Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 366 VIP Auction (Part 2)

Ye Weiyang only got the news temporarily, but he was able to immediately set off the auction to a climax. Whether it was his adaptability or knowledge, he was worthy of being the chief auctioneer of the Holy Alliance Auction House.

With the sound of bidding begins, the bidding started like a fierce battle. And those who participated in the auction were almost all VIP rooms in the front row. After all, reaching the level of tens of millions of gold coins is no longer something that ordinary people can participate in. Even if you have so many gold coins, you may not be willing to spend them!

Long Haochen's face looked a little strange at this time. If it weren't for Ye Weiyang's introduction, he actually wouldn't have known that the magic crystal of the heaven-defying dragon clan had so many benefits. It seems that the remaining four cannot be sold. Among other things, they will be used to soak them first to enhance everyone's external spiritual power. Unexpectedly, I got such a benefit by accident.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but think of the time when he was practicing with his father in Odin Town. Didn't his father let him soak his body in herbal soup every day?

Lin Xin. I'll go back and think of a way to buy it or find a prescription that uses the Heaven-Defying Demonic Dragon Clan's magic crystal as its core.

No problem. I'm already looking for it, and I should have the results within a few days. Lin Xin is not as good as Long Haochen in terms of understanding spiritual furnaces, but when it comes to treasures, he is much better than Long Haochen. .

The price of the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Crystal has been soaring. However, after exceeding 15 million gold coins, the price increase has significantly weakened. It has always been increased from 100,000 gold coins to 100,000 gold coins. Obviously, although these wealthy people participating in the auction really want to get this treasure, they also know its true value and are unwilling to pay too high a price.

But the problem is that there are too many people who want to get this magic crystal, and almost everyone who is qualified to participate in the auction is bidding. Therefore, even if it were increased by 100,000 or 100,000, the price would soon exceed 18 million gold coins. This number actually exceeds the actual price of the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Crystal. Of course, the price is reasonable considering its rarity.

Twenty million. At this moment, the powerful voice of the first bidder shouted out the price in an almost roaring manner. Suddenly, the whole place fell into silence.

Ye Weiyang's eyes lit up, Okay, VIP No. 3 bids 20 million gold coins. At this price, Weiyang can't judge whether it is worth it. But I believe that as long as you like anything, then it is priceless. If there are no other VIPs If you continue bidding, this treasure will belong to VIP No. 3.

Surprisingly, this time she did not inflame the bidders' emotions, but immediately said: Twenty million is the first time.

This is Ye Weiyang's cleverness. This is the largest auction house in the Temple Alliance. If you only care about profits, how can you maintain a consistently high total bidding price? VIPs must carry out maintenance, especially those who can sit in the box. Seeing that the price was almost the same, she stopped wasting time.

Twenty million for the second time.

Third time, 20 million, deal done. The moment the hammer fell, it also meant that the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Tribe's magic crystal was sold at a high price of 20 million.

This price exceeded Long Haochen's expectations, but Lin Xin shook his head.

Han Yu said doubtfully: Brother Youyao, aren't you satisfied with the price?

Lin Xin sighed and said: Time is too tight. If we can decide to auction this magic crystal a week in advance, I will work hard, publicize it in advance, and then use it as the finale auction, and the price will probably increase again.

Wang Yuanyuan said: That's almost it. People's hearts are not as strong as snakes swallowing elephants.

Sima Xian didn't speak at all, but stared at Feng Ling'er eagerly on the stage until she pushed the golden cart off the stage and disappeared.

After a climax, the auction continued, and the original first lot was put on the auction stage again.

Lingyun Snow Lotus. High-grade herbal medicine. Five hundred years. Starting price is two hundred thousand gold coins. Perhaps because the previous auctions consumed too much energy, Ye Weiyang's voice was a little more lazy and concise.

Two hundred and one hundred thousand gold coins. Lin Xin raised the number plate in his hand without hesitation.

He has always decided what he needs to buy in terms of medicine. Even Long Haochen will never interfere, not to mention that the General Level 21 Demon Hunting Group is now considered to be wealthy. Lin Xin is even more confident.

In the end, this Lingyun Snow Lotus was bought by Lin Xin at a low price of 350,000 gold coins. Perhaps it was because the previous dragon crystal climax was so violent that the prices of the next few items were not very high. high.

Lin Xin made a series of moves and took down three herbs and a magic crystal of an eighth-level monster.

Next, let's go to Lot No. 7. This lot is also a rare treasure. It is not only precious in itself, but also very scarce. Among natural crystal stones with spiritual power, its value is definitely second to none. Even if you just buy a piece and take it home for collection, there is a lot of room for appreciation. Our lot No. 7 is the ultimate space crystal, the Sky Silver Crystal.

Hearing the words empty silver crystal, Wang Yuanyuan sat up straight and glanced at Lin Xin eagerly. Lin Xin nodded to her to show that he understood.

The cart was lifted up, the red cloth was lifted up, and suddenly, the originally dark auction room lit up. It turned out to be a piece of ore the size of a human head. Yes, it was an ore and not a crystal. This empty silver crystal has not been polished yet. It is still the most primitive ore. It also has many impurities attached to it, but it is big enough! The soft silver light gives people an eerie and mysterious feeling, the silver light shines and is dazzling. It seems that the entire auction hall space is slightly distorted by its appearance.

The Sky Silver Crystal is called solid space spiritual power. This shows how pure the spiritual power it contains is. What's even more valuable is that the Sky Silver Crystal itself has the powerful ability to absorb space power to make up for its own consumption. In other words, it is It can be used continuously. As long as you cherish it during use, it can accompany a strong space attribute for a lifetime. Such a large piece of empty silver crystal ore is extremely rare. The reason why we have not refined it The reason why it is made into crystal is that it is afraid of destroying its integrity. Once the distinguished guest is lucky enough to get it, he can carve it according to his own needs.

Because this empty silver crystal ore is extremely large, its starting price is two million gold coins.

This starting price is really not low, because no one knows whether there are cracks in this empty silver crystal that damage the structure. If there are, it will greatly affect its value. But the rarer something is, the higher its value will definitely be, and it cannot be said that the auction price is unreasonable.

However, as soon as the starting price was announced, the audience was silent.

Sky Silver Crystal is indeed a good thing, but there are not many professionals with space spiritual power. Even if there were, using empty silver crystals as inlays to make staffs and equipment would only upgrade the equipment to the Brilliance level at most. Of course, it was a small piece of empty silver crystal. But even if this piece of ore is completely divided and embedded in one piece of equipment, it is just legendary equipment. At most, it is better because it contains enough space spiritual power, continues to increase for a long time, and is more durable.

Therefore, the price of two million gold coins is there, and there are not so many people who want to get it.

Ye Weiyang also secretly cursed in her heart, saying that the price of this thing was too high. If it was priced at one million, why would it be ignored? It seems that the auction is going to be aborted!

Is there any distinguished guest who bids? The Sky Silver Crystal is very rare.

At this time, Wang Yuanyuan grabbed Lin Xin's arm and almost shook him to pieces. Quickly bid, hurry up and bid!

Wait, wait. No matter how anxious Wang Yuanyuan was, Lin Xin was very calm at this time, with a wise light shining in his eyes, and he was not in a hurry to speak.

Ye Weiyang has asked several times in a row, but still remains silent. She sighed secretly in her heart. It seems that no one needs this thing today.

However, she smiled sweetly on the surface, Since no distinguished guests are interested in this treasure, I can only regret that it has not been auctioned. However, I believe there will always be people who know the goods. Hey...

Her last faint sigh immediately made people feel like they wanted to hold her in their arms and cherish her.

At this moment, Lin Xin finally moved. He suddenly stood up from his seat and shouted, For Miss Weiyang, I will pay two million gold coins. How can the item that Miss Weiyang presided over the auction fail to be auctioned?

Ye Weiyang's eyes lit up, but some of the bidders in the audience were already snickering.

This situation occurs in almost every VIP auction. Ye Weiyang's powerful charm is not just a decoration, especially for some new people who come to participate in the VIP auction. It is extremely tempting. No, it's another one. Fooled.

Okay, VIP No. 36 bids two million gold coins. Thank you for your love for Weiyang. As he said that, Ye Weiyang bowed slightly to Lin Xin in time.

Is there any other distinguished guest who bids higher?

Two million gold coins, once, twice, deal.

In the end, Lin Xin successfully pocketed this huge empty silver crystal for two million gold coins.

Wang Yuanyuan breathed a sigh of relief, but she still looked at Lin Xin with a fierce look and lowered her voice: Brother Youyao, you are angry with me on purpose, right?

Lin Xin glanced at her and said, If you don't understand, just keep quiet. We are rich, but we are not stupid and rich. We raise prices as soon as we come up. It would be weird if we don't attract competitors. This is called tactics, do you understand?

Yuanyuan, Lin Xin did the right thing. Long Haochen whispered to Wang Yuanyuan, and then gave Lin Xin a thumbs up. It has to be said that Lin Xin is also extremely talented in business.


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