Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 381 The Second Floor of the Tower of Eternity (Part 2)

Chen Yinger, who was chanting a spell on the other side, had stopped. At that moment, three doors of creatures quietly opened behind her. Just when the spell was interrupted, the three-sided door to life also disappeared.

This is the powerful function of the Time Soul Furnace that is transformed into the Time Soul Furnace after being synthesized. Of course, she can only use this ability once a day, but fortunately there is no strong backlash. Triple summoning, for a summoning magician, this is an almost heaven-defying ability. It's just that Chen Ying'er can't fully unleash its power due to her own reasons.

The broken body of the blue skeleton gradually glowed with a blue halo, and a slightly high-pitched voice echoed in the air, Holy Guard No. 1 reported to the master. Its body, which fell to the ground and turned into two pieces, suddenly floated up. , turned into two streams of light and went straight towards Long Haochen. Like the red skull before, it also merged into the eternal melody in Long Haochen's chest.

The gemstone of the Eternal Melody Pendant is in the form of a white skull. At this time, in addition to the red flame, there is a cluster of blue flames on the surface of its skull.

At this time, suddenly, the Tower of Eternity seemed to tremble slightly, and Long Haochen and the other seven people clearly felt that the earth was shaking. Everyone hurriedly gathered together and watched the changes around them with vigilance.

A ball of soft golden light rippled from the eternal melody on Long Haochen's chest. Wherever the golden light passed, it magically dispelled everything that was originally illusory and hazy in the air. A soft golden color ripples in the air, and everything becomes clear.

Right in front of Long Haochen's seven people, a huge statue appeared in front of them. Although it was just a statue, when the seven people's eyes fell on it, they felt an epic vastness and endless majesty. .

The statue is about ten meters high. It stands there quietly. It is dressed in a gorgeous black robe that is lifelike. On the black robe, golden runes are shining. Outside the robe is a large white cloak, and inside The black robe is in sharp contrast, and the cape of the cloak is placed on the head, making the statue's face look very dim and unable to really see its appearance.

Its right hand holds a staff that is two meters longer than its height. The staff is made of a mixture of three colors, black, white, and gold. These three colors are intertwined. Black represents pure death, gold represents holy light, and the white seems to be related to the summoning power of the summoning magician.

The three-color metal coiled up to form this magical staff. At the top of the staff was a huge crystal. This crystal was carved into the shape of a skull and was completely white. It looked like an enlarged version of the Eternal Melody Pendant.

Looking at this statue, everyone was shocked. Even though it was just a statue, and even though everyone knew that it was not a real thing, they were still shocked by the depth, wisdom, majesty and vastness that the statue exuded.

Although Long Haochen has never been an adult and is the descendant of the Holy Law of the Undead, the Calamity God of the Undead, Electrox, he still paid a knightly salute to the statue. He definitely didn't like the Necromancer, but he had to admire this strong man who lived thousands of years ago. Just from the Tower of Eternity, you can see how terrifying it was back then. It should be a tyrannical existence on the same level as the Demon God Emperor.

Congratulations, my child, you have passed the first test. Do you like the gift I left for you? The Twelve Saint Guards were my twelve guardians back then, and they were all supreme beings of the same line. Unfortunately, human life is limited after all. In the end, I can only let them continue to exist in the form of undead. This is also one of the most precious resources I leave you. What you faced before was after their strength was suppressed. The power of the Holy Guard. As you continue to move forward, each time you pass a level of assessment, part of the strength of the Holy Guard will be restored. Keep moving forward, my child, one day, you will make my Twelve Holy Guards shine again. now.

A pure white light beam fell from the skull gem on the top of the staff, turning into a white light beam and appearing in front of everyone. The diameter of the light beam was about three meters, exuding a faint spatial fluctuation.

Lin Xin muttered: This Holy Law God of the Dead is too stingy. We have already passed the first-level assessment, so we won't give any more rewards.

Han Yu chuckled and said: What other reward do you want? Without the test of the first level of the Eternal Tower, can our spiritual power improve so fast? I am afraid that we are still far away from the sixth level. What's more? We also got skills, experience, and two holy guards. Didn’t the Saint of the Dead leave a message saying that the holy guards can still restore their strength? Think about it, if the red skeleton and blue skeleton we encountered had spiritual power What a terrifying thing it would be to be promoted and able to use more powerful skills! What's more, this is only the first level of the Tower of Eternity. For us, being able to come here is more important than having an artifact. Be lucky, after all, with our current level of cultivation, we are still unable to control the artifact, but the Tower of Eternity can continue to temper us and improve our overall strength.

Everyone felt deeply convinced by what Han Yu said, and nodded in unison.

Long Haochen said: We should be able to enter the second level if we walk into this light pillar. Do you want to continue trying?

Wang Yuanyuan said: Captain, you decide. However, I don't think Ying'er should go. She has just consumed all her spiritual power, so it would not be good to take risks again.

Long Haochen thought for a while and said, Let's do this. You all stay here, and I'll explore the way first. With Haoyue here, no matter what situation I encounter, I can get back in time.

Haoyue was lying lazily a hundred meters behind them. Long Haochen did not let him participate in the previous battle.

The longer he spent practicing in the Tower of Eternity, the more Long Haochen cherished everything here. If it weren't for the fact that their next actions were likely to face more difficult dangers, he would not even choose to gather everyone here to defeat that. Blue skull. Thus obtaining the final test of the first level.

Taking a step forward, Long Haochen stepped into the white holy light. Bathed in the holy light, he was surprised to find that the spiritual energy he had consumed before was recovering at an accelerated rate. The white light flashed, and the next moment he had appeared. In another place.

Having just arrived at the second floor of the Tower of Eternity, Long Haochen was shocked. The reason was simple. He didn't feel down to earth here.

There was a white scene in front of him, and there were still a row of pillars extending forward on both sides. However, what was under his feet was not an entity, but illusory clouds. At this time, he was in the white light. Just step out of the white light and you will officially enter the second floor of the Tower of Eternity.

Tentatively, he took a step forward and stepped into the white clouds. The next moment, Long Haochen couldn't help but let out a low cry, because he clearly felt his body falling downwards instantly. A strong feeling of weightlessness suddenly hit me.

With a flash of white light, the surrounding scenery dimmed again, and the feeling of being grounded was restored instantly. However, Long Haochen was surprised to find that he had appeared in front of his friends and had returned to the first floor hall of the Tower of Eternity.

How is this going? Long Haochen was slightly startled.

Boss, is raw noodles dangerous? Why did you come back so soon? Sima Xian asked curiously.

Long Haochen shook his head gently and stepped into the white light again.

The white light flashed, and the next moment, he returned to the second floor of the Tower of Eternity. He has vaguely understood that in this second level, he may need to continue to use his flying ability! If the first floor is forbidden to fly, then the second floor is probably forbidden to land.

This time he learned the lesson and spread his four wings behind him before stepping out of the white light range.

Sure enough, with the flying ability of the spirit wings, he did not fall again this time.

Instead of rushing forward to fly forward, Long Haochen silently felt the surrounding environment. He was surprised to find that after arriving at the second level, the aura of death was significantly weakened, and the aura of light became much stronger. However, even with his perception, he could only detect a distance of less than a hundred meters. There seems to be a powerful soul blockade here. Undoubtedly, if you want to pass the second level, you still have to move forward along the pillars on both sides and accept the test of the second floor of the Tower of Eternity.

Vaguely, Long Haochen had already understood a little bit about the situation on the second level, and he probably knew what the test on this second level would be.

The four wings spread out lightly on his back, and with a flash of golden light, Long Haochen summoned Yating.

After Yating synthesized and evolved with the Holy Spiritual Furnace, she was no longer afraid of the oppressive aura in the Tower of Eternity. She spread her six wings and floated lightly behind Long Haochen.

Don't come forward, just support me from behind. Long Haochen ordered Yating, and then slowly floated forward.

One meter, two meters, three meters... until he floated about ten meters away, suddenly, the white clouds and mist below suddenly surged, and then, six figures appeared in six directions of Long Haochen at the same time. Then he rushed towards him like lightning.

It's still a skeleton, but it has become a relatively petite skeleton with bone wings on its back. Their bone wings are connected by a transparent diaphragm. They are extremely fast. As soon as they appear, they are like six white lights piercing Long Haochen.

Long Haochen had always maintained the highest vigilance, but he did not panic at all when he was suddenly attacked. His left hand holding the shield was activated instantly, and a golden light curtain suddenly enveloped him.

Guardian Knight's sixth level skill, shield wall.

The shield wall skill can defend itself in all directions and can also defend the front in a wide range. Although it cannot be used in conjunction with divine block, its own defensive ability is also super strong.


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