Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 367 Aria of the Goddess of Light (Part 1)

Today’s second update, everyone puts their recommendation votes up and goes back to the top three. Today there is another explosion, and there is more than one chapter. hey-hey. Please vote for recommendation! ! ! ——

The auction went very quickly, and Lin Xin made repeated bids during the subsequent bidding process. He targeted some rare herbs and some particularly practical magic crystals and magic scrolls. But the gold coins he paid were not many. Learn the true meaning of auction. You can always find a bargain.

This VIP auction originally had a total of thirty-six lots, but with the addition of the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon's magic crystal, it became thirty-seven. As time passed, it soon came to the auction of the last piece.

What will be auctioned next is the last item in today's VIP auction. It is also our grand finale. Please invite Miss Feng Ling'er.

Just like when the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Crystal was being auctioned, a golden beam of light fell from the sky, and Feng Ling'er in a white dress appeared in front of everyone again. However, this time she did not appear with a cart. Instead, she held a long box covered with red cloth in both hands and slowly walked onto the auction stage.

Although it is covered with red velvet, you can still see the size of the box. The rectangular box is about four feet and five inches long and one foot wide. It looks very huge. Although Feng Ling'er, who has a slender figure but is very slender, holds it up, giving people a pitiful feeling.

It is a sword that has been stained with the blood of countless demons. It has created an epic legend. The sacred light once shined because of it, but it was so proud that it chose to seal it after the death of its master.

Ye Weiyang's sentimental voice spread throughout the audience, and there was a clear trace of sadness on her face. There was no trace of artificiality, it seemed that her emotions at this time came completely from the heart.

This is a sword of glory, a divine sword full of glory and legend. The owner who sent this sword here for auction has a very important requirement. That is, the bidder must be able to remove its seal and Pay 20 million gold coins, otherwise, it will not be auctioned no matter how much the bid is.

Ye Weiyang smiled sadly and said: Having said this, everyone should have guessed what our grand finale is today. This is not the first time it has appeared here, but every time it has been rejected because of the additional conditions. .As an auctioneer and an admirer of this divine sword, I really hope that I can find a destined person for it today. If there is really a distinguished guest who can unlock its seal, then this auction Field is willing to bear one-third of the entire cost. As a tribute to Excalibur.

Huh. Lin Xin whispered in surprise: Fixed price auction?

Long Haochen asked: What is a fixed-price auction?

Lin Xin said: This is an extremely rare form of auction. The price of the auction item is fixed, which means that anyone who pays this price can buy it. But the problem is that this kind of auction will have other conditions attached. Only bidding can Only those who meet the additional conditions are eligible for the auction. And the fixed-price auction items that can be accepted by the Holy Alliance Auction House must be outstanding. I think this sword is at least the peak of the legendary level, and even has possible……

While they were talking, Ye Weiyang had already lifted up the red cloth on the stage, revealing a simple wooden box.

The wooden box is brown-red in color, with no too many gorgeous patterns on it, only copper edges. The vicissitudes of life and simplicity are invisibly exuded, showing that it is very old.

The auction hall had become quiet at this time. It seemed that many distinguished guests knew the auction item, and the atmosphere actually seemed a bit depressing.

Niece Weiyang, why don't you let me buy it. Although I can't remove its seal yet, after I buy it, I will do my best to make this sword see the light again. How about it? It was No. 3 who spoke. The rich-voiced bidder in the VIP room.

Ye Weiyang shook her head with sad eyes, I'm sorry, I understand your intention, but I have to watch it bloom here. This is my grandfather's wish. Weiyang no longer hides the consignment of this sword. In fact, I am myself. This divine sword is the weapon used by my grandfather’s grandfather, my ancestor Xuan Ancestor. When my grandfather was dying, his biggest wish was to unlock the seal on this divine sword and let him Its light shines in the world again. It is best to continue drinking the blood of the demons to live up to the power of the divine sword. Any distinguished guest who has the ability can come up and give it a try. The prerequisite is that he must be a professional with light attributes. As long as he can I can accept it even if it's an installment payment.

While saying this, Ye Weiyang turned around and slowly opened the wooden box.

Somber, solemn, sad, dead. When the heavy sword in the wooden box was presented to everyone, Long Haochen actually felt the emergence of these four negative emotions.

It was a dark heavy sword with a very simple and elegant style. The whole sword was about four feet two inches long, of which the hilt was one foot two inches long and the blade was three feet long. The blade is four fingers wide.

The hilt and the sword body are integrated, as if they were carved from a special metal. The most peculiar thing is that the blade is very thick and has no edge. There are faint dark and dense cloud patterns on it. The tip of the sword is not sharp, but there is a black bead there.

There is no strong aura exuding, only the simple vicissitudes of life, but everyone can feel the hidden meaning of this heavy sword in this gloom and solemnity.

No one came on stage, but everyone remained silent to show respect for this divine sword. The silence made the atmosphere even more depressing.

Those who should try have already tried. A ninth-level knight once came here for this heavy sword, trying to make it shine again. However, the ninth-level knight failed.

Not even the ninth-level knight can bring back the light of this divine sword. Who else is willing to go on stage to show off his shame?

The sadness in Ye Weiyang's eyes became even more intense. She sighed quietly and slowly closed the wooden box, I'm very sorry to make everyone feel sad because of Weiyang. But I believe that one day, it will find its new owner. Master. Today’s auction ends here, Wei Young once again apologizes to all the distinguished guests...

Wait a minute. At this moment, a clear voice suddenly remembered, and a person slowly stood up from the front row.

Miss Weiyang, can I ask the name of this divine sword? the clear voice said slowly.

Ye Weiyang shook her head, I'm sorry, distinguished guest, my grandfather once said that unless this divine sword regains its glory, its former name cannot be mentioned again. She could tell that this man's voice was very young. , just thinking that the other party is curious about the divine sword.

Feng Ling'er has turned around and is ready to go down with this mysterious heavy sword. The bidders participating in the VIP auction have also stood up and prepared to leave.

The only ones who didn't move were the members of the General-level Demon Hunting Group No. 21, because the one who stood up and asked the question was none other than their leader, Long Haochen.

I'm willing to give it a try. Long Haochen's clear voice echoed through the auction hall again.

The whole place was silent for a second, and then, noisy voices rang out along with Long Haochen, who had become the target of everyone's attention.

The sentence that echoed most in the field was: I don’t know how high the sky is and how high it is.

There was a hint of astonishment on Ye Weiyang's pretty face, and she was a little dazed looking at the masked young man. However, out of professional habits, she hid her emotions well at this time and barely showed a smile, In that case , VIP please come. However, can you prove your attributes first?

Okay. Long Haochen said calmly. Close your eyes.

He said the last two words to his companions. Immediately afterwards, a bright light suddenly bloomed from behind Long Haochen. At that moment, the entire auction hall was illuminated to every detail. The exclamations almost lifted the roof of the auction hall.

The golden light at that moment was so dazzling, and the rich aura of light attribute swept away the previous gloominess of the entire audience. But because the golden light was so strong, many people in the back row were temporarily blinded in an instant.

Fortunately, the golden light only flashed away. Almost no one could see clearly how the golden light was emitted.

Ye Weiyang and Feng Ling'er didn't see clearly either. When the bright golden light suddenly bloomed, they all subconsciously closed their eyes. Only the general-level Demon Hunting Group No. 21 felt the spiritual wings released by Long Haochen.

Even under the sun, Long Haochen's four wings can emit dazzling golden light, let alone in this dark place. This is why Long Haochen asked his friends to close their eyes. At the same time, the release of this golden light also silenced those doubters.

Ye Weiyang's eyes showed strong shock, and the depths of his eyes were filled with shock.

Her own attribute is also light, and because of this, her understanding of light is even deeper. Just now, she clearly felt the intensity of the light released by Long Haochen. Although she did not see how Long Haochen released the bright golden light, according to her judgment, this should be at least something that a seventh-level Templar can do! And it is very likely that the body of light must be activated to make the light attribute spiritual power become so highly condensed.

However, for just a moment, he was able to release his radiant body. Moreover, judging by his voice, he is just a young man. At such an age, can he still possess powerful seventh-level strength? impossible. Unless he changed his voice and was very old.

Long Haochen had already slowly walked onto the auction stage, and all the bidders who were about to leave stopped. At this time, they were still in the process of recovering from the golden light released by Long Haochen's four wings.

Slowly walking onto the auction stage, Long Haochen's eyes became focused. He looked at the closed wooden box and asked, Can I start?

Ye Weiyang asked subconsciously: Can I ask your age?

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