. Not just anyone can exude that murderous aura. Only those who have truly been on the battlefield and killed countless enemies can release this iron-blooded aura. No wonder the president has repeatedly promised to cooperate with all their actions. He is indeed no ordinary person!

Long Haochen turned to the steward and said in a deep voice: Hello, my name is Long Haochen. Does this situation happen often?

The steward of the Moon Night Chamber of Commerce shook his head slightly and said: It rarely appears in normal times. This military master must have just been on duty for a short time. His behavior cannot be representative of ordinary soldiers.

After hearing his words, Long Haochen's face relaxed slightly, Then why didn't you question him just now?

The steward smiled calmly and said: Mr. Long, harmony brings wealth. We are businessmen. The people do not fight with the officials!

Long Haochen nodded silently. He knew that when it came to dealing with people, he was still just a sixteen-year-old boy. However, since he encountered it today, he had to deal with it to the end, which could be regarded as a wake-up call for the officials of Xingxun City. The soldiers were protecting their homes and the country at the front. If something happened to the rear because of these moths, he really couldn't bear it.

Is Miss Yueye okay? Long Haochen asked in a low voice.

The steward said respectfully: Miss is very good, but she is not here. Before she left, she told us that if Mr. Long needs anything, just ask us and we will fully cooperate. The latest business group will set off in three days, and the goods are almost ready. ”

Long Haochen nodded and said: Okay, we will go with your business group and enter the territory of the demon clan.

The steward nodded slightly, but said nothing more. Seems very cautious and calm. Indeed, to be able to gain Yue Ye's trust, one must not be an ordinary person.

Not long after, the rapid sound of horse hooves came from outside, and the sound of horse hooves stopped at the door of the Chamber of Commerce. Two middle-aged men strode in in a hurry, one of them wearing a robe and the other wearing plate armor. He looks both civilized and powerful.

As soon as they entered the door, the two men saw the sergeant kneeling aside, and their expressions suddenly turned ugly. The soldier in plate armor stepped forward and kicked the officer in the head, Asshole, you It brings Xingxun City’s face to shame.”

These two were the consul and military chief of Xingxun City. Coincidentally, these two men happened to be there when the soldier sent the letter. After receiving the tokens from the handsome demon hunting group, the two of them were immediately shocked.

Xingxun City is a big city and it is on the border. The status of these two people is far beyond that of the consul and military commander of a small city like Haoyue City. However, the Demon Hunting Group is something they cannot afford to offend! ——

This is the second update today. I’m really sorry, but I have something to tell you. I originally planned to continue to explode today. After all, it is the last day of the month and the monthly ticket is doubled again. The third child also wants to make an effort. However, this morning while I was still sleeping, Tangtang rushed to my room and called me: Dad, I want to go to the amusement park. I want my dad and mom to take me there.

I was woken up by her kiss. It’s been a long time since I took her out to play. It’s the fifth day of the year, so I really can’t refuse her request. So, I took her with me. Over the years, I owe a lot to both my wife and my children. It can be said that without the selfless support of my wife over the past eight years, I would not have been able to persist until now. Let me tell you a secret. Ever since we had Tangtang, my wife and I have been sleeping in separate rooms for three years. There is only one reason: I am afraid that it will affect my rest and code. After all, children’s sleep is terrible. (Well, of course, sleeping in separate rooms does not mean living apart! You know... Otherwise, where would Linlin come from? He was born in June. Hehe. I will ask you for gifts then. Around the end of June.)

Therefore, I can only say sorry to everyone today and update these two chapters.

However, I am working hard to write, and it didn’t work out today. Tomorrow I will make up for everyone. I will work hard from now on, and strive to make the sixth update at 0 o’clock in the evening to give everyone a refreshment, and then I will continue to work hard. If possible, there will be ten updates. Of course, everyone needs to give Lao San a lot of motivation.

On the last day of the month, I still have the audacity to ask everyone for a monthly ticket. Don’t forget to ask for a recommendation ticket in the new week. Thanks

The word count is still enough, so I will tell you another joke. The sentence I just wrote to cheer you up suddenly reminded me of a time when I had dinner with Jiangnan and Nanpai, and then Jiangnan asked Nanpai, What if, one day? You suddenly find yourself transformed into a woman in the morning, what will you do?

The southern faction said without hesitation: Let the brothers enjoy themselves first...

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