Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 363 Millions of Merits (Part 2)

Han Yu smiled and said: The Heaven-defying Demon Dragon is the Demon God Emperor's own clan. The Heaven-defying Demon Dragon clan has always attached great importance to their own magic crystals. Even if it is obtained by our alliance, they will definitely suffer strong revenge from them. , it is extremely necessary to snatch back the magic crystal. Therefore, the magic crystal of the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Clan is an emperor-level mission in our demon hunting group. Every time one is obtained, the merit reward is as high as 300,000. We here We got ten of them at once. It can be said that it was completely luck and the team leader's surprise. After discussion, the alliance's top management decided to give us the five magic crystals at a discount of one million merit points. And we still have five more. , that is to say, our total assets now even reach 2.5 million meritorious services.

Two hundred and five, two hundred and five, just two hundred and five. Lin Xin laughed wildly, and the cheers resounded throughout the villa again. Even Cai'er couldn't help but excitedly grabbed Long Haochen's arm. Until this moment, she and Long Haochen were both It still feels a bit like being in a dream.

You know, they are still a general-level demon hunting group. For a general-level demon hunting group, getting 10,000 to 20,000 merits for completing a mission is already a lot. With more than 2 million merits, if they continue to complete general-level tasks , I’m afraid they won’t be able to make any money in thirty years! But now, such a huge fortune is right in front of them.

Merit is not gold coins, but it is much more useful than gold coins. Having so many meritorious deeds means that their strength can definitely be reborn.

Long Haochen smiled and said: Sima, don't worry about it. I estimate that after the amplification of your Light Power Pill, the power will definitely exceed that of ordinary legendary equipment. Fortunately, we use the best materials. Let Lin Xin accompany you to find the alchemist master. Let's start recasting it now. Yuan Yuan, go to the Shengmeng Auction House to inquire about the situation of the empty silver crystal and see when it will be auctioned. No matter how much it costs, we Buy them all for you. If I remember correctly, in the Holy City, items in the big auction houses can be purchased directly with merit, and the value is ten to one. In other words, we spent almost 100,000 to 20 With around 10,000 merits, I should be able to buy you a piece of empty silver crystal. If there are more empty silver crystals, buy them all.

Lin Xin chuckled and said: Boss, you are really rich! What about the remaining achievements?

After Long Haochen thought for a while, he said: The remaining merits will be reserved for the time being. If there are good things at the big auction, we can also buy them. The first thing that needs to be improved now is the problem of your elixir. You decide what materials to buy, there is no need to save. Our strength cannot reach the level of a king-level demon hunting group for the time being. After we are upgraded to a handsome level demon hunting group, we will go to the third floor of the Demon Hunting Group Trading Center to have a look. . Try to use these meritorious deeds to purchase a piece of legendary equipment for everyone. In this way, we will have greater certainty when we continue to complete the mission.

Long live the leader! cheers rang out for the third time. Everyone in the handsome demon hunting group has a piece of legendary equipment, which even the demon hunting group cannot imagine! Many king-level demon hunting groups may not be able to achieve a legendary for each person.

In fact, Long Haochen knew very well that the reason why they were able to get so many meritorious rewards this time was because of the alliance's help to them. Although he obtained the ten magic crystals of the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon, would it have been possible for him to do this if there weren't so many strong men from the Temple Alliance at that time? Therefore, turning in five is totally appropriate.

The alliance has now given them all five magic crystals as merit, which seems to be half a million less, but it is already a great help to them. That’s one million meritorious deeds! Even if it's not enough to replace each of them with a piece of legendary equipment, it's almost the same. With these one million meritorious deeds, they can at least stay in the villa and train hard for a year without going out to complete the task.

What Long Haochen didn't know was that the reason why the alliance gave them so many meritorious deeds was to allow them to perform as few missions as possible at this stage. The Son of Light and the Saint of Reincarnation were too sensitive, especially when they went to Zhennanguan this time. After Long Haochen encountered fatal danger twice, Han Qian was also afraid. If Long Haochen or Cai'er died before they grew up, it would be a fatal blow to the Temple Alliance. Therefore, by giving them so many meritorious deeds, they naturally do not need to rush to complete the task. With these meritorious deeds, they can further enhance their strength. This is the alliance's tendency to cultivate their resources. No other demon hunting group can even imagine it. It can be said that the other five members of the general-level Demon Hunting Group No. 21 are all influenced by Long Haochen and Cai'er.

Everyone went to work on their own. In the next month, they spent part of the time in the Tower of Eternity and part of the time cultivating spiritual power on their own.

Sima Xian's Light Power Pill has been sent for casting, and Wang Yuanyuan's Sky Silver Crystal will be auctioned soon according to the news from the big auction house.

Over the past month, Long Haochen and Cai'er have mainly adapted to their new spiritual furnace and worked together to cultivate their spiritual power. Except for Long Haochen, everyone else also raised their spiritual power to five thousand in the fourth and fifth levels of the Tower of Eternity. As a result, the cultivation level of the entire general-level Demon Hunting Group No. 21 has been raised to more than 5,000 internal spiritual powers.

Captain, the empty silver crystal is going to be auctioned tomorrow. Should I go with Yuan Yuan, or should we all go together? Lin Xin came to Long Haochen and Cai'er's room and asked.

Long Haochen thought for a while and said: Let's go together. If we encounter something that everyone needs, we will just auction it. I haven't been to the auction house for a long time, and everyone has worked hard in the past month. Just think of it as going out. relax for a moment.


The Holy Alliance Auction House in the Holy City is undoubtedly one of the largest auction houses in the entire alliance. If the Demon Hunting Group Trading Center is the place with the most treasures in the entire alliance, then the Holy Alliance Auction House is the place where the alliance has the largest number of treasures. Two more and where anyone has the power to buy.

Sometimes, there are places here that are not found in the Demon Hunting Group Trading Center. More importantly, there are no class restrictions in the Holy Alliance Auction House. Anyone has the right to purchase treasures of any level. This is not possible at the Demon Hunting Group Trading Center. Only by reaching the corresponding Demon Hunting Group level can you buy better things. After all, the prices of all items in the Demon Hunting Group Trading Center are extremely low.

To give a simple example, Long Haochen and his team will receive a merit reward of 300,000 for completing the mission in the Demon Hunting Mission Tower for their top-quality Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Crystal. If it is in stock, purchase it from the Demon Hunting Mission Trading Center. , only 350,000 meritorious deeds.

However, when it comes to the Holy Alliance Auction House, I am afraid that the starting price will exceed 5 million gold coins, and the final transaction price is likely to exceed 10 million gold coins. This is the difference in value between the two sides. Therefore, generally speaking, unless there is a situation like the Demon Hunting Group's trading center but the auction house has it, demon hunters rarely go to the auction house to buy things.

Lin Xin is a frequent visitor to the auction house, and he has already prepared his admission tickets. When Long Haochen and others arrived at the Holy Alliance Auction House, it was already dark outside. But there are many people entering the auction house.

Lin Xin led everyone into the auction house, and said to Long Haochen as he walked: Today is the monthly auction meeting. Good things will appear at this time. I looked at the auction list, and there are really some There are a lot of things that we might be interested in. Boss, I have a suggestion.

Say. Long Haochen said.

Lin Xin said: We currently have four Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Crystals. From the perspective of maximizing profits, we shouldn't use our merits to buy what we want here. That would be a real loss. It's better to take advantage of it. Today’s conference is about selling a magic crystal. Our magic crystal was not bought from the trading center, and selling it at the auction does not violate the rules of the Demon Hunting Group. The gold coins from selling the magic crystal are enough to support We have an auction today.”

Long Haochen's heart moved. He knew that according to the rules of the Demon Hunting Group, the equipment and medicines purchased at the Demon Hunting Group Trading Center could only be sold to the Demon Hunting Group Mission Center if they wanted to sell them. Lin Xin's proposal is undoubtedly a good one. The Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Crystal comes from the Demon Clan and was not purchased by them. If it can really be sold at a high price, then they can also buy enough good things in the auction house. . Maybe it can solve everyone's shortcomings in merit for adding a piece of legendary equipment.

Stopping, Long Haochen finally agreed to Lin Xin's suggestion after asking his partners for their opinions.

Because it is a once-a-month event, today's auction is also held in the largest hall of the Holy Alliance Auction Hall. Anyone participating in today's auction must at least have a million-level transaction with the Holy Alliance Auction House.

However, even so, Long Haochen was still shocked when they entered the auction hall. There are at least seven to eight hundred people sitting in the dimly lit hall, and this number is still rising. Many people wore masks specially provided by the auction house to hide their faces. After all, it is very possible to offend someone during the bidding process.

Lin Xin took them to the front row, but he did not have a box here. The six of them, Long Haochen, sat down in the third row. Out of caution, Long Haochen and the others also brought their auction bags with them. Field hair mask. Lin Xin took a Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Crystal from Long Haochen to participate in the bidding.

Generally speaking, the auction house will not accept any more lots before the auction is about to begin. However, it also depends on what it is, the magic crystal of the heaven-defying demon dragon! I'm afraid it's too late for them to invite me. What's more, Lin Xin has always had a good relationship with Shengmeng Auction House.

Cai'er leaned gently on Long Haochen's shoulder and slowly closed her eyes.

Long Haochen asked in a low voice: Is there anything you want?


What can Xiaolong buy? Very important. hey-hey. Asking for monthly votes and recommendation votes. The more tickets you buy, the more powerful you will be.

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