Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 382 The Second Floor of the Tower of Eternity (Part 2)

Amidst the harsh metal explosions, the six white figures rushed forward quickly and retreated equally quickly, and they retreated very rhythmically, as if they were one body. As a result, the epee swept out by Long Haochen failed.

Long Haochen's attacks, which were flowing like clouds and water on the ground, were obviously restricted in the air. However, he was very excited at this time. Because he knew very well that he and his partners lacked experience and experience in air combat. Undoubtedly, the Tower of Eternity gave them this opportunity.

Of course, it was true that Long Haochen's combat capability in the air was limited, but he wouldn't be stumped by this first hurdle.

Three rays of white light shot out from Yating's body at the same time, falling on the three white skeletons as if they had eyes. Then, a strong suction force pulled them in the direction of Long Haochen. Strangely enough, although the power of the Holy Spiritual Furnace was used by Yating, it was no different from Long Haochen's own use. After the enemy was pulled or pulled, it was all aimed at Long Haochen.

Being pulled by the Holy Spiritual Furnace, these white skeletons naturally lost their maximum flexibility and speed. Facing the powerful attack power of the Ripples of Light, they only lasted less than five seconds in front of Long Haochen before they were broken into pieces. The other three flying skeletons were also chopped into pieces by Long Haochen in the same way. This first level was considered passed.

However, what made Long Haochen somewhat regretful was that killing these skeletons did not bring him that kind of high-purity spiritual power, nor did he have any skills. It seems that it has become a simple test here.

Long Haochen had no complaints about this. If only ten or ten points of pure spiritual power were given to him, it would not have much effect on him now.

After his cultivation reached the sixth level, Long Haochen opened his spiritual aperture, and then the body of the God's Favorite awakened, Yating evolved, and the spiritual furnace was synthesized. All of these not only improved his overall strength, but also improved him. Its own ability to absorb light elements.

As a favored person of the gods, Long Haochen can rightfully say that he is the person with the strongest affinity for the light element in the world.

In the four months since he had been in seclusion, his inner spiritual power had increased astonishingly by as much as a thousand, and now his inner spiritual power had surpassed 8,500. Keep approaching the seventh level.

Except for him, although the inner spiritual power of his companions is improving at a good rate, the gap with him is getting wider and wider. Even Cai'er is like this. After all, her body of the God's Favorite has not yet awakened.

After passing the first level, Long Haochen did not continue forward, but returned to the first level and explained his experience and judgment in detail.

As everyone breaks through the sixth level and possesses spiritual wings, it is urgent to improve their air combat capabilities. With such a rare and good platform, naturally they cannot let it go. With every increase in strength, their survivability in performing tasks will also increase by one point.

Long Haochen made a decision immediately after careful consideration. In the next exploration of the second level, everyone except Chen Ying'er will accept the air combat assessment based on their personal abilities, and they are not allowed to use the spiritual furnace ability or the mount ability. As for Chen Ying'er, of course she is training her natal beast, McDull Piggy.

This is a huge hall full of darkness, at least thousands of square meters in size, more than ten meters high, and the surrounding walls are octagonal.

The light in the hall was dim, except for a cluster of purple flames rising at each of the eight corners, bringing some light and an extremely rich dark atmosphere to this mysterious hall.

Right in the middle of this dark hall, stood a man. Her black hair was spread down her back, but her eyes were filled with blood-red light.

Progress, punch. The terrifying fluctuations of dark spiritual power are instantly released like a blowout. Every time he punches, kicks, or makes the simplest movement, there will be a terrifying air blasting sound.

I don't know what kind of material this hall is made of. No matter how much he wreaks havoc in it, the hall itself remains motionless.

During the spiritual explosion he blasted, purple light loomed, and he could barely see clearly. His handsome face was filled with a stern look, and his upper body was naked. Every time he launched an attack, a layer of dark purple magic lines like scales would appear all over his body. The blood in his eyes will also be a bit brighter.

Just when his momentum reached its peak, suddenly, a figure quietly appeared behind him. This figure has a slender figure, and his body is shrouded in a black robe. His long black hair is scattered from both sides of his face, and his face cannot be seen clearly.

As if feeling the sudden threat from behind, the shirtless man suddenly turned around and punched the figure that suddenly appeared behind him.

This punch condensed the powerful combat power of his peak state, and the terrifying power was instantly increased to the extreme. The entire center of the dark hall lit up because of his punch, and all the spiritual power he blasted before seemed to be concentrated on this circle at this moment. The distortion caused by the compression of space seems to be likely to tear this hall into pieces at any time.

However, the figure that suddenly appeared did not move. Facing such a terrifying circle, he just raised his hand slightly, and a long white finger from deep touched the fist that seemed to dominate the world.


Time seemed to have frozen at this moment, there was no explosion, and the slender figure did not even emit any spiritual power fluctuations. But in the next moment, the strong, shirtless man flew out like a cannonball from a magic cannon. It hit the wall in the distance with a loud bang, and a purple light spread from his body.

Bah. The body clinging to the wall fell back to the ground.

The slender figure put his hands behind his back, and a soft voice sounded, If it is too strong, it will break easily. If you are only strong but not soft, you will never reach the realm of defying the heavens.

This voice, this soft voice, if people who are familiar with him hear it, then there will only be two results. Prone in front of him or be horrified.

The man who fell to the ground slowly got up, but did not stand up. Instead, he knelt there and lowered his head respectfully, Father.

Your injury is almost healed. Why don't you leave here? The marriage you worked so hard for is also going to happen? The slender man tilted his head back slightly, letting his long hair flow back, and followed it Revealing his extremely handsome face.

Fengxiu, Demon God Emperor, Fengxiu.

And the person who was kneeling under the wall, with a stream of blood flowing from the corner of his mouth due to the previous heavy blow, wasn't it the Prince Abao of the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Clan who was severely injured after a head-on fight with Long Haochen in Dream Paradise?

Lowering his head, Abao said calmly: I don't have the shame to marry Yue Ye.

Demon God Emperor Fengxiu said calmly: Can't you bear such a little setback?

Abao raised his head and looked at his father, But this is not just a setback. This time, several demon god's heirs fell in Dream Paradise, and our final mission fell short. Although my father has absolute authority, this turmoil It's so big that even Huang Shuo was blackmailed out of ten pieces of dragon crystal. The responsibility is all mine. I know how much pressure my father endured to keep me. I am a sinner of my clan, and I have failed to live up to your expectations of me. ,I……

The Demon God Emperor waved his hand and said: Okay, there is no need to say this. As a superior, you cannot care about temporary gains and losses. Thinking too much will often cause you to get into more troubles. How can you achieve great things if your mind and mind are not clear? In human terms , don’t get too entangled. You didn’t lose unfairly this time, and it was mainly due to luck. You didn’t do anything wrong in the whole process. If I were you, I couldn’t do better than you. It’s just that , but you happened to meet a God-favored person who has never been seen in this plane for thousands of years, and it happened to be the moment when he touched the awakening. His sword was impossible even if he tried a hundred or a thousand times. Use it again.”

Father, I am not willing to lose to a weak human being, what kind of bullshit god's favored one, I... Abao's eyes were blood red. He was always so calm in front of others, only when facing the Demon God Emperor. , he will reveal some of his true nature.

Shut up. Fengxiu's voice became cold and stern for the first time.

Even as the heir to the Demon God Emperor, when Abao felt that his father was angry, he couldn't help but immediately prostrated himself on the ground and did not dare to say a word.

The Demon God Emperor said coldly: If you have such a mentality, then the next time you meet him, you will still lose at his hands, or even lose worse. It is impossible for me to save you in time every time. Exit you. Do you know that this time I temporarily tore apart the space to rescue you and came back, the annoying Demon God’s Fall Demon Hunting Group took the opportunity to kill three of our tribesmen. They were warning me. They are all There is more than one real madman, and there is more than one existence like the Demon God's Fall. Human beings have become increasingly difficult to deal with. As my successor, if you cannot face the power of human beings, then you will not be qualified to succeed me in the future. of the throne.

I know that you are very unconvinced and think that human being is much weaker than you. But have you really calmed down and carefully analyzed the reasons for your failure? Except because that person is a favored one by God, and he bursts out with a powerful blow when in danger. Besides, are there any other reasons?

Abao raised his head and looked at his father, Because he was supported by Dream Paradise, and his attributes were consistent with Dream Paradise. Later, he joined forces with the spokesperson of the goddess of nature to fight against us.

The Demon God Emperor said calmly: Then why can he do this?

Abao was stunned for a moment, but couldn't answer.

The Demon God Emperor said solemnly: Because of wisdom. We demons are often too conceited because of our own strength, so you suffered this defeat. You may have postponed the wedding. Now, you should know what you are going to do?



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